Hi there.. most of you know me. At the moment i am 2nd Circle in Temporal Destinies, and even the official soc representative on Arkadia. Recently I have sadly been made aware that we have pirates (actively seeking victims) in our society, AND it is fully supported by our soc leader. Since I am VERY much againt piracy as it is theft of real money, i have now come in doubt about this soc being the right thing for me, and I am really chewing on if I should leave or not.. I LOVE Temporal Destinies very much indeed, but my strong hate towards pirates and the accept of piracy is really making me think.. Therefore I am now asking if there is any Arkadia based society who feels the same way as me, and do not want pirates in their soc?? it is just a maybe, but here's something about my avatar: highest hunting skill: BLP Sniper (hit) 47 highest mining skill: prospector 29 (closing in on 30 YAY) highest crafting skill: metal engineer 13 highest mindforce skill: electro kinetic (dmg) 30 (i know its irrelevant on Ark tho) total skill points: roughly 140k I do all 3 main professions, but mostly hunting.. My account is created March 2009 but becoming active around june 2009.. This is just a feeler to see if any other soc suits my needs/feelings, i am not sure yet if i am indeed leaving TD.. So.. Please.. Fire away.. Tell me about your society..
Not Arkiadian based, but actively Requiting on Ark, "Global Alliance" is activly Anti-Pirate and one of EU's top pirate hunters is the current General of GA.
You might fit in with us @ Supremacy Reign... no pirates in our soc and we actively seek them out and kill them when we can Also Myself and Bjorn are on Arkadia most of the time these days Also you seem to be way ahead of our min req of 60k skills.
Hi guys.. Thnx for responding.. I found out I was not the only one from Temporal Destinies who was unhappy about TD being positive about piracy, so those of us who were unhappy took a chat with the soc leader, and found out he is not changing his and soc's stand towards piracy.. This has lead to us forming a new Arkadia based Anti-Piracy society called Arkadians Unleashed.. For now it is me as leader/founder, Rick Whatever Janson (another Adviser ) and Ben Coyote Ugly (hope i spelled it right LOL).. We will need more members ofc but we will stick to recruiting ppl we meet on our way and not do offcial forum recruitments.. Ofc this doesnt mean that someone who reads this thread are not welcome to seek us out and have a chat if they think they might fit in with us.. So ty for responding.. This got solved in a way i never imagined.. Oh well.. Now that im a soc leader i have no soc leader to get pissed at (i have a tendency for that LOL), but myself.. Greetings and lots of Arkadian love from Zume.