Another week, another shot! Will someone be able to beat TRAP this week? Or will be prove to be more then others can handle? Stay tuned for another episode of Riptorball! Event start: Match 28 2016 at 00.00 Event end: April 3 2016 at 23.59 Event format: Most Globals Prizes: First place: 100PED Second place: 50PED Third place: 25PED For this event, the scoring system will be updated manually here on the forum. When you global it gets added to your score. Those who want to hunt in teams, use your BIG team ID tag like you would normally do and when you global it will be added to your avatars globals. The team tag does work for your BIG rewards points and for the Mutated Riptor event but it WON'T work for the Hypercharged or Monthly progressive. Before you start going nuts, make teams and go out to hunt under your BIG Team ID, make sure you actually let me know BEFORE you go out and global what your Team ID is and to which avatar it belongs. This is mainly to prevent people from claiming BIG tags after they have globalled and the tag doesn't belong to them. Giving me this information can be done here on the forum in this post, in private message or via the messaging system ingame. I wish you guys the best of luck on your hunts. If you got any feedback, same thing as before, PM me ingame with it or leave it here on the forum Wzzls Simone Wauspaus Kelleners
Not much going on yet it seems. I hope people are getting to notice that there is a weekly event going on still on ALA5
Scoreboard updated and a BIIIIG gz on xo TRAP ox with the first HoF on ALA5 over 1k. Raking in a nice HoF worth 1480PED on a Mutated Riptor Provider
Final scores are in for this event Well done everyone, 1 additional HoF got added to this list which was from JoElle Jo Fields with a value of 610PED. Congratulations to this weeks winners, new event will be put up soon