Is it worth skilling beauty ?

Discussion in 'Avatar Beauty' started by Mladen, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Mladen

    Mladen New Member

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    I see some threads in this part of forum, but all are a bit old, as so on forum on entopiaForum, so i wanted to get some new info about this.
    - Is it worth now to skill beauty profession?
    - Is it expensive much?
    - Can player earn any PED with this? I am not sure if that much people want to change their look [​IMG]
  2. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Can't say much, but I see every now and then people advertising it... and I guess they get some customers, otherwise noone would keep doing it if no answers. :)

    So... doubt can make a fortune with it, but a small tip/profit every now and then is probably possible. :)
  3. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    It's not really a common profession, and I don't think it's totally worth it. The only thing I see that is something that is worth it, is to use make-up and decorate make-up masks. Most make-up can be found for tt price, and the masks are not hard to get hold of, if not to craft them yourself.

    For the body sculptor and the hair stylist profession, it's really really hard to level them up and there have only been two people that I know of in the last ~3 years that were actually skilled enough in it to offer services, and I don't believe they were having many costumers.
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  4. May

    May Active Member

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    A couple of years ago, MA offered free avatar restyling after everyone got new avatars.
    So instead of paying a Body Sculptor or a Hairdresser, everyone could change their look for free.
    Seems that after that, the beauty professions have not been that much in demand anymore? [​IMG]

    As far as I know there are two beauty services active on Arkadia:
    - Angels of Arkadia
    - Curl up & Dye beauty services
    They would be the ones who can tell you the practicalities of skilling beauty professions atm.

    GL, hope you find your 'niche' in EU. [​IMG]
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  5. Mladen

    Mladen New Member

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    Hmmm.... As i am to low lvl now in hunting (only lvl 15), i think i will have to wait for beauty as my hobby :)
    Just wanted to do something "by side" to get it more interesting :)
    Have about 400 ped now and i thought i could afford something like that...

    btw, thx for constructive answers :)
  6. Mladen

    Mladen New Member

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    Btw, this is wrong section of forum, but what about some other profession? :)
    Something cheaper?
    My main will be hunting, but what can u guys recommend as a "hobby"? :D
  7. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    What about material manufacturer. You could make texture of the hides yiu get.

    Build it slow, and t ry and sell it.

    Arkadia has some really nice hides
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  8. Mladen

    Mladen New Member

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    Yes, i get a lot of hides when i hunt those low lvl mobs... What skills i get with material manufacturer?
    I do that with refiner?
  9. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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  10. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Also beware for beauty proffessions then you will normally need an appartment or shop as you will have to have equipment in order to offer these services -

    Hair Styling - you would need ot have a hair stylist chair - you would also as part of the service need to have some reasonable coloring levels as people would more than lickley want to have a colour change as well - you would also need hair spray and hair gel in reasonably large quantities a lot of people dont stack these up and often tt low level amounts.

    Body Sculpting - again you would need a body sculpting unit and then also need to have body fat - this owuld then allow you to change height and sizes of avatars and again there are options for body tints as well.

    So Depending on planet that you are on and availability of appartments / equipment then the initital outlay for this proffession would be approximatly 2k - 3k if not more and thats before you have got many if any skills in the proffession and then you would need colouring skills on top.

    Depending on the services offered then these can be done by existing people for 20 - 40 peds depending on what you want done and if the attempts to do this are to your clients satisfaction.

    Hobby interests might be low level crafting get oiled maluca boards or otyher board bp's and simple springs and you can use your hunting loot on these - or offering quad taxi rides - depends if your happy to fly other people around space.

    If you have 200 ped as an investment then one oppertunity might be to check out green leaf mining company
    This If Niel is accepting people currently would allow you to skill mining proffessions as well and can makea change from hunting.
    • Informative Informative x 3
  11. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Mladen

    Mladen New Member

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    Yeah, i can have 200 ped for investment.. Gonna read all those articles u guys sent me and i will see what i will do : )
    Thx a lot...
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  13. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Hey Mladen and welcome,

    My name is Anthony “Ranger” Morris owner of Angels of Arkadia. I do offer beauty services and have been skilling for a number of years so I will give you a little feedback on your questions.

    You asked is it worth it to skill beauty profession;

    That is subjective to the person who would be interested in the profession for me I find it a great deal of fun and have a great following in my profession. So for me it is well worth it.

    You asked is it expensive;

    and the answer is yes it could be the equipment and apartment are going to be the bulk of your investment say around 4k ped. To start out with then you need to buy materials to do the procedures like body fat, hair gel, and hair spray I would say maybe 300ped in tt of them would let you start it off well.

    You asked can people earn ped with this;

    The short answer is “YES” I have built a portion of my business around offering beauty services do I make a killing no but it is not always about becoming the MA billionaire. I see it more as a service to those who need a different look every-now-then.

    All-in-all the beauty profession is a dying profession mainly due to ma messing up key points in beauty like as of yet not being able to change the color of facial hair. and the shear time and effort it takes to skill up the profession. See on other professions you have a return on mats that you use, in beauty you get no return in value at all. What I mean is when you hunt /mine you gain skill and get items of value so you make some-sort-of return on your investment. In crafting/texturing/coloring you get what is called a tt return. In crafting you get materials as a return, in texturing/painting you get 90% tt return so if you use 100ped tt you will get 90ped returned to you as actual ped not as material.

    Now in beauty there is no ped/material returns on near successes or actual successes, what I mean is if you use 5ped in materials then that 5 ped is gone. And in order for you to recoup those mats you have to buy them again. So beauty is 100% ped loss if you are skilling and offering a free service to start with which is what I did until I had my first 10 styles open. Also another thing is this if you charge 5 ped a cut and you use 3 ped in mats and have a failure then the cut will cost you 6 ped in mats that is if you get it on the second try. Thus making you have a 1 ped loss.

    Remember that example is just that, “an example” I personally have had a few fails that I think Ma gives to all professions because when I try a lvl 4 style and fail I think what the heck is that all about? So now I have to add more mats and try it again (at my cost). I cannot charge my customer 2 times because he did not get 2 haircuts. So it is a profession that you have to consider all the options and make sure you have enough ped to sustain you while you skill the profession.

    My wife and children play the game so I have many people to help me skill and the wife has had her hair and body changed 100 if not 1000’s of times and this cost is 100% ped loss. All in all beauty is a nice profession and not many players are doing it as it is the only skill that provides zero (0) return in skilling.

    For a new player I would say enjoy the game first, as beauty is the most time consuming and costly profession in the game. Some will try to disagree with that but in all other professions you get a return on your skilling efforts. Unless you have people pay you to skill on them you will always be at a 100% ped loss. Like when I use my wife as a skilling partner for 4-8 hours it is always 100% ped loss as I am not charging her for the skilling I am doing.
    • Informative Informative x 3