There is quite a lot of activity on Ark around the smuggler theme, part of this activity is the grinding of Badgers (to such an extent that they may become an endangered species soon; since that 1 Graphene Composite was found hidden inside a Badger). The problem with Badger loot is that its robot parts and metal scrap and there is a lack of Ark BPs that require Robot parts to Manufacture, not to mention that there is little to no market for this type of loot on Ark. I'd like to suggest that Smuggler BPs become available for the likes of perhaps Tool & Weapon attachments or Smuggler (L) weapons and that these BPs utilize Robot scrap to Manufacture Smuggler attachments.
Its still possible that the graphene composite is looted from other UG mobs. it just hasn't been looted yet. I wondered the same thing about robot parts when i was hunting them, unless you are willing to transport to another planet its practically tt food on Ark.