A lot of people have asked me, if it's still possible to recieve the printed copy of the magazine from September (the very first Issue). Unfortunately a re-print requires a minimum of 15 copies. But if any of you are still interested in recieving the first Issue of the EntropiaTimes from September, please let me know now - ALSO, please re-send me your request for the September Issue again, even if you already asked once before! This first Issue was sold for only 15 USD, but because the costs of the magazine was much higher, than expected, we had to set up the price to 18 USD for the next versions (and for the December Issue and the future magazines). That's unfortunate, but the first price didn't cover the costs - and it became too expensive for us. 1) If you want to order the very first issue of EntropiaTimes September 2010, please send me a pm or a mail on lykke@entropiaplanets.com 2) Order the issue BEFORE November 22nd. AFTER this date it is too late. 3) After this date I will know, if we reached the required amount of 15 Issues, and if it's possible for you to order. 4) In case it is possible, I will ask you to pay the 18 USD as soon as possible through Paypal (admin@entropiaplanets.com) 5) In case it is not possible, I will of course inform you. See more here: www.entropiatimes.com THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME, WE PRINT THE FIRST ISSUE Thanks Lykke @ EntropiaPlanets.com
Just a quick note: We reached 5 orders for the September Issue now. Remember, this is the last time we print this first Issue of the EntropiaTimes Magazine
UPDATE: We reached 15 orders of the reprint of ET September. Those, who ordered, can pay through paypal to admin@entropiaplanets.com If you ordered both the September and december Magazine, you can pay for both in one payment. Remember to add your name/adress + In Game Name (important, so I know who's who). Thank you
Just to make it clear I DO NOT WANT a reprint (why would I?) and the money I sent you was for decembers issue.... Hope you didn't misunderstand... Wistrel
lol Wistrel I didnt misunderstand you - and I did sign you up on the PAID December Issue order list! Thanks
BUMP The date moved a little - you can still order this very first issue of EntropiaTimes untill Friday this week (the 10th of December).