Hello hunter out there! Starting 18 Januari 2016 we got month long event on ALA5. This event is a trial atm, the prizes aren't off course . It has been setup in a "Most Globals" setting and it does require you to join via the Entropia Life website. The event can be visited by clicking THIS link. Feedback can be given on the forum here in this thread or the forum thread about the new events. Prizes are set to be : First place: 400PED Second place: 200PED Third place: 100PED All globals during this event obviously also count towards the Weekly Grinder and Monthly Progressive and off course generate Reward Points as well. Incase you are forgetfull as a hunter but you want to participate please give me a friendsrequest ingame and I will try and PM you whenever a new event is setup again for you to register to For those in need of healing services on ALA5 wether you partake in the event or not, we got a free healing service running on ALA5. You can visit the thread HERE
The time is almost near for the event to start I wish all participants good luck and happy hunting times. There was a slight issue with the spawn which was brought to my attention which has been fixed now .
Feedback I have recieved so far..... -4 weeks for this kind of event is to long, smaller prizes for a 1 week event might be better. So thats what we are going to try after this one is done. -Maturity is a bit low, because it's a killpoint mission. So maturity might be increased soon a little bit. (Also because it globals easier, lots of mini's atm of 40-45PED but not enough to global). -More advertising for the free healing service. -Maybe look into a team hunting function for the event.
Event is now over Had some good feedback from you all so going to put this all together and make some changes. I am really looking into getting a team hunting feature in for this event so hopefully I can make some people happy with that. For now though we got some prizes to hand out for our winners. First place: Oceane Nelkyael Calypso with a prize of 400PED Second place: Lu Ludra Lud with a prize of 200PED Third place: This one was a tie between Minako Hufer Sung, elias xsblazer dennis and David Guisto Olivier. Each will recieve 33.33 PED. I will put 1 pec on the floor in the pvp arena ring and you guys can battle over it So now we will be taking a week to evaluate before putting up a new event. Things to keep an eye out for; - Maturity will be increased to also have providers and guardians. - Events will be shorter - Team option using the BIG team tag. (however do keep in mind, EL doesn't allow me to track that automatically so it will be done manually). Incase anyone got more feedback please let me know And the winners, please contact me (or I contact you) ASAP Edit: To clear it up, I will be using EL to track the globals for the team ID's and write them down manually . I won't be online 24/7 watching my screen to count globals
Paid Minako Hufer Sung his winnings for the event. Also Oceane Nelikyael Calypso was paid his winnings but this was done by another BIG representative, so I don't have a screenshot of that.