I like to do experiments in Entropia, mostly on hunting. It keeps me going, these are my personal "Missions". My experiment on the Halix with the Dmg/PEC differences is still on, although now on a lower activity. I am doing a lot lately with another kind of experiment, one that is going on now for some months I think, but I couldn't come up with a satisfying way of posting the results. What it is all about is the Kills per Hunt. Some players say things like "you need to do longer runs if you want to profit." I believe that's Huonshit, because I think that each loot is determined individually; ie. it won't matter if one kills 1000 mobs in one massive hunt or 1000 mobs in 100+ small(er) hunts. Some mobs carry no loot, others a bit, above average and the occasional Global. In the end both get an average over 1000 kills. The setup is as following: Location: Celeste Quarry Creature: Hadraada (Young - Provider) Armour: None Weapon (primary): Khorum Ice Dagger (3x) Weapon (secondary): Ozpyn RSB S1X1 Fap (primary): Gyro Fap-18 (L) Fap (secondary): S.I. H.E.A.R.T. Kills per Hunt: 10, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 200, 225 I carry three Khorum Ice Daggers and alternate between them so that, in theory, all three will be used equally on all hunts. It is a pretty nice weapon to hunt these small Hadraadaas with, although for a Provider a slightly bigger one could have been handy. The Ozpyn RSB S1X1 is a Shortblade from Planet Cyrene, used as a finisher. The Gyro I use when my health is low, only happens when I get a crit.hit at a wrong moment, or being attacked by two or more Hadraadaas sometimes. The S.I. H.E.A.R.T. I use in between two mobs to get my health to ~90% back and after the hunt is done as well. This is normally more then enough to survive the attack. These Kills per Hunt (KpH) I've choosen because it gives quite a good linear equation. Hard to explain, see this graph: View attachment 9581 The closer the R[SUP]2[/SUP] is to 1,000; the better the graph is. 0,991 is pretty good and it could have been better when the lowest hunt would be only 5 KpH, but that's really pushing the limit of my anxiety. With each KpH the same about of Hadraadaas will be butchered. HadraadaHuntsTotal Kills10 KpH180180030 KpH60180060 KpH30180090 KpH201800120 KpH151800150 KpH121800200 KpH91800225 KpH81800Total:33414.400 The setup of Ardorjies Experiment of Kills per Hunt on Hadraada is a follows: a) The Kills per Hunt will be choosen randomly. b) I will only hunt Hadraada at Celeste Quarry. c) I scan every creature prior to attacking using a Chikara InvestaFoe ES300. [ The Scanning-costs will not be taken into account. ] d) On the odd change that I die, I will return running and finish the job. e) Every hunt will be completed that session. Not expended when the loot is good, or shorted when bad. f) I record the weapons cost, medical cost and all separate. g) I record the TT-value of each stackable and item after the hunt separately. h) Globals will be noted down to be possible substracted for clearer results. i) After each hunt I do 'something' different. I don't think it matters at all, but it won't hurt either I guess. j) I'll post results in stages of 25 hunts done, with the exception of the first because I've already done 75+ hunts. Conclusion when I am done: I will make one graphs showing the Average Return (%) vs. KpH with and without Globals. If I can, also a total graph that shows how the Average Return (%) changes towards a mean. This to determine if a small hunt can still influence the Average Return (%) or not. In other words: one can image that when you kill 100 mobs and then 10 more, the results of these 10 are huge on the overall 110 kills, but when you kill 1.000.000 and then 10 more, ..., well drop in the ocean. Hypothesis: It doesn't matter if one does a small hunt or a big hunt for the average return (%) and in what items one can loot. First result: probably later today or tomorrow. Ardorj
Interesting experiment Ardorj. I agree that the number of kills per hunt has nothing to do with loot distribution, but this is an excellent way to strengthen that hypothesis. One question: do you scan each creature purely for skill gains for taming reasons down the road, or is there another reason? Thanks!
Thanks for your interest. I scan because it's a tic of me I guess. I have to scan most I encounter, mobs, players, vehicles. Runs #1 - #75 I must say for a start that I like these Hadraadaas. They are easy enough to hunt naked, yet not boring like the Halixes are. Present some good loot now and then and often carry enough with them to give me a Global. The progress I've made include (the number between brackets is the hunt-number): Mission: 400 Hadraada (7), 1200 Hadraada (61) Skills: 3000 Martial Arts (7), 4000 Melee Damage Assessment (13), 1400 Diagnosis (15), 2600 Shortblades (18), 2800 Shortblades (34), 5100 Anatomy (36) Proffessions: 28 Knifefighter (Dmg) (13), 24 Knifefighter (Hit) (15), 29 Knifefighter (Dmg) (39), 26 Knifefighter (Hit) (72) First table, the Return (%) of each KpH and the difference to the Average Return (%) of these first 75 hunts. When in green, it is better then average and in red means worse then average. Can't complain with 96% as a 'start'. The numbers listed under 'Global (PED)' is just what that's said: the values of all Globals in PEDs gotten with a given KpH.Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasReturn (%)Diff. (%)Globals (PED10 KpH44440114,376+ 18,34512, 12, 10, 36, 3830 KpH14420097,296+ 01,26523, 1560 KpH05300097,663+ 01,63213, 19, 19, 2490 KpH05450085,460- 10,57119, 42120 KpH04480068,730- 27,30010150 KpH01150126,134+ 30,10347, 11, 24200 KpH01200101,571+ 05,54015, 10 225 KpH01225107,069+ 11,038 39, 14, 10Total752.665096,030 --Second table, bit of copy-paste from the first and the cost to kill a Hadraada on average and here too in green and red numbers if it's better or worse then average. A negative number under 'Diff. (PED)' means that the cost per kill is lower then the average of all hunts combined, and thus that's good (green). Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasCost (PED)Diff. (PED)10 KpH444400,86930- 0,0035830 KpH144200,87180- 0,0010860 KpH053000,86387- 0,0090290 KpH054500,90223+ 0,02934120 KpH044800,86801- 0,00487150 KpH011500,91590+ 0,04302200 KpH012000,92395+ 0,05106225 KpH012250,86925- 0,00363Total752.6650,87288 -I like these little Huon cousins. Ardorj
To make it a bit more interesting, I think, here the Top 3 Globals from the hunts #1 - 75. View attachment 9681 The very first Global is still the #1 Hadraada Global. Scored in the still one and only 150 KpH-run wich has a good return, also thanks to two other Globals. View attachment 9682 The only Global in a 90 KpH-run that pushed the return well into the 100+% return, what otherwise would have been ~80% return. View attachment 9683 One of three Globals from the first 225 KpH-hunt, it did help alot for pushing the hunt as well into a profitable return. Unfortuatly, I won't be albe to say anything constructive about the Globals, because I also often get a 10+ loot without the swirlies. Just yesterday I scored a Piron-PLR-12 (L) with ~18PED TT I think it was, but no Global. I don't know how or why that happens. The minimum Global-value of 10 PED is for all maturities, or am I mistaken?
Runs #76 - #100 Next phase done and still doing quite well I think, even though the results are done a little bit on average. The results posted here are from the hunts #76 to #100 only. The progress I've made include (the number between brackets is the hunt-number): Mission: none Skills: 3200 Shortblades (92) Proffessions: 30 Knifefighter (Dmg) (92) First table, the Return (%) of each KpH and the difference to the Average Return (%) of hunts #76 to #100. When in green, it is better then average and in red means worse then average. The numbers listed under 'Global (PED)' is just what that's said: the values of all Globals in PEDs gotten with a given KpH. Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasReturn (%)Diff. (%)Globals (PED10 KpH16160076,936-18,942---30 KpH0130056,760-39,100---60 KpH03180092,898-02,9621490 KpH0190113,764+17,904---120 KpH02240106,346+10,48610, 10, 22150 KpH00------------200 KpH02400097,112+01,25251225 KpH00------------Total251.100095,860--Globals (best 3): View attachment 9685 The best Global on Hadraada to date and it did help a lot. I remember that I got this baby near the end of a 200 KpH-run, like last 10 orso. Without this darling, it would have been quite a loss. View attachment 9686 One of two globals from a 90 KpH-run, getting me a healthy profit. View attachment 9687 A nice lootwindow! Second table, bit of copy-paste from the first and the cost to kill a Hadraada on average and here too in green and red numbers if it's better or worse then average. A negative number under 'Diff. (PED)' means that the cost per kill is lower then the average of all hunts combined, and thus that's good (green). Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasCost (PED)Diff. (PED)10 KpH161600,87364-0,0085930 KpH01300,87510-0,0071260 KpH031800,92127+0,0390490 KpH01900,92886+0,04663 120 KpH022400,88471+0,00248150 KpH00---------200 KpH024000,87011-0,01212225 KpH00---------Total251.1000,88222In short: cost per Hadraada is up a tad bit, result is down a tiny marge, nothing to be shocked about. Ardorj
Runs #101 - #125 25 more small(er) and big(ger) hunts done. Now a 10-kill run can still bring the overall return up or down a few tenths of percent. The progress I've made include (the number between brackets is the hunt-number): Mission: none Skills: 3400 Shortblades (115) Proffessions: 27 Knifefighter (Hit) (101) Rare item: Corvus Thight (M) (106) First table, the Return (%) of each KpH and the difference to the Average Return (%) of hunts #101 to #125. Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasReturn (%)Diff. (%)Globals (PED10 KpH11 110086,764-10,1351030 KpH05150106,785+09,886---60 KpH02120090,326-06,574---90 KpH03270102,588+05,68914, 11, 36120 KpH01120072,350-24,550---150 KpH02300115,850+18,95148, 37, 10, 20200 KpH00------------225 KpH01225079,640-17,257---Total251.295096,900Globals (best 3): View attachment 10029 One of the best Global on Hadraada to date and it did help a lot. And a nice toy in it as well that I sold to a socmate. View attachment 10028 One of three globals from a 150 KpH-run, getting me a healthy profit. View attachment 10027 Just oils ... but it did help in getting a nearly 150% return that hunt. Second table, bit of copy-paste from the first and the cost to kill a Hadraada on average. A negative number under 'Diff. (PED)' means that the cost per kill is lower then the average of all hunts combined, and thus that's good (green). Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasCost(PED)Diff. (PED)10 KpH11110 0,84485-0,0143730 KpH05150 0,84189-0,0173360 KpH02120 0,90097+0,0417590 KpH03270 0,90554+0,04632120 KpH011200,84505+0,01417150 KpH02 3000,87253+0,01332200 KpH00---------225 KpH01 2250,86900+0,00978Total251.1000,85922In short: Nothing quite different from before. I like 'm quite well too. Ardorj
Runs #126 - #175 Nothing much is happening in the forumpart and thread, but I've done 50 more Hadraada hunts. The progress I've made include (the number between brackets is the hunt-number): Mission: Hadraada Stage 4 (4800 Kills) (? 173 ?) Skills: 3600 Shortblades (151); 4200 Melee Damage Assessment (151) Proffessions: 28 Knifefighter (Hit) (130); 31 Knifefighter (Dmg) (132); 29 Knifefighter (Hit) (160) Rare item: none First table, the Return (%) of each KpH and the difference to the Average Return (%) of hunts #126 to #175. Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasReturn (%)Diff. (%)Globals (PED10 KpH31310101,404+04,68610, 31, 2130 KpH07210110,930+14,21328, 3360 KpH06360085,406-11,311---90 KpH0190128,027+31,31018, 10, 26120 KpH02240085,915-10,80215, 10150 KpH02300090,209-06,509---200 KpH01200107,432+10,71512, 10, 25, 13225 KpH00------------Total501.710096,717Globals (best 3): View attachment 10116 A lovely stuffed lootwidow. View attachment 10117 How to get 500% return? Kill 10 Hadraada of wich one carries >22PED Eye Oil plus >8PED of high explosive. No wonder I got the fireworks. View attachment 10118 As you can see, there are only 31 Hadraadaas between this global and the better above. Second table, bit of copy-paste from the first and the cost to kill a Hadraada on average. A negative number under 'Diff. (PED)' means that the cost per kill is lower then the average of all hunts combined, and thus that's good (green). Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasCost (PED)Diff. (PED)10 KpH313100,89265+0,0050230 KpH072100,88417-0,0034660 KpH063600,88135-0,0062890 KpH01900,84409-0,04355120 KpH022400,87097-0,01667150 KpH023000,88351-0,00413200 KpH012000,87915-0,00849225 KpH00---------Total501.7100,88764In short: I like the Hadraadaas and I am seeing evermore an average return of ~96.5%, wich considering what I got with my Uneconomic-Experiment is something I didn't expect at first. Ardorj
I've got tables on my list of things to look at tomorrow once I've got a couple of deals out the way at work.
UPDATE: Ok, I've looked into tables. With XF, it requires a plugin, which is not an issue in itself. However, I'm holding off for now until Dylan and I are both happy that the base stuff is sorted and fixed from the changeover, or until we can determine that adding said plugin isn't going to cause more issues than it solves at this stage. So stay tuned.
I would love to get an update on this so we can see the tables. This would be a great experiment to see!
I update per 25 hunts and lately I didn't had enough time to do many. Besides I am waiting for Snape and Dylan to get the plugin and all working. Stay tuned!
Ardorj is going to have to redo them in the new plugin format. Happy to give him a hand doing it. I'll start on the OP now.
Done. Easy when you know what to do, yet still time-consuming. I fear I got to do (in part) the tables of the Eco-Exp. too. Where have all the pictures gone to by the way? Noticed it yestereve too when I wanted to take a look at the Underground-Creature-Map and saw that was gone too.
Runs #176 - #200 It took me some time to complete these latest 25 runs, but I killed more Hadraadaas this time then the previous 50 runs. Good to note: I made a profit with these runs, yeih-yah! The progress I've made include (the number between brackets is the hunt-number): Mission: none Skills: 3200 Martial Arts (179); 360 Coolness (181); 3800 Shortblades (188); 3200 Inflict Melee Damage (200) Proffessions: 32 Knifefighter (Dmg) (182); 20 Evader (183); 30 Knifefighter (Hit) (188) Rare item: none First table, the Return (%) of each KpH and the difference to the Average Return (%) of hunts #176 to #200. Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasReturn (%)Diff. (%)Globals (PED10 KpH10100088,479-14,2921130 KpH04120136,348+33,57754, 1960 KpH01060071,825-30,947---90 KpH04360092,395-10,37626, 11120 KpH---------,-----,------150 KpH03450126,751+23,98011, 37, 27, 12, 49, 13200 KpH02400088,419-14,35215, 12, 14225 KpH01225095,993-06,77820, 15, 27Total251.715102,771Globals (best 3): The main reason that I ended in a profit for these 25 hunts. Also love the 'instand profit' globals, seeing as this one was giving during a 30-kill hunt. I got this in a 150-kill hunt and it was all dry untill close to the end where I got first this love and then few Hadraadaas later a smaller 13 PEDder. The last one, still pretty good. Second table, bit of copy-paste from the first and the cost to kill a Hadraada on average. A negative number under 'Diff. (PED)' means that the cost per kill is lower then the average of all hunts combined, and thus that's good (green). Kill per HuntHunts doneHadraadaasCost (PED)Diff. (PED)10 KpH101000,88178+0,0021930 KpH041200,87116-0,0077160 KpH010600,90298+0,0241190 KpH043600,88445+0,00558120 KpH-------,-------,----150 KpH034500,86003-0,01884200 KpH024000,88315+0,00428225 KpH012250,88216+0,00329Total251.7150,87887In short: Getting ever better on the Hadraadaas. Shrapnel was introduced on of these hunts and because I want to see if there is also a relationship between the lenght of the hunt and the items, (including stackables), I should split that in the pré and post-Shrapnel-era. Ardorj