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Entrolympic Events 2020

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by Slapper, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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    First time on Arkadia will be organised by Jo Johaoninho90 jo. (NOT me so please PM Jo in game for any details you need)

    Entrolympic Events 2020
    More commonly called "EE20", is an online virtual tournament in the game Entropia Universe that takes place from January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2020.
    Players who wish to participate can participate several events and win prizes.
    The events and their rules were created according to the philosophy that supports Equality, Freedom, and Merit for Entropia Universe players who participate in the Entrolympic Events. see the philosophical charter.

    List of Events:

    Hunting and Mining (21 rewarded places)

    12 giveaway from January to December 2020 (1 Hunter or 1 Miner winner every last day of each month)
    The 3 Best: Hunters rewarded December 31
    The 3 Best: Miners rewarded December 31
    The 3 Best: cHMpions rewarded December 31 (For the 3 best having scored in Hunting AND Mining events, score will be calculated like this: Hunting score + Mining Score + ( 4 x the lowest score between Hunting or Mining) / 6

    Hunting and Mining Rules:
    Participation is FREE, The Hunting and Mining events will last all the year 2020.

    You will be able to Hunt & Mine anytime and anywhere in Entropia Universe, from the moment you are registred on Hunting and Mining events pages on Entropia Life and that you use the Entropia Tracker Client during your gameplay in Entropia Universe. Registration is FREE and OPEN during all the year.

    Once you global , you score 1 point ! once you score , you are ranked!

    Every ranked participants ,who score at least once in a month, are registred in the monthly giveaway.
    If in 1 month you score in Hunting only or Mining only, you will get 1 chance for the monthly giveaway.
    If in 1 month you score in Hunting AND Mining, you will get 2 chances for the month giveaway.
    If in 1 month you don't score in Hunting AND Mining , you will not be registred in the monthly giveaway.

    At the end of the year, in December 2020, the 3 best hunters, the 3 best miners and the 3 best cHMpions will be rewarded.

    Racing (15 rewarded places)

    The 3 Best Racers in Arkadia rewarded March 31
    The 3 Best Racers in Next Island rewarded June 30
    The 3 Best Racers in Rocktropia rewarded September 30
    The 3 Best Racers in Calypso rewarded end of December 31
    The 3 Best Racers of 2020, rewarded end of December (For the 3 best who have scored in ALL race tracks (Arkadia, Next Island, Rocktropia, Calypso))

    Racing Rules:
    It is a SOLO Car Racing event that will last all year 2020 and will be divided into four parts,
    -part 1/4 : from January 1 to March 31 in Arkadia preview of the race track
    -part 2/4 : from April 1 to June 30 in Next Island preview of the race track
    -part 3/4 : from July 1 to September 30 in Rocktropia preview of the race track
    -part 4/4 : from October 1 to December 31 in Caypso preview of the race track

    You will be able to participate at any time, from the moment the avatar Jo Johaoninho90 jo is with you in Entropia Universe.
    To contact, send message to Jo Johaoninho90 jo in game or Johaoninho90 on PCF, so you can talk and set a meeting date in game.

    Once you meet on the race track, you will be asked to pay an entry fee of 1 symbolic PED.

    Then you will get access to a vehicle spawned on the starting line of the race track, listen to the instructions you receive from Jo Johaoninho90 jo.

    You will drive, with Jo Johaoninho90 jo in Passenger, he will judge your driving and take your time performance.
    The performance,is the time you drived from start to finish, it will rank you among the other drivers.

    You can try as many times as you like (each time you will have to pay 1 PED participation)
    If your vehicle is blocked and can only respawn in storage, your race will be disqualified.
    Each time the 4 wheels are off road, will add 60 seconds of penalty on your time.
    If you Don't drive on the tracks to try cuting the roads, your race will be disqualified.
    If you disconnect during a race and are away more than 1 min, your race will be disqualified.
    Only those who have crossed the finish line of a race track will be ranked.

    Screenshot Contest (12 rewarded places)

    The 3 Best Screenshots for Nongli Xinnian rewarded January 26
    The 3 Best Screenshots for St Patrick rewarded March 18
    The 3 Best Screenshots for Halloween rewarded November 1
    The 3 Best Screenshots for Christmas rewarded December 26

    Screenshot Contest Rules:
    Participation is FREE, you just need to post your screenshots on the Entropia Partners Forum page where the Screenshot Contest is hosted.
    The Screenshot Contest will last all the year 2020 and will be divided in four parts, each a different festivity:
    -part 1/4 Nongli Xinnian - participation opens from January 1 to 25
    -part 2/4 St Patrick - participation opens from January 26 to march 17
    -part 3/4 Halloween - participation opens from march 18 to october 31
    -part 4/4 Christmas - participation opens from november 1 to december 25

    Treasure Hunt (1 rewarded place)

    The Best 1 Treasure Hunter rewarded whenever someone resolve and finish the tasks.

    Treasure Hunt Rules:

    more info and details about this event aren't public yet.
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    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
  2. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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    The winners of these events receive prizes. All the prizes for EE20 are sponsored by:











    reward schedule:

    Rewarded Places Day Rewarded Value of prizes in PED
    3 Best Screenshots Nongli Xinnian January 26 325 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 1 January 31 45 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 2 February 29 45 PED
    3 Best Screenshots St Patrick March 18 325 PED
    3 Best Racers Arkadia March 31 +~214 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 3 March 31 45 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 4 April 30 45 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 5 May 31 45 PED
    3 Best Racers Next Island June 30 +~214 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 6 June 30 45 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 7 Jully 31 45 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 8 August 31 45 PED
    3 Best Racers Rocktropia September 30 +~214 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 9 September 30 45 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 10 October 31 45 PED
    3 Best Screenshots Halloween November 1 325 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 11 November 30 45 PED
    3 Best Screenshots Christmas December 26 325 PED
    3 Best Racers Calypso December 31 +~214 PED
    1 Random Hunter or Miner Giveaway 12 December 31 45 PED
    3 Best Hunters of EE20 December 31 +~1095 PED
    3 Best Miners of EE20 December 31 +~1075 PED
    3 Best cHMpions of EE20 December 31 +~2520 PED
    3 Best Racers of EE20 December 31 +~732 PED

    1 Best Treasure Hunter rewarded at any time during 2020. ~500 PED

    Rewards details:

    1st Best Hunter: 6 months full access to EL + Quad-Wing Interceptor (L) + Space Thruster (L) + 125 PED
    2nd Best Hunter: 4 months full access to EL + Ozpyn LR S1X1 + 90 PED
    3rd Best Hunter: 3 months full access to EL + Ozpyn LR S1X1 + 60 PED

    1st Best Miner: 6 months full access to EL + Quad-Wing Interceptor (L) + Space Thruster (L) + 125 PED
    2nd Best Miner: 4months full access to EL + Refiner MR100 + 90 PED
    3rd Best Miner: 3 months full access to EL + PTech Refiner 1 + 60 PED

    1st Best cHMpion: Full Armor Perseus (M) or (F) + Pitbull MkIII (C,L)
    2nd Best cHMpion: 500 PED and 1 year ROI on entropiafund.com + Full Hoplite amor (M) or (F) + HyperSense Spectacles (M) or (F)
    3rd Best cHMpion: 350 PED + 100% oro lether on basic pant and shirt (F).

    12x 1 month full access to EL giveaway for Hunters and Miners

    Best Racers Arkadia, Next Island, Rocktropia, Calypso
    (4x)1st: 100 PED
    (4x)2nd: 1 Arkadia Underground Deed
    (4x)3rd: Kraka (L) + vehicle RK-5 (L) + 51K Welding Wire

    1st Best Racer of EE20: 150 PED + Full Hoplite armor (M) or (F) + Sleipnir (L) + Space Thruster (L) + HyperSense Spectacles (M) or (F)
    2nd Best Racer of EE20: 100 PED + Full Hoplite armor (M) or (F) + Sleipnir (L) + Space Thruster (L) + HyperSense Spectacles (M) or (F)
    3rd Best Racer of EE20: 50 PED + Full Hoplite armor (M) or (F) + Sleipnir (L) + Space Thruster (L) + HyperSense Spectacles (M) or (F)

    Best Screenshots Nongli Xinnian, St Patrick, Halloween, Christmas
    (x4)1st: 175 PED on Entropia Partners
    (x4)2nd: 100 PED on EP
    (x4)3rd: 50 PED on EP

    The 1 Best Treasure Hunter of EE20: 1 Estate Deed on F.O.M.A.

  3. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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    As Jo is still having forum problems i will give it a free bump
  4. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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  5. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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  6. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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