With the introduction of the Arkadia Story Book Missions (suggestion) you will be able to take side of a Faction - Smuggler or IFN. Each Mission Chain unfolds a different Story and as reward you are given (or able to loot) Faction Bound Items. These Items can only be traded within members of Factions. So if you are a Smuggler, the Faction Smuggler Gun can not be traded on the open market or in Personal Trade, unless the buyer is also member of the specific fraction. A big drawback, for both the players and the developers is that a lot of mission chains would not be available to everybody. If you go IFN, you would not be able to do the Smuggler Faction Missions. The solution are the Infiltrator Missions: After a certain Stage you reached in yourFaction (Faction Status or Loyalty) you are given the oppotunity to run "Infiltrator Missions". These Missions are actually the Mission Chains of the opposit Faction. The difference is that the Item rewards will not be Faction Bound, but Avatar Bound - they will be untradeable. As Smuggler, you will not be able to sell those IFN reward Items and vice versa. Next Part will be the "Reverse Engineer Missions" - Of cause your Faction want to know how to Improve and unbound those Items
Suggest edit "Fraction" should be "Faction" Interesting idea but I am really not in favour of seeing proliferation of soul bound items.
Hi, actually there is quite little soul bounding: Faction Bound: Item can be freely traded within a Faction. You could not sell to "Calypso John Doe" unless he/she becomes a Smuggler / IFN Member. But you can sell. Soul / Ava Bound are only those items of the opposit Faction you get with the Infiltrator Mission. But you will be able to unbound them by the Reverse Engineer Missions. After that they will become Faction Bound. In the very end, it is very similar to SIB / Non-SIB. There are a lot of items which are out of the question for many just because of Skill Requirement. Faction Bound Items will be "out of question" for those who do not want to do the Missions on Arkadia. But everybody has the chance to get everything. To keep it more interessing, the items you get after the Reverse Engineer Missions should be a little differnent from the original ones. So if you RE an "IFN Officer Combat Plate", you get a "Smuggler RE Combat Plate" with slightly different Stats. PS: Thanks Kikki for the correction hint "Faction" - Its "Fraktion" in German so it was way to easy for me to mix it up