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Mentor in United States: Neil Greenleaf Stockton - Hunting, Mining, Crafting, Trading

Discussion in 'GMT -8 to GMT -5' started by Neil, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    [IMGRT]http://arkadiaforum.com/images/flags/United States.png[/IMGRT]Avatar Name: Neil Greenleaf Stockton
    Player Since: 2011
    Society: Greenleaf Rangers

    Time Zone: GMT-5
    Country: United States

    Main Professions: Hunting, Mining, Crafting, Trading, Tailoring

    Days Usually Online: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
    Time Usually Online: Randomly
    Usual Hangout Location: Quarry, IFN Supply Depot, the Wilderness, Space

    How to Contact Me: Arkadia Forum, Private Message, In-Game

    Additional Information: From mentoring register:

    Hi! I'm a friendly, helpful mentor who will help you become an expert at the game. I'm based on Arkadia, so you should be prepared to live on Ark at least for the beginning of your mentoring. You're also expected to join my mentoring society, "Greenleaf Rangers" until you graduate (or longer if you wish). I am a successful hunter, miner, crafter, trader, explorer. I can teach you all you need to know about space travel. I'm online frequently, at various times of the day. Mentoring is all about learning the game, so ask as many questions as you can!
    Mentoring slots are limited and there are many new players on Ark needing a mentor, so I will check your progress every month. If you don't make any skill progress and I haven't seen you in game, I'll assume you quit and kick you to make room for other new players (you will remain in soc, but will lose mentoring progress). If you're in school or go on vacation, just let me know ahead of time so I know not to kick you :) Have fun and play smart!
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I have just removed some of the old names on my list that I haven't seen around for months to make room for new disciples, so feel free to send me a mentor request if you're new to Arkadia and need a mentor. Also feel free to ask questions here or in PM.
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Now recruiting new disciples!
  4. ljiljan

    ljiljan New User

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    I need good mentor

    I start play EU before 5-6 days and now I looking for good mentor, so pls answer me.
    My avatar name in EU is Bosna ljiljan Bosnjak, you can answer here or try find me on planet Arkadia.

    And if any know what is prize for finish mentor program? What will I get?

    I am from Bosnia so don't look in my english with smile ;)
  5. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    Bosanac....hehe. Pozdrav iz Srbije.
    Bosnian....hehe, Greetings from Serbia.

    Neil is a great person, listen to what he has to say.
    The prize for graduation in discipleship is a full set of adjusted pixie armor-yellow armor you might see on a lot of avatars. It is very good armor, eco as well. It can really help you while hunting some stronger mobs, plus you can make armor even better with inserting metal plates in it, giving you even more protection.
    And next to armor, you will be given a nice red jeep, that is very eco-low fuel consumption, and has nice durability, won`t be destroyed so quickly like valkyrie.

    All together, it took me around 7k skill increase to graduate as a hunter, from 0-100%.

    Keep up the good work i nemoj nesto zajebat`:)
  6. wayfarer

    wayfarer New Member

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    I am interested in learning this game better in order to see if I want to stick with it. I've finished the starter quest chain and two IFN challenges and have 2.5k sweat plus most of the animal drops and some mining resources. I play everyday from 00:30 to 04:30 edt plus 19:00 to 21:00. Being retired I have a lot of free time and have been an avid gamer for quite along time. If you have any openings please contact me.
  7. zultor

    zultor New User

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    I am new to the game and looking for a mentor to gain some guidance on how to proceed most effectively. I have gleamed a lot from the forums and other sites which has helped me avoid some major pitfalls. I'm focusing on hunting now but would be interested in the other aspects of the game as well. Basically looking for someone I can learn from and some people to hang out and play with.

    I have a family, job, life, etc so I play mostly after 9pm CST (10pm EST). I've sent you a PM on the forum (and ingame) so let me know if you are available.

    In game Name: Ziivia Wintress Zlava
  8. Falandor

    Falandor New Member

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    hello Neil I've only been playing for about 4 four days and I'm look for a mentor I've sent you a friend request if you're still looking for disciples my name is Falandor James RavenClaw
  9. natoma

    natoma New Member

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    I'm just wondering if Neil pays any attention to this thread. I've tried requesting him as a mentor in game and I get no response. I've also tried applying for admittance to his society but haven't heard anything from him even though he's been online.
  10. natoma

    natoma New Member

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    Nevermind! I was finally able to talk to Neil a short time ago and he was kind enough to accept me as one of his disciples. Things are definitely looking up now!!!
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I often miss when this thread is updated, for some reason. My disciple list is usually full, but feel free to send me a PM in game if you're interested in mentoring.
  12. Hammar

    Hammar New User

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    Hi Neil,

    I just found the game and am very interested in learning a profession. I don't mind choosing one to start, but I'll probably want to mine, hunt and manufacture at some point. I'm doing the tutorial still and came to the forum to research mining as I only found one deposit with 4 attempts and am trying to determine how far I should move each time.

    My name is oO Hammar Oo. I just wanted it to be Hammar, but once I altered it to see how the interface worked, it made me use all three slots for the name.

    I hope to hear from you.

