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Zadul Hides not dropping!

Discussion in 'Creatures' started by happy_hipster, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Copy of support ticket:

    I have a few blueprints that call for Zadul leather, but the hides have stopped dropping. I have done thousands, from young to stalker, and not gotten one. Other players have told me the same thing.
    Please check to see if the drop rate has been manipulated recently, and also increase the drop rate so the blueprints remain viable.

    Between chairs we can't sit on, land plots we cannot harvest on, fish you have to melee with guns, and weapon cabinets you cannot put guns in, and blueprints that create items that are no longer competitive, the moon and underground both seem a distraction from the fact that Arkadia and ANUBIS are in desperate need of a real update that fixes consistent, ancient bugs and brings the plant into the 17th century..
  2. CalMJ

    CalMJ Member

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    I suspect that the actual owners/developers of Arkadia are MIA and just taking in whatever income they're receiving (residuals in effect) which is why we're not seeing any updates/fixes on the planet/moon and that the EU overlords in response have recently made some tweaks to the underlying numbers/engine in an effort to push people away from Ark (I'm hoping that it's to "encourage" a sale that might reinvigorate the planet). It's too bad as I went to Ark since it seemed to have the best opportunity for story lines and events that could drive interest outside of new effects or music that put some more lipstick on the pig but do nothing for its "flavour". Nothing I've seen or heard has really incentivized me to change planets so it' more like Ark or BUST!
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  3. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Hide drops would be a result of the loot algorithms, these are controlled by MA not the dev team. If some bright spark at MA thought less = more they are wrong. By this I mean less drops = higher MU and stimulus to sales.
    In reality, any hide that is impossible to stack to a size that is sellable, is simply TT food, it therefore has the opposite effect.
    It is currently near impossible as a crafter of textures to produce quite a lot of the Ark textures. Can someone please get MA to look at the loot pool and give it a tweak
    and probably others I haven't checked for a while
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  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    UPDATE: Hunter recently completed 23 levels of Zadul Stalker for Codex for a grand total of 2.5ptt of Zadul hide. That is pitiful.
  5. Ronus

    Ronus New User

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    Can confirm. Hides still not dropping