Crowdfunded healing: my time + your money for a good cause

Discussion in 'General Trading & Business Discussion' started by DaughterOfAnarchy, Jun 6, 2017.

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  1. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Now that I'm back in the game I'm trying to revive an old idea of mine.

    So, what's the idea?

    Sweating circles - either you ever been to one or not, you know about them... those gathering places for new players that make their first steps into this amazing new world that is Entropia Universe... and, I may be wrong, but I think that, if everything goes fine, they can be one of the biggest retention factors in the game for a new player - not mostly for the few PEDs or PECs the make from sweating directly, but for the experience of meeting other players (both new players like them and far more experienced players), learn about mentors, mobs, weapons, eco and everything in between. And, after being on the sweating circles for a long while, I can say that, without a doubt, that the one thing that makes the difference between an enjoyable and a frustration experience is the presence or absence of a healer. And that's exactly why I decided to start this crowdfunded healing project...

    So, how would it work out?

    Well, the basic idea is that any player who can and wants to do that will have the option to donate some money (there's no limit of how low of how high a donation can be) towards the project, then I'll use my time and their money (to pay for the FAP decay) to heal on Arkadia's sweating circles.

    For maximum transparency, I would maintain here a full list of people that donated, as well as the amounts they donated (unless they want to stay anonymous, in which case I will only mention the amounts), as well as the dates, times and costs of the healing sessions (if requested I can also attach print screens with the repair bills), so everyone can clearly see that all the money, up to the last PEC were indeed used for this purpose.

    What's in it for me? What's in it for you?

    Well, not much at all (if anything) - just the pleasure of knowing we helped other people have a better game experience in Entropia Universe and, generally, that we made our contribution towards making this a better place. Other than that, I'll get some free skills while healing (no tip though), somehow similar to providing a healing service for a hunter and you may get a bit of publicity for your business since all donors will be listed in this thread with a link to their business.

    How can you reach me?

    - PM me in game on [Daughter of Anarchy]
    - PM me here on the forum
    - Leave a message in this thread

    Trolls, haters, and people who just love to go off-topic are kindly asked to refrain from posting in this thread!
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  2. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Reserved for further use.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Reserved for further use.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    So what you are really saying is will someone please pay for you to skill.
    It's not like other healers don't go to sweat circles and skill at their own expense while helping the sweaters
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  5. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    You are sure entitled to your own opinion, but it's just a matter of perspective.

    For me things look like this:
    - yes, sure, I do get "free skills", but, instead of doing this, I could just heal a hunter and get not only the free skills but also a tip, so basically by choosing to provide this service instead of healing services to hunters I'm just giving away my tip;
    - on the other hand, you know that "time is money" quote... I imagine there are a lot of people that would like to help, but they are not willing to also sacrifice their playtime to heal others, but just prefer to do what it is fun for them and choose to pay someone else (heck, in this case not even pay) to do the mundane jobs for them;
    - I generally think that all this "work for free" (either is hunters asking for free healing and wanting to pay only decay or spaceship owners asking for free repairing and even expecting repaired to pay for their own repair tools) is plain wrong and everyone who spends their time providing a service should be paid for their time, while anyone receiving a service should pay for that.

    Now sure, I'm perfectly aware that there are lots of people that would not be interested in this either because they don't feel like giving away, because they have other ways to do it, because they want to do it themselves (and also get the skills for themselves) or simply because they don't like or trust me. And that's perfectly fine, I'm not expecting to have everyone jump on board, it's simply an offer for a service that I provide - if anyone will take on it then I'll be happy to help, if not and I'll see there is no(t enough) interest then I'll just drop the idea at some point.

    So, just like in the case of any other service advertised on this service, if you're not interested in what I'm providing please just mind your own business and move on, don't try to troll or derail my thread, not to mention that this looks like a direct violation of the 5.e. and 5.f. sections of the forum rules. I didn't report this post or asked it to be deleted because I wanted to clarify my stance on this, but any subsequent posts of this manner (even if from different people) will not be answered, but reported instead (sorry, but I don't have neither the time or the desire to feed the trolls) - once again, this is just a service thread, not an open discussion about the opportunity or benefits of my service. Thank you for your understanding!

    e) – Shop and Service Threads
    Make your threads as simple and clear as possible to avoid any misunderstanding by your potential customers. If you have issue with the contents of another members Shop or Service thread please contact the Forum Staff explaining the situation (including a link to the related thread). Do not post abusive or accusatory posts in Shop or Service threads as they may be moderated (See Rule 5f).

    Additionally, unlike Trading threads, Shop and Service threads do not require daily bumps, and instead must only be bumped for legitimate periodic changes, such as periodic alterations to terms of service, available items, pricing or offered services (e.g. A business changing/updating its prices at the beginning of each month). If you have any queries, as always, please contact the Forum Staff.

    Lastly, we don't mind shops or services being promoted that are not solely conducted on Arkadia. We support business and commerce from all corners of the Universe.

    f) – Shop and Service Thread Abuse/Pollution
    Shop and Service threads are designed so that a person can advertise a business within EU. Therefore, the only legitimate types of posts permitted in Shop or Service threads are those pertaining to the business/service being provided.

    Examples of legitimate posts are:
    Periodic updates (e.g. changes to service or prices etc);
    Requests to the thread starter for additional information, directly related to items or the service(s);
    Constructive feedback or testimonials; and
    Thread starters reply to one of the above.

    Whilst feedback is nearly always welcome, deliberate off topic and non-constructive posts that pollute the threads, are NOT allowed. If you have issue with something that has been posted as a Shop or Service by another player, please contact them via PM, instead of ruining the format of their thread.

    Posts that contravene this rule may be moderated. Additionally, such posts can be deleted ON REQUEST of the thread starter. If you require assistance please contact the Forum Staff. However, as always, legitimate concerns will be investigated fully before any action is taken.

    PLEASE NOTE: The Service threads mentioned in this rule INCLUDE Mentoring service threads.
    • Disagree Disagree x 8
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  6. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Firstly for me to be in breach of those rules this thread would need to be appropriate to the services section of the forum. It clearly does not belong here at all. It would seem that without the funding of others that you will not be able or willing )to help others by healing. (I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong...).
    You are therefore not offering a service at all, you are asking for funding. There is also absolutely no way you would be accountable for any of the donations. The community would have no idea of what you received and even less of what your actual decay is.
    What's in it for you... free ped... some might see this as a scam. I am not offering an opinion of your intentions, I am trying to make you see you need to re-think if you wish to avoid troubles in the future
    • Agree Agree x 8
  7. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    don't you realize she came back to EU for the troubles, headache, unplottable plots and the questionable community? :biggrin2:

    good luck on your endeavours DoA!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  8. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    i was just kidding! hope you didn't disagree on me wishing you luck -.-
  9. Qster

    Qster Member

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    Does that mean you have a fap already to use?
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
  10. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Drama queen is back again.Can someone employ her in writting books or something?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Antrace

    Antrace Member

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    heal cost (for a sweat circle at ark) is less than 1ped/h decay, perhaps less if u use eco fap and u know what u are doing; i dont sweat much but the time i did i always saw ppl that heal sweaters mate for free.

    Someone could donate you the fap, but can you garant you'll use it and you'll not act like at cereal killer event where you came, took the rifle and ammo and did not fired a shot?
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    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
  12. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    I won't even make a comment on this thread.. :facepalm2:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I swear the amount of reports I got from this post. To be clear, this is not a service, this is a business concept and I will quote


    Allow me to enlist the powers of Google here and define the words "Crowd Funding"


    Regarding a report based on the breach of section violation of the 5.e. and 5.f. sections of the forum rules on the following quote:


    This was not a breach, it was a question based on the understanding of the original post with a statement of that understanding. Now moving over to a suggestive criticism base on your response, next quote... :

    If you read this carefully, there is nothing in here that states accusation or fault, everything mentioned here is built on a form of directing you "Daughter Of Anarchy" in the right direction and give constructive advice.


    With regards to the following quote:

    This is what people call a joke and warm wishes.

    and now over to this:

    This was uncalled for, and moving over to the last quote:

    This is what I define as wisdom.


    If you wish not to have people debate a subject or give their opinions, I would suggest you do not add the following (which you have) to the bottom of your post.

    Now note, I am a word mason. I understand words and literature quite well and make it clear to EVERYONE that I read between each and every line. I watch over everything related to and from Planet Arkadia and I would advise that if Daughter Of Anarchy is trying something, she is allowed to do it, there might be a market for it, but I will not accept so many reports based on a thread when people are subject to rules when the discussion is going nowhere or people make comments unrelated to the OP.

    If drama comes to this forum, I will dust off the ban hammer. I don't have.... wait here is another quote

    Don't spam the moderators or the following will happen in the exact order.

    1. Remove the post
    2. If the post continues to draw problems, a warning will be issued
    3. If warning is not comprehended and accepted, a ban will ensue.

    Thank you very much for understanding and please everyone, keep the forum thread clean.[/QUOTE]
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Thank you for clarifying this and please accept my apologies for the sheer amount of reports; I honestly considered that this was a service thread and that all those replies were representing clear violations of rules 5.e, respective 5.f. It looks it was not the case, so I take fault for this and apologize.

    Now, taking into account that this is not considered to be a service, though the thread itself is not protected by the forum rules preventing this kind of debates, I think it would be in my best interest to stop here because is obvious that the idea was not well appreciated, and I really don't feel like fight from a sea of negativity when I'm actually trying to do a generous thing and sacrifice my time for a noble cause and, if anything, I expected praises, not criticism.

    So please do close this thread at your earlier convenience. Thank you!
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    If you wish to follow this idea through there is absolutely nothing to stop you. Use your time to sweat and to perhaps stone walk, fund yourself to become a healer. People will respect that, and love you for it. You will have the self-respect of knowing you did good without having to rely on others. 'whatever you do, keep moving forward' is perhaps what you should see as your goal.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thread Closed as per request.
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