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Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Ardorj, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Hello my fellow Arkadians,

    I enjoy doing experiments to try and see if I can optimize my hunting. For the main part I play & hunt too slow to make it anything constructive, but oh well, I like it none-the-less. I'm still working on my Size-Experiment on Hadraada. For that I do 'something else' between all Hadraada-hunts. The thing is, I've never recorded the returns of all those 'something else', only what I did. Yesterday I finally gotten around to create an Excell-sheet so now I can keep track proper of all my hunts.
    So, here it is, Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog. I mostly hunt with swords, daggers, and other mêlée, yet small game I can hunt with whatever Ranged thingy I've found in my loot.

    I'll keep the blog simple, I promise I'll try. Just state what I've hunted and with what gear, how much it costed me, and what I got in return. Maybe a note too if I found an item or got a Global.
    I've also given myself five goals. Nothing special, just something small for me to aim for. When one is completed, I'll think of something else. They do not stand in any order, ie. the first is not the most important one for me. Between bracklets is my progress so far.

    Goals (from start till present):

    This first list here is a summary of all the goals. These are either Completed, Active, or Abandonded. The second list of five goals are those at the start of this log.
    1. Completed Finish Hadraada Experiment (14.4k) (03-jan-16)
    2. Completed Finish Gallard Stage 4 (5.0k) (14-jan-16)
    3. Completed Finish Carabok Stage 4 (5.0k) (14-jan-16)
    5. Completed Do the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! (16-jan-16)
    7. Abandonded Get >90.0% return after 2500 PEDs Scrapnel converted using Piron PBP-10 (88.7 of 90.0%)
    8. Completed Setup a new experiment (1)
    4. Completed Get to Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (40.03) (23-apr-16)
    12. Completed Finish Dromia Stage 4 (5.0k) (14-jul-16)
    10. Abandonded Calculate results and write conclusion of the Hadraada-Experiment (0 of 1)
    6. Completed Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (12.0k) (19-aug-16)
    13. Completed Get a promotion in the IFN (Day 14) (23-aug-16)
    15. Completed Finish Navi Stage 1 (5.0k KP) (24-aug-16)
    14. Completed Sal'diresh's Vault Key #1 runs (39) (25-aug-16)
    16. Completed Finish Nusul Stage 3 (1.2k) (24-sep-16)
    11. Abandonded Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 6544)
    17. Completed Storage Cleanup-Sale (20,43% of 20,00% of 20570,64) (10-nov-16)
    18. Completed Sal'diresh's Vault Keys #2 (47) (12-nov-16)
    20. Completed Finish Hadraadag Stage 6 (60.0k) (16-dec-16)
    19. Completed Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (400) (30-dec-16)
    21. Completed Storage Cleanup-Sale (41,82% of 30,00% of 20570,64) (18-feb-17)
    24. Completed Organize a succesful Mêlée all the Way! 2017 (3 days) (19-feb-17)
    23. Completed Finish Nusul Stage 4 (4.8k) (26-mar-17)
    27. Completed Finish Feran Stage 3 (1.2k) (12-apr-17)
    28. Completed Finish Kadra Stage 2 (400) (24-may-17)
    25. Completed Buy lamps for my Apartment (4) (26-may-17)
    29. Completed Finish Oratan Stage 2 (10.0k) (02-jul-17)
    31. Completed Fly to Planet Calypso (31-jul-17)
    32. Completed Make the MatW 2017 Caly Edition a succes! (5) (24-sep-17)
    9. Completed Max-out GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (40 uses/min) (27-sep-17)
    26. Abandonded Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED) (30-oct-17)
    22. Completed Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (100) (03-nov-17)
    30. Completed Buy tables for my Apartment (10) (23-jan-18)
    35. Completed Finish Dromia Stage 5 (10.0k) (25-jan-18)
    38. Completed Finish Jori Stage 4 (4.8k) (05-may-18)
    34. Completed Max out Shagadi Disintegration (66.0 dmg) (13-oct-18)
    37. Completed Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (2) (16-oct-18)
    40. Completed Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V (10.0) (23-nov-18)
    42. Completed Get to level 50 Swordsman (Hit) (50.00). (11-jan-19)
    33. Completed Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (10). (26-jan-19)
    43. Completed Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (42). (30-mar-19)
    44. Completed Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (10.962). (02-apr-19)
    39. Completed Finish Oro Stage 5 (12.0k). (14-aug-19)
    47. Completed Finish Nusul Stage 5 (12.0k). (13-sep-19)
    48. Completed Finish Zadul Stage 4 (4.8k). (20-sep-19)
    45. Completed Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (29). (20-sep-19)
    49. Completed Finish Korwil Stage 1 (75). (27-oct-19)
    51. Completed Finish Yuka Stage 1 (75). (16-nov-19)
    52. Completed Finish Argonaut Stage 3 (1000). (27-nov-19)
    53. Completed Finish Atrox Stage 2 (500). (09-dec-19)
    41. Completed Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (50). (13-dec-19)
    54. Completed Finish Legionnaire Stage 1 (1200). (25-dec-19)
    55. Completed Obtain a set of Liakon armour (7). (25-dec-19)
    57. Completed Finish Molisk Stage 3 (1000). (01-jan-20)
    58. Completed Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (100). (29-feb-20)
    59. Completed Finish Aurli Stage 3 (1000). (27-mar-20)
    60. Completed Finish Wombana Stage 3 (20.000). (01-apr-20)
    36. Completed Collect Arkoins (50.000). (27-apr-20)
    61. Completed Finish Korwil Stage 2 (400). (21-may-20)
    63. Completed Finish GMC_03_Gamma Stage 1 (100). (10-jun-20)
    46. Completed Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED (10.000). (22-jun-20)
    56. Completed Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (50.0). (08-jul-20)
    64. Completed Finish Navi Stage 4 (40.000). (24-jul-20)
    67. Completed Finish Madana Stage 3 (1.200). (28-aug-20)
    66. Completed Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (50.00). (05-sep-20)
    50. Completed Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (65). (16-sep-20)
    65. Completed Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (10.000). (25-sep-20)
    70. Completed Max out Kinetic Attack Nanochip 10 (L) (26). (11-dec-20)

    62. Active Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    68. Active Finish Carabok Stage 5 (3.750 of 10.000).
    69. Active Get to level 30 Mutant Looter (23.97 of 30.00).
    71. Active Visit Next Monria and spend 10.000 PED (10.000).
    72. Active Max out Bloodstained Axe 55 (L) (32 of 43).

    Goals (initial):
    1. Finish Hadraada Experiment (13.8k / 14.4k) : almost there, just 14 hunts left.
    2. Finish Gallard Stage 4 (3.4k / 5.0k) : this mob, together with the Caraboks, are what made me really consider making notes of all my hunts. I got an itch that I just can't profit on them. This has been confirmed by a few on this forum too, if I'm not mistaken. Need to see for myself though.
    3. Finish Carabok Stage 4 (3.7k / 5.0k)
    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.39) : Still my main proffession, even when I do the Hadraadaas with knives.
    5. Do the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! (16-jan-16) : Be invited with a Mêlée-weapon and see you then!

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Khor. Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Ozp.SB1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Herm.CTL = Herman CAP-TT (L)
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)
    Pir.BP0L = Piron PBP-0 (L)
    Pir.BR0L = Piron PBR-0 (L)
    Pir.LR0L = Piron PLR-0 (L)
    I use a S.I H.E.A.R.T.S. between Hadraada and a GYRO FAP-18 (L) when needed during a fight.

    Hunts #001 - #008:
    Here are the first eight hunts I've done so far.
    001.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1009,33003,5638,16%Hadraada #317
    002.150 Carabok & 60 GallardHerm.CTL008.87006.1469,22%---
    003.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1009,24003,9142,32%Hadraada #318
    004.125 Carabok & 54 GallardHerm.CTL008,37006,3175,39%---
    005.252 Carabok & 81 GallardHerm.CTL & Herm.PTL015,19013,9591,84%Piron PBR-0 (L)
    006.200 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1179,88170,1494,59%Hadraada #319 ; Global (22, 11)
    007.178 Carabok & 55 GallardPir.PB0L & Pir.BR0L011,25008,5475,91%---
    008.120 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1104,28076,5773,43%Hadraada #320
    I think I'll update it every ten hunts or something like that.

    Ardorj :battleroar:o_O:shifty::blackeye::writing:
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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
  2. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Liked and bookmarked. :)

    Loved reading your hardaada log, and I'm sure I'll love even more reading this. :D
  3. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The last few days I've done a lot of smaller hunts. The Entropia Addiction is running strong once again.
    It's just a shame that the moment I started this blog, I had zero positive Hadraada-hunts and just one small Puny-hunt profit. On the other hand, three out of five initial goals are nearing completion.


    1. Finish my Hadraada Experiment (14.1k / 14.4k)
    2. Finish Gallard Stage 4 (4.3k / 5.0k)
    3. Finish Carabok Stage 4 (4.3k / 5.0k)
    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.42)
    5. Do the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! (16-jan-16)

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Khor. Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Ozp.SB1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Pir.BR0L = Piron PBR-0 (L)
    Pir.LR0L = Piron PLR-0 (L)
    Pir.BP0L = Piron PBP-0 (L)
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Pir.BP2L = Piron PBP-2 (L)

    Hunts #009 - #025:
    009.114 Carabok & 35 GallardPir.BR0L & Pir.LR0L006,73004,04060,03%---
    010.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1009.80009.09092,76%Hadraada #321
    011.206 Carabok & 65 GallardPir.BP0L & Pir.BR0L013,15009,07068,97%---
    012.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1008,76005,39061,53%Hadraada #322
    013.75 Carabok & 125 GallardPir.BR0L & Pir.LR0L010,67006,36059,61%---
    014.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1009,33004,95053,05%Hadraada #323
    015.200 GallardPir.LR0L & Herm.PTL011,38011,85104,13%First positive hunt of this log! ;)
    016.30 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1027,03017,32063,96%Hadraada #324
    017.175 GallardHerm.PTL & Man.KTL010,41008,23079,06%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    018.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1008,16004,81058,95%Hadraada #325
    019.100 DromiaMak.FTL & Man.KTL016,90013,10077,51%---
    020.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1008,39006,11072,82%Hadraada #326
    021.200 GallardPir.BP0L012,26009,26075,53%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    022.100 GallardPir.BP0L006,08003,29054,11%---
    023.120 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1110,55089,59081,04%Hadraada #327 ; Global (25) ; Piron PLR-12 (L)
    024.275 DromiaPir.BP2L & Man.KTL043,00030,77071,56%---
    025.175 CarabokPir.BP0L & Man.KTL007,45004,43059,46%25 Laser Pistoleer (Hit)
    Red! I'm seeing red! :eek::writing::cautious::battleroar:

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Let me begin by wishing you all a good, healthy, happy, HoFfy 2016!
    These are the last some few hunts of 2015. Only eight hunts done, but they were great. Four are between 90% and 100%, two are over 100%! In the hunting table below I will show the 90-100% hunts in orange.
    I'm very near the completion of my Hadraada Experiment, just got three more to do. The Gallard and Carabok missions are almost done as well. Two more weeks for the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way. Only thing lagging behind is getting my Swordsman (Dmg) to Level 40, but with 100 or 200 more Dromia I will get a small boost from mission-reward.


    1. Finish my Hadraada Experiment (14.3k / 14.4k)
    2. Finish Gallard Stage 4 (4.5k / 5.0k)
    3. Finish Carabok Stage 4 (4.5k / 5.0k)
    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.44)
    5. Do the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! (16-jan-16)

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Khor. Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Ozp.SB1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    SB.A0L = S & B Ardenner 0 (L)
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)

    Hunts #026 - #033:
    026.150 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1133.80150.15112,22%Hadraada #328
    027.250 DromiaMak.FTL & Man.KTL041,47039,47095,18%Piron PLR-2 (L)
    028.30 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1026,12026,07099,81%Hadraada #329
    029.200 GallardSB.A0L & Man.KTL012,47011,58092,86%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    030.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1009,17006,74073,50%Hadraada #330
    031.75 DromiaSB.A0L & Man.KTL012,52012,78102,08%---
    032.30 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1025,38018,50072,89%Hadraada #331
    033.200 CarabokHerm.PTL008,76008,63098,52%3400 Inflict Melee Damage ; 3000 Power Fist
    Results of december (since tracking):
    936,20 PED cost for the hunts.
    800,70 PED in loot, that is 85,53%.

    Wish I've started tracking for good earlier. :writing::battleroar::mask::greyalien:

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    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  5. Pimgd

    Pimgd Member

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    Have you considered amping your melee weapons and buying something like a Isis LSB 1 (L) (or whatever the 26 PED TT 1.5-3.0 knife is called)? I think for gallards you are lacking a good finisher and that's hurting you 0.3-0.4 pec/mob. If what I'd say was true then your 200 gallard run would cost you not 12.47 PED but 11.87 PED or 11.67 PED. Mainly because the K-TT costs 1.2 pec/swing, and that's a waste if you need to kill 1 hp mob.

    I have a calculator tool I use (sorry, still closed source until I can figure a way to give it a GUI), it doesn't count evades, defense decay, crits or regen and it treats 0.1 hp as 1 hp and 1.0 hp as 10 hp, but...

    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%, average cost is 5435
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-32 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    For 33-150 HP, use S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    That's 5.435 pec/gallard.

    If you add the LSB-1 (There's one on caly auction right now, buyout 103.85%, full tt, lets add the two ped shipping fee and we're at 29/26 = 111.53%) then you get this:

    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%, average cost is 5236
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-22 HP, Isis LSB-0 (L) @ 111.53%.
    23-44 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    For 45-150 HP, use S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    We can get better yet, though;
    I know that there's people out there selling the Melee Trauma Amp I (L) for 101-102%.
    And you say you use the FAL-TT.
    So lets amp it and use that one as well:
    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with MAKO FAL-TT (L) with Trauma Amp I (L) (102%), average cost is 5186
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-22 HP, Isis LSB-0 (L) @ 111.53%.
    23-44 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    45-118 HP, S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    For 119-150 HP, use MAKO FAL-TT (L) with Trauma Amp I (L) (102%).
    And if we disable the "filter annoying weapon switching" option of my calculator it gives the ultimate result (not always implementable in the game, but it's the theoretical optimum)
    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with MAKO FAL-TT (L) with Trauma Amp I (L) (102%), average cost is 5178
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-22 HP, Isis LSB-0 (L) @ 111.53%.
    23-44 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    45-55 HP, S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    56-123 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    For 124-150 HP, use MAKO FAL-TT (L) with Trauma Amp I (L) (102%).
    And I am not sure, I don't know how well you play, but I'm assuming you use the ardenner to pull and then the Manta to chop? So lets say you can only use the ardenner on the first hit...
    (I set it so that for 0 to 14.9 hp, it MUST use the manta and for 15.0 hp it MUST use the ardenner)

    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%, average cost is 5410
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-149 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    For 150-150 HP, use S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    Huh, gets a better than recommended result, because I had the bleh weapon switching forcibly off.

    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with MANTA K-TT (L), average cost is 5345
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-32 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    33-55 HP, S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    56-75 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    76-91 HP, S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    92-119 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    120-130 HP, S & B Ardenner 0 (L) @ 100%.
    For 131-150 HP, use MANTA K-TT (L).
    That's the optimal it recommends with the two weapons you use.
    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with MANTA K-TT (L), average cost is 5395
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    For 1-150 HP, use MANTA K-TT (L).
    Compared to the 5395 of just using the manta and ditching the ardenner all together.

    Basically, lots of numbers, but it drills down to this:


    Cost per gallard

    The way I think you play now


    If you added a Isis LSB-0 from the auction and used the ardenner as main and melee as finisher


    If you added the FAL-TT amped on top of that


    If you played perfectly with that setup (not possible, but theoretical maximum)

    Making the total possible savings, if we use the reasonable method, about (5410-5186) = 0.224 pec per gallard.
    And that's assuming you get your ardenner 0 at 100%.

    I myself use a variety of weaponry and am able to reach this:
    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with Ozpyn Chon S1X1 with A101, average cost is 5046
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-20 HP, Shayeb S10 (L) @ 130%.
    21-33 HP, S.I. HK110.
    34-42 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    43-59 HP, S.I. HK110 with ZX Shinkadus.
    60-64 HP, Herman LAW-TT (L).
    For 65-150 HP, use Ozpyn Chon S1X1 with A101.
    But there's always ways you could make that better as well.
    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with Ozpyn Chon S1X1 with A101, average cost is 4929
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-16 HP, Assault Rifle (FA)(L).
    17-28 HP, Shayeb S10 (L) @ 130%.
    29-37 HP, S.I. HK110.
    38-44 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    45-74 HP, S.I. HK110 with ZX Shinkadus.
    For 75-150 HP, use Ozpyn Chon S1X1 with A101.
    Shooting a 150 HP mob with best play and starting with S.I. HK110 with ZX Shinkadus, average cost is 4924
    At 0 HP, the mob is dead.
    1-16 HP, Assault Rifle (FA)(L).
    17-25 HP, Shayeb S10 (L) @ 130%.
    26-30 HP, Assault Rifle (FA)(L).
    31-37 HP, S.I. HK110.
    38-44 HP, MANTA K-TT (L).
    45-74 HP, S.I. HK110 with ZX Shinkadus.
    75-87 HP, Ozpyn Chon S1X1 with A101.
    88-95 HP, S.I. HK110 with ZX Shinkadus.
    96-99 HP, Ozpyn Chon S1X1 with A101.
    100-129 HP, S.I. HK110 with ZX Shinkadus.
    130-134 HP, Ozpyn Chon S1X1 with A101.
    For 135-150 HP, use S.I. HK110 with ZX Shinkadus.

    You could bring that 5.410 pec per mob back down to 5.186 pec or 5.046 pec or even 4.929 pec if you had the right weapons. And with a difference of 0.3, 0.4 or 0.5 pec per mob, what was once a loss can turn into a profit. Now I'm not saying this means you can shoot them in game for 4.929 pec, but you could bring your costs down by a few 0.1 pec for sure.

    Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread.
    • Informative Informative x 3
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks for your insights Pimgd! No, you haven't hijacked my thread, far from it. One of the greatest benefits of having a log is the discussions and suggestions with other players. I'm not the perfect hunter and I can -am- slow in changing my faulty ways.

    Yes, you're right in assuming that I used the S & B Ardenner to pull and take the health down and then the Manta as finisher. On the Gallards and Caraboks I've used quite some beginners weapons that we clogging my Storage. I am not really looking for a way to effectively hunt these punies -yet. It does work well to clean-up.
    Great suggestion about amping the MAKO! I am thinking about a primary weapon for a new experiment that I want to do on either small Oro, Dromia, or both. Haven't thought about that easy MAKO from TT yet, but it could very well be the best option. Thanks!

    I have to admit that even though I collect Mêlée weapons that I haven't heard about the Isis LSB 1 (L) before. But it must also be said that, even though I've learned to use and value (L) weapons, I don't often count them as a good option. I just don't like it that it might not be available next time, or that it starts partially broken.

    Well, all in all, there's still a lot left to improve in my hunting. Hadraada I also hunt unamped and that's at 93.81% return after more then 14k kills. When I complete that Experiment I'll start to do some testruns for the next Experiment. For sure I'll use an amped sword (or other mêlée). It will be about another habit that I haven't been able to shake-off yet: Scanning. I have no idea if it affects my loot, positive or negative. I'm a clueless lvl 20 (?) Animal Investigator ... . More info when I start that good.
  7. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I haven't hunted too much, but I did finish three out of five goals between end of 2015 and mid january 2016.
    First was the completion of my Hadraada Experiment on 03th january. The Stage 4 Carabok and Gallard I finished yesterday together. Thanks to the two Courage-rewards that skill went from ~3429,5 to ~3505,1. This had the most influence on my Evader-prostanding: 21,1401 - 21,1930 (0,0453%). The Mêlée-hit-prostanding all went up ~0,03%. Based on that skill-reward, the loot they drop, and how tedious it can be, I say that I won't try the next stage Carabok and Gallard.
    PRINT SCREEN 2016-01-14 22-37-17.jpg

    The first post now has a list of all the goals: Completed, In Progress and Abandonded.
    1. Completed! Finish my Hadraada Experiment (14.4k / 14.4k)
    2. Completed! Finish Gallard Stage 4 (5.0k / 5.0k)
    3. Completed! Finish Carabok Stage 4 (5.0k / 5.0k)
    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.47)
    5. Do the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! (16-jan-16)
    6. New! Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (7.8k of 12.0k). I want to do this almost the same way as I did the experiment. I will go for more 120, 150, 200, and 225 KpH to increase the sample size of these. So no random KpH choosing with lots of 10's.
    7. New! Get >90.0% return after 2500 PEDs Scrapnel converted using Piron PBP-10 (--.- of 90.0%). I am a hoarder, so one thing that is filling by Storage to the brim is all that Scrapnel. I didn't sell this gun, because I discovered the unlimited Piron PBP-10 myself. After 1250 PEDs Scrapnel I will calculate the returns. If it is below then 85.0% or any later time, then I will abandon this goal.
    8. New! Setup a new experiment (0 of 1). Propably on Dromia, Oro, or both. More details later.

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Khor. Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Ozp.SB1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    SB.A0L = S & B Ardenner 0 (L)
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)
    Com.NC.1L = Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Pir.BP10 = Piron PBP-10

    Hunts #034 - #046:
    034.90 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1081.53073.82090.54%Hadraada #332 ; Skildek P40 (L)
    035.200 CarabokHerm.PTL008,47007.58089.49%Piron PLR-2 (L)
    036.100 Oraton ProspectorMan.KTL & Herm.PTL028,47028.18098.98%Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L) ; Oraton Payback Day 2 of 7
    037.10 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1008,62007.75089.91%Hadraada #333
    038.100 DromiaSB.A0L & Man.KTL015,95025.47159.69%Dromia Stage 3 ; Headshot I (L)
    039.60 HadraadaKhor. Ice & Ozp.SB1056,91033.21058.36%Hadraada #334 = Finished Experiment
    040.200 GallardMan.KTL012,44008.29066.64%---
    041.200 CarabokHerm.PTL008,39010.46124.67%2x Piron PBR-0 (L)
    042.200 GallardMan.KTL & Herm.PTL012,05009.78081.16%---
    043.100 Oraton ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Herm.PTL022,34016.55074.08%Oraton Payback Day 3 of 7
    044.230 KP NaviPir.BP10099,94097.94098.00%Global (55) ; Piron PBR-27 (L)
    045.100 Oraton ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Herm.PTL022,51028.13124.97%Global (12) ; Melee Trauma Amplifier I (L) ; Oraton Payback Day 4 of 7
    046.100 Carabok & 100 GallardMan.KTL & Herm.PTL010,42007.77074.57%Carabok & Gallard Stages 4 Finished
    I will post here the results of the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way in this format. In the 24-MatW-thread I'll make it a bit more of a storyline. :sleep::greyalien::battleroar::spiderman::muted:

    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  8. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    This is mostly the list of the hunts of the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way. It worked well to get my Swordsman (Dmg) up a bit faster.

    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.66)
    5. Completed! Do the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! (16-jan-16)
    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (7.8k of 12.0k).
    7. Get >90.0% return after 2500 PEDs Scrapnel converted using Piron PBP-10 (--.- of 90.0%).
    8. Setup a new experiment (0 of 1).
    9. New! Maxe-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (30 of 40 uses/min). I've looted this cuty from a Smuggler, but couldn't use it back then. I slowly got into the SIB-period, but that means I still can't use it efficiently. In the meantime I'm using S.I. H.E.A.R.T. and GYRO FAP-18 (L) mostly.

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Dehe.Imm = Dehera Immolation Sword
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)
    Kil.R = Kilic Rex
    Kolu.Gla = Kolukhar Glacier Sword
    Laby = Labrys
    Lok.Ele = Lokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Philo = Philosopher's Sword
    Pir.BP10 = Piron PBP-10
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4 = Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +Rag.5L = Rage 5 (L)

    Hunts #047 - #068:
    047.87 KP OratanKolu.Gla+MTA1112.99040.54035,88%New Year : Oratan Celebration
    048.90 OtorugiDehe.Imm+MTA4 & Philo342,53236,11068,93%Piron PBR-22 (L) ; 24H-MatW! #01 ; Otorugi Stage 1 Finished
    049.68 BeladothDehe.Imm+MTA4 & Philo326,88445,25136,21%Global (158; 93; 65; 64; 55; 54) ; Piron PLP-37 (L) ; 24H-MatW! #02 ; Beladoth Stage 1 Finished
    050.29 KadraDehe.Imm+MTA4088,04095,53108,51%Global (51) ; Piron PLP-27 (L) ; 24H-MatW! #03
    051.21 ScoriaDehe.Imm+MTA4178,51098,46055,16%Global (142 ; 69) ; 24H-MatW! #04
    052.101 HuonDehe.Imm+MTA4 & Philo296,88268,89090,57%Global (142 ; 52) ; Piron PLR-42 (L) ; 24H-MatW! #05
    053.Arkadia Key 6Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Man.KTL221,63337,81152,42%24H-MatW! #06
    054.417 KP TogolossiDehe.Imm+MTA4 & Philo139,99111,75079,83%Global (59 ; 57 ; 54) ; 24H-MatW! #07
    055.202 KP Badger_710RDehe.Imm+MTA4056,97025,59044,92%24H-MatW! #08
    056.1300 KP Oraton MinerDehe.Imm+MTA4 & Philo169,25076,37045,12%24H-MatW! #09
    057.95 KP* Mutated Beladoth & 108 KP* Mutated Otorugi & 170 KP* UboKil.R+MTA4180,08161,09089,45%Global (80 ; 78 ; 67 ; 66 ; 58) ; 24H-MatW! #10
    058.121 KP* Mutated Kamaldon & 345* KP Mutated BokolKil.R+MTA4 & Philo285,39272,24095,39%Global (131 ; 126 ; 114 ; 87 ; 86 ; 83) ; S & B Ardenner 25 (L) ; Headshot IV (L) ; 24H-MatW! #11
    059.31 KP* YukaKil.R+MTA4070,93048,33068,14%Global (110) ; 24H-MatW! #12
    060.37 KP* HuonKil.R+MTA4048.86035.80073,27%Global (107 ; 57) ; 24H-MatW! #13
    061.127 KP NaviKil.R+MTA4111.16157.70141,87%Global (260 ; 137 ; 82 ; 55 ; 55) ; 2x Piron PBP-32 (L) ; Piron PBR-32 (L) ; 24H-MatW! #14
    062.858 KP Mutated Hadraada & 547 KP Mutated ZadulLoka.Ele+MTA4160.65139.72086,97%Global (105) ; 24H-MatW! #15
    063.991 KP Wombana & 78 KP* Magurg MaleKil.R+MTA4 & Loka.Ele133.45136.01101,77%Global (84) ; 24H-MatW! #16 ; Wombana Stage 1 Finished
    064.7 NusulMak.FTL018.98010.70056,38%24H-MatW! #17
    065.103 Yarrijak (9x Sal'diresh's Vault 1)Laby & Herm.PTL037.48030.28080,79%S & B Ardenner 0 (L) ; Headshot II (L) ; Piron PBP-7 (L) ; 24H-MatW! #18
    066.62 TiarakKolu.Gla+MTA1 & Philo034.08028.91084,83%24H-MatW! #19
    067.39 TeladonKil.R+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla237.06176.16074,31%24H-MatW! #20
    068.119 KP Badger_710RPir.BP10+Rag.5L055.76132.76238,09%Global (100) ; Scott & Barlow LR-30 (L)
    Navi 007.jpg
    Just a little global from the Navies, that was pure madness!

    I'm now trying to find a nice mob to spend a portion of the ~6M Scrapnel on with the Piron PBP-10. The Navi in previous post and the Badger_710R at the last hunt both gave (very) good results. However, both are too strong for that little bean-shutter. These testruns I do without Universal Ammo.
    And I've got to go over my math-lessons as well, so that I can write a kind-of scientific conclusion about the Hadraada Experiment.

    Ardorj :shy::bookworm::beaver::battleroar:
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've set the Mêlée in the title between brackets, and that is because I knew a time like this would come soon. I haven't used a sword as my main weapon these hunts, apart from one soc-hunt. I've accumulated millions of Scrapnel and now I felt the time was right to convert it to Universal Ammo. That will be used for a bit of testing of my Piron PBP-10 to see if I want to keep this little gardenbeany or not. Just so you know, it's for now more of a "Piron Hunting-log".
    PRINT SCREEN 2016-01-30 14-31-43.jpg
    Not all of this Scrapnel-->UA will be used on the Piron of course. There's also a nice Genesis E.L.M. Sword that uses UA in my Inventory.
    I also got promoted in the rank of the IFN for killing 7x 100 Oratan Prospector Thugs. My set of goals hasn't progressed much, but still I'm happy with the outcome.

    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.68)
    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (7.8k of 12.0k).
    7. Get >90.0% return after 2500 PEDs Scrapnel converted using Piron PBP-10 (89.7% of 90.0%).
    8. Setup a new experiment (0 of 1).
    9.Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (30 of 40 uses/min).

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Dehe.Imm = Dehera Immolation Sword
    Com.NC.1L = Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Pir.BP10 = Piron PBP-10
    +MTA4 = Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +Rag.5L = Rage 5 (L)

    Hunts #069 - #079:
    069.31 KP* TeladonDehe.Imm+MTA4046,68069,25148,35%Supremacy Reign Teamhunt ; Global (140)
    070.13 KP* TogolossiDehe.Imm+MTA4017,08013,72080,33%Supremacy Reign Teamhunt
    071.42 KP* HuonDehe.Imm+MTA4055,48022,30040,19%Supremacy Reign Teamhunt
    072.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Man.KTL022,00019,32087,82%Didn't include “Mined Resources” ; Oratan Payback Day 5 of 7 ; Level 18 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    073.62 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L062,57050,17080,18%---
    074.149 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1128,02097,26075,97%Scott & Barlow LR-8 (L) ; First Universal Ammo Hunt ; 2800 BLP Weaponry Technology
    075.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1117,48106,05090,27%---
    076.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Man.KTL020,54021,13102,87%Oratan Payback Day 6 of 7 ; 1200 Pyrokinesis
    077.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1116,02119,17102,72%Global (21) ; Level 25 BLP Pistoleer (Hit)
    078.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1105,20095,94089,34%Global (14) ; Bullseye II (L) ; Tiarak Stage 3
    079.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Man.KTL021,89019,84090,14%Oratan Payback Day 7 of 7 ; Promotion to IFN Corporal

    Ardorj :cowboy::sour::borg:
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    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M. Edition (L) is ideal for burning up shrapnel :) I had gotten me about 30 of them at last migration event before prices went up, but now they are down again. And they last pretty long, too.
  11. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I remember that I tried that blade one time, but didn't liked it back then.
    When I'm done testing the Piron PBP-10, I'll use a better E.L.M. Blade, namely the Genesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L). But that's a plan for the future when there's a renewed Oratan and/or Smuggler attack.

    Anyhow, here are the hunts I've done lately. All except one with the Piron PBP-10, and things aren't looking good for that revolver either. Not that I expected great results, but still is kinda sad to see. Although the last two hunts kicked the mean-results back to just under the 90% mark, and the last four hunts ticked the Tier from the Piron up .3 points as well. All in all, I better test things and know for sure, then not knowing and keep on using a bad tool.
    I've also gotten two rings for myself. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's an Athenic Ring Adjusted and an Aeglic Ring Improved. Both of them sure do help good on the Tiaraks.

    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.71)
    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (7.8k of 12.0k).
    7. Get >90.0% return after 2500 PEDs Scrapnel converted using Piron PBP-10 (87.9% of 90.0%).
    8. Setup a new experiment (0 of 1).
    9.Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (30 of 40 uses/min).

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Pir.BP10 = Piron PBP-10
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)
    +Rag.5L = Rage 5 (L)
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I

    Hunts #080 - #091:
    080.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1097,24096,45099,19%Global (23) ; Electric Attack Nanochip II (L) ; Level 27 Ranged BLP (Dmg)
    081.25 OroMak.FTL+MTA1 & Herm.PTL006,70003,34049,85%---
    082.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1108,10079,41073,46%---
    083.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1108,27059,68055,12%---
    084.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1109,16076,81070,36%2400 Weapons Handling
    085.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1106,84103,65097,01%Global (11) ; 1600 Diagnosis
    086.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1092,22078,04084,62%Electric Attack Nanochip I (L) ; 2400 Ranged Damage Assessment
    087.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1105,46103,25097,90%Global (31) ; Scott & Barlow BP-8 (L)
    088.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1105,38064,11060,12%[System]: Your Piron PBP-10 has reached tier 3.4
    089.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1100,55080,20078,88%Piron PBR-7 (L) ; 3000 Marksmanship
    090.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1115,50134,99112,04%[System]: Your Piron PBP-10 has reached tier 3.5 ; Global (24, 11, 13, 14) ; Piron PBR-12 (L) ; Bullseye II (L)
    091.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1105,45129,05120,45%[System]: Your Piron PBP-10 has reached tier 3.6 ; Global (32) ; Piron PBR-12 (L) ; Bullseye II (L) ; 3000 Handgun ; Level 26 BLP Pistoleer (Hit)
    I know, I know, I'm the one that says "Mêlée all the Way!". But I've looted that tiny pretzel-shooter myself and I have a hard time turning it away. At least it gives me some skills that I normally won't get ... not that I have a use for it, but it's kinda nice for a change.
    3000 Handgun.jpg

    I think I've said it earlier, but I will use the Piron till I've used at least 1250PED on Universal Ammo. If I have a result of >90.0% at that time, then I'll continue till one of two things happen 1) I've used up at least 2500PED on Universal Ammo, or 2) The mean-result drop <90.0% before that. I've now used ~1100PED on UA, using ~75PED each hunt of 125 Tiarak. So that means two, three at most, more Tiarak hunts with the Piron PBP-10. I'll only be at a mean-result of >90.0% when both of the two hunts give a return of >110%. It can happen, but changes are slim. Not that I mind too much.
    I am thinking about selling my Piron PBP-10 when I'm done with it. Is anyone interested in it?

    Ardorj :bear::hungry::bookworm:
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  12. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    My progress is slow as always, yet still managed to crack into completing two of my goals. Or better said: abanding one and finisher the other. After more then 1300PEDs in UA wasted on my uneco Piron PBP-10, more then 1900PEDs including other decays, I ended up with 89%. And I just calculated the standard deviation, wich I couldn't believe at first, being 18%. Wich brings me to two other things I want to add, or bring to your attention.
    1) I haven't posted a conclusion about the Hadraada-Experiment (about: kills per hunt) yet, because I'm redoing statistics-lessons. I want to be as sure as I can be, that my conclusion will be mathematicly true. The point is, the return-values of the hunts can be so far apart, that for this Hadraada-Experiment I have an arithic mean of 93.7%, with a standard deviation of 80.2%. To say it in other words: I'm just as likely to get 5+ globals in a 100KpH, then that I won't even find 50% back in the loot. Enough randings of a mad amateur mathematician at best, onwards to point two!
    2) A short while ago Daughter of Anarchy asked me in Ark.chat how many I hunt with mêlée compared to ranged. I did a quick calculation from the start of this blog. There are four possible outcomes with what I can hunt: a) 100% mêlée, b) mêlée + ranged finisher, c) ranged + mêlée finisher, d) 100% ranged. Since I don't note the decay of each weapon seperatly, I can't be sure of b & c. I did that however with the Hadraada-Experiment, calculated that finisher is ~8% of total offensive decay. And then I came to a shocking, and shameful to admit, answer that since the start of this blog I did 2/3 Mêlée and 1/3 Ranged. Blame that damnable Piron please.
    Enough talked for now, onwards to my goals.

    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.76)
    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (8.0k of 12.0k).
    7. Abandonded Get >90.0% return after 2500 PEDs Scrapnel converted using Piron PBP-10 (88.7% of 90.0%).
    8. Completed Setup a new experiment (1 of 1).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    10. New! Calculate results and write conclusion of the Hadraada-Experiment (0 of 1). This is more of a note to myself to don't wait to long with it.
    11. New! Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (– of 1000). I have a ton of UA still in my Storage (and enough Scrapnel to accompagny it as well) and only one mêlée weapon to use it with: Genesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L). And since I've never seen an ATH before, nor gotten a 1000+ share of a HoF, I think this is a good one to combine. Now all I need is for the Oratans to attack our Firebases again!

    I abbriviate most weapons I use. In the following hunts I've used:
    Com.NC.1L = Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Pir.BP10 = Piron PBP-10
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +Rag.5L = Rage 5 (L)

    Hunts #092 - #102:
    092.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1097,99109,96112,22%Global (16) ; Piron PBR-7 (L) ; [System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 2.3 & 2.4 ; 3000 BLP Weaponry Technology
    093.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1106,66094,64088,73%---
    094.125 TiarakPir.BP10+Rag.5L & Mak.FTL+MTA1106,46083,39078,32%Bullseye II (L) ; Last Universal Ammo – Piron PBP-10 Hunt
    095.50 OroMak.FTL+MTA1 & Herm.PTL013,41008,41062,71%---
    096.100 Oratan ProspectorsCom.NC.1L & Man.KTL039,57029,42074,35%Oratan Payback Day 1 of 14 ; Level 12 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    097.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1196,99247,82125,80%Global (87, 28, 11) ; 2x Scott & Barlow LR-6 (L)
    098.100 Monura MaleMan.KTL005,88004,53077,04%Monura Male Stage 2 Finished
    099.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL032,09021,94068,37%Mêlée : Dromia #B01 = Start of the Scanning-Experiment on Dromia
    100.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL029,58035,68120,62%2x Piron PLR-2 (L) ; Mêlée : Dromia #A01 ; 4500 Melee Damage Assessment
    101.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL038,05028,14073,96%Piron PLR-2 (L) ; Mêlée : Dromia #C01
    102.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL038,23037,48098,04%Piron PLR-2 (L) ; Mêlée : Dromia #C02
    As you can see in the table above, my new Experiment is about Scanning. A long time ago, when I walked around in Settler-armour, I aspired to be a good miner alongside one of the best hunters. I got a hint that before starting mining it's good to decay a Scanner till broken because that also gives 'Probing'-skills. I liked it so much that I've started to scan everything. Mining I still can't, and in fact I've abandoned all my mining activities (they weren't much to start with).
    I did test-runs on Oro and Dromia with the TT-blades and Trauma I, but Oro do have a little bit too much HP for such an setup, so this Experiment will be on Dromia only. Honestly, I don't know why I keep on scanning every mob out there. Old habits die hard I guess? The goal of the Scanning-Experiment is to see if it has any effect on the loot, or if is just extra decay that does nowhere.
    In the table above I have in the notes things like 'Dromia #A01'. I have two scanners, my old faithful Chikara InvestaFoe ES300, those are the 'B'-hunts, a LifeScanner-V that I've bought for this Experiment, those are the 'C'-hunts. The 'A'-hunts are the blanco or null-hunts, ie. I don't use a Scanner then.

    I can't keep this from you guys, the progress I've made. It's been a long way. A hard way, a good way, and I was blissfully ignored when I made my first step on Planet Calypso.
    1000 Melee Damage Assessment.jpg 4500 Melee Damage Assessment.jpg

    Results since tracking:
    Total decay: 7222,09 PED
    Total loot: 6566,17 PED
    Result: 90,92%
    Ardorj :unsure::battleroar::devilish::finger:
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've done only six hunts since the last post, yet I've spend quite a lot of PEDs for my doing. I had a MAKO Wildfire 1 (L) lying around in my Storage that I finally deceided to use. I wanted to hunt small Kadraas with that sword, however they got me at first, because I didn't had any armour on. So I grabbed my Viceroy and got back to them. A few times they suddenly swarmed on me, but I survived these times.
    PRINT SCREEN 2016-03-04 22-14-6.jpg
    Still, the loot was pretty down, untill I got at the last five or so Kadraas of my hunt on whom I scored two globals and managed to loot three Piron PLP-27 (L)'s.

    Three out of the six hunts where on Hadraadaas, the reason for wich you can read in my Hadraada-Experiment thread. The Dromiaas will have to wait a little bit. Anyhow, on to my progress in my goals.

    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.83)
    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (8.7k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    10. Calculate results and write conclusion of the Hadraada-Experiment (0 of 1).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (– of 1000).

    In the following hunts I've used:
    Com.NC.1L = Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Khor.Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Mak.WF1L = MAKO Wildfire 1 (L)
    Ozp.SB.1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4 = Melee Trauma Amplifier IV

    Hunts #103 - #108:
    103.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Man.KTL031,05027,61088,92%Oratan Payback Day 2 of 14
    104.137 KadraMak.WF1L+MTA4 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1659,14777,39117,94%Global (135, 117) ; 3x Piron PLP-27 (L) ; Level 23 Paramedic
    105.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL032,61019,28059,12%Mêlée : Dromia #B02 ; 600 Medicine ; Level 16 Dodger
    106.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1197,10177,42090,02%Global (24, 10) ; Bullseye I (L) ; Hadraada Flesh ; 2800 Athletics ; Level 35 Knifefighter (Dmg)
    107.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1192,87195,73101,48%Global (12)
    108.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1199,57189,33094,87%Global (12, 36, 18) ; Bullseye I (L) ; 2x Piron PLR-12 (L) ; 1800 Coolness

    Specially thanks to the Kadra hunt I can now say savely that I'm mister 70% Mêlée all the Way!
    By the way, I'm planning a new Mêlée all the Way Teamhunt in mid april. Not 24 Hours, I can't take that no more lol. Keep your eyes on the Eventpage!

    Results since tracking:
    Total decay: 8534,43 PED
    Total loot: 7952,93 PED
    Result: 93,19%
    Ardorj :battleroar::jimlad::borg::bookworm:
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2016
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's been over a month since my last post. I've done twenty hunts in that time. Nearly half of them on the Dromiaas. Some with weapons that were lying around in my Storage, such as whips or half broken TT-fists. The last quarter of the hunts are from the Mêlée all the Way! of last evening.
    The results aren't that good. And also my goals haven't progressed as much as I'de like to show. I keep postponing the writing of the Hadraada-Conclusion. Don't ask me how or why. Anyway, here are those goals.

    4. Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (39.97)
    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (9.3k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    10. Calculate results and write conclusion of the Hadraada-Experiment (0 of 1).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (– of 1000).

    Dehe.Imm = Dehera Immolation Sword
    Dom.OGaAL = Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    Dom.OML = Dominax Original Moccasin (L)
    Dom.OHL = Dominax Original Habu (L)
    Herm.PTL = Herman PF-TT (L)
    Khor.Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Laby = Labrys
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Ozp.SB.1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Philo = Philosopher's Sword
    SB.B0L = Scott & Barlow SB-0 (L)
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4 = Melee Trauma Amplifier IV

    Hunts #109 - #128:
    109.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1197,30243,49123,41%Global (51, 54, 10) ; Scott & Barlow LR-6 (L) ; Bullseye I (L) ; 145 HP
    110.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL037,37031,13083,30%Mêlée : Dromia #C03
    111.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1202,20142,79070,62%2x Bullseye I (L)
    112.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL036,75026,17071,21%Mêlée : Dromia #C04
    113.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL029,83019,71066,07%Mêlée : Dromia #A02
    114.89 Nusul (Puny)Dom.OGaAL009,95006,01060,40%Level 19 Whipper (Hit) ; 600 Zoology
    115.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL031,63026,76084,60%Mêlée : Dromia #B03
    116.1354 KP OstelokDom.OML & Herm.PTL015,01009,27061,76%---
    117.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL037,39032,54087,03%Mêlée : Dromia #C05
    118.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL037,43031,97085,41%Mêlée : Dromia #C06 ; Piron PLR-2 (L)
    119.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL032,04028,54089,08%Mêlée : Dromia #B04
    120.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL037,85024,99066,02%Mêlée : Dromia #C07 ; Piron PLR-2 (L)
    121.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL030,98024,95080,54%Mêlée : Dromia #A03
    122.215 JoriDom.OHL+MTA1 & SB.B0L060,41039,82065,92%Piron PLP-2 (L)
    123.621 KP OstelokHerm.PTL005,56003,11055,94%---
    124.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1190,40170,77089,69%Global (10, 13) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Bullseye I (L)
    125.25 Oweko & 7 RiptorDehe.Imm+MTA4172,63131,01075,89%MatW! #01 ; Global (67, 78)
    126.32 KianaDehe.Imm+MTA4171,00246,50144,15%MatW! #02 ; Global (80, 58, 68) ; Piron PLR-27 (L)
    127.68 NusulPhilo & Laby067,08063,80095,11%MatW! #03 ; Global (37)
    128.82 HuonDehe.Imm+MTA4354,41270,17076,23%MatW! #04 ; Global (100, 51, 88)
    One day soon I will get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg).
    One day when I am old I will unlock Wounding!

    Results since tracking:
    Total decay: 10288,19 PED
    Total loot: 9526,43 PED
    Result: 92,60%
    Ardorj :confused::punch::battleroar::thumbsup::borg:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  15. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    And then, I got an email from MindArk. I hadn't logged on lately! What's the matter?
    Well, truth be told, I am not sure. I don't feel much like being a gamer anymore. Tonight I hunted again, on a small mob though, but it felt, I don't know how to call it, an oké something to spend my time on. I've shifted my free-time more to other things. Reading books for the most part. Sounds nerdy? Maybe it is, maybe I've been that all along.
    The otherside of being a nerdy booklover is, is that I deceided to quit all my ongoing experiments. It's been years since I started my Hadraada Experiment, and I still don't have any type of conclusion. In fact, at first I did 8x 225 KpH, and because I found it all a bit inconclusive, I did more of just the 225 KpH's. I did this with the idea to determine how many hunts & kills one needs to do approximately to have a good statistical outcome. Well, so far I did eight 225 KpH more, and what do you know? The standard deviation increased! For those with a lack of mathemetical understanding: it means that the spread of my data became larger, meaning that it is more difficult to say with confidence if a return of, for example, 80% is normal or not.
    So, back to the start, what did I do in Entropia this month? Nothing much, that's for sure. I did eight whole hunts, well, if you can count killing 200 Dromia a complete hunt that is. Skillwise I reached some good milestones though! Take a look at these lovelies:

    4500 Shortblades.jpg
    Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg).jpg
    This last one, level 40 Swordsman (Dmg), was one of my initial goals when I started this blog! Yeah-hiy! Wich brings me to a rearangement of my goals.

    4. Complete! Get Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg) (40.03)
    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (9.8k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    10. Abandoned! Calculate results and write conclusion of the Hadraada-Experiment (0 of 1).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (– of 1000).
    12. New! Finish Dromia Stage 4 (3.8 of 5.0k). I hunted the Dromiaas for my, also abandoned, experiment on Scanning. Seems like a waste to let it stand there, also because they gave a mêlée-reward. I think at least?
    13. New! Get a promotion in the IFN (0 of 1). I don't go out to do something against the Oratan presence much. But it might be good to become a little bit higher in the IFN ranking then IFN Corporal, isn't it?

    Khor.Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Ozp.SB.1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    SB.B0L = Scott & Barlow SB-0 (L)
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I

    Hunts #129 - #136:
    129.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1201,53245,89122,01%Global (21, 34) ; 4500 Shortblades
    130.225 HadraadaKhor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1200,44212,34104,89%[System]: Your Khorum Ice Dagger has reached tier 3.8
    131.1452 KP OstelokSB.B0L015,69013,95088,91%Level 40 Swordsman (Dmg)
    132.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL037,19024,25063,92%Mêlée : Dromia #C08
    133.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL037,05025,43068,64%Mêlée : Dromia #C09
    134.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL029,71027,63093,00%Mêlée : Dromia #A04 ; Level 43 Swordsman (Hit)
    135.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL030,83027,59089,49%Stop of all Experiments!
    136.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL030,76025,55083,06%Piron PLR-2 (L)
    Maybe it's time to rethink about my short and long-term goals in this game.
    Maybe it's time for me for a longish break from this game.

    Results since tracking:
    Total decay: 10871,39 PED
    Total loot: 10129,06 PED
    Result: 93,17%
    Ardorj :bag::hungover::battleroar::greyalien::bookworm:
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Time for a little update!
    My laptop started to act weird. I got remarks about harddisk failures, starting-up got stuck in a loop, and other kinds of jolly stuff. So, I started thinking about buying a new computer, and asked for some advice on PCF. I know, don't blame me, I always check that "other" forum when it comes to computer-advices. Considered buying a laptop or desktop. I choosed the desktop, and I'm glad I did! It's a beast, a silent killer! For the geeks who wants to know:
    Motherboard: ASUS Z170-P
    Processor: Intel Core i5 6400 Skylake (4x 2700 MHz) Quad Core
    Memory: 8GB DDR4 2133Mhz (Corsair)
    Videocard: AMD Radeon R7 360 (ASUS)

    Now, onwards to my Entropia/Arkadia progress, wich isn't much just like last time.

    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (10.2k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs ( of 1000).
    12. Finish Dromia Stage 4 (4.4 of 5.0k).
    13. Get a promotion in the IFN (Day 3 of 14).

    Com.NC.1L = Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cor.NC.1L = Corrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Khor.Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Ozp.SB.1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I

    Hunts #137 - #142:
    137.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL030,47028,32092,94%---
    138.A) 225 Hadraada; B) 239 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L194,50164,23084,44%Level 19 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    139.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L041,90037,92090,50%Oratan Payback Day 3 of 14 ; 1400 Pyrokinesis
    140.A) 225 Hadraada; B) 83 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L197,65161,81081,87%Global (12) ; 2400 Light Melee Weapons ; Level 35 Knifefighter (Hit)
    141.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL030,50018,33060,10%---
    142.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL031,03026,01083,82%---
    I haven't played yet with the new machine. I only got it yesterday, therefore I am still running updates, and tweaking things to my personal preferences. By the way, did I say that it's a silent killer? That's right! I forgot to order the boxes! :headphone:

    Results since tracking:
    Total decay: 11397,44 PED
    Total loot: 10565,68 PED
    Result: 92,70% >
    Ardorj :roflmao::bucktooth::thumbsup::cool:
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  17. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    With the new desktop, the Entropia/ Arkadia addiction is back once again. And I got it with new audio-boxes too. :headphone::whistling:

    This is update is only for nine runs, yet it contains one of the most good, fun, and remarkable runs.
    To start with what didn't went well, I had two limited mêlée in my pocket that I deceided to use now. The first with the Bicak Rex (L) was oké, but the second with the Sword of Fortitude (L) ... argh! That series of swords is just plain terrible! :punch:

    Two days ago I completed one of my goals, Dromia Stage 4 is done! For such a small creature, I found the Longblades-reward quite good. It gave me ~0,1 level in Swordsman (Hit) and the (Dmg) went up by >0,05 level.

    Last night I was thinking: "Shall I log on to Arkadia or not? And if so, what will I hunt?" I deceided to log on and prepared myself for the ongoing fight agains the Oratan Lancers. Before I started I read a call for all brave colonist to help defend Repulse Firebase against the Oratans. I am glad I heeded that call! That was the time I've been waiting for so long! I took my Genesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L) from another pocket somewhere, and dove right into the chaos and madness after some quick, last preparations. I am so glad that I did! The best part for me was something that I never expected to be able to see:
    75 Strenght.jpg

    Loot was good for all I think. ESI were dropping like flies, yet I only managed to hold on to some kind of Ranged-amp. Even so, with two I got a share of more then 50 PED.
    2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Titan 5644 PED .jpg 2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Notable 2748 PED .jpg

    The Smugglers got word of the Oratan Attack as well and sended in one wave to test our defense. These were quickly destroyed, just like the Oratans, and they didn't press any more.
    PRINT SCREEN 2016-07-16 0-27-41.jpg

    For the last wave of the attack the Oratans sended in all they got. Every size and type, see the redness of the radar!
    2016-07-16 -- Oratan Lancer Titan 92 PED .jpg
    Bossman was with us brave soldiers of Arkadia to organize the attack and heal us all. Much appreciated, thanks Bossman! He told us about an impending even greater Oratan attack this weekend. So, keep your eyes on the Arkadia News Network people! Defend our home against this horde! If I had a say in it, I'de call it operation Icerage! :coldfeet:

    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (10.7k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644).
    12. Completed! Finish Dromia Stage 4 (5.0 of 5.0k).
    13. Get a promotion in the IFN (Day 4 of 14).
    14. New! Sal'diresh's Vault Key #1 runs (0 of 39). With all the Dromiaas hunted, I got quite a few Treasure Maps. I think it's a good thing to use these too.

    Bic.RL = Bicak Rex (L)
    Com.NC.1L = Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cor.NC.1L = Corrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELM = Genesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Ozp.SB.1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Sw.oFL = Sword of Fortitude (L)
    +MDA1L = Melee Durability Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I

    Hunts #143 - #151:
    143.175 OroBic.RL+MTA1 & Mak.FTL0146,36120,28082,18%First run with new Desktop, ASUS Z170-P
    144.A) 225 Hadraada; B) 439 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L0204,75235,22114,88%Global (25) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Bullseye I (L)
    145.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L0034,53026,20075,88%Oratan Payback Day 4 of 14 ; Level 13 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    146.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL0031,50021,67068,79%---
    147.96 ZadulSw.oFL & Man.KTL0055,70026,67047,88%---
    148.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL0030,16029,69098,44%Piron PLR-2 (L)
    149.A) 225 Hadraada; B) 429 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L0199,43192,99096,77%Global (13, 14, 25) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Piron PLR-12 (L)
    150.200 DromiaMak.FTL+MTA1 & Man.KTL0030,93021,18068,48%Dromia Stage 4 Finished
    151.373 KP OratanGen.Ice.ELM+MDA1L1014,68923,14091,00%Oratan Lancer Attack ; 75 Strenght ; Max. 145 HP ; Longreach I (L)
    Here's some more pictures about last night's battle of Repulse.
    2016-07-15 -- Oratan Fiend 98 PED .jpg 2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Colossus 71 PED .jpg 2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Grand 214 PED .jpg 2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Notable 257 PED .jpg 2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Prime 1244 PED .jpg 2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Titan 138 PED .jpg 2016-07-15 -- Oratan Lancer Titan 1696 PED .jpg 2016-07-16 -- Smuggler Droid MK3 103 PED .jpg 2016-07-16 -- Smuggler Mech MK3 165 PED .jpg 2016-07-16 -- Warchief Kazrak 658 PED .jpg PRINT SCREEN 2016-07-15 23-41-39.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2016-07-16 0-25-35.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2016-07-16 0-34-52.jpg
    Be prepared to defend Arkadia all you good colonists!
    Side-note: this is the second time I write this post. First time I clicked the wrong button while previewing ... and poof! Gone was it all! :facepalm:

    Results since tracking:
    Total decay: 13249,78 PED
    Total loot: 12162,98 PED
    Result: 91,80%
    Ardorj :writing::borg::battleroar::spiderman:
    • Like Like x 5
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  18. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Awesome log (prolly the best one on Arkadia forum), but just one requirement if possible - can you please post on each run, next to cost and results the return rate too (I know I can calculate myself, but is easier when you see it at a glance).
  19. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks, I'm glad that you enjoy my log!
    I agree with you on the return-rate, therefore I've added it to all previous posts. With some minor changes as well.
    I'm glad that I did, because now I found some hunts where the calculation wasn't correct, somehow. ~12% is too low, now matter how small of a hunt it is. :hungover::thumbsup::poto:
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Just like last time, not many hunts done yet it's been meaningful.
    To kick off: on the first hunt I got my Khorum to tier 3.9 and collected all the needed materials for the upgrade afterwards.
    Tier 4-A (Khorum Ice Dagger).jpg
    It's been an succesfull upgrade, yeah! I'm not sure exactly why I've upgrade it, mostly because of prestige I think.

    I am standing there before the mouth of the Aakas, because I got an urge to do one of those. This is not the same as Goal #14, that's for Vaults in the Underground. Even though the loot was bad, I enjoyed running the Key and did more afterwards. All with bad loot, but that's not so suprising considering that there are many Lvl 1-3 mobs in Key #1, and only two stronger bosses. When those two loot bad, and to think that the cost to kill these two is ~40% of total costs, then yes, the results will be terrible.
    I also got something good from the Aakas Keys, that is finishing Yarrijak Stage 3 (Rifle reward, méh) and Ubo Stage 2 (Combat Reflexes reward, nice!). :borg:

    Talking about Rifle reward, I am going to dislike the Oratan IFN Daily. All I get as a reward is Rifle skills, I don't think that will be different when I get to other maturities, does it? So, when I have gotten that promotion in the IFN, I won't hunt Oratan Prospectors for some time at least.
    On the other hand, I hunt those with my own looted Mindforce Chips, and I do enjoy using those. These are also Ranged weapons of course, but they feel different to me then a pistol or rifle. Hunting small game like the Oratan Prospectors or the Yarrijaks and Raktaas using Mindforce is fun! :cat:

    Enough talking, on to the goals and the hunts.

    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (11.2k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644).
    13. Get a promotion in the IFN (Day 7 of 14).
    14. Sal'diresh's Vault Key #1 runs (0 of 39).

    Com.NC.1L = Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cor.NC.1L = Corrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Dehe.Imm = Dehera Immolation Sword
    Khor.Ice = Khorum Ice Dagger
    Mak.FTL = MAKO FAL-TT (L)
    Man.KTL = MANTA K-TT (L)
    Ozp.SB.1 = Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MDA1L = Melee Durability Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA1 = Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4 = Melee Trauma Amplifier IV

    Hunts #152 - #160:
    152.A) 225 Hadraada; B) 693 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L199,06146,19073,44%[System]: Your Khorum Ice Dagger has reached tier 3.9
    153.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L032,39039,81122,91%Oratan Payback Day 5 of 14 ; Global (10) ; Headshot I (L) ; Melee Trauma Amplifier I (L)
    154.A) 230 Hadraada; B) 821 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L208,46178,97085,85%2x Bullseye I (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    155.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female; B) 28 Ubo; C) 88 Rakta & 60 YarrijakA) Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1; B) Mak.FTL+MTA1L & Man.KTL; C) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L023,91015,23063,70%---
    156.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 4 Magurg Female; B) 112 Ubo; C) 352 Rakta & 238 YarrijakA) Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1; B) Mak.FTL+MTA1L & Man.KTL; C) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L090,28060,15066,63%Level 20 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    157.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L0037,65048,71129,38%Oratan Payback Day 6 of 14 ; 1600 Pyrokinesis ; Global (12) ; 2x Scott & Barlow LP-3 (L)
    158.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female; B) 56 Ubo; C) 176 Rakta & 119 YarrijakA) Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1; B) Mak.FTL+MTA1L & Man.KTL; C) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L045,79024,12052,68%Level 14 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    159.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female; B) 42 Ubo; C) 178 Rakta & 73 YarrijakA) Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1; B) Mak.FTL+MTA1L & Man.KTL; C) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L0041,90037,65089,86%Yarrijak Stage 3 & Ubo Stage 2 Finished
    160.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1L027,50036,30132,00%Oratan Payback Day 7 of 14 ; 600 Power Catalyst ; Scott & Barlow LP-3 (L)
    I now prioritize finishing the Hadraada Stage 4. With Hunt #154 I killed 230 Hadraadaas, in stead of 225 since ending my Experiments. Not because the loot was good (it wasn't at all), but because now I've ended at a nice round number of kills and will only have to do four hunts of 200 kills.
    One more thing: I 'upgraded' my Excell-sheet, and now I can see for every creature that I've hunted how many times I've hunted it and what my results are. For example: Oratan Prospector = 99,13% (I like it a tad more now, lol!); Dromia = 81,71% (blergh!); Hadraada = 94,81%; Yarrijak = 109,60% (Woot!) I know, I know, I've stopped doing all the experimenting, yet I still like to gather data and do a little bit of calculation with it. :writing:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 80,9%
    Total decay: 13930,50 PED
    Total loot: 12750,11 PED
    Result: 91,53%
    Ardorj o_O:greyalien::wink::blackalien:
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019