Hello, The Mothership Victory Society is looking to recruit Repair Crew Members, Pilots and Quad taxi Pilots. If you are interested in joining a Space oriented society, message me for more details. Regards, General Geo
Hello general Geo, I'm very happy with the society i'm in now (Soldiers of Redemption), but would be very interested in working on your MS as a pilot. Would that be possible? Since my long term goal is to become a well known crafter, i could also craft WW and RK-5 /RK-20's for your repair crew if needed.
Thanks Nakor, My goal is to have the ship operated strictly by society members. However repair crews are always welcome. Pilots will only be society members with the rank of Captain. As for crafting, I appreciate the offer. But I am managing to craft everything myself. Will keep you in mind if the demand for supply goes beyond my abilities. Regards, Geo
Victory Society The Mothership Victory is looking to recruit honest active players who are interested in Space Hunting, Repair Skilling, Piloting, Quad Shuttles, Taxis, Warp Transports and anything else related to Space. Privateer, Equus and Firebird owners are welcome to apply and be promoted on our website for free. Pilots of the Victory Society receive live notifications when a Quad flight or Warp is requested on the website. http://www.victory-ms.com Full members above the Rank of Recruit have different levels of security clearance on board Victory depending on Rank. Captains of Victory have full access to the Mothership and its systems, including the Warp Drive. If you are interested in a career in Space, contact me here or ingame. George Geo Clone