Just like the title says Login, I'm inside the gr instance No mobs, chat. No exit. Can move No mobs Tried relogging 3 times
Happened again Don't log out from inside an instance Or you run the risk of getting stuck for 1+ hour
1 hour and 40 minutes later, still stuck Did online support chat - they sent someone to my avatar location but said they I wasn't logged in, even when I was. Support ticket submitted, no quick reply as usual.
yesterday when i entered goldrush 2, my timer was only a bit over 1 hour, and i've seen some other avatar in the list who already did 128k damage. noone replied in force chat, so i guess i overtook someone's else instance? WTF!
Check out http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/gold-rush-genesis-7-7-event-final.14160/#post-106955 At least a couple of us have attached screenshots showing this bug.