This thread will be used to announce winners of events on BIG Industries ALA#5. As a reminder to those hunting during and outside of these events. Hunting globals on ALA5 count towards the HYPERcharged Weekly Grinder. For more information about the HYPERcharged event click the banner below and it will take you to the Entropia Life website with all the information about it
Results for ML Mutated Riptor on October 25 2015. 1: Travis Travis Timberlae 2: Dan TheManWithThePlan Ka 3: orik eragon knurla Event lasted for 1 hour, with 10 globals total. Highest global was 208PED during the event. Next weeks event already in place, this time it is in a Highest Single Loot format.
Results for HSL Mutated Riptor on November 1 2015 1: Felangur FEEL Wish 2: Lizza da Vualch 3: Simone Wauspaus Kelleners Event lasted for 1 hour, with only 1 global. Hopefully more globals next weekend
Results for HSL Mutated Riptor on November 8 2015 1: Simone Wauspaus Kelleners 2: John Strike X3 3: ? Sadly enough Gold Rush was taking away all participants. However me and Strike had some fun competing there in a more or less minor league . However we might consider changing the event concept atm Stay tuned