Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Ardorj, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Lots and lots of things happening right now.
    I joined the HSL event over at Khorum Coast last saturday. I was one of weaker hunters going after the Mutated Zaduls and such. The Ubers were globalling from all the Mutated Kamaldons. I got one nice global, but that wasn't enough by far to get into a top position. Still, it was a nice event and I'm glad I've joined. My weapon broke while the event was still going on -4 hours!-, so I got me another one to continue.
    I even managed to finish one of the Mutated Missions, it's the first I ever completed lol.

    After that I wanted to do some small Hadraada once again. It was a blast, get three globals in total of wich two weren't tiny either! Needless to say that this run ended in the positive.
    Hadraada 163.jpg
    The next couple of hunts were all very good for me. Including this gift (or is it stolen?)
    Oratan Prospector 006.jpg

    And then ... well, things went different. I booked a flight to Calypso. We were chased by a pie rat (ImpAintEasy). I either haven't lost a thing, or only something small that I'm not missing yet. I took screenshots of all the tabs before lift-off (I had nothing in the material and resource tabs, I checked those like 10 times). The item count was one less, but I'm not sure if that was the PED stack for the pilot.

    PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-29 20-19-55.jpg

    On arrival on Calypso I felt lost at first. Calypso does this funny thing to me. When I'm not there, I eventually get this strong urge to go back. Yet when I am there I don't know what to do and it all feels disconnected. Even mobs that I know I've hunted 10 years ago can still kill me. Other times it's more running then hunting that I'm doing.
    I took a Daily Mission: Snarksnot. That went fine, I finished the first stage. They have good rewards, think I'll hunt them a bit more often. Then I looked at the Daily #2: Marcimex. Mhhh, haven't hunted those before. Where can they be found? Ahh, yes, that was something with a mission chain, isn't it?! ... More about that next update lol.

    Here are some other pics I took along the way:
    4200 Martial Arts.jpg Hadraada 161.jpg Hadraada 162.jpg Mutated Zadul 003.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-15 21-44-31.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-26 21-18-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-29 20-19-9.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-29 22-36-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 9-51-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 11-25-42.jpg

    33. Completed! Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (10 of 10).
    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.5k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (14 of 44).
    43. Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (38 of 42).
    44. New! Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000). I've been to Crystal Palace a long time ago with my soc. That was Supremacy Reign or even before that, I'm not sure at the moment. CP has always been this long term goal for me to hunt there solo one day. I'm sure that a lot has changed since I was there as a little nooblet. It's now owned by Buzz, if I'm not mistaken? Anyway, I think that now I am strong at least to go into Domes 1 & 2 alone. And to make it worthwhile, I want to spend a significant amount there, meaning at least 10.000 PEDs. See what that will give me?

    AML.35LArMatrix LB-35 (L)
    AMS.35LArMatrix SB-35 (L)
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Herm.CTLHerman CAP-TT (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.7LLacerating Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Star.BLStargazing Blade (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #734 - #745:
    734.325 OroAML.35L+MTA6 & AMS.35L+MTA4259,68250,56096,49%Potted - Bynxia ; Level 41 Knifefighter (Hit) ; 260 Combat Sense
    735.551 KP Mutated Hadraada & 481 KP Mutated Nusul & 2803 KP Mutated ZadulAML.35L+MTA6 & AMS.35L+MTA4715,81607,58084,88%Global (77) ; 2x Piron PBP-27 (L)
    736.556 KP Mutated Hadraada & 420 KP Mutated Nusul & 2535 KP Mutated ZadulStar.BL+MTA4 & AMS.35L+MTA1697,03439,84063,10%4200 Martial Arts ; Mutated Zadul Stage 1 Finished ; Level 43 Knifefighter (Hit) ; 2400 Wounding
    737.3142 KP HadraadaLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L245,41390,42159,09%Global (66, 15, 89) ; Bullseye I (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; 2200 Inflict Ranged Damage
    738.300 Arkadian HornetHerm.CTL012,62014,30113,31%---
    739.100 Oratan ProspectorCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L056,51051,70091,49%Oratan Payback Day 19 of 30
    740.723 Carabok & 300 GallardHerm.CTL048,79053,58109,82%---
    741.600 Arkadian HornetHerm.CTL025,38023,14091,17%Piron PBP-0 (L) ; Level 30 Laser Pistoleer (Hit)
    742.100 Oratan ProspectorCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L053,56086,93162,30%Global (46) ; Oratan Payback Day 20 of 30
    743.406 KP SnarksnotCry.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L+NPKA1L035,28044,62126,74%Global (16) ; Iron Snarksnot I Finished
    744.202 KP Berycled & 29 FoulLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L077,10054,43070,60%---
    745.1199 Calypso PunyHerm.CTL084,33077,48091,88%Sollomate Azuro (L)
    Come on Caly, show some love to your prodigal son!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 87,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 10,5%
    Total decay: 136795,69 PED
    Total loot: 125091,09 PED
    Result: 91,44%
    Ardorj :jimlad::cow::chicken::battleroar::cowboy::greyalien::smilie:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
  2. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Whoops, I'm more active now then what's good for me.
    Calypso is ... there are some good and fun mobs to hunt. The atmosphere can be great in some places. I've started running those new player missions and they are very well developted. Wish Arkadia had something like that too, on Caly there's a whole area perfect for new players with many missions for them.

    So, what is it all that I've done?
    First, I went to look for that Marcimex cave to hunt them for the daily mission. I got a point on my map a few kilometers away from Boreas and I thought I could walk them. Nope, some drones in the way. And strong ones at that too (for me anyway) so I got killed more then enough times. Eventually I got revived halfway to the cave.
    Quickly after that (avoiding the Osseocollum) I found the cave ... filled with Neomex. Yep, I got the wrong cave.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 15-42-6.jpg

    So, what is the cave of the Marcimex then? Ahh, the Cyclops Eye or something like that near the Vulcano of East Scylla. Of course, I hadn't completed those missions either and first I needed to find some pillars around the vulcano. Hunted some Eviscerators there, terrible loot. I like the way they look, but not the way they loot.
    After the pillars I needed to go to some other places. Hopping back and forth and eventually ... the door opened! Marcimex, here I come! But no, ... found Thorifoid, Thorifoid and more Thorifoid. Even killed a mini boss, but then I got lost and left the cave abandoning that daily. The cave itself is cool, might want to return there one day in a team.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 20-5-52.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 20-9-37.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 21-29-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 21-33-43.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 21-39-28.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 21-54-27.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 22-12-36.jpg

    After the failed search for the Marcimex I did some punies and hunted Berycled. Found a good LA with high maturities at ~Royal Club~. I also hunted some more of the dailies, like Caudatergus, Fungoid and Gibnib. Horrible flightless run-away birds. Needed 50 kills, took me close to an hour to complete.
    There is one good thing to note about the Gibnib though. I first went looking for them near Half Moon, I found on Entropedia that they should be around there. I got distracted by the Sabakuma mission so did half of that. There was also a new player sweating them and we got into a talk. I took him to Boreas and now he's my disciple. The first in many, many years. I hope he will do better then the last I had, because I haven't had a graduate yet.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-31 11-39-19.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-31 21-4-48.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-31 22-2-56.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-01 7-44-19.jpg Snablesnot Female 004.jpg

    I took some more of the beginner's mission around Half Moon and also did some more dailies. Daikiba, one of the few good hunts here on Caly. Atrax that can attack me en masse. Trilomites, fun to do, too bad the spawn is so low and there's not a proper mission for them. And another visit to Royal Club.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-01 21-27-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-01 22-12-58.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-01 23-12-11.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-02 13-56-31.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-02 14-44-26.jpg 3400 Cryogenics.jpg

    Last two hunts where on Drones and Kerberos. Drones where a small profit thanks to a rather good global. And Kerberos took it all away tenfold. What's also fun to note that when I started I've seen some pictures of players surrounded by Drones. And now I've had that happening to me. I got killed one time, revived and destroyed all those rusty tin cans.
    Drone 005.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-02 21-24-19.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-02 21-46-59.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-02 21-47-11.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-02 22-42-31.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-02 22-44-32.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-03 0-1-58.jpg Kerberos 003.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.5k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (14 of 44).
    43. Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (38 of 42).
    44. Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).

    AML.30LArMatrix LB-30 (L)
    AMS.20LArMatrix SB-20 (L)
    AMS.35LArMatrix SB-35 (L)
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    EP-1NLEWE EP-1 Neutron (L)
    Herm.A0LHerman ARK-0 (L)
    Kat.D.RetLKatsuichi Destiny Retro (L)
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.7LLacerating Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Man.C1LMANTA Chill 1 (L)
    Pir.BP0LPiron PBP-0 (L)
    Sol.RubLSollomate Rubio (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #746 - #766:
    746.686 KP DroneAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.20L+MTA1120,53086,96072,15%Max. 174 HP ; Level 12 Robot Looter
    747.804 KP NeomexAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.20L+MTA1204,27148,78072,83%“The Missing Scientist 6” Finished ; Iron Neomex I Finished
    748.57 EvisceratorAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.20L+MTA1278,71241,98086,82%Boom CCC (L) ; 460 Combat Sense ; “Vault Hunter I – III” Finished
    749.802 KP* ThorifoidAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.20L+MTA1398,98283,08070,95%“Vault Hunter IV” Finished ; 800 Treatment
    750.638 KP* SnablesnotLac.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L032,95032,14097,54%Global (5)
    751.253 Calypso PunySol.RubL019,13017,45091,22%Level 31 Laser Sniper (Hit)
    752.434 Calypso PunyPir.BP0L028,75027,25094,78%---
    753.118 KP Berycled & 53 FoulKat.D.RetL+MTA6 & AMS.35L+MTA4106,52080,34075,42%---
    754.1396 KP BerycledKat.D.RetL+MTA6 & MAN.C1L+MTA4226,06152,88067,63%---
    755.50 FungoidAML.30L+MTA6 & Man.C1L+MTA4131,89119,95090,95%---
    756.1800 KP CaudatergusLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L100,37089,30088,97%Iron Caudatergus I & II Finished
    757.1800 KP CaudatergusLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L102,08086,67084,90%Level 34 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Iron Caudatergus III Finished
    758.50 GibnibCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Herm.A0L005,73006,64115,88%“Sand Demons” Finished
    759.141 KP DaikibaCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L028,73042,13146,64%Daikiba Skull ; Pixie Face Guard (M) ; Regeneration Chip I (L) ; Level 27 Cryogenic (Hit) ; “Karona's Hunting Task” Finished
    760.279 Calypso PunyHerm.A0L & EP-1NL019,45016,85086,63%---
    761.120 Atrox & 416 KP CornundacaudaLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L184,90141,65076,61%3400 Cryogenics ; “Kill it with Fire” & “Mutant Incursion” Finished
    762.40 TrilomiteLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L045,16053,87119,29%Level 29 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    763.1462 KP BerycledKat.D.RetL+MTA6 & MAN.C1L+MTA4254,53187,99073,86%Isis LBC 6 (L) ; Iron Berycled II Finished
    764.340 Calypso PunyHerm.A0L & EP-1NL046,66045,25096,98%Omegaton B101 (L) ; Sollomate Rubio (L) ; “Nearby Threat” & “Lure Them Away” Finished
    765.2052 KP DroneAML.30L+MTA6 & Man.C1L+MTA4418,35420,44100,50%Global (67) ; 360 Reclaiming ; Iron Drone II Finished
    766.2696 KP KerberosAML.30L+MTA6 & Man.C1L+MTA4210,02145,16069,12%Global (10) ; Iron Kerberos II Finished
    I've also updated the Caly-mob list on post #51 of last year.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 87,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 10,6%
    Total decay: 139759,46 PED
    Total loot: 127517,85 PED
    Result: 91,24%
    Ardorj :bag::drowning::blackalien::battleroar::coldfeet::sorry::snaphappy:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
  3. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    A new update is here already.
    At first I've been killing a bunch of Puny and Fugabarba for the Daily. The last one went quite well at Winter Park where Snablesnots, Snarksnots and Hiryuu also roam.
    The Daily #2 was on Tandardion. It took me some time to figure out what a good setup could be. I found them at high maturity together with small Primordial Longu. The Tantardions do 100% Electric. P. Longu do Stab, Cut, Impact and Penetration. In the end Thunderbird (L) with 5B plates worked best for me. The return of that hunt was dismal, but still I think there could be some potential in hunting Tandardions.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-04 21-7-5.jpg

    After those I hunted some weak prototype robots at Fort Sisyphus.
    And then something else. While still on Arkadia I had the thought to start a bit of mining once more. I've done three runs on Arkadia and now two on Calypso. Those on Caly were for yet another of the newbie missions as well. I can't say that I dislike mining, but right now it's not my favorite activity either. Only spend about 250 PEDs, mining mostly for EnMatters. Maybe I like it more when I got my first mining global in over 4 years? (I only got like 17 globals since I started end of 2014!)

    PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-22 11-26-54.jpg
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-07 22-30-28.jpg

    On one of my newbie mission runs I had done so many of them, that I'll just post the notes of hunt #773 here.
    “Argonautical Assassination”, “Stroll on the Beach”, “Hard Evidence”, “Exaro-OW”, “Sweaty Swamp”, “Allophylic Enmatters” & Iron Snarksnot II Finished ; 3800 Pyrokinesis

    I returned to the Neomex cave. It's fun to hunt there, even though they are not particularly nice to me.
    Who were nice to me are the Snargs the 2nd time I hunted them. Lastly I went to the Daikiba Pen for a short hunt and helped to take down the Raging Bull.
    One time I helped a socmate with his Caperon hunt by healing him. We/he scored one global. He died one time and then I tested the Caperon myself. It worked, so maybe, maybe I'll done them solo too. I hadn't listed that in any of my hunts, because I was only the healer 95% of the time.
    And last, I've again updated the Caly-mob list on post #53 of last year.

    Some of the pictures that I took this time.
    Cornundacauda 006.jpg Snablesnot-Female 005.jpg Snarg 007.jpg Snarg 008.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-04 20-37-2.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-05 8-42-36.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-05 9-29-0.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-05 11-29-38.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-05 21-30-40.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-05 22-18-40.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-06 11-40-27.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-06 15-31-6.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-06 15-36-13.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-06 16-49-56.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-06 16-59-46.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-06 17-8-16.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-07 10-5-36.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-07 19-14-45.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-07 20-36-8.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-07 20-39-49.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-07 21-35-7.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-08 23-12-10.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-08 23-21-33.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-08 23-23-16.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.5k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (19 of 44).
    43. Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (39 of 42).
    44. Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).

    AML.30LArMatrix LB-30 (L)
    Bs.Ax.17LBloodstained Axe 17 (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    EP-1NLEWE EP-1 Neutron (L)
    Herm.A0LHerman ARK-0 (L)
    Isi.LP1LIsis LLP 1 (L)
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.7LLacerating Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Man.C1LMANTA Chill 1 (L)
    Pir.LP0LPiron PLP-0 (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #767 - #783:
    767.50 FugabarbaLac.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L048,51044,59091,71%Global (6) ; 2400 Skinning
    768.184 Calypso PunyHerm.A0L & EP-1NL011,55011,88102,86%---
    769.319 Calypso PunyHerm.A0L & Pir-LP0L021,15020,56097,21%---
    770.572 KP Primordial Longu & 30 TantardionAML.30L+MTA6 & Man.C1L+MTA4410,22275,96067,27%Iron Primordial Longu I Finished
    771.35 Prototype RobotCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L037,77040,54107,33%Isis LLP 1 (L) ; Sollomate Azuro (L) ; “Holding Fort Sisyphus I” Finished
    772.236 Calypso PunyHerm.A0L & Pir-LP0L014,46018,18125,73%EWE EP-2 Proton (L) ; Skildek Lancehead (L) ; 600 Combat Sense
    773.Many different from CalypsoDifferent Mindforce Weapons116,10123,61106,47%See note above
    774.Many different from CalypsoCas.CM3+MTA6 & Man.C1L+MTA1088,24068,96078,15%“Resources For Dolph” & “Mining For Carla” Finished
    775.Many different from CalypsoLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L028,92024,11083,37%“Find The CDF Corinth Outposts” Finished
    776.1276 Calypso PunyLac.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L082,58075,55091,49%2x Sollomate Rubio (L) ; “Clear Out The Digsite” Finished
    777.1363 KP SnargAML.30L+MTA6 & Man.C1L+MTA4284,73243,03085,35%---
    778.1148 Calypso PunyLac.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L081,81071,98087,98%Omegaton B101 (L)
    779.1583 KP NeomexAML.30L+MTA6 & Bs.Ax.17L+MTA4391,40317,54081,13%Iron Neomex II Finished
    780.373 MerpCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L085,27068,47080,30%Level 36 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Iron Merp II Finished
    781.Many different from CalypsoCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L072,73070,09096,37%Global (10) ; “Mining For Alice” Finished
    782.2391 KP SnargAML.30L+MTA6 & Bs.Ax.17L+MTA4501,84509,02101,43%Global (58, 52) ; Corrosive Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    783.278 KP DaikibaLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L087,03079,78091,67%Pixie Face Guard (M) ; 2x Daikiba Skull ; Castorian Sentinel (L)
    Not sure how long I'll stay on Caly and I plan to take a long trip to CP after that for my personal goal #44.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 87,0%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 10,9%
    Total decay: 142123,77 PED
    Total loot: 129581,60 PED
    Result: 91,18%
    Ardorj :borg::sneaky::muted::battleroar::cyclops::writing::wideyed:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    And then VU.16 happened. I can't play with it. It's driving me nuts.
    I've said it all over at PCF. Link 1 and link 2.

    I'm very dissatified with the game right now.
    I deleted one Snarg hunt, because the values didn't add up. Did it together with a mining run. Calculated how much UA was spend on probes and thus how many left to spend for the ArMatrix. Got to a negative number (ie. gaining UA). Too bad.

    I've done a lot of newbie mission, but at the Prototype Robots I've completed 4, gained a new prostanding and looted more then all the others in this post combined. So here's the notes of hunt #797 here.
    2x Isis LLP 1 (L) ; Sollomate Azuro (L) ; EWE EP-2 Proton (L) ; Omegaton B101 (L) ; Skildek Lancehead (L) ; “Holding Fort Sisyphus II, III, IV”, “Spiff Up the Spare Rifle”, “The Medical Supplies” & “To Agir” Finished ; Level 28 Cryogenic (Hit)

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.5k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (19 of 44).
    43. Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (39 of 42).
    44. Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).

    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    AMS.20LArMatrix SB-20 (L)
    Bs.Ax.17LBloodstained Axe 17 (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cas.SenLCastorian Sentinel (L
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    EP-2PLEWE EP-1 Protron (L)
    Isi.LP1LIsis LLP 1 (L)
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.7LLacerating Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Sol.RubLSollomate Rubio (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)

    Hunts #784 - #799:

    784.123 Calypso PunyCas.SenL & Isi.LP1L008,23008,22099,88%---
    785.929 Calypso PunyLac.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L063,92066,82104,54%3200 Handgun
    786.358 Calypso PunyLac.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L040,83031,39076,88%“The Missing Parts” Finished
    787.202 KP BerycledAMS.20L+MTA1 & AMS.10L029,71026,28088,46%---
    788.2767 KP SnargCas.CM3+MTA6 & Bs.Ax.17L+MTA4652,60537,53082,37%2600 Wounding ; Level 37 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; 4500 Bravado ; 1400 Botany ; Max. 175 HP
    789.245 MerpCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L053,20046,99088,33%---
    790.139 ArgonautLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L206,15186,96090,69%Iron Argonaut II Finished
    791.414 KP DaikibaCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L090,59078,42086,57%Level 35 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    792.207 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & Isi.LP1L016,24015,99098,46%---
    793.197 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & EP-2PL017,05014,36084,22%EWE EP-2 Proton (L) ; “The Enigma Keys” Finished
    794.218 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & EP-2PL014,84013,70092,32%Sollomate Rubio (L) ; Level 35 Electro Kinetic (Dmg)
    795.1089 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & EP-2PL079,39087,16109,79%Global (6) ; Level 28 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; “No One Likes Frogs” Finished
    796.39 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & Sol.RubL002,77005,85211,19%“Missing In Action”, “Blow Them All to Hell”, “The Trophy Hunt”, “Once More Into the Wild” & “Big Game Hunting” Finished
    797.185 Prototype RobotCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L083,90071,36085,05%See note above
    798.52 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & Sol.RubL008,82040,75462,02%“Fertile Waters”, “A Sensitive Find”, “Guardian of the Paranoid” & “Southward Journey” Finished
    799.100 ArmaxAMS.20L+MTA1 & Kil.ML159,64126,25079,08%[System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 3.7

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 86,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 11,2%
    Total decay: 143651,65 PED
    Total loot: 130939,63 PED
    Result: 91,15%
    Ardorj :rage::thumbsdown::mask::battleroar::frown::dead::sleep:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
  5. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've started playing again earlier then the break I announced. Addicted? nah ... can't be.
    This new VU is ok, I guess. There are still quite some things that I can't wrap my head around, but it's working in a way. Thank goodness the motion sickness is gone.

    I've done quite a lot of stuff. But the most important and memorable things are these things:
    1. I finished Iron Puny V! And I most say, I'm impressed with the reward. Three types of skills and all at good chipsize.

    Daikiba 004.jpg
    2. A Daikiba global with a full Bicak Kwel (L) at 101PED!

    3. Two hunts later I went to Ourobouros Island to hunt the merps. Annoying critters, but I got them in a Daily or for some newbie mission, can't remember. I've hunted them before on that island, but now I got shocked. Merp Stalkers all around!
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-08 9-8-31.jpg

    Those aren't that bad with some armour on. But then I found the biggest bad asser around: Mod Merp.
    That one hurts. A lot. I died a couple of times, but in the end got it down, yeah way to go me!
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-08 9-28-21.jpg

    4. But that's not all. Because near the end of that hunt I got this message:
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-08 10-8-47.jpg
    The next days I gather all the needed ingrediants, and then ...
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-10 16-54-34.jpg
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-10 16-54-37.jpg
    I never, ever, expected it to go this fast forward at any moment. I ended the last update with tier 3.7, and now it's at 4.0!

    Here are some other global pics:
    Foul 008.jpg Molisk 004.jpg Atrax 009.jpg

    Here are some other pics I took this time:
    3600 Cryogenics.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-07 20-40-54.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-07 20-6-12.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-06 11-9-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-06 9-8-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-05 21-47-46.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-05 21-34-24.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-05 21-12-53.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-08 9-3-23.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-08 9-21-36.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-08 9-23-59.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-11 21-51-33.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-12 14-12-46.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-12 20-18-7.jpg

    I've hunted Atrax too. I tried the big ones first, but those are still above my level (I also didn't bring my biggest weapon, but still). Especially Atrax Stalkers are a no go.
    And last thing, I've hunted Argonauts at the small spot near Twin Peaks for one of Karona's newbie missions. I hate Argonauts, can't stand them. All I wanted was to complete that task as soon as possible. There was one other hunter at that spot. And, it being such a poor one, any good hunter can hunt there alone. I've probably acted like a jerk for that other hunter. If you read this, sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to spoil your hunt or anything like that.

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.5k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (28 of 44).
    43. Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (39 of 42).
    44. Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).

    AML.20LArMatrix LB-20 (L)
    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    AMS.20LArMatrix SB-20 (L)
    BRRAxeLBrutal Rock n Roll Axe (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Gen.Cor.LGenesis Corroder (L)
    Kil.MLKilic Mak (L)
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.7LLacerating Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Mak.F2LMAKO FAL-2 (L)
    RRAxeLRock n Roll Axe (L)
    Sol.RubLSollomate Rubio (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)

    Hunts #800 - #816:

    800.412 KP Berycled & 84 FoulAMS.20L+MTA1 & Kil.ML208,84172,74082,58%Global (11) ; 800 Combat Sense
    801.311 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & Sol.RubL020,50022,49109,71%---
    802.781 KP TrooperGen.Cor.L+MTA6 & AMS.20L+MTA1303,96333,42109,69%Regeneration Chip V (L) ; 460 Reclaiming ; “Gather part from Trooper robot” Finished
    803.329 Calypso PunyKin.NC.2L & Sol.RubL022,56024,80109,93%Iron Puny Creatures V Finished
    804.50 FugabarbaLac.NC.3L & Kin.NC.2L041,42045,68110,28%---
    805.280 MerpCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L058,66050,92086,81%---
    806.100 RipperSnapperAMS.20L+MTA1 & AMS.10L032,63031,10095,31%---
    807.153 MoliskAMS.20L+MTA1 & AMS.10L139,28132,71095,28%Global (25) ; Level 13 Biotropic ; Iron Molisk II Finished
    808.1695 KP SnarksnotAMS.10L080,89063,85078,93%Iron Snarksnot III Finished
    809.991 KP DaikibaAMS.10L219,41328,45149,70%Global (125) ; Bicak Kwel (L) ; Pixie Face Guard (M) ; Daikiba Skull
    810.3059 CombiboLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Mak.F2L+MTA1247,96303,60082,11%3600 Cryogenics
    811.284 MerpLac.NC.7L+NPKA1L & Mak.F2L+MTA1338,43285,06084,23%Isis LLP 6 (L) ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 3.9 ; Isis LLC 1 (L)
    812.162 KP DaikibaRRAxeL & Kin.NC.2L038,46041,34107,49%---
    813.64 ArgonautAML.20L+MTA4 & BRRAxeL086,16060,09069,74%---
    814.172 MerpAML.20L+MTA4 & BRRAxeL215,11172,69080,28%Isis LBC 2 (L) ; Isis LLC 1 (L) ; Iron Merp III Finished
    815.1244 KP* SnablesnotCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L064,23067,59105,23%---
    816.62 AtraxGen.Cor.L+MTA6 & AML.20L+MTA4312,58340,49108,93%Global (99) ; Level 28 Evader

    I'm running on my last couple of free PEDs now. Only got like 50 left, wich can still last for some days considering that most hunts are with (L) gear and Shrapnel ammo.
    And then, time to fly back home to Arkadia! ehh ... I mean - to Crystal Palace!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 86,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 11,6%
    Total decay: 146082,63 PED
    Total loot: 133361,38 PED
    Result: 91,26%
    Ardorj :nurse::turtle::tongue::battleroar::bag::spiderman::finger:
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2019
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've had it in my mind to go (back) to Crystal Palace one day and spend some time there solo. The first time I got there was way, way back for a sochunt. This following picture is from 2006, when I was in "Slaves to the Machine".
    In Space X.jpg
    Some thing have changed ... and it's not only the graphics lol.
    I think I've been to CP one or two times more. Anyway, the point is that I've always wanted to go back. Yet I feel myself pushing the goal post ever further away. First I would go after unlocking Coolness. But when I did, I still didn't feel strong enough. Then after unlocking Wounding ... no Combat Sense ... I would go to Calypso for a short trip, just a stepping stone for CP. And now I've been here already for 6 weeks and ~90 hunts! The next goal post became when I would be out of PEDs (not really, I've money for CP stored and lots of stackables too). But because my PED-card was dwindling down, so was the size of the mobs I've hunted. Then I said to myself: "When I've finished the current Iron missions of Caudatergus, Daikiba, Combibo and Snarksnot." But I can hunt Snarksnot without the need of any fap at all. So I can shift the goal post till I have finished the entire Snarksnot chain ... but I will not! All that's left is Daikiba IV.

    Besides all the small mobs I've also gone to the Sand King one evening. It was good fun, but a better weapon (ranged!) would have been even better. Then small Rextelums I can sort of solo, but when it gets to mid level, then I'm fucked.
    Sand King 12.jpg

    Sand King 01.jpg Sand King 02.jpg Sand King 03.jpg Sand King 04.jpg Sand King 05.jpg Sand King 06.jpg Sand King 07.jpg Sand King 08.jpg Sand King 09.jpg Sand King 10.jpg Sand King 11.jpg Sand King 13.jpg Sand King 14.jpg Sand King 15.jpg Sand King 16.jpg Sand King 17.jpg Sand King 18.jpg Sand King 19.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.5k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (32 of 44).
    43. Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (39 of 42).
    44. Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).

    AML.20LArMatrix LB-20 (L)
    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    Bic.KLBicak Kwel (L)
    BRCAxeLBrutal Road Crew Axe (L)
    BRRAxeLBrutal Rock n Roll Axe (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    +MTA2LMelee Trauma Amplifier II (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #817 - #832:
    817.58 AtraxAML.20L+MTA4 & BRRAxeL081,23073,51090,50%---
    818.24 Argonaut & 198 KP DaikibaCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L071,69062,00086,48%Daikiba Skull
    819.714 KP* SnablesnotCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L036,86044,48120,67%Global (8) ; “The Enigma Keys” Finished
    820.491 KP* RextelumAML.20L+MTA4 & Cry.NC.3L+NPKA1L657,56732,82110,08%Global (83, 130) ; 1400 Medicine
    821.398 KP DaikibaKin.NC.2L & Lac.NC.3L085,63087,46102,14%Global (10) ; Daikiba Skull
    822.328 KP Daikiba & 297 ShinkibaCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L135,53141,00104,04%Pixie Face Guard (F) ; Daikiba Skull ; Global (12) ; Pixie Thigh Guards (M) ; MarCorp Kallous-1 (L)
    822.50 GradivoreCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L109,93110,53100,55%---
    823.80 PlumatergusCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L024,32022,62093,01%---
    824.1730 KP Caudatergus & 797 KP DroneBic.KL+MTA2L & Cry.NC.3L+NPKA1L277,47229,17082,59%Level 36 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Level 29 Cryogenic (Hit)
    825.505 KP DaikibaCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L106,81094,69088,65%Pixie Face Guard (F) ; Pixie Arm Guards (M)
    826.2777 CombiboBic.KL+MTA2L & AMS.10L188,02132,60070,52%Level 42 Knifefighter (Hit) ; Iron Combibo III Finished
    827.209 KP DaikibaBRRAxeL & Lac.NC.3L045,78043,87095,83%---
    828.245 KP DaikibaBRCAxeL & Cry.NC.1L054,93061,95112,78%2x Daikiba Skull
    829.1967 KP CaudatergusBic.KL+MTA2L & Cry.NC.3L+NPKA1L146,91146,47099,70%Global (10) ; Iron Caudatergus IV Finished
    830.687 KP SnarksnotAMS.10L031,85029,53092,72%Iron Snarksnot IV Finished
    831.501 KP DaikibaCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L110,55102,70092,90%3800 Cryogenics ; 3000 Ranged Damage Assessment
    832.3600 SnarksnotCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L165,20133,49080,81%3000 Power Catalyst ; Iron Snarksnot V Finished ; Max. 176 HP

    I need one more Daikiba hunt to finish that mission, I think. I have no idea what the reward will be, but it won't hurt I guess. The reward of Snarksnot V was Rifle, but that skill gives HP and got me till 176 HP. So all's good.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 85,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 12,0%
    Total decay: 148.413,00 PED
    Total loot: 135.556,27 PED
    Result: 91,34%
    Ardorj :blackalien::singing::coldfeet::battleroar::pompus::alien::nurse:
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2019
  7. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    This friday I flew to Crystal Palace. I had the idea to go to Dome 1 first, but a socmate adviced me to try out Dome 2 first. Good advice, even though I can stand my ground in both domes, #2 is the easiest.

    I got my first global with only the fourth kill.
    Kreltin 003.jpg
    Small one, yet with another smaller like it the first hunt was a profit!
    The second hunt, in Dome 1 with the Aurli was also a success. And since then it went downhill. Even though, I do like my time here on CP. I got some good globals (but nothing even close to a 1st Über). I think I prefer Dome 2, but that's just because the Kreltins are not as agressive and strong as the Aurli. With Aurli things like this can happen when I don't pay attention:
    CP 2019.011.jpg

    Here are other globals from Aurli and Kreltin:
    Aurli 009.jpg Aurli 010.jpg Aurli 011.jpg Aurli 012.jpg Aurli 013.jpg Kreltin 003.jpg Kreltin 004.jpg Kreltin 005.jpg Kreltin 006.jpg Kreltin 007.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.5k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (32 of 44).
    43. Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (41 of 42).
    44. Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (5033 of 10.000).

    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #833 - #840:
    833.281 KP DaikibaAMS.10L & Lac.NC.3L0062,880066,03105,01%Pixie Face Guard (M) ; Regeneration Chip I (L) ; Iron Shinkiba/Daikiba IV Finished
    834.80 MerpAMS.10L & Lac.NC.3L0109,000094,06086,29%Isis LLC 1 (L)
    835.100 KreltinCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40584,060629,33107,75%Global (58, 76) ; 1000 Combat Sense ; Level 41 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; 2600 Skinning ; Iron Kreltin I Finished
    836.97 AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40744,710763,74102,56%Global (109, 101, 53) ; Combustive Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    837.142 KreltinCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40819,080555,25067,79%4000 Clubs
    838.129 AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40925,820804,87086,88%Global (115, 87) ; Kinetic Attack Nanochip X (L) ; Level 38 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    839.200 KreltinCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.5+NPKA2L1197,581057,83088,33%Global (60, 56, 117) ; 3800 Evade
    840.100 AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40762,320530,44069,58%4000 Dexterity
    And now I'm waiting for my desposit to arrive for the second part of the 10k on CP. :wtf:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 85,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 12,4%
    Total decay: 153.618,45 PED
    Total loot: 140.057,30 PED
    Result: 91,17%
    Ardorj :alien::spiderman::dead::battleroar::cool::woot::borg:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
  8. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    And back on Arkadia again!
    I've managed to get the Iron II missions of both the Aurli and Kreltin finished before take off. I had a good time there, but I would like to have a (better) ranged weapon the next time.
    Skillwise my time on Calypso and CP was also well spend. I noticed that the Oroos and Oratan Prospectors are just easier done now.
    Yet the best thing to note: my disciple has graduated! Yeah, he's my first to do so! :D He made some amazing progress, already been to places that I haven't. All that stood in his way to graduation was the team hunt. We went for Oratans, wich weren't that good for me lootwise yet were for him.

    Some last goodbye pics from CP:
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-30 19-44-34.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-03-30 22-4-8.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-04-04 22-7-53.jpg Aurli 014.jpg Aurli 015.jpg Aurli 016.jpg Aurli 017.jpg Kreltin 008.jpg Kreltin 009.jpg Kreltin 010.jpg Kreltin 011.jpg

    And a few back on Ark:
    2600 Concentration.jpg 3000 Wounding.jpg Oratan Prospector 007.jpg Oro 009.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-04-14 20-36-37.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (4.0k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (33 of 50). - I found some more, damnit I got too many of those things!
    43. Completed! Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (42 of 42).
    44. Completed! Visit Crystal Palace and spend 10.000 PED (10.962 of 10.000).
    45. New! Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (22 of 29). I've bought this toy some time ago already and now I can almost feel it when I've got it maxed. This is the best (unlimited) mindforce chip I got and it's part of my plan to get stronger in that field too.
    46. New! Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000). I've been to the Ark. Moon at the time it was opened, but now they've added a lot of new and cool content. So, I like to go back there and do some significant hunting and exploring. But right now I think that I want to become a proper Smuggler first - and I'm slacking at that already ...

    AML.25LArMatrix LB-25 (L)
    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    EP.2PLEWE EP-2 Proton (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #841 - #857:
    841.148 KreltinCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40892,380628,96070,48%Iron Kreltin II Finished
    842.79 AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40593,670427,64072,03%4200 Clubs
    843.121 KreltinCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA40694,630698,59100,57%Global (108, 90) ; Level 39 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; Level 42 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; Level 29 Paramedic ; 3400 Athletics ; Max. 177 HP
    844.165 AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.5+NPKA2L1174,711032,54087,90%Global (124, 91) ; 3000 Wounding ; Iron Aurli II Finished
    845.147 KreltinCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.5+NPKA2L0908,330674,70074,28%[System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.1 ; 2800 Skinning
    846.125 AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.5+NPKA2L0868,490789,78090,94%Global (50, 100) ; Hermes Shin Guards (F,L) ; 460 Bioregenesis
    847.142 KreltinCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.5+NPKA2L0796,440758,92095,29%Global (88, 65) ; Level 37 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    848.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0067,110055,02081,98%Oratan Payback Day 21 of 30
    849.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0062,370063,14101,23%Global (12) ; 460 Scan Mutant ; Level 30 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Oratan Payback Day 22 of 30
    850.200 OroCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0055,180060,14108,99%Global (19)
    851.1908 KP OratanCry.NC.5L+NPKA2L & Cry.NC.3L+NPKA1L0243,880199,15081,66%Global (44) ; Teamhunt with NRM ; 2600 Concentration
    852.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0064,800066,81103,10%Oratan Payback Day 23 of 30
    853.275 OroCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0073,160061,78084,45%---
    854.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female ; B) 176 Rakta & 56 Ubo & 120 YarrijakA) AML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L & B) Lac.NC.3L & EP-2PL0048,110036,61076,10%---
    855.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0059,220053,27089,95%Oratan Payback Day 24 of 30
    856.1830 KP Hadraada & 659 KP OstelokAMS.10L0156,520116,74074,52%1400 Combat Sense ; Level 26 Animal Looter
    857.225 Arkadian HornetEP-2PL0009,440009,68102,54%---
    And now I'll be off, buy flowers and enjoy the spring :chicken:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 85,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 12,5%
    Total decay: 160.386,89 PED
    Total loot: 145.790,67 PED
    Result: 90,90%
    Ardorj :lurking::confused::ninja::battleroar::vamp::rage::cat:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Slow yet steady I'm going forwards.
    I haven't been much active last month. Real life is demanding huge chuncks of my time.
    But still I've managed to get things done. Like this double achievement: mission completed plus global!
    Otorugi 023.jpg

    I think I got like 80 Club pnts for that mission.

    I've looted a very small unlimited MF-chip (no picture taken). I've bought a Cryo I before, and this one I looted is a Corrosive I. I'm not sure yet wich one I might like better, but I lean towards the corrosive.

    Most hunts were a bit aimless, if you want to call it like that. I have my set of personal goals, but besides hunting with (L) Mêlée, I haven't been following any or all much lately. It's fine though, I've enjoyed most hunts. Even though the returns are some what lacking. Got some nice globals too along the way, see here.

    Nusul 025.jpg Oratan Prospector 008.jpg Oro 010.jpg Oro 011.jpg Ostelok 004.jpg Otorugi 021.jpg Otorugi 022.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-04-30 21-2-27.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-05-11 21-28-57.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (27.7k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (4.6k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (36 of 50). - I found some more, damnit I got too many of those things!
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (23 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).

    AML.25LArMatrix LB-25 (L)
    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Kil.KLKilic Kex (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Sol.RubLSollomate Rubio (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #858 - #869:
    858.125 OtorugiAML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L518,80662,56127,71%Global (70, 74, 54) ; Piron PBR-22 (L) ; Otorugi Stage 3 Finished
    859.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 4 Magurg Female ; B) 352 Rakta & 112 Ubo & 240 YarrijakA) AML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L & B) Lac.NC.3L & Sol.RubL104,53085,99082,26%Corrosive Attack Nanochip 1
    860.100 Oratan ProspectorAMS.10L055,82072,26129,45%Global (13) ; Bullseye II (L) ; Oratan Payback Day 25 of 30
    861.100 Oratan ProspectorAMS.10L066,59057,94086,62%Oratan Payback Day 26 of 30
    862.99 NusulAML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L124,85144,60115,82%Global (34) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    863.325 OroAML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L294,01262,72089,36%Global (25)
    864.300 TiarakKil.KL+MTA1 & Lac.NC.3L245,18144,03058,74%---
    865.A) 3 Dehera Sentinel & 3 Magurg Female ; B) 264 Rakta & 84 Ubo & 180 YarrijakA) AML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L & B) Lac.NC.3L & Sol.RubL074,30054,65073,55%---
    866.4361 KP WombanaAML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L754,02632,90083,94%2x Piron PBP-27 (L)
    867.150 ZadulAML.25L+MTA6 & AMS.10L272,32224,59082,47%---
    868.250 OroCry.NC.3L & Lac.NC.3L066,35080,45121,25%Global (23)
    869.100 Oratan ProspectorAMS.10L & Cry.NC.1L080,06065,38081,66%Oratan Payback Day 27 of 30
    Some people have asked me about the MatW. Will I do one in 2019? On Arkadia? When!?
    Yes, I do like to organize another edition of the Mêlée all the Way! I don't have a date set yet, but I can say that I'm thinking about augustus or september. And if will defiatly be held on Arkadia.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 85,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 12,4%
    Total decay: 163.044,02 PED
    Total loot: 148.278,74 PED
    Result: 90,94%
    Ardorj :artist::jawdrop::greyalien::battleroar::punch::wtf::vomit:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
  10. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The road goes ever on and on.
    I've done quite a few Oratan Prospector runs. I'm just one more away from a promotion.
    But then, I also want to get being more noticed by the Smugglers. Conflict of interest? Nah ...

    I haven't done a whole lot of hunts. And likewise, I haven't gotten a whole lot to show. But these three little globals are still nice to have.
    Aakas 004.jpg Ubo 005.jpg Yarrijak 002.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (5.0k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (39 of 50). - I found some more, damnit I got too many of those things!
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (24 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).

    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Isi.LP1LIsis LLP 1 (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    Hunts #870 - #878:
    870.2508 KP OstelokCry.NC.3L & Lac.NC.3L054,41051,14093,99%Global (12)
    871.5262 KP IFN Defense BotAMS.10L+MTA1 & Cry.NC.3L338,42279,17082,49%Piron PLP-12 (L) ; 360 Scan Robot
    872.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L & Lac.NC.3L090,89071,78078,97%Oratan Payback Day 28 of 30
    873.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L & Lac.NC.3L055,49072,48130,62%Headshot I (L) ; Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L) ; Level 11 Translocator ; Oratan Payback Day 29 of 30
    874.350 Arkadian HornetCry.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L014,07013,87098,58%---
    875.400 OroCry.NC.3L & Lac.NC.3L103,91099,49095,75%---
    876.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female ; B) 88 Rakta & 28 Ubo & 60 YarrijakA) AMS.10L+MTA1 & B) Cry.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L024,78013,87055,97%---
    877.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female & 66 Dehera Defender ; B) 146 Rakta & 366 Ubo & 174 YarrijakA) AMS.10L+MTA1 & B) Cry.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L233,48210,79090,28%Corrosive Attack Nanochip 1 (L) ; Ubo Mandible ; Ubo Flesh ; Global (12) ; Yarrijak Thorax
    878.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female & 64 Dehera Defender ; B) 146 Rakta & 366 Ubo & 173 YarrijakA) AMS.10L+MTA1 & B) Cry.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L217,04204,87094,39%Lacerating Attack Nanochip 3 (L) ; Global (10, 22) ; Level 38 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Level 31 Cryogenic (Hit)
    I'll try to pick a date later this week for the Mêlée all the Way! 2019 and ofcourse make a thread about it here on forum. Stay tuned!
    [Edit] MatW 2019 is coming, 23th to 25th of August! See this post for more information.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 85,4%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 12,7%
    Total decay: 164.176,51 PED
    Total loot: 149.296,20 PED
    Result: 90,94%
    Ardorj :couchpotato::sorry::borg::battleroar::dummy1::coldfeet::spiderman:
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2019
  11. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Good things are happening, like a promotion in the IFN.
    IFN Sergeant.jpg

    I've set a date for the Mêlée all the Way! 2019. Right here on Ark, august 23th to 25th. MatW! is a (sort of) annual melee teamhunting event. Just join the team, bring your own sword or club or whatever and you are good to go! Please note that some times there can be additional rules. Like on saturday evening it's Katsuichi Krazy, meaning that you're encouraged to bring your pre-SIB time weapons like ... umh ... a Katsuichi Determination.
    See this link for more information about the MatW!

    What I've done in hunting is rather odd. Quite a lot of punies. Hunting with pistols. Some Sal'diresh Vaults.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-06-19 11-14-19.jpg Sal'diresh's Vault 002.jpg Sal'diresh's Vault 003.jpg
    And all returns of hunts that costed more then 15 PEDs are in the red. Meaning a return of less then 90% :eek:

    3200 Wounding.jpg 4800 Combat Reflexes.jpg

    I forgot to check my progress on my personal goals before the last time I logged off. Anyhow, here it is.

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (6.0k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (41 of 50). - I found some more, damnit I got too many of those things!
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (24 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).

    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Isi.LP1LIsis LLP 1 (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    SB.BP2LScott & Barlow BP-2 (L)
    Be.1LBullseye I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    Hunts #879 - #891:
    879.60 YarrijakAMS.10L+MTA1 & Cry.NC.3L027,87023,18083,17%Longreach I (L)
    880.144 UboCry.NC.7 & AMS.10L+MTA1501,43386,83077,15%Global (53, 63) ; Scott & Barlow LP-6 (L) ; Piron PLR-17 (L) ; [System]: Your Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 7 has reached tier 3.6
    881.100 Oratan ProspectorAMS.10L+MTA1 & Cry.NC.3L070,42053,82076,43%600 Scourging ; Oratan Payback Day 30 of 30 ; Promotion to IFN Sergeant
    882.150 Arkadian HornetCry.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L006,37004,75074,57%---
    883.220 NusulAMS.10L+MTA1 & Cry.NC.3L324,45267,90082,57%2x Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L) ; Blank Arkadian DNA Cartridge 1 ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    884.325 Arkadian HornetCry.NC.1L & Isi.LP1L013,41009,72072,48%---
    885.300 OroCry.NC.3L & Lac.NC.3L080,72063,47078,63%Max. 178 HP
    886.350 Arkadian HornetIsi.LP1L012,74016,62130,46%---
    887.500 OroAMS.10L+MTA1 & SB.BP2L+Be1L139,88121,48086,85%4800 Combat Reflexes ; Level 31 BLP Pistoleer (Hit)
    888.200 OroAMS.10L+MTA1 & SB.BP2L+Be1L049,41042,61086,24%Level 29 Evader
    889.300 Arkadian HornetSB.BP2L+Be1L013,54012,09089,29%---
    890.4512 KP Hadraada & 1481 KP OstelokAMS.10L+MTA1 & SB.BP2L+Be1L377,79333,46088,27%Global (11, 12, 12) ; Bullseye I (L) ; 3200 Wounding ; Level 43 Knifefighter (Hit)
    891.455 GallardSB.BP2L+Be1L029,10027,04092,92%---
    Here's hoping to see many of you at the MatW! soon. Let's get that Über right here!

    There is one more thing that I have to say. Maybe you haven't heard about it yet, but MA is doing a massive mission overhaul. Good stuff in there. However, and this is a big one, all your current missions will be reset. They start with Caly in three months. And after that works "bugfree" other planets will go.
    Now I, like many of you, have many missions partly/ halfway/ almost done. What I will try to do in the next couple of months is to get as much of those done as I can. Like 6/12k Oro, 7/12k Nusul. I believe Bokol, Beladoth and Huon are almost done. Maybe some of the Punies too, like Hornets and Gallards.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 85,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 12,9%
    Total decay: 165.823,64 PED
    Total loot: 150.659,17 PED
    Result: 90,86%
    Ardorj :poto::oops::punch::battleroar::sleep::whistling::drowning:
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2019
  12. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Time for a little update before the Mêlée all the Way!
    I've hunted Oro and ... well, that's it. Just Oro. I changed my playing style because of the big mission overhaul, therefor I now go for one mission at a time. I'm almost done with Stage 5. Next on the list maybe Gallard, to cramp it in before the MatW (Evade reward is fine, no matter how small) or Nusul.

    The loot on the Oro's are often quite nice. At one time I even got a little plushie :D
    And skillwise it's also very good!
    Level 40 Cryogenic (Dmg).jpg
    It feels like only yesterday that I got Coolness unlocked with swords. Now I'm at level 40 for not even a secondary skill!

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (11.2k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (41 of 50). - I found some more, damnit I got too many of those things!
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (26 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).

    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.4LCryogenic Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Hunts #892 - #904:
    892.300 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L077,29074,71096,66%---
    893.300 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L073,51058,53079,62%---
    894.350 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L089,73092,96103,60%Global (12)
    895.150 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L037,43036,37097,17%---
    896.250 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L063,95072,15112,82%Global (10) ; Level 13 Telepath
    897.450 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L114,62124,05108,23%Level 32 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Level 30 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    898.550 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L138,42155,44112,30%Global (14) ; Level 39 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    899.350 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L088,84079,02088,95%2400 Inflict Ranged Damage
    900.325 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L079,81062,05077,75%4800 Combat Reflexes ; Level 31 BLP Pistoleer (Hit)
    901.250 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L063,97065,31102,09%Global (11) ; 3200 Power Catalyst
    902.450 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L113,83114,97101,00%Scott & Barlow BP-3 (L)
    903.600 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L155,64111,58071,69%Level 33 Cryogenic (Hit)
    904.350 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L087,67083,96095,77%Global (10) ; Oro Plush Toy ; Level 40 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    I don't think I've ever grinded a mob like this before. Or maybe I did with the Halix?
    Anyhow, let's see how long I can endure it.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 13,6%
    Total decay: 167.008,35 PED
    Total loot: 151.790,27 PED
    Result: 90,89%
    Ardorj :shifty::headphone::dead::battleroar::eggonface::blackalien::facepalm:
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes, I did it! Oro stage 5, done. Gallard stage 5, done!
    Stage 6 Oro.jpg Gallard Stage 5.jpg
    I gained approx. 0,1lvl in Evader thanks to the Gallard reward. Small, but welcome. Not sure if it will really make a difference, we'll see.

    I've grinded the Gallards till I saw black & blue. In the end I got a return of 89,3% from all the Gallards I've killed. Not too shabby. Was it worthwhile? I don't know when speaking about loot & mission reward(s). But in the sense of having something done, yes then it was worth it.
    For the Gallards I used quite a many different kind of (ranged) weapons. I found them all in my storage, item loots from all over the place, including Calypso. And some just break easy after a few 100 Gallards, others no sign of wearing out after a 1000. Because a hunt does end when my weapon breaks, the size of the hunts is also going from a few 100 to well over a 1000. In fact, hunt #912 is the biggest in terms of number of mobs killed. The previous #1 was on Calypso Puny with 1276 killed earlier this year. The new #3 is close by with 1250 Gallards killed.

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    39. Completed! Finish Oro Stage 5. (12.0k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (41 of 50).
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (27 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    47. New! Finish Nusul Stage 5. (7.1k of 12.0k). I just did the Gallard Stage 5 in between. In the same way I'm now trying to finish the Hornets before I start the MatW! It can be done, they drop dead quickly enough.

    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.4LCryogenic Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    EP-2PLEWE EP-2 Proton (L)
    Isi.BC2LIsis LBC 2 (L)
    Isi.LC1LIsis LLC 1 (L)
    Isi.LP1LIsis LLP 1 (L)
    Isi.LP6LIsis LLP 6 (L)
    Pir.BP0LPiron PBP-0 (L)
    SB.BP2LScott & Barlow BP-2 (L)
    SB.BP3LScott & Barlow BP-3 (L)
    Sol.AzuLSollomate Azuro (L)
    Sol.RubLSollomate Rubio (L)
    +Be1LBullseye I (L)
    Hunts #905 - #920:
    905.200 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L051,28039,12076,29%---
    906.550 OroCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L145,63155,13106,52%Global (13) ; 4500 Cryogenics ; Oro Stage 5 Finished
    907.275 GallardSB.BP2L+Be1L017,72012,27069,24%---
    908.425 GallardIsi.LP6L+Be1L & Sol.RubL025,09023,70094,46%---
    909.750 GallardIsi.LP6L+Be1L & Sol.AzuL045,19042,71094,51%---
    910.625 GallardIsi.LP6L+Be1L & EP-2PL038,06038,04099,95%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    911.175 GallardIsi.LP6L+Be1L & Isi.LP1L010,36009,37090,44%---
    912.1625 GallardIsi.LP6L+Be1L & Isi.LP1L097,33088,49090,92%---
    913.375 GallardIsi.LP6L+Be1L & Isi.LP1L021,96016,84076,68%---
    914.100 GallardPir.BP0L+Be1L006,04005,46090,46%---
    915.900 GallardSB.BP3L+Be1L059,34051,99087,61%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    916.1250 GallardIsi.BC2L+Be1L084,87071,38084,11%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    917.900 GallardIsi.BC2L+Be1L061,72053,58086,81%---
    918.200 GallardIsi.BC2L+Be1L013,39013,75102,69%---
    919.400 GallardIsi.LC1L+Be1L025,93024,03092,67%Piron PBP-0 (L) ; Gallard Stage 5 Finished
    920.350 Arkadian HornetIsi.LC1L+Be1L016,13014,10087,14%---
    Now ... can't wait for the Mêlée all the Way!
    The next couple of days I will prepare myself for it. Make sure I have it all as organized as I can. And try to complete the Hornet Stage 4. Not that the reward will be much good (Rifle or Handgun, it gives some HP at least), but still, I want to have it done before.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 13,6%
    Total decay: 167.728,39 PED
    Total loot: 152.450,23 PED
    Result: 90,89%
    Ardorj :hungry::cat::borg::battleroar::spiderman::bookworm::beaver:
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I had time for a couple of more (small) hunts before I would start the Mêlée all the Way!
    So, I did another one: Stage 4 Hornets. I must say, that I'm impressed by the high skill reward. Didn't expected that for such a small mob. Well done Ark-team!
    Stage 4 Arkadian Hornet.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (43 of 50).
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (27 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    47. Finish Nusul Stage 5. (7.5k of 12.0k).

    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.4LCryogenic Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Isi.LC1LIsis LLC 1 (L)
    +Be1LBullseye I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    Hunts #921 - #927:
    921.650 Arkadian HornetIsi.LC1L+Be1L029,89029,12097,42%---
    922.400 Arkadian HornetIsi.LC1L+Be1L018,65014,81079,41%---
    923.800 Arkadian HornetIsi.LC1L+Be1L037,09032,37087,27%3200 Marksmanship ; Arkadian Hornet Stage 4 Finished
    924.5231 KP OstelokCry.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L107,98108,88100,83%Global (10, 11)
    925.624 KP HadraadaAMS.10L+MTA1056,63040,46071,45%---
    926.269 NusulAMS.10L+MTA1400,06311,14077,77%Dominax Original Boiga, Adjusted ; Level 45 Knifefighter (Dmg)
    927.185 NusulAMS.10L+MTA1272,41220,17080,82%---
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 13,6%
    Total decay: 168.651,10 PED
    Total loot: 153.207,18 PED
    Result: 90,84%
    Ardorj :borg::bookworm::smilie::battleroar::cowboy::jimlad::roflmao:
  15. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Mêlée all the Way! 2019 - Day 1

    I'm posting the summary of the MatW! here in my hunting blog.
    The first day, friday, was for the "Heavy Mêlée", or >35 dmg/sec.
    We did a total of five hunts. I started with my Aakas Firedagger, did some clubbing in between and ended again with the dagger. The loot was just plain bad on all, even though we did score some nice globals.
    Also, tracker missed all the teamglobals for some reason. I didn't realized that the first evening. Saturday and sunday I took them manually (not always in time).

    19:40 Huon
    The team was quite good. Sub-Zero, Heiko & Haruto Rat, Bal and Eternal joined. We went for the big Huons. Nothing special to note, like on all five of these hunts more or less.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-23 19-45-11.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-23 19-46-4.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-23 19-57-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-23 20-9-11.jpg

    20:35 Yuka
    We got one good global in the beginning, but then the loot went dry and we changed early.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-23 20-58-12.jpg

    21:10 Mutated Kamaldon

    I remember the Mutated Kamaldon from the first or second edition. That hunt was so much fun! I wanted to do them again. This proved to be one of the worst hunts this edition. But at least I got to 1600 Combat Sense!
    At this time Whoeier and SoberPhill has joined as well.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-23 21-20-40.jpg 1600 Combat Sense.jpg

    22:00 Scoria

    I think it was Bal who suggested we'd do Scoria, saying that he always loots good off them.
    We got 4 globals, that's right. That's 50% of all globals scored the first day. But still it kinda sucks.
    Scoria is just not my mob, I guess. At least not in a team.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-23 22-18-39.jpg Scoria 004.jpg

    23:20 Badger_710R
    For the last hunt of the evening many have left. I took a smaller weapon in my hands again, and off we went to a smaller mob in the Underground.
    Badger_710R 003.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (43 of 50).
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (27 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    47. Finish Nusul Stage 5. (7.5k of 12.0k).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #928 - #932:
    928.128 KP* HuonAak.Fir+MTA4166,56134,54080,78%MatW!-19 A #01 ; Global (69, 58)
    929.60 KP* YukaCas.CM3+MTA6133,80114,48085,56%MatW!-19 A #02 ; Global (184)
    930.107 KP* Mutated KamaldonCas.CM3+MTA6164,10097,43059,37%MatW!-19 A #03 ; 1600 Combat Sense
    931.224 KP* ScoriaCas.CM3+MTA6410,45287,06069,94%MatW!-19 A #04 ; Global (77, 67, 98, 105)
    932.207 KP* Badger_710RAak.Fir+MTA4141,65117,94083,26%MatW!-19 A #05 ; Global (86)
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 13,5%
    Total decay: 169.667,66 PED
    Total loot: 153.958,63 PED
    Result: 90,74%
    Ardorj :bag::blackalien::oldman::battleroar::dead::alien::coldfeet:
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Mêlée all the Way! 2019 - Day 2

    Saturday started with "TT-Mêlée". We hunted the Nusuls around Celeste Outpost at first and later switched to Wombanan in the Underground and IFN Bots. The team remained relatively small, when compared to earlier TT-Mêlées. Maybe it's the time of the year? I'm not sure. I get different responses from MatW! all the time. Some editions more people show up, some days and time more people show up.

    Now, I want to say something about the free Manta's as well. I am not happy with the way it went this time (and previous too, bth). I've said that I had two TT-knives for free for every teammember who wanted/ needed one to hunt with. As the hunts went one, some never asked and hunted with their own TT-blades. Yet other participants kept on asking me for me. As it was, because I had given away less then I thought I would, I gave said person another. And in the evening with "Katsuichi Krazy" too. And sunday too.
    So, bottomline is, there are unfortuatly players who take advantage of me giving away free Manta's. They are the players that don't say a word of thanks when they receive one. They are the players who often leave soon after getting the next blade. Because the cat is sick. Because mother called. Because they have to do the dishwasher. And, of course, they keep the knife.
    Therefore, next time I won't give free TT-blades the entire MatW any longer. I won't give the 2nd one for free. Maybe the participants can get the second blade for a reduced price or something, or in exchange of the loot they got. I'm not 100% sure how I'll do it yet.

    14:05 Nusul
    The Nusuls didn't had much in them for us this time. But still, it's kinda cool and fun to see a team with TT-weapons taking on them mobs.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 14-29-23.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 14-52-33.jpg

    15:15 Wombana
    As I said above, after the Nusul we went down to the Underground, to the big Wombana.
    They were almost as bad as the Mutated Kamaldon of yesterday, yuck!
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 15-18-6.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 15-35-26.jpg

    16:20 IFN Defense Bot

    The Wombana were bad, but they went down quickly enough. So I took a look at what other option we got. Let's do some IFN Bots! They are quite a step up from Wombana (L10 vs. L17), but to the big ones we went. And there we got a global! Jippy-yeah! First profitable hunt of the Matw!
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 16-23-30.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 16-41-56.jpg IFN Defense Bot 002.jpg

    In the evening it was the crazy times of the "Katsuichi Krazy!" And oh boy!, how that ended!
    At first I used my Katsuichi, SGA on Kiana. We had a smallish team, with Bal, Sub-Zero, the Great and Felix. And we fought them big cats. We fought with our lives and I had a lot of fun.
    Next we went for the Mutated Riptors. Or we wanted too, the spawn is just to sparse. One went east to a red dot, while the other went west for the other red dot. We left and went to some other mutated beasts. Beladoth & Otorugi. Same team (only Sub-Zero left), unfortuatly the loot wasn't with us.

    After the hunt on Songkra the team changed. Bal and the Great left too, 420 and Dis Angela joined. We wanted to do the Huons again and I suggested the bigger bastards at first. I grabbed a bigger sword, the favorite #13. But this team wasn't as strong as the one friday, we took too many deaths to take down one Alpha.
    So, on we went to the small babies. Boom! A fat global of 619 PED! And another global! And ...
    Huon 037a.jpg
    WHAAA!!! ÜBER!!! 2286 PEDs! :banana::drool::woot:
    And while the others were fighting the 57-global Huon, I did this one 99.7% by myself. This is the second Über of the MatW! (The first was on SEGs, Caly in 2017). It's only my fourth Über in a team hunt. And besides all that, the first time that my share was >1000 PED!
    I'm so happy with this baby! It's like my first personal Über! After almost 15 years, I did it! Yes, that's right, I never had a loot >1000 PED all by myself!

    19:40 Kiana

    They are bad. They are mean. They are evilish. It's a challenge to take on the Stalkers with all the others preying on you too.
    Loot wasn't good, loot wasn't bad.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 20-5-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 20-18-32.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 20-35-12.jpg Kiana 009.jpg

    21:20 Mutated Beladoth & Mutated Otorugi
    It's a great LA, Songkra Valley. But alas, not for us this time.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 21-26-21.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 21-34-4.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 21-51-56.jpg

    22:35 Huon
    WWWWEEEE!! Love you Huons! :happy:
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-24 23-56-38.jpg Huon 036.jpg Huon 037b.jpg Huon 039.jpg Huon 040.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (43 of 50).
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (27 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    47. Finish Nusul Stage 5. (7.5k of 12.0k).

    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Herm.PTLHerman PF-TT (L)
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #933 - #938:
    933.197 KP* NusulMan.KTL038,240029,42076,94%MatW!-19 A #06
    934.154 KP* WombanaHerm.PTL038,790023,38060,27%MatW!-19 A #07
    935.222 KP* IFN Defense BotHerm.PTL038,650053,50138,42%MatW!-19 A #08 ; Global (65)
    936.343 KP* KianaKat.D.SGA+MTA6196,970166,69084,63%MatW!-19 A #09 ; Global (85)
    937.190 KP* Mutated Beladoth & 234 KP* Mutated OtorugiKat.D.SGA+MTA6433,970271,92083,26%MatW!-19 A #10
    938.497 KP* HuonCas.CB.13ME+MTA6646,303136,88485,36%MatW!-19 A #11 ; HOF (2286) ; Global (619, 57, 234, 85)
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,4%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 13,4%
    Total decay: 171.060,58 PED
    Total loot: 157.640,42 PED
    Result: 92,15%
    Ardorj :nurse::mask::barefoot::battleroar::cowboy::spiderman::roflmao:
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
  17. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Mêlée all the Way! 2019 - Day 3

    The love of MA to the MatW continued on sunday, with 2 out of 4 hunts with a return of ~150%.
    First we started with a small team on Oratan Miners where I used my Aakas Fire. The loot was kinda meh and we stopped early enough. Sub-Zero suggested the Korwils, a mob that we've been talking about all weekend. I remembered them as the evil spirits that could whipe out the entire MatW-team without a problem a few years ago. And now ... we, that is just him and me, took revenge! Sylo joined for the next hunt, we went to the underground to hunt the biggest Navi. Eventhough the loot was good, with a very nice global, we didn't feel like they gave is much. The last hunt was on the big Togolossi, again only with Sub-Zero. I like to hunt these golden boys, but have never solo'd them, yet I think I could.

    I haven't done the last session yet. I couldn't attend due to family things.
    Maybe I'll do one MatW night this weekend? Not sure yet.

    13:05 Oratan Miner
    The first time when we hunted them they were quite good, as far as I remember. But the last two times they let us down. Not sure right now weither or not I like them.
    One good thing to note is that I looted my first Nanites from them. Whoop! A first small step to upgrading the Viceroy!
    Oratan Miner 016.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 13-4-51.jpg 3400 Wounding.jpg

    14:10 Korwil
    Oh yeah, I love these cats now! They are big, mean and evil. First we used a tagger, because we were afraid to get attacked on all sides because of their huge argo range. Later we tried without, and lo and behold! it worked to our satisfaction. They had a lot of good loot and it was so much fun.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 14-10-56.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 14-18-31.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 14-34-38.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 14-42-20.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 14-47-13.jpg Korwil 002.jpg Korwil 003.jpg Korwil 004.jpg Korwil 005.jpg Korwil 006.jpg

    15:20 Navi
    This is one that I suggested again. I think I like them better solo'ing. The small ones that is, these Stalker can kill me way too easy even in a team lol.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 15-21-51.jpg Navi 015.jpg

    15:55 Togolossi

    We stayed in the Underground and went to one of my favorite teammobs. We got two nice globals, but over all the loot wasn't really with us this time. It's not bad, far from it, just think that it could have been a bit better.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 15-58-27.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-08-25 16-3-16.jpg Togolossi 021.jpg Togolossi 022.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (43 of 50).
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (27 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    47. Finish Nusul Stage 5. (7.5k of 12.0k).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #939 - #942:
    939.186 KP* Oratan MinerAak.Fir+MTA4316,94242,41076,84%MatW!-19 A #12 ; 3400 Wounding ; Global (61) ; Adjusted Nanites
    940.311 KP* KorwilCas.CM3+MTA6285,89443,94155,28%MatW!-19 A #13 ; Global (53, 79, 193, 60, 175) ; 2x Potted – Snowdrop ; Mutation Agent
    941.213 KP* NaviCas.CM3+MTA6119,61187,85157,05%MatW!-19 A #14 ; Global (195)
    942.299 KP* TogolossiCas.CM3+MTA6389,69342,71087,94%MatW!-19 A #15 ; Global (225, 113)
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 13,3%
    Total decay: 172.172,71 PED
    Total loot: 158.857,33 PED
    Result: 92,27%
    Ardorj :rolleyes::ninja::bored::battleroar::spitoutdummy::thumbsup::cat:
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
  18. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I don't know why, but I tiered up a toothpick.
    Tier 1-B Castorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition.jpg
    I plan to hunt with it the next hunt, but don't think I'm going to use enhancers on it. The tiernumbers are all bad, I'll be death before it's at tier 10. And broke too, this already costed me more then quite some hunts. Side note: on average my hunts cost ~185 PED, tiering the toothpick costed less in TT value.

    What else? I've finished Bokol stage 4 and Huon stage 3. Very nice skill rewards for both of them.
    And now I'm full on Nusul. With some other hunts in between for every 1k killed (like the Huons were).
    I used a BLP pistol and Laser rifle on two hunts. I rather like the BLP one, but not so the laser. I don't mind using ranged now as much as I used too. Guess I'll sell the laser things though and keep the BLP's.
    Another funny thing, I've now done more recorded Nusul hunts then Hadraada. And I've completed Stage 6 Hadraada twice! Or maybe not, since my log started at hunt #317 of my Hadraada experiment in december '15. :playful:

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (47 of 50).
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (28 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    47. Finish Nusul Stage 5. (10.2k of 12.0k).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.6LCryogenic Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cry.NC.7LCryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Kat.D.RetLKatsuichi Destiny Retro (L)
    Kat.G.RetLKatsuichi Glory Retro (L)
    Pir.BP17LPiron PBP-17 (L)
    Pir.LR17LPiron PLR-17 (L)
    +Hs3LHeadshot III (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #943 - #956:
    943.59 Bokol & 80 NusulCry.NC.6L & Cor.NC.1L216,75217,28100,24%Global (39)
    944.63 Bokol & 70 NusulCry.NC.6L & Cor.NC.1L201,53268,88133,42%Global (41) ; Dominax Original Moccasin ; Longreach IV (L)
    945.130 Bokol & 166 NusulCry.NC.6L & Cor.NC.1L470,59423,78090,05%Piron PBP-17 (L)
    946.120 Bokol & 175 NusulCry.NC.6L & Cor.NC.1L457,37406,39088,85%Max. 179 HP
    947.72 Bokol & 92 NusulPir.BP17L+Hs3L263,66427,77162,24%Global (50, 104, 34) ; Canis Foot Guards (F) ; Bokol Stage 4 Finished ; Level 32 BLP Pistoleer (Hit)
    948.374 NusulPir.LR17L+Hs3L527,00481,85091,43%Potted – Purplestar ; Bullseye IV (L)
    949.142 NusulKat.D.RetL+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4327,94255,97078,05%Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L)
    950.354 NusulCry.NC.7L & Cor.NC.1L502,30471,95093,96%Level 34 Cryogenic (Hit)
    951.60 HuonKat.G.RetL+MTA6374,89223,54059,60%Huon Stage 3 Finished
    952.174 NusulKat.G.RetL+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4413,43324,79078,56%Level 52 Swordsman (Hit)
    953.66 NusulCry.NC.7L & Cor.NC.1L090,60095,14105,01%---
    954.154 NusulCry.NC.7L & Cor.NC.1L216,78269,01124,09%Global (41) ; Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L)
    955.306 NusulCry.NC.7L & Cor.NC.1L431,63372,11086,21%Skildek P 40 (L)
    956.400 NusulCry.NC.7L & Cor.NC.1L567,34585,47102,61%Global (91) ; Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Piron PBP-17 (L) ; Level 41 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Level 27 Animal Looter ; Level 38 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 82,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 14,7%
    Total decay: 177.197,24 PED
    Total loot: 163.681,17 PED
    Result: 92,37%
    Ardorj :blackalien::coldfeet::headphone::battleroar::writing::borg::sneaky:
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
  19. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've done quite a lot of hunts, and although I must admit that I'm not very good at keeping on one mob at a time, I'm proud to say that I've completed no less then 3 stages! Nusul Stage 5 and Stage 1 of both Togolossi and Mutated Hadraada.
    Stage 5 Nusul.jpg

    I've also done some Monura hunts. Just something small in between. (Also, found too many TT-weapons in one of my heli's.)
    The Togolossi I hunted together with Bal. At one time he had to leave for a while, and I killed some on my own. Weee! I can solo Togo! And I got two globals off them as well!
    Togolossi 023.jpg

    In the end I joined an NBK teamhunt. We switched the mobs too much to my liking, because the loot was so bad for the likes of us all. But it was fun and good to hunt as a soc again.

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (47 of 50).
    45. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (28 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    47. Completed! Finish Nusul Stage 5. (12.0k of 12.0k).
    48. New! Finish Zadul Stage 4. (3.6k of 4.8k). This one would be too hard. Zaduls are about the same level as Oro and Hadraada, so I can already taste the Dexterity reward.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Ars.C.3LArsonistic Chip III (L)
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cor.NC.7LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Cry.NC.7LCryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Herm.PTLHerman PF-TT (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Pir.BP17LPiron PBP-17 (L)
    +Be4LBullseye IV (L)
    +Hs3LHeadshot III (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +Rag.5LRage 5 (L)
    Hunts #957 - #974:
    957.570 KP Mutated Hadraada & 540 KP Mutated Nusul & 232 KP Mutated ZadulCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4267,64279,32104,36%Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L) ; Zadul Plush Toy
    958.490 Munura FemaleHerm.PTL025,96024,54094,53%Piron PLP-0 (L) ; Level 36 Brawler (Hit)
    959.200 Monura FemaleCor.NC.1L011,94013,57113,65%Piron PLP-0 (L)
    960.350 NusulCry.NC.7L & Cry.NC.1L497,55416,74083,76%---
    961.450 NusulCry.NC.7L & Cry.NC.1L630,52624,08098,98%Bullseye IV (L) ; 2x Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L) ; 2x Skildek P 40 (L) ; 3400 Power Catalyst
    962.250 NusulPir.BP17L+Rag.5L+Hs3L+Be4L340,88316,69092,90%2400 Aim
    963.200 Monura FemaleHerm.PTL010,65008,70081,69%---
    964.550 NusulCor.NC.7L & Lac.NC.3L760,02789,66103,90%Global (31, 34) ; Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L) ; GYRO FAP-14 (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    965.350 Monura FemaleMan.KTL019,10017,20090,05%---
    966.200 NusulCor.NC.7L & Lac.NC.3L278,29319,45114,79%Global (35) ; Dominax Original Garter, Adjusted (L) ; Level 31 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; Level 35 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Nusul Stage 5 Finished
    967.320 KP Mutated Hadraada & 260 KP Mutated Nusul & 172 KP Mutated ZadulCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4131,03115,27087,97%Mutated Hadraada Stage 1 Finished
    968.135 KP* Badger_710RCry.NC.7 & Ars.C.2L092,57063,59068,69%Teamhunt with Bal
    969.436 KP* TogolossiCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 // Cry.NC.7 & Ars.C.2L567,66501,32088,31%Global (67, 54) ; Scott & Barlow BP-30 (L) ; Teamhunt with Bal ; Togolossi Stage 1 Finished
    970.200 ZadulCor.NC.7L & Lac.NC.3L105,86068,28064,50%---
    971.66 KP* TogolossiCry.NC.7 & Ars.C.3L086,20070,74082,06%Global (91) ; NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia
    972.26 KP* TeladonCry.NC.7 & Ars.C.3L038,94025,84066,36%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia
    973.24 KP* Badger_710RCry.NC.7 & Ars.C.3L016,43005,42032,99%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia
    974.57 KP* HuonCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Ars.C.3L074,58044,64059,86%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia
    I'm close to 1000 tracked hunts, and I want to make that one something special. Like my first solo Yuka hunt, a big Mêlée teamhunt on Mutated Kamaldon or something like that.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 81,2% <-- Oi! I'm not so much of a Mêlée all the Way! hunter
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 16,1%
    Total decay: 181.193,56 PED
    Total loot: 167.386,22 PED
    Result: 92,38% <-- went up by 0,01% lol
    Ardorj :mask::cool::roflmao::battleroar::bookworm::greyalien::dead:
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've completed two more missions and I'm close to the third. It's going fast, now that I'm focussing mostly on one at a time.
    Stage 4 Zadul.jpg
    I'm not sure yet when I'll leave Ark for Caly to complete as many mission there as possible. I still have >30 unfilled here. Yet another motivation to go to Caly is to do a MatW! over there in early 2020.

    I've bought a set of 5D plates for the cold protection. I want to do a solo Korwil hunt for the 1000th entry (or close too, also thinking about Korwil #999 and Yuka #1000. Don't know if I can survive any of it lol).

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (47 of 50).
    45. Completed! Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII (29 of 29).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    48. Completed! Finish Zadul Stage 4. (4.8k of 4.8k).
    49. New! Finish Korwil Stage 1. (33 of 75). Small in quantity, large is quality.
    50. New! Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (29 of 65). This one isn't easy. I haven't started the SIB entry level yet, although I'm close to it.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cor.NC.7LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.8LLacerating Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #975 - #984:
    975.200 ZadulCor.NC.7L & Lac.NC.3L101,73099,78098,43%---
    976.100 ZadulCor.NC.7L & Lac.NC.3L050,90039,40077,41%---
    977.400 ZadulLac.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L199,67199,97100,15%Global (11, 21) ; Zadul Plush Toy ; 4800 Cryogenics
    978.300 ZadulLac.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L154,79174,52112,75%Global (18)
    979.150 ZadulCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4289,58248,60085,85%Max. 180 HP ; Zadul Stage 4 Finished
    980.869 TiarakLac.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L445,97386,58086,68%Global (12, 20, 18) ; Bullseye II (L)
    981.150 TiarakLac.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L077,19091,72118,82%Global (17, 16) ; Bullseye II (L) ; 3200 Skinning
    982.375 TiarakLac.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L193,34176,80091,45%Global (13)
    983.200 TiarakCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Lac.NC.8L261,34241,31092,34%Teleportation Chip 2 (L) ; 6600 Anatomy ; Tiarak Stage 4 Finished
    984.3925 KP OstelokLac.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L076,69077,04096,54%---
    Some of the mobs that I'm sure to do are Badgers, Beladoth, Navi and Oratan.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 80,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 16,6%
    Total decay: 183.044,40 PED
    Total loot: 169.118,94 PED
    Result: 92,39%
    Ardorj :hungry::dummy::cow::battleroar::nailbiting::blackalien::barefoot:
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019