Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Ardorj, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Jippy-yeah! I got my biggest HOF this easter monday!
    606 PED Wombana Alpha with a full TT Scott & Barlow LB-13 (L) including in it's fat belly. More on that in the Hall of Fame section of this forum.

    Like the last time, I've done a lot of Wombana hunts. I finished Stage 4 and am now about a quarter on the way into Stage 5.
    Stage 4 Wombana.jpg
    But starting with a long Aakas run, looking for Arkoins. This time I did 8x Key #1 (previously it was 3x Key #4). And what a difference that is! Now It took me three evenings to do them all and got roughly the same amount of Arkoins thanks to one lucky loot. I also got my first Rakta global, small accomplicement there.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-09 21-3-0.jpg Rakta 001.jpg

    And same as last week, I participated in the Mutated Madana HSL at Sentosa's. And this time I won with a 191 PEDder! Before that I got my big Castorian sword to tier 2.0.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-11 23-0-2.jpg
    Followed by my mistake to try solo'ing Yuka once more. I do slightly better on them now then before I left to Calypso, but not by a long streak. Got two globals, but that was far from enough to get me even close to 90% return.

    Here are all the globals and some other pictures from this time:
    Mutated Madana 001.jpg Mutated Madana 002.jpg Mutated Madana 003.jpg
    Wombana 015.jpg Wombana 016.jpg
    Yuka 027.jpg Yuka 028.jpg
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-11 20-47-41.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-11 21-20-42.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-11 23-28-21.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (36.8k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (56 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (46.87 of 50.0).
    61. Finish Korwil Stage 2 (0 of 400).

    Hunting weapons:

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Com.NC.7LCombustive Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Cor.NC.1Corrosive Attack Nanochip I
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Kin.NC.8LKinetic Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1156 - #1165:
    1156.A) 8 Dehera Sentinel & 8 Magurg Female ; B) 704 Rakta & 224 Ubo & 480 YarrijakA) Son.Cor+MTA6 ; B)Elec.NC.5L & Cor.NC.1L0205,170161,79078,86%Global (11)
    1157.6590 KP WombanaKin.NC.8L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L1069,700766,39071,65%Level 33 Electro Kinetic (Hit)
    1158.4410 KP WombanaKin.NC.8L & Elec.NC.5L0710,270836,92117,83%Global (72) ; S & B Ardenner 16 (L) ; Level 41 Electro Kinetic (Dmg)
    1159.1791 KP WombanaKin.NC.8L & Elec.NC.5L0294,920254,40086,26%Global (54) ; S & B Ardenner 10 (L)
    1160.1810 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0286,350249,42087,10%600 Butchering ; 3800 Skinning ; 10 Xenobiology
    1161.2643 KP Mutated MadanaCas.CB.13ME & Aak.Fir+MTA40893,011072,27120,07%Global (76, 51, 191) ; Scott & Barlow LP-30 (L) ; FREE HSL Mutated Madana Attack : 1st place = 75PED prize
    1162.50 YukaCas.CM3+MTA60774,810517,43066,78%Global (52, 74) ; Potted - Villea ; 5100 Clubs
    1163.6406 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L1020,220763,83074,87%Wombana Stage 4 Finished ; 2800 Inflict Ranged Damage ; Level 43 Electro Kinetic (Dmg
    1164.9002 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L1477,521861,68126,00%HOF (606) ; Scott & Barlow LB-13 (L) ; Piron PBP-27 (L) ; 4000 Power Catalyst ; Level 17 Biotropic ; Level 36 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    1165.1598 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0261,430187,85071,85%---

    This week I've ranked the skills from the missions from 1 (bad) to 5 (good). Should have done that a long time ago!
    5. General skills that give HP and Evade/Dodge. Examples: Combat Reflexes, Perception
    4. Melee & MF skills that give HP. Examples: Melee Combat, Concentration
    3. Melee & MF skills don't give HP. Examples: Clubs, First Aid
    2. Ranged skills that give HP and the odd one. Examples: Rifle, Vehicle Repairing
    1. Ranged skills that don't give HP. Examples: Laser Weaponry Technology, Aim

    I did same with the missions that I have open and some got out because of bad skills (Nusul - Shortblades), others because I don't ever want to hunt them again (Jori - Dexterity).
    The mobs that are highest on my list are: Kamaldon, Pandi, Wombana and Yuka. Some very tough beast there, not sure if this is a wise move after all!

    I fear my first 4 digit will be on a mob with less then 500 HP lol.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 74,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 23,5%
    Total decay: 252.274,95 PED
    Total loot: 236.330,77 PED
    Result: 93,69%
    Ardorj :hungry::beaver::biggrin::battleroar::nailbiting::geek::thumbsup:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
  2. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Oops ... I did it again ...

    Firstly I did some more Wombana, without a super big one this time. I still got a nice global the first hunt.
    Then another Mutated Madana, but they didn't like me this time around.

    I've started the first of four (hopefully) hunts to complete the Korwil mission. Damn, they still hurt me this time. They have no respect for my Liakon + 5D and evader skills, do they?
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-18 23-38-26.jpg Korwil 011.jpg Korwil 012.jpg

    And then, three Aakas Key #4's. On the second try I got this very pleasant suprise on the Dehera end boss:
    Dehera Sentinel 005a.jpg
    Not as big as the Wombana from last time, but I'll take it any day!

    Some more pictures of this time:
    Dehera Defender 001.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-18 19-25-32.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-19 11-39-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-19 19-31-9.jpg Wombana 017.jpg Wombana 018.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (46.0k of 50.0k). Another good key run and I might just get there! I've got 3x Key #5 in storage, let's see what those bring.
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000). Nope, still on hold. Thinking about doing it in the summer when I had my vacation planned.
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (56 of 65). Going slow, but steady, and staying at 56 uses/min.
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (46.98 of 50.0). Crawling forwards. Maybe I'll use the club with the next Korwil and/or MuMa hunt.
    61. Finish Korwil Stage 2 (101 of 400).

    Hunting weapons:

    Cas.SB.BLCastorian Survival EnBlade-B (L)
    Com.NC.7LCombustive Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    SB.L13LScott & Barlow LB-13 (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1166 - #1173:
    1166.1401 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0228,960247,13107,94%Global (100)
    1167.1698 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0284,200200,56070,57%---
    1168.4693 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0778,830655,35084,15%Global (65)
    1169.6099 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0992,260967,25097,48%460 Animal Lore ; 4800 Pyrokinesis ; Level 4 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    1170.2096 KP Mutated MadanaSon.Cor+MTA60684,310471,37068,88%800 Butchering
    1171.101 KorwilSon.Cor+MTA61120,240901,08080,44%Global (93, 60) ; Piron PBP-47 (L) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 3 (L) ; Healed by the killer ; Level 32 Animal Looter ; Level 48 Knifefighter (Dmg)
    1172.3004 KP WombanaSon.Cor+MTA6 & Leoi.Sho+MTA10502,910463,39092,14%Piron PBP-27 (L)
    1173.A) 3 Dehera Sentinel & 3 Magurg Female & 81 Magurg Male & 328 Dehera Defender ; B) 99 Rakta & 159 Ubo & 102 YarrijakA) Son.Cor+MTA6 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1 ; B) SB.L13L & Cas.SB.BL0753,721114,01147,80%HOF (456) ; Global (39)
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 74,1%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 23,9%
    Total decay: 257.593,38 PED
    Total loot: 241.350,91 PED
    Result: 93,69%
    Ardorj :stig::laugh::coldfeet::battleroar::smuggrin::walkingdead::jawdrop:
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  3. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Let's talk about Wombana, because I hadn't talked about the enough quite yet. o_O

    This update starts with Wombana hunts. And ends with Wombana hunts.
    In between, ... you guessed it! I went to CP for a sochunt. Because fak staying on Arkadia for longer then one month after a 4,5 month absenty.

    First leg of Wombana hunt got nothing of interest.

    Hunting big Aurli in Dome 4 with the people from NBK was good fun. We got a few good globals. Most times I got the leftover crack or nothing at all. Yet once I got enough to be a little global all by itself.
    Aurli 045.jpg
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-25 22-9-54.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-25 22-13-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-25 22-34-23.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-25 23-20-41.jpg Aurli 034.jpg Aurli 036.jpg

    The next morning I went down to Calypso to hunt the punies and did a Gauntlet run, while waiting for a socmate to come online to sell low level Mindforce chips too.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-26 9-58-0.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-26 12-5-13.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-26 12-30-41.jpg

    I flew back to Arkadia for more Wombana hunts with horrendeous results.
    But in the end I did get my reward for all the hard work!
    Stage 5 Wombana.jpg

    Now it will be some time again before I'll do another Wombana hunt. Getting quite sick of them lol.

    36. Collect Arkoins (46.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (57 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (47.11 of 50.0).
    61. Finish Korwil Stage 2 (101 of 400).

    Hunting weapons:

    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cas.KnACastorian EnKnuckles-A
    Cas.SB.BLCastorian Survival EnBlade-B (L)
    Com.NC.1Combustive Attack Nanochip I
    Com.NC.7LCombustive Attack Nanochip VII (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    SB.L13LScott & Barlow LB-13 (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #1174 - #1184:
    1174.3498 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0579,340484,87083,69%Global (50) ; Piron PBP-27 (L) ; Level 37 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    1175.3014 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0493,520329,89066,86%20 Xenobiology
    1176.3490 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0568,980495,05080,68%---
    1177.1181 CP AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L0446,210416,78093,40%Global (55, 215, 58) ; NBK Teamhunt ; Aurli Rank 7
    1178.466 KP* Calypso PunyCas.SB.BL & Cas.KnA0046,690050,80108,80%EWE EP-2 Proton (L)
    1179.1594 KP* Gauntlet MobsCom.NC.10015,940015,92099,87%---
    1180.5296 KP WombanaCom.NC.7L & Elec.NC.5L0874,120909,67104,08%Global (63, 52, 57, 60) ; 2x S & B Ardenner 10 (L) ; S & B Ardenner 16 (L) ; Arsonistic Chip 2 (L)
    1181.1207 KP WombanaSB.L13L+MTA4 & Elec.NC.5L0199,350141,20070,83%---
    1182.1292 KP WombanaSB.L13L+MTA4 & Elec.NC.5L0214,240149,29069,68%---
    1183.7446 KP WombanaSon.Cor+MTA6 & Elec.NC.5L1245,351067,29085,70%---
    1184.1261 KP WombanaSon.Cor+MTA6 & Elec.NC.5L0208,290149,86071,95%Wombana Stage 5 Finished ; Max. 202 HP
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 73,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 24,6%
    Total decay: 262.485,41 PED
    Total loot: 245.525,71 PED
    Result: 93,54%
    Ardorj :chicken::borg::bookworm::battleroar::dead::punch::hungover:
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's only been, what? one or two weeks and I've got a lot to unpack. Therefore, I cut it in two this time.

    To kick off:
    Smuggler Mech 003.jpg
    I've joined one of the Smuggler fights in the Underground. It was great fun, the picture above shows the biggest HOF that I was a part of. The results were also better then I feared they would have been. Still a loss, but that's oké considering how much I've liked it there. Might do it again soon, but then I've planning ahead like 10 stages in my head and unfortuatly hunting Smugglers don't have a mission -yet.

    Here are some other pictures about the Smuggler hunting ...
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 20-10-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 20-19-5.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 20-33-45.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 20-43-57.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 20-48-42.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 21-7-12 2.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 21-7-12.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 21-18-14.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 21-29-26.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 21-35-43.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 21-41-23.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-27 21-47-59.jpg

    ... and the globals
    Smuggler Badger 001.jpg Smuggler Mech 001.jpg Smuggler Mech 002.jpg Smuggler Mech 004.jpg Smuggler Mech 005.jpg Smuggler Mech 006.jpg

    Hunting Smugglers also made me complete one of my long standing goals to loot 50k Arkoins and show my allegiance to them. That's right, I looted Arkoins from them, and then gave it back to them with 'some' more.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-05-03 14-27-57.jpg

    However, hunting Smugglers as Shared Loot also had another consequense. What prompted that was that the last stage I was part off (with Smuggler Mech MK2) gave a global with each kill. That's 25 globals. And likewise with the last sochunt on CP we got I think like 11 globals in total.
    So, I got to thinking that most of them aren't that much of a thing to remember. I got a lot of team globals where I got 2 PED or nothing at all. Because I was at revive, because I was killing another mob, because I had a toy gun, because ... you name it.
    As a result I went through all my globals and removed those where I don't have a worthy share to a new map called "old globals". The ones I kept were a) >25 PED looted ; b) an Item in my loot ; c) an Über HOF.
    With that, I removed almost 30% of my globals. Hard hit are Atrox (46 > 12), Chomper (15 > 2), Formidon (10 > 1), Hogglo (25 > 3), Huon (40 > 23), Oratan Miner (16 > 5), Proteron (12 > 2), Scoria (7 > 1), Togolossi (25 > 11). And for some mobs I now don't have any global left. Such as Caperon, Exarosaur, Frescoquda, Kamaldon, Mulaak'f, Scipulor, TskTsk.

    And now I'm thinking about doing the same with my solo globals. Remove all those with 25 PED or less, unlike there's an item in the loot. I know for sure I won't keep many of 177 Hadraada globals that way lol.
  5. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    And for the other part.
    I've hunted Korwil again, but they are just a bit over my comfort zone. So I went for the Pandi, to complete Stage 1 and reap the reward (Dexterity) and then Yuka (Anatomy). I've never hunted Pandi before, but I must say that I quite like them now. I rather feared that I wouldn't, because I don't like the other underwater mobs like RipperSnapper, Jori or Leviathan. These four are the only ones I know about lol.
    If that doesn't work, then I'll go for Oratan (next stage Courage) and Navi (Combat Reflexes). Damnit, I just want to kill some Korwil!

    36. Finished! Collect Arkoins (50.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (57 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (47.71 of 50.0).
    61. Finish Korwil Stage 2 (225 of 400).
    62. New! Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1). Now the Smugglers want me to make the Underground saver by killing lots and lots (Stage 6) of Badgers, Togolossi, Wombana and Navi. I got the Wombanan ready to start with Stage 6, and hopefully Navi won't be long in following. If there's still time left before Codex start I think I'll do Togo 3rd.

    Hunting weapons:

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Kat.G.RetLKatsuichi Glory Retro (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1185 - #1193:
    1185.2420 KP* SmugglerCas.CM3+MTA60999,310800,54080,11%HOF (575, 608, 1945, 870, 552) ; Global (203, 88, 285) ; Level 45 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    1186.49 KorwilCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.70455,720386,15084,73%Global (86) ; Level 23 Animal Investigator ; Level 40 Cryogenic (Hit) ; 800 Bioregenesis
    1187.75 KorwilCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.70680,070574,95084,54%Global (61, 73) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 3 (L) ; 1400 Avoidance
    1188.2001 KP PandiCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA61294,881293,05099,86%Global (100, 88, 50, 53) ; Longreach II (L)
    1189.3027 KP OratanCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA60320,500258,11080,53%---
    1190.6460 KP NusulKat.G.RetL+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA40734,710596,12081,14%Becoming a Smuggler – Part II
    1191.2003 KP PandiCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA61262,760998,52079,07%Global (56, 50, 51) ; Longreach II (L) ; 2600 Combat Sense
    1192.1502 KP PandiCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA60988,040764,39077,36%Global (77, 56) ; Longreach II (L)
    1193.1512 KP PandiCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA60969,640854,24088,10%Global (60, 86) ; Ardora Ballista MK3 (L) ; Level 18 Biotropic
    A few Pandi and Korwil globals and other pictures.
    Korwil 013.jpg Pandi 001.jpg Pandi 012.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-29 22-7-29.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-05-01 20-33-22.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-05-01 21-18-3.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-05-02 23-1-39.jpg

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 74,3% - on the rise once again!
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 23,9%
    Total decay: 270.191,04 PED
    Total loot: 252.051,78 PED
    Result: 93,29%
    Ardorj :ninja::cautious::laugh::battleroar::mad::jimlad::spiderman:
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've got a lot to talk about and to show off about once again.
    Pandi Stage 1 done!
    Stage 1 Pandi.jpg
    I've done some smaller hunts before the last Pandi hunt on Zadul and Oratan, finishing Stage 3 on the latter as well.

    And then I went to the Yuka. Autch! They hurt. Like, hurt a lot and often. When going for them solo, I learned to avoid anything above a Young. Yet even then, them crits often send me to the revive. I've had a few hunts with a healer as well, and that really makes all the difference. Thanks to those who helped me out!
    I have completed Stage 2 Yuka now too, yet for this update I'll write for it a few hunts short of it.
    The Yuka loot is suprisingly good. I've gotten some damn fine globals like these two:
    Yuka 009.jpg Yuka 012.jpg
    Here's some more pictures of the globals and other random shit I took all along the way.
    Oratan 004.jpg Pandi 016.jpg Pandi 017.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-05-09 12-10-19.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-05-15 20-38-46.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-05-15 21-16-3.jpg Yuka 008.jpg Yuka 010.jpg Yuka 011.jpg Yuka 013.jpg Yuka 014.jpg Yuka 015.jpg Yuka 016.jpg Yuka 017.jpg Yuka 018.jpg Yuka 019.jpg Yuka 020.jpg Yuka 021.jpg

    Another thing I did is that I went, once again, over all my global pics with a critical eye. Now I've removed all solo globals with less then 25 PED too, unless it has an item in it. I still have close to 700 over, but that came from 1148. Of those 700 Hadraada has the biggest share with 97 globals (it was 177)!

    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (58 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (48.09 of 50.0).
    61. Finish Korwil Stage 2 (225 of 400).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).

    Hunting weapons:

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1194 - #1204:
    1194.1995 KP PandiCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA61283,211058,32082,47%Global (65, 81, 88, 80)
    1195.1800 KP OratanAak.Fir+MTA4 & Elec.NC.5L0187,570214,39114,30%---
    1196.2403 KP OratanCry.NC.5 & Elec.NC.5L0303,500369,54121,76%Global (61)
    1197.995 KP Oratan SlasherCas.CM1+MTA6 & Cry.NC.50119,190073,84061,95%Oratan Stage 3 Finished
    1198.150 ZadulCas.CM1+MTA6 & Cry.NC.50077,990059,60076,42%---
    1199.988 KP PandiCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA60648,480630,32097,20%Global (76, 164) ; Scott & Barlow LP-30 (L) ; Longreach II (L) ; Pandi Stage 1 Finished
    1200.40 YukaCas.CM3+MTA60741,990808,60108,98%Global (119, 106, 54) ; Potted – Villea ; 2x Piron PLP-32 (L) ; Level 46 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    1201.25 YukaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L0432,290281,52065,12%Global (53)
    1202.40 YukaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L0557,671029,26184,58%Global (275, 192, 159, 50) ; Healed by King07 ; Bloodstained Axe 40 (L) ; Bullseye VII (L)
    1203.100 YukaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L1590,491202,01075,57%Global (50, 58, 74, 52) ; Healed by Muis ; Potted - Finger Palm ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.8 ; Max. 189 HP ; Level 48 One Handed Clubber (Dmg)
    1204.70 YukaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L1075,250805,62074,92%Global (77, 94)
    One last thing, I'm also thinking about another way to calculate how much I've done for Mêlée vs. Mindforce vs. Ranged. Let's just say that it's complicated lol.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 74,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 23,5%
    Total decay: 277.208,67 PED
    Total loot: 258.584,90 PED
    Result: 93,28%
    Ardorj :shy::inpain::beaver::battleroar::drowning::muted::meh:
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
  7. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm making progress now.
    Yuka Stage 2 is done. I like them, but I think I'll leave them alone now untill Codex comes.
    Korwil Stage 2 is done, it went a lot better then before the Pandi and Yuka. I do want to have another go at them and finish Stage 3 before Codex, if I might.
    Oratan Stage 4 is done. I'll probably won't start Stage 5 before Codex.

    Stage 2 Yuka.jpg Stage 2 Korwil.jpg Stage 4 Oratan.jpg

    I've also done a few Zadul hunts now. On the one hand they're just a fun little mob to hunt when I don't have much time, or when I don't want anything bigger. On the other hand, I could have gone for Tiarak better, mission reward wise. But I'll stick with them, I think.

    Some of my better globals from this update are:
    Yuka 022.jpg Korwil 018.jpg Oratan Miner 007.jpg

    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (58 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (48.51 of 50.0).
    61. Completed! Finish Korwil Stage 2 (400).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    63. New! Finish GMC_03_Gamma Stage 1 (0 of 100). I think I've killed 4, or something like that? Less then 10, I remember them as something evil that would kill me the first time I visited the Moon and hunted Oompa and Warhounds. That was ~1,5 year ago, so I suspect I can take them on now with more convidence.

    Hunting weapons:

    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    SB.A10LS & B Ardenner 10 (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +Be2LBullseye II (L)
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    +T-R.LT-Rap (L)
    One thing that I'll be doing different from now on in my log is that I no longer will note the cost and returns down to the PEC. I still have it in my Excell (OpenOffice) sheet, just not here. Same goes for the result, no decimals there no more.

    Hunts #1205 - #1215:
    1205.75 YukaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L10731269118%Global (331, 104, 134) ; Healed by amale ; 5400 Clubs ; Yuka Stage 2 Finished
    1206.2510 KP Oratan SlasherSB.A10L+T-R.L+Be2L03120271087%---
    1207.1495 KP Oratan SlasherSB.A10L+Be2L01860177095%---
    1208.125 KorwilCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA611120968087%Global (140, 55) ; 4200 Evade
    1209.375 ZadulSB.A10L+Be2L02110174082%---
    1210.50 KorwilCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA604570431094%Global (58, 85) ; Potted – Snowdrop ; Piron PBP-47 (L) ; Korwil Stage 2 Finished
    1211.10913 KP Oratan MinerCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L14701265086%Global (68, 125)
    1212.10010 KP Oratan MinerCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L13651051077%Global (52, 57) ; 40 Xenobiology
    1213.3998 KP Oratan MinerCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L05400401074%---
    1214.5971 KP OratanCas.CM1+MTA6 & Cry.NC.506700606090%Global (52) ; Level 47 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    1215.5017 KP Oratan MinerCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L06670627094%Global (109) ; 1200 Scourging ; 2800 Combat Sense ; Oratan Stage 4 Finished
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 75,0%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 23,0%
    Total decay: 285k PED
    Total loot: 265k PED
    Result: 93,18%
    Ardorj :)o_O:sneaky::battleroar::coldfeet::ninja::yuck:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  8. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Small update today.
    Navi, Zadul, Navi-iiii, one more Zadul hunt and back to more Navi.
    They aren't always nice and kind to me, but I do get good globals like these one:
    Navi 018.jpg Navi 019.jpg Navi 021.jpg

    I also bought an upgrade to my club from a socmate. Now I got the Mace Mk. 4!

    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (58 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (48.76 of 50.0).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    63. Finish GMC_03_Gamma Stage 1 (0 of 100).

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    SB.A10LS & B Ardenner 10 (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +Be2LBullseye II (L)
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1216 - #1224:
    1216.1798 KP NaviCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L06080516085%Global (51) ; Arsonistic Chip 3 (L) ; Level 33 Animal Looter
    1217.275 ZadulCry.NC.5 & SB.A10L+Be2L01430124086%Global (12)
    1218.1316 KP NaviCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L04420362082%---
    1219.2483 KP NaviCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L08370715086%Global (56) ; 1200 Butchering
    1220.2401 KP NaviCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L07790673086%Global (81, 53, 50)
    1221.225 ZadulCry.NC.5 & SB.A10L+Be2L01210090074%---
    1222.3249 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA610961132103%Global (209, 170, 63) ; Level 47 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    1223.2248 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA607410653088%Global (133) ; 4000 Skinning
    1224.2009 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA606680576086%Global (72) ; Level 19 Biotropic ; Max. 190 HP
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 75,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 22,8%
    Total decay: 290k PED
    Total loot: 270k PED
    Result: 93,11%
    Ardorj :sleep::jimlad::mad::battleroar::blackeye::bookworm::greyalien:
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's going good at the moment.
    In two more runs I finished the current Navi Stage.
    Stage 3 Navi.jpg Navi 022.jpg Navi 023.jpg

    I did one more Zadul hunt, I'm now well over 1/10th done with just the leisure hunting. It gives me a bit of confidence that I can get it done before Codex comes to Ark.
    And then I flew to the moon. They have seperate missions now for the three types of Sicarius (Worker, Brute and Commander). I finished the Worker's Stage 3 and Brute Stage 1. Brute S1 has the same reward as Worker S1, so I'm curious if that's also true for Commanders and for all stages?
    Sicarius Worker 001.jpg Sicarius Worker 002.jpg

    I do want to complete the Commander S1 too at least. Maybe I'll do them first and then I'll start to test how I do against the GMC_Gammas.
    After these Sicarius I did something odd, odd for me. I took a BLP Rifle that I looted earlier from a Navi and started shooting with it. I finished the Oompa S3 and when it broke I took my Cryo chip and did the same to the Warhounds.
    Stage 3 Oompa.jpg Stage 3 Warhound.jpg

    I just hope the loot will catch up lol.

    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (3.449 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (59 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (48.96 of 50.0).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    63. Finish GMC_03_Gamma Stage 1 (0 of 100).

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Pir.BR27LPiron PBR-27 (L)
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +Be2LBullseye II (L)
    +Hs3LHeadshot III (L)
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    +RapS.LRapper Snapper (L)
    Hunts #1225 - #1233:
    1225.2500 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA6839802096%Global (63, 54) ; Scott & Barlow LR-25 (L) ; Piron PBR-27 (L)
    1226.1997 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA6667537081%Navi Stage 3 Finished
    1227.600 ZadulCry.NC.5 & Elec.NC.5L327309095%Global (25) ; Level 34 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 4200 Electrokinesis
    1228.150 Sicarius WorkerCas.CM1+MTA1L442358081%---
    1229.200 Sicarius WorkerCas.CM3+MTA6582551095%Global (56, 50)
    1230.150 Sicarius WorkerCas.CM3+MTA6460333072%4000 Coolness ; Sicarius Worker Culling Stage 3 Finished
    1231.100 Sicarius BruteCas.CM3+MTA6 & Sha.Dis+MTA6497370074%Sicarius Brute Culling Stage 1 Finished
    1232.481 Oompa & 218 WarhoundPir.BR27L+RapS.L+Hs3L+Be2L943757080%3600 Rifle ; Oompa Culling Stage 3 Finished ; Level 35 BLP Sniper (Hit)
    1233.200 Oompa & 138 WarhoundCry.NC.7+NPKA2L525501996%Warhound Culling Stage 3 Finished
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 75,1%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 22,6%
    Total decay: 295k PED
    Total loot: 275k PED
    Result: 92,97%
    Ardorj :snaphappy::mask::coffee::battleroar::D:artist::confused:
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
  10. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The loot did catch up, with some pretty good runs on the GMC's.
    But first I did S1 Sicarius Commanders. Yes, same reward as the other two. Later on I finished S2 Sicarius Brute as well, and again it had the same reward as the Workers do. Funny thing, the last kill on the S2 Brute was a global, and a damn fine one at that too.
    Sicarius Brute 002.jpg
    I think this is rather a shame. From the story and information from scanning I get the impression that the Sicarius is some kind of hive-like insect creature. In that regard, workers, brutes and commanders do make sense. Also the very different outlooks of all three Sicarius is cool. Yet we see here three different spots for three morphologies of the same species. You won't see worker ants cutting leaves meters away from the soldier ants whos job it is to protect them.

    So yeah, the GMC's. They are bad. They kill me. And sometimes they give a good loot in return, like this one:
    GMC 03 Gamma 006.jpg
    Other GMC globals are:
    GMC 03 Gamma 001.jpg GMC 03 Gamma 002.jpg GMC 03 Gamma 003.jpg GMC 03 Gamma 004.jpg GMC 03 Gamma 005.jpg GMC 03 Gamma 007.jpg GMC 03 Gamma 008.jpg
    One even game me a small ESI! Not in any global, and I was so flabbergasted that I forgot to take a pic lol.

    Another good thing about these Gamma's is that I've finished S1, and S2 as well.
    Stage 2 GMC Gamma.jpg

    I've started opening boxes when I got to Ark Moon. I found my first ring there, an Hermetic Augmented that I've sold for ~TT+250. I'm happy!
    Hermetic Ring, Augmented 1.a.jpg

    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (7.894 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (59 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (49.05 of 50.0).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    63. Completed! Finish GMC_03_Gamma Stage 1 (100).
    64. New! Finish Navi Stage 4 (0 of 40.000). I gotta get back to the Navi again after I'm done here on Ark Moon (S3 done for all three Sicarius and maybe GMC too). I think I'll try to do them with some Zadul and/or Korwil alongsides.

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Crea.EdLCreator's Edge (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1234 - #1242:
    1234.100 Sicarius CommanderCry.NC.7+NPKA2L620723117%Global (112, 213) ; Sicarius Commander Culling Stage 1 Finished
    1235.61 GMC 03 GammaCry.NC.7+NPKA2L575554096%Global (109)
    1236.32 GMC 03 GammaCry.NC.7+NPKA2L297225076%Global (52)
    1237.40 GMC 03 GammaCry.NC.7+NPKA2L386506131%Global (171, 88) ; GMC Gamma Culling Stage 1 Finished ; 2600 Diagnosis
    1238.83 GMC 03 GammaCas.CM2+MTA6766941123%Global (76, 209) ; Empty Skill Implant (L) ; Level 32 Paramedic ; 1400 Scourging ; Level 49 One Handed Clubber (Dmg)
    1239.90 Sicarius BruteCry.NC.7+NPKA2L471297063%---
    1240.110 Sicarius BruteCry.NC.7+NPKA2L570678119%Global (64, 230) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 7 has reached tier 3.99 ; Sicarius Brute Culling Stage 2 Finished
    1241.50 GMC 03 GammaCas.CM2+MTA6432343080%Global (80)
    1242.35 GMC 03 GammaCrea.EdL+MTA6329252077%Global (61) ; GMC Gamma Culling Stage 2 Finished
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 74,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 23,2%
    Total decay: 300k PED
    Total loot: 274k PED
    Result: 92,97%

    I know, it looks odd. Last time I had 1k more total loot and ~1.5% better results. What it is, is that some how I've copy-pasted other cells with far different values over the hunting results of ~20 hunts done in 2018.
    I don't know either how or why.
    Ardorj :blackalien::eek::smilie::battleroar::walkingdead::roflmao::borg:
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020
  11. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Lots of good things happening right now.
    I went back to the planet again, after finishing Sicarius Brute S3 and Commander S2. On the last Brute hunt the globals just kept coming.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-06-21 16-11-42.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-06-22 21-49-10.jpg Sicarius Brute 004.jpg Sicarius Brute 005.jpg Sicarius Brute 006.jpg Sicarius Brute 007.jpg Sicarius Brute 008.jpg Sicarius Brute 009.jpg Sicarius Brute 010.jpg Sicarius Commander 003.jpg Sicarius Commander 004.jpg Sicarius Commander 005.jpg Stage 3 Sicarius Brute.jpg Level 55 Swordman (Hit).jpg

    Arkadia must love me back down again, because I got another ESI at the start of the first hunt in the Underground! And this time I did take a screenshot:
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-06-26 20-8-28.jpg
    Loot was bad that run for all other Navi's, but I'm happy with the ESI lol.

    Last hunt on Navi also was good with some good globals and two BLP guns looted.
    Navi 024.jpg Navi 025.jpg Navi 026.jpg Navi 027.jpg Navi 028.jpg

    46. Completed! Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (59 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (49.21 of 50.0).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    64. Finish Navi Stage 4 (5614 of 40.000).
    65. New! Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000). It might get a bit old, but first I fail to come up with a good personal goal otherwise. And second, I have bought some Ancient Greek Shares, and while I do believe them to fall into my "not so wise spendings", I do want to go visit that place that I got the shares from. See this as a personal mission chain to visit all places in this here Universe.

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Gen.Ice.MMGenesis Icerage MM Edition (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Mak.WF1LMAKO Wildfire 1 (L)
    SB.FK35LS & B Fractal Katana 35 (L)
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1243 - #1249:
    [TDGlobal (87)[/TD]
    1243.125 Sicarius BruteGen.Ice.MM+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L06380532083%Global (57)
    1244.375 Sicarius BruteGen.Ice.MM+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L19211899099%Global (70, 79, 90, 144, 165, 94, 50) ; 1800 Medicine ; 1400 Butchering ; Level 55 Swordsman (Hit) ; Level 34 Evader ; Sicarius Brute Culling Stage 3 Finished
    1245.113 Sicarius CommanderGen.Ice.MM+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L06580511078%
    1246.85 Sicarius CommanderSB.FK35L+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L04930558113%Global (155, 58) ; Sicarius Commander Culling Stage 2 Finished
    1247.125 ZadulMak.WF1L+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7+NPKA2L02170146067%---
    1248.2604 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA608380611073%Global (72) ; Empty Skill Implant (L) ; 3200 Scan Animal ; 4200 First Aid
    1249.3010 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA609981029103%Global (57, 59, 129, 57) ; Piron PBR-27 (L) ; Piron PBR-32 (L)
    And now for some exciting 'news' about the little results I always post at the end of each update.
    I am talking about this part (copy from previous post):
    Mêlée all the Way!: 74,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 23,2%

    The way I used to do it was that I had a long list of every hunt and the weapons used. That table was split into three parts: Mêlée, Mindforce and Ranged. Each was split again into three columns, for example a) Mêlée, b) Mêlée + Ranged, c) Mêlée + MindForce. Making it nine columns in total. I then manually copied the weapon ped-value into the respected column. For example hunt #1243 would be Mêlée + MindForce. Excell did the rest, adding all values for the three main proffessions. With a value of 0.92 if it was with another type as finisher and 0.08 if it was used as a finisher.
    But this has some obvious flaws. I tracked it for a couple of hunts, and the impact of the finisher/ 2nd weapon is anywhere between 1 and 15% (making 0.08 or 8% fit in, true).

    But now I'll do it differently. I've spend some time to figure out a formula for a chipvalue. I don't have one true formula, I'm using 8 different yet similar in the range from 1 to 10.000 skills. Now I'll calculate it backwards, from a skillpoint to a chipvalue. For Mêlée I use five skills (Longblades, Clubs, Power Fist, Shortblades and Whip). For Ranged I use four (Aim, Handgun, Rifle, Support Weapon Systems) and for MindForce just two (Concentration and Power Catalyst).
    Since each skill contributes a part for its respected proffession and smaller part for the main proffession, one can calculate how much those skills contribute to Mêlée, Ranged and MindForce. That is 6,4000% ; 6,5577% and 6,5000%. Using those values, I can then calculate how much the value (in chipsize) is of each three. There is some bit of overlap of course, this is a hypothetical value. And the last step is to add all three and then calculate how good one is.
    This has its flaws too of course, skill rewards come to mind at first. But since I will take a skill that fits me best, this will show how much I spend, and have spend, on each of the three main hunting proffessions.

    And it's quite different from how I first calculated it. My playing style was different in the past. Starting with only Mêlée untill I switched to the Opalo and Marber.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 84,3%
    Mindforce : 8,4%
    Ranged : 7,3%
    Total decay: 306k PED
    Total loot: 280k PED
    Result: 91,48%

    Ardorj :spiderman::cow::shamefullyembarrased::battleroar::inlove::dead::borg:
  12. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    A week of vacation and so it's a week with a lot of Entropia, due to still a partly lockdown (yet douable) here in the Netherlands and the weather not being all that great.

    I've come to the conclusion to sell a large part of my mêlée collection. Long story short: it's not worth the time and especially not the PEDs.
    I made a selling thread. Now I just need to think about shouting out in #ArkTrade more lol.

    Someone is intrested in the Force Mace Assail, but didn't quite like it that I had it at full TT. That's somewhere near the 2.5k :roflmao:
    To reduce the TT value I've been hunting with that mace for the last days. Using it on the small Zaduls. Now I'm sick of both of them lol. I still need ~5k more Zaduls, not sure if I can make it before Codex. I sure hope I do, because my current stage doesn't have a much intresting reward, but the next one has.
    2020-07-04 -- Zadul Provider 22 PED b.jpg Navi 029.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-07-03 21-38-27.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-07-05 10-34-1.jpg

    Talking about Codex, the closer it gets, the more I think about all the mobs that I want to complete just one more mission on. Huon, Kadra, Bokol, Navi, Tiarak, Otorugi, Korwil, Sicarius Commander, ....

    The loot has been shit. Can't say it in any other words. I kinda think it's due to the Migration coming today (?) to Caly. MA holding back tens of thousands of loot, to give it all away in 1 or 2 massive Eomon ATHs.

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (59 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (49.79 of 50.0).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    64. Finish Navi Stage 4 (9843 of 40.000).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Forc.MAForce Mace Assail
    Mak.WF1LMAKO Wildfire 1 (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1250 - #1261:
    1250.2289 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA60762630083%Global (66)
    1251.300 ZadulMak.WF1L+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA40538454084%---
    1252.125 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA61132826073%Global (65, 90) ; Piron PBP-47 (L) ; Potted - Snowdrop
    1253.1940 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA60669467070%---
    1254.350 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10199163082%Max. 191 HP
    1255.350 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10201169084%Global (11) ; Zadul Plush Toy
    1256.850 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10478417087%Global (22) ; S & B Ardenner 4 (L) ; Level 48 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    1257.1150 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10674612091%Global (13, 21, 12)
    1258.750 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10426365086%Global (12) ; 1400 Treatment
    1259.300 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10172165096%---
    1260.550 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10326293090%Global (20, 14, 13)
    1261.750 ZadulForc.MA+MTA10439385088%Global (10, 15, 14, 11) ; Zadul Plush Toy
    Oh ... and after the long explanation last post, I now forgot to check my skills ...

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 84,3%
    Mindforce : 8,4%
    Ranged : 7,3%
    Total decay: 312k PED
    Total loot: 285k PED
    Result: 91,30%

    Ardorj :confused::coldfeet:o_O:battleroar::droid::wtf::vulcan:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's ironic, but the closer we get to the implemantation of Codex on Arkadia, the more diverce my hunting becomes. I'm currently working on three missions:
    Korwil : <50% of 1200 kills
    Navi : <50% of 20k killpoints
    Zadul : ~75% of 12.000 kills
    I think it will be hard for me to complete all three on time, we'll see.
    Maybe I do stop at 95% for all in the end?! :walkingdead:

    The first hunts of this update was on the Korwils. And it all ended with a new #1 and #3 ... . ehh .... #4 personal HOF on Tracker! My über comes in pieces. On that same hunt I also got to this mark:
    Level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg).jpg

    Then I took a Piron rifle that I looted about two weeks ago on Navi and started shooting the Zaduls. The loot remained quite well, with another profitable hunt to end it.
    2020-07-13 -- Zadul Provider 29 PED a.jpg Level 40 Ranged BLP (Dmg).jpg

    And last I did two runs on the Navi to end this update, looting another Piron rifle to shoot with.
    Navi 030.jpg Navi 031.jpg Navi 032.jpg Navi 033.jpg

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (60 of 65).
    56. Completed! Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (50.0).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    64. Finish Navi Stage 4 (16405 of 40.000).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. New! Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (47.82 of 50.00). Another skill goal to aim for. It's tight to maxing the Songkra, because that one will be done at lvl 49 lol. I was also thinking about going for level 40 Evader, but I think that's still a leap to far considering that I'm only at 34 right now.

    Hunting weapons:
    Bs.Ax.40LBloodstained Axe 40 (L)
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Pir.BR27LPiron PBR-27 (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +Be2LBullseye II (L)
    +Hs3LHeadshot III (L)
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1262 - #1269:
    1262.175 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA615171169077%Global (60, 53, 65) ; 5400 Combat Reflexes ; 3000 Combat Sense
    1263.130 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA611161083097%Global (69, 138, 87) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 2 (L) ; Mutation Agent ; Level 34 Animal Looter
    1264.155 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA614262758193%HOF (532, 842) ; Global (74, 121, 262) ; 2x Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 2 (L) ; Mutation Agent ; NeoPsion 55-A Mindforce Implant (L) ; Level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg)
    1265.400 ZadulPir.BR27L+Hs3L+Be2L02220219099%Global (12, 12) ; Zadul Plush Toy
    1266.800 ZadulPir.BR27L+Hs3L+Be2L04540435096%Global (29, 11, 11) ; Level 40 Ranged BLP (Dmg)
    1267.325 ZadulBs.Ax.40L+MTA602000203102%Global (20, 11, 13, 20, 10)
    1268.2610 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA608370626075%Healed by Delos ; 2800 Alertness
    1269.3952 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA613401209090%Global (77, 85, 79, 71) ; Piron PBR-27 (L) ; [System]: Your Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 4 has reached tier 5.4

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 84,7%
    Mindforce : 7,2%
    Ranged : 8,1%
    Total decay: 319k PED
    Total loot: 292k PED
    Result: 91,68%

    Ardorj :mask::borg::bookworm::battleroar::arghh::spiderman::woot:
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm hard at work right now to complete the Navi S4 first, and then probably go for the Zadul S5 next. I only need 1k of the first, and a bit over 2k for the latter.

    All that Navi hunting (and first Zadul) has gotten me these lovely globals:
    2020-07-19 -- Zadul Provider 45 PED .jpg Navi 039.jpg Navi 040.jpg Navi 041.jpg Navi 042.jpg Navi 043.jpg Navi 044.jpg Navi 045.jpg Navi 046.jpg 1600 Butchering.jpg 4000 Light Melee Weapons.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-07-19 19-32-52.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-07-19 20-37-29.jpg

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (60 of 65).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    64. Finish Navi Stage 4 (38999 of 40.000).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (48.06 of 50.00).

    Hunting weapons:
    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    AMS.35LArMatrix SB-35 (L)
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    Star.BLStargazing Blade (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1270 - #1278:
    1270.6523 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA621972025092%Global (56, 61, 103, 65, 127) ; Scott & Barlow LR-20 (L) ; Corvus Thigh Guards (M) ; Level 49 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    1271.325 ZadulStar.BL+MTA402420155064%Global (20) ; 4000 Light Melee Weapons ; 1600 Butchering
    1272.300 ZadulAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.10L+MTA101560109070%---
    1273.550 ZadulAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.10L+MTA102800306109%Global (24, 45) ; Teleportation Chip 1 (L)
    1274.4067 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA613711343098%Global (67, 92, 76, 50) ; Piron PBR-27 (L) ; Longreach IV (L) ; Arsonistic Chip 2 (L)
    1275.4017 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA613441019076%Level 48 Knifefighter (Hit)
    1276.1923 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA606480484075%---
    1277.3061 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA610430990095%Global (50, 72, 97) ; Longreach IV (L) ; Scott & Barlow LR-25 (L)
    1278.3003 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA610150767076%Global (64) ; Max. 192 HP
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 84,9%
    Mindforce : 8,0%
    Ranged : 8,0%
    Total decay: 327k PED
    Total loot: 299k PED
    Result: 91,55%
    Ardorj :watching::wideyed::cat::battleroar::blackalien::arghh::cold:
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
  15. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Navi Stage 4: Done!
    Zadul Stage 5: Done!
    Korwil Stage 3: Hard working ...
    Stage 4 Navi.jpg Stage 5 Zadul.jpg

    Navi ended with a nice positive result, thanks to a good global. The Zaduls were all bad, but it turned again with the first two Korwil hunts. Scoring two globals above 250 PED in the first one!
    Navi 047.jpg 2020-07-24 -- Zadul Mature 13 PED .jpg Korwil 030.jpg Korwil 031.jpg Korwil 032.jpg Korwil 033.jpg Korwil 034.jpg

    I also got the 6000 Clubs milestone on one of the Korwil hunts:
    6000 Clubs.jpg

    And dropping a probe now and then gave me this global as well:
    Lysterium 003.jpg

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (61 of 65).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    64. Completed! Finish Navi Stage 4 (40.000).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (48.35 of 50.00).
    67. New! Finish Madana Stage 3 (475 of 1.200). Not knowing how much time I have left, and struggling to think what the right mob could be. These will give me Weapon Handling for this stage, and Alertness for the upcoming. Other mobs high on the list are Defense Bots (Longblades & Powerfist), Mutated Nusul (Shortblades and Anatomy), Sicarius Commander (Alertness), Oratan (Dodge and more Dodge), GMC Gamma (unknowns) or Pandi (Athletics and Combat Reflexes).

    Hunting weapons:
    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    AMS.35LArMatrix SB-35 (L)
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1279 - #1287:
    1279.1004 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA603410380112%Global (118) ; Navi Stage 4 Finished
    1280.925 ZadulAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.10L+MTA104750419088%Global (13, 11)
    1281.1075 ZadulAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.10L+MTA105670504089%Global (11, 11, 15)
    1282.200 ZadulAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.10L+MTA101050094090%Global (11) ; Zadul Stage 5 Finished
    1283.140 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA613731658121%Global (256, 53, 253, 57) ; GYRO FAP-55 (L) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 3 (L) ; Empty Skill Implant (L) ; GYRO FAP-40 (L) ; Headshot IV (L) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 9 (L) ; 4200 Skinning
    1284.40 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA603650401110%Global (104) ; Potted – Snowdrop ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 3 (L) ; 67 Xenobiology
    1285.65 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA605890428073%---
    1286.70 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA606140374061%Potted - Snowdrop ; 6000 Clubs
    1287.80 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA607190522073%Potted - Snowdrop
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 85,0%
    Mindforce : 7,9%
    Ranged : 7,1%
    Total decay: 332k PED
    Total loot: 304k PED
    Result: 91,57%

    The Korwils I can do fast enough, I presume. I need a little over 200 more kills, before the end of next week this will be done. This weekend I'm going to Calypso again for a short trip and an NBK sochunt.
    Ardorj :geek::greyalien::grumpy::battleroar::eek::astronaut::angelic:
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Entropia is defiatly on the uptake for me.
    Last friday I flew to Calypso on a 3+ hour flight with my Sleipnir and being destroyed by a ztopid pirat and a Cosmic Horror. I spend the rest of the evening looking for clothes to buy and hunting punies.
    Puny, as in tiny, smaller then little ... except I still need armour to survive them lol. Daikiba pubs and the others are highly agressive too lol.
    Level 45 Brawler (Dmg).jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-07-31 22-54-48.jpg

    That night I couldn't get to sleep. I spend the first three hours in a state of half asleep / half awake. In the end I woke up and turned on the computer to do ... what?
    Let's see what the Dailies are: 3x F... Faucervix, Fungoid & Formicacida.
    I hate Fauc since the first moment they ran up to this little orange jumper me like the beardogs that they are. Even now I rather avoid them, then having to kill just a single one.
    The Fungoids were good though, with a few PECs in profit and the Ants weren't too bad either, with a few PEDs in loss and a nice global.
    Formicacida 002.jpg

    After those hunts I tried to catch some sleep again. Gave up after 15 minutes and took a long walk in the dark. It's cool to do, everything is so much different at midnight.
    Afterwards I finally did get some sleep, only to wake way too early again and went back to the punies. Nothing special this time.

    In the afternoon we came together for a NBK teamhunt with small rifles. It was fun to do, even though the loot was simple absent. We started with Proterons and later went to the Longtooths. There I realized that I'm halfway done with Stage 1, 24 of 50 kills! So after the hunt I finished those bastards. Loot still sucked, not sure if that was really worth the effort or not.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 14-3-37.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 14-22-24.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 14-27-47.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 15-15-50.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 15-21-26.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 15-43-18.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 15-58-58.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 16-33-23.jpg Level 35 Evader.jpg

    I've also made a good progress, because of the Daily Formicacida, so I deceided to finish their Stage 1 as well. Turned out with a few PECs profit this time, and a nice skill reward. I'm happy I've done this one.
    Stage 1 Formicacida.jpg

    I had about 1,5 hours left on Caly, because of an Auctionbid and waiting for a secure flight back. So I went for something complete different: Nexnecis. I've hunted mainly mobs that have a good reward in the current stage, or the upcoming to prepare for the arrival of Codex. Ofcourse, I've also done more then enough Caly missions just for that purpose. So, this time it was refreshing to hunt something for the sole reason that I wanted to hunt Nexnecis. I got a nice global, but otherwise the loot wasn't all that fine. Still, I'm happy that I did this one.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 20-40-12.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-01 21-14-55.jpg Nexnecis 002.jpg

    I didn't want to log out just yet when I got back on Ark. So I went back to the Korwils for one small hunt. It turned out to be one small hunt with one big global. I would have made a profit if even all the other Korwils were a this creature didn't carry any loot as in the past.
    Korwil 035.jpg

    On sunday and monday I needed to do a total of three more Korwil-hunts before I could finish Stage 3. Sunday evening was good with a total of four globals, including a nice 225 PEDder.
    Korwil 036.jpg Korwil 037.jpg Korwil 038.jpg Korwil 039.jpg
    On monday I got a big one again, and same as the late saturday hunt, it was an instant-profit-global. You just gotta love those!
    Korwil 040.jpg

    My Vehicle Repairing skills multiplied by a dozen when I went to collect the reward. And what I didn't realized back then: I've unlocked Blueprint Comprehension! Hurray!
    Stage 4 Korwil.jpg

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (61 of 65).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (48.50 of 50.00).
    67. Finish Madana Stage 3 (475 of 1.200).

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    AMS.10LArMatrix SB-10 (L)
    AMS.35LArMatrix SB-35 (L)
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Cas.KnBLCastorian EnKnuckles-B (L)
    Cas.SB.BLCastorian Survival EnBlade-B (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Herm.A0LHerman ARK-0 (L)
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1288 - #1299:
    1288.558 KP* Calypso PunyCas.KnBL0560052093%2x Sollomate Rubio (L) ; Daikiba Rank 17 ; Level 45 Brawler (Dmg)
    1289.50 FungoidAMS.35L+MTA4 & AMS.10L+MTA10980098101%Fungoid Rank 1
    1290.50 FormicacidaCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA63190313098%Global (60) ; Formicacida Rank 1 & 2
    1291.320 KP* Calypso PunyCas.SB.BL0320039122%---
    1292.18 CP Proteron & 42 CP LongtoothHerm.A0L0790046058%NBK Teamhunt
    1293.176 CP LongtoothCry.NC.7+NPKA2L1810104058%Longtooth Rank 1 ; Iron Longtooth I Finished ; Level 35 Evader
    1294.426 CP FormicacidaCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA63440344100%Iron Formicacida I Finished
    1295.1312 CP NexnecisSon.Cor+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA44190361086%Global (55) ; Isis LBC 10 (L) ; Nexnecis Rank 1 to 3
    1296.20 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA61740531305%Global (452)
    1297.75 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA67570589078%Potted – Snowdrop ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 1 (L) ; 4800 Inflict Melee Damage
    1298.95 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA69791159118%Global (119, 97, 225, 70) ; 2x Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 2 (L) ; Potted – Snowdrop ; Piron PLP-57 (L)
    1299.30 KorwilCas.CM4+MTA62580464180%Global (262) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 2 (L) ; Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 3 (L) ; [System]: Your Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 4 has reached tier 5.5 ; Korwil Stage 3 Finished ; [System]: Congratulations, you have acquired a new skill; Blueprint Comprehension
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 85,1%
    Mindforce : 7,9%
    Ranged : 7,1%
    Total decay: 336k PED
    Total loot: 308k PED
    Result: 91,79%

    I'm now on Ark Moon to get the Sicarius Commanders at the same stage as the other Sicarius. Should be no problem to finish them before the end of this week.
    Then I'm in the Underground again to finish Navi Stage 5. And hopefully I'll have that done before Codex. I did Stage 4 from 01 june to 24 july, or 7 weeks and 4 days. But in those almost 2 months I also hunted a) 8775 Zaduls, b) 500 Sicarius Workers, c) 800 Sicarius Brutes, d) 681 Oompa, e) 356 Warhounds, f) 301 GMC 03 Gammas, g) 298 Sicarius Commanders and h) 585 Korwils.
    Ardorj :drool::barefoot::bag::battleroar::cat::hungover::greyalien:
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
  17. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Sicarius Commanders : done!
    Stage 3 Sicarius Commander.jpg Sicarius Commander 006.jpg Sicarius Commander 007.jpg Sicarius Commander 008.jpg Sicarius Commander 009.jpg Sicarius Commander 010.jpg Sicarius Commander 011.jpg Level 35 Animal Looter.jpg Level 50 Knifefighter (Dmg).jpg

    It wasn't always the best of loot to hope for, but I'm happy they're on the same track as the other Sicariuses.

    And then back down and down some more for Navi hunting in the underground.
    At first the loot was so-so, untill saturday evening when everything just popped, including another ESI!
    Level 50 One Handed Clubber (Hit).jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-08 21-12-41.jpg Navi 053.jpg Navi 054.jpg Navi 056.jpg Navi 057.jpg

    I've now already done roughly 1/3rd of the mission. Confident I'll make it before Codex.
    When Codex is implamented on Ark, I'll probably do the Stages 5 & 6 with good rewards (those I've rated 4 & 5) first. After that? Aakas maybe, or the Stage 4 with good rewards, or perhaps Stages 5 & 6 with a 3-rated reward.

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (62 of 65).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (48.69 of 50.00).
    67. Finish Madana Stage 3 (475 of 1.200).

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. IV
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    SB.SK35LS & B Fractal Katana 35 (L)
    SB.SK40LS & B Fractal Katana 40 (L)
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1300 - #1309:
    1300.46 Sicarius CommanderSB.FK35L+MTA602640168064%1800 Butchering
    1301.43 Sicarius CommanderSB.FK40L+MTA602390188079%---
    1302.220 Sicarius CommanderSha.Dis+MTA612721222096%Global (165, 84, 69, 51) ; 1200 Computer
    1303.124 Sicarius CommanderSon.Cor+MTA607100672095%Global (144) ; 4800 Martial Arts
    1304.67 Sicarius CommanderCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA603750406108%Global (77) ; Level 35 Animal Looter ; Sicarius Commander Culling Stage 3 Finished
    1305.3818 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA612851177092%Global (89, 72) ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.9
    1306.4027 KP NaviCry.NC.7+NPKA2L & Son.Cor+MTA614201067075%Global (73)
    1307.3425 KP NaviCry.NC.7+NPKA2L & Son.Cor+MTA611890986083%Global (74) ; [System]: Your Songkra Corrosive Dagger has reached tier 1.2 ; 3800 Concentration
    1308.6726 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA622582470109%Global (79, 65, 251, 52, 122, 108, 64) ; Empty Skill Implant (L) ; Longreach IV (L) ; Piron PBR-32 (L) ; Scott & Barlow SB-25 (L) ; Scott & Barlow LR-20 (L) ; Level 33 Paramedic ; Level 51 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; Max. 193 HP ; Level 50 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    1309.3540 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA612160970080%Global (61, 58) ; 4200 Coolnes

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 85,1%
    Mindforce : 8,0%
    Ranged : 7,0%
    Total decay: 346k PED
    Total loot: 318k PED
    Result: 91,77%
    Ardorj :cow::bucktooth::headphone::battleroar::barefoot::walkingdead::laugh:
  18. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Just a quick update, doing loads and loads of Navi.
    I was in a good wave for a while, wich started with this very fine HOF.
    Navi 063a.jpg
    Other globals with a value higher then 75p are:
    Navi 064.jpg Navi 066.jpg Navi 067.jpg Navi 070.jpg Navi 071.jpg

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (62 of 65).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (48.81 of 50.00).
    67. Finish Madana Stage 3 (475 of 1.200).

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 4
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 7
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1310 - #1315:
    1310.2927 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Cry.NC.709780772079%Global (51) ; Piron PBR-27 (L)
    1311.3536 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA611981638137%HOF (717) ; Global (51) ; Piron PBR-27 (L)
    1312.2628 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA608880883099%Global (91, 59, 99) ; Piron PBR-27 (L)
    1313.2394 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA608080829103%Global (87, 135, 62) ; 5100 Courage
    1314.3351 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA610950920084%Global (83)
    1315.2750 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA609250827089%Global (178) ; Arsonistic Chip 2 (L) ; 6000 Melee Combat
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 85,1%
    Mindforce : 8,0%
    Ranged : 7,0%
    Total decay: 346k PED
    Total loot: 318k PED
    Result: 91,77%
    Ardorj :coldfeet::eek::spiderman::battleroar::borg::bucktooth::pompus:
  19. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    And now, for something very special.
    Yesterday, 15th August 2020, two of my friends & socmates said a very special three word & six letters to each other.

    First we met at Machinery Plant and later flew and drove to a waterfall.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 18-48-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 19-29-42.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 19-50-38.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 19-58-15.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-10-48.jpg

    Three weeks ago I was asked to perform the services for the wedding of Wibb and Dar.
    And I said yes. Wibb stood on my left, Dar on my right, and all the guest facing us with a spectacular view of the waterfall. Best mates were Granny and Crystal.
    They both looked their absolute best in their new and finest clothings. Dar's dress had been textured and painted by Granny using the finest (correct me if I'm wrong) Monura textures.

    "Yes, I do"
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-26-17.jpg
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-16-59.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-18-7.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-28-31.jpg

    The afterparty was at the Moonshine bar, with a superb menu prepared by Bal and a Boorum cook/waiter. We had Shaved Boar Steak, Pickled Jelly Worms (for Wibb only), Blood Moss Salad, Swamp Lurker in Brain Oil (thanks for not using Crude Oil), Broiled Leg of Scoria, Parboiled Caroots, Sweetstuff Sorbet, and much ... much more to enjoy!
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-37-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-38-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 20-39-28.jpg

    The bartender was quite rude and out of any drinks. So we made 2 or 3 teams and went to open the Wedding Chests for the lovely couple. I went with my team to the underground from a Sal'diresh run #6. The plan at first was to do 6, 7, 8, and 10 (I didn't had a #9).
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-5-24.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-7-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-8-26.jpg

    Yet after the first Sal'diresh my team split into two and joined the other two teams in Aakas #5 and #7. I went into #7 where the rest was waiting for me.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-36-50.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-47-15.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-49-48.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-50-11.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 21-50-45.jpg

    And then we went back down in the Underground again, for some Smuggler hunting this time. Starting at a Mech MK1 wave, followed by a Droid MK3 & MK5 wave, through the Badger MK2 wave and ended about halfway into the Mech MK2 wave.
    We were joined by a few outsiders. I wonder if they knew why we were there with so many from all the NBK branches?
    Loot was shit, but who cares at such a moment? I looted one BLP Rifle that I split with the others.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-13-19.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-17-3.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-21-56.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-32-56.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-34-10.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-44-36.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-46-47.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-52-29.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 22-58-21.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 23-16-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-08-15 23-20-3.jpg Smuggler Mech 004.jpg

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (62 of 65).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (48.81 of 50.00).
    67. Finish Madana Stage 3 (475 of 1.200).

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 4
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1316:
    1316.Many DifferentCas.CM4+MTA6 & Sha.Dis+MTA6622419067%Global (165) ; NBK Weddingparty Teamhunt ; Piron PBR-47 (L)
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 85,2%
    Mindforce : 7,9%
    Ranged : 6,9%
    Total decay: 353k PED
    Total loot: 324k PED
    Result: 91,86%

    Gratz Wibb & Dar! My best wishes to both of you. And thanks all who have been at the wedding and the parties. I've had a fantastic evening!
    Ardorj :woot::photogenic::droid::battleroar::kiss::stig::drowning:
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    And straight back to the Navi again. I've completed Stage 5 by now, but this update is from one hunt short of that.

    During one of these hunt I got this pleasant suprise
    Rare Item 003 a (Gravis GLP-36).jpg
    I totally missed taking a screenshot of the big swirlies, I was staring at my screen bewildered what was happening, and only seeing the 7 PED Shrapnel at first lol. And too bad that Tracker doesn't record rare items, but all's well. It's on Auction now for those who want it.

    Another day I woke up at 4 O'clock at night and just couldn't sleep any more. So I logged in and started cutting down these Navies again, untill I got a nice little HOF!
    Navi 081a.jpg
    Only 145 PEDdies, but I take it gladly lol.

    The next hunt I used an ArMatrix knife. I don't get it why people love the ArMatrix so much, I never seem to do any good with them and this hunt was no exception. But it did get me thinking "Do I have different results with different weapons?" So now I'm slowly working that out. I won't be making a detailed experiment on it as I did in the past with the Halix and Hadraada, it's more just out of curiousity.
    The idea also came from a discussion in socchat if one would see the same or worse results when hunting with an unmaxed old lvl 100 weapon.

    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (63 of 65).
    62. Prove my worth to the Smugglers, Part I (0 of 1).
    65. Visit Next Island & Ancient Greece and spend 10.000 PED (0 of 10.000).
    66. Get to level 50 Knifefighter (Hit) (49.27 of 50.00).
    67. Finish Madana Stage 3 (475 of 1.200).

    Hunting weapons:
    AMS.30LArMatrix SB-30 (L)
    Cas.CM4Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 4
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1317 - #1324:
    [TDGlobal (53, 92, 50) ; Piron PBR-27 (L) ; Level 49 Knifefighter (Hit)[/TD]
    1317.2766 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA609390681072%Global (75)
    1318.3593 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA611971155096%Global (80, 73, 50) ; Longreach IV (L) ; 4800 Wounding
    1319.1261 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA604190238057%---
    1320.2322 KP NaviSon.Cor+MTA605730666116%Global (58) ; Gravis GLP-36 ; Piron PBR-27 (L) ; [System]: Your Songkra Corrosive Dagger has reached tier 1.3
    1321.2294 KP NaviSon.Cor+MTA607610800105%
    1322.2273 KP NaviSon.Cor+MTA607580842111%HOF (145) ; Global (102) ; Piron PBR-27 (L) ; [System]: Your Songkra Corrosive Dagger has reached tier 1.4
    1323.4151 KP NaviAMS.30L+MTA413931083078%Piron PBR-27 (L)
    1324.1606 KP NaviCas.CM4+MTA605440441081%---
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée : 85,4%
    Mindforce : 7,8%
    Ranged : 6,8%
    Total decay: 359k PED
    Total loot: 330k PED
    Result: 91,82%
    Ardorj :drool::cyclops::cat::battleroar::eggonface::jawdrop::roflmao: