i have waited till now, because i thought it might go away or was just a minor oversight(which it is in my opinion) but the font is still invisible if not marked.
I've been puttering around on the forum, bumping into pages I hadn't looked at before. And found some curious things, a few might be bugs, and others are more out of curiosity. - On two occasions, instead of a 'earned 0.01' for a 'like' I gave, it says 'spend 0.06'. How does that work? Lol, was it wrong to like those posts? - There is a detailed list of your received and given ratings. But in the totals, I saw that besides the 53 positive, I also have 1 'Neutral rating received'. Where did that come from? Because I don't see where you can give someone a 'neutral' rating. Or is that from being reported? Or does everyone have 1 neutral rating? - Also wondering how the posts get judged. For writing new posts, I've received anything from 0.15 to 2.20 credits. What is the difference? Is it the length of the post? Or if it's in a long thread? - And I tried some things out on the test-forum. When you delete a post, it doesn't mention that anywhere. It truly disappears, including any record of it. Which could make threads look a bit weird. If someone would delete posts, the replies might become hard to understand. It could look as if you're talking to yourself, answering questions nobody asked. Is there a possibility to get a notification: post deleted by user? So it's at least it's clear there was a post there before. Or to not have a delete button at all, but simply let us edit the post to be blank? - The latter way would also avoid something else I noticed. If you delete a post, you don't get credits deducted. So you get to keep the credits you received for creating that post. In future times, when credits have a practical value, that might be open to abuse. (I didn't delete the thread, to check if the same goes for threads. Since there was a 'like' on it. And I don't know if deleting a post would also mean that the person who 'liked' it would lose those credits. It seemed a bit rude to do that to someone who expressed appreciation.) - And lastly a small technical thingie: On the 'List Transactions', if you select something from the drop down menu, and then want to go to the next/any other page, it reverts back to 'All Actions' in the drop down menu again. So you can only view the first page. Not trying to create more work for you; just sharing what I've found, however trivial it may be.
The spend was from unliking a post you previously liked. This has been corrected and the credit setting reset to zero for unliking. In the post rating system, any of the previous "negative" ratings such as Dislike and Disagree, I made these "neutral". The reason for this is because I know that people have abused the neg rep systems on forums before for no other reason except to be asshats. That said, others use the post rating system properly so they can still speak their mind, but instead of it detracting from the original posters rep, it instead adds or subtracts nothing, hence "neutral". Not sure but I'd say the variation is due to all the setting changes I've been doing recently. Posting a new Thread or Post gets you 0.15 credits. There are 2 ways we (mods and admins) can delete a post. Soft delete, so everyone sees that there was a post there just that it is not visible to the public (with a reason for its deletion). Hard or perma-delete makes it vanish better than a top brand stain remover......its gone from teh database completely, the only evidence is in the forum logs to which only people like me have the keys Members, if their group settings allow (such as Platinum members) can delete their own posts/threads, but they are only ever soft deleted. I will check to see if the deleted post indicator is set to show everyone though. This has been corrected also. If your post gets deleted, you lose the points you originally got for it, no more no less. Interesting question....I'll have to test it and let you know. Hmmm, doesn't seem to work that way for me....might be worth starting a conversation/pm thread and discussing it there. No worries, thanks for your effort. Now check your credit balance
Not sure if that bug or intended behavior. When you copy+paste some text as quote header, editor could add BBCode formating to it. And engine keep it there instead of stripping off any tags. As result we get this: Code: [SIZE=4][B]Communication and development roadmap[/B][/SIZE] said: Here an example (I didn't edit it. to show bug here): http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/where-was-your-avatar-born.11428/page-4#post-85135 Of course same happened if you add BBCodes manually:
doubt it's a bug, more that the engine just doesn't have that feature....but will look into it anyway. Don't know, but will certainly look into adding such a feature
[OFFTOPIC] IMHO raw BBCodes should only appear inside CODE tags. In all other places it should be parsed or stripped off, if it can't be parsed there. If it's appear anything else — it's a bug, if engine doesn't have that feature — that's engine bug. (btw, PCF have same bug as well). At least I never did that in my projects and don't see any use for that "feature". [/OFFTOPIC] Oh, btw. At least 4 forum smiles gave error 404 instead of an image and also a lot of others located on foreign servers: :devil:uke::smoke::wonder:
Quick question about picture links. On the old forum you had to upload to the forum first; here I can't really find how to do that. Am I overlooking something, or is it ok to just keep linking to foreign servers/sites?
Ah, I thought that was for 'attachments', since it only lets you upload from your pc. I have the smileys that I use on an upload site, and the only way to use those (that I found) was through the 'image' button. But let me try it with the 'upload a file' : Edit: in the preview it shows as "attachment xxx", which is why I didn't went through with it the first time I tried. Seems I should have just clicked anyway. Thanks. Though this also means that I (and many others) have apparently been uploading pictures the 'wrong' way... Edit 2: Could you perhaps also point me to where I can find my attachments? Like you could use previous pictures again in the old forum. So it doesn't create new ones for each post. (Since cutting down on links is the whole purpose of uploading to the forum?)
@Dylan | Arkadia whilst trying to browse the page tabs on "recent posts" @ the start page...I just get the page 1 posts? edit; using Google Chrome as a browser btw! regards! P.s. @May ty for asking about how to upload pics, was looking like a madman for a gallery of some sort to upload my pics! P.p.s @Snape +1 for adding "forum spy" btw if possible!
You should get the option once it is uploaded of adding it to the post as either a thumbnail or full picture. If you select neither then it just remains as an attachment. But no you havent been doing it wrong. There is no gallery atm. One is available as a module of XF but it needs to be bought separately to the initial license. If it was just my decision and money I would happily get it but since its not, I need to be able to justify the expense and show that the outlay is warranted and providing value in the long term. I intend to redo the tutorials on uploading pics/attachments.
Thanks for the confirmation. I was going to change the pictures in the creature threads to attachments, but as it's ok like this, I'll leave them. Since people who aren't logged in can't view attachments, but can see pictures (or the link to the foreign sites). Besides, it 'feels' like having the same link to an upload site would be less load on the server, than making a new attachment every time I use the same smiley. (Though technically that probably makes no sense at all.) Yes, 'gallery' was the word I was looking for! Ok, so at least that's really not there, and not another thing I overlooked. It would make it easier yeah, especially when you use a lot of pictures. Plus it's nice to have your visual slice of EU history in one place. So even though it's no necessity; I would still vote a +1 for a gallery module.
Might be time to remove these lol: http://planetarkadia.com/testy-mctestington/ http://planetarkadia.com/test-new-article/
Btw, it seems that the news on the site is not including the 'new' news? Last VU mentioned is from March 2014: http://planetarkadia.com/planet-arkadia-news/