Hello people of Arkadia, I have been using the Rookie Terramaster, and I'm loving it! Now I've gotten it to tier 0.9 a few days ago, and since then been flabbergasted by the price of tiering it up. http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Finder&name=Rookie_TerraMaster According to Entropedia, 132PED cost to tier to Tier 1. We are talking about a 1 PED TT value item. Ill happily pay 10-20 PED to tier up an ex-TT item, a long time ago(before my 3year break) i had my opalo tiered for free(someone else paid) since someone wanted to level up his tiering skills. Is this something someone might be able to look in to, maybe change in the future to something more appropiate related to the cost of the item? Please keep my Tier 10 Rookie Terramaster dream alive! Yes if i ever can get 1 to tier 10, i will max depth enhance and amp this baby till i go broke(not that hard) or HoF/ATH(probably pretty hard).
I hope that will help you: From here: http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/rookie-tools.566/#post-45380 P.S. That 2+ years old post, so it's not worth to reply there or it will be locked for "necro".
thanks for the link. Still think items designed for use by newer players, should not have crazy tiering costs.
That's an interesting take but even looking at it from "depth/PEC" angle doesn't really explain why F-101 takes just 5.99 PED of materials to take it to Tier 1. (It has roughly 4x more decay, uses 10x more ammo and provides roughly 2.5x more depth) Finders with more range seem to cost more to tier, yet this is irrelevant as F-101 and Rookie Terramaster both have 54 m.
There is no need to ever tier the rookie in my honest opinion. You have to go quite deep to reach the next stage of resources and at tier 10 you would be just barely able to reach it. The only advantage I could possibly see is range enhancers but really the cost of range enhancers probably not worth it anyways unless your mining indoor or underground areas and usually if your in there your not spending much time using something like a rookie finder.