As usual I couldn't find my way to the bug report section of the forums, so I planted the ass of this post in the misc discussion, for now. The #arkadia chat had caught a bug no tissues can wipe away. Often when you want to post something you get a message : Error : Access denied. This is just a little annoying, because after a few attempts you can just chat as usual. But it may cause some confusion to those that are not aware of the bug. This post is mainly used as a heads up for those that haven't come across the bug yet, and ofc, the A-team.
I have this happen in all chat channels/private chats, not just in #arkadia. Don't know about other planets, but it seems an overall issue?
Good that you mention it. I only use the ark chat so I only know of the problem presenting itself there.
Very common in space especially the on board force chat. Which seems to work when it feels like it, and works for some but not others, or shows others what you wrote, but you can't see it. Very frustrating
Could be common bug when system have sync issues. Fitst forms of red messages i experienced not in #arkadia chat but in PM. Ie - i was in PM and i tped on another teleporter and lag - need time that system transfer your ava. In that time i got some funy red messages like system cant find avatar with wich im pming and ofc red messages of errors and Access denied on soc chat or local chat. As soon my ava was finaly transfered on new tp - and my ava could move all those problems finished.
Seen this error only yesterday on #arkadia, but is very similar when you TP to somehere (usually heavy populated areas like Quarry and Outpost), and your avatar stays on starting TP, then you try to apoligize for the delay and you receive the message Errorlayer Not Found whatever chat you use, so I believe might be lag related.
It happens quite randomly for me. Not just during using a TP and in busy areas, but also in the middle of nowhere, doing nothing. Or during hunting, with no lag in weapons or loot. Sometimes the text shows up with a delay, and other times the lines just have vanished in limbo. But then again, there are more UI things that get lost in limbo, besides the odd chat line. Still friend requests, notes content, deposit and auction messages. Funny thing is that some of the above 'magically' showed up again after server maintenance.