So trying to use TP I chip. Appears to work but u get "Operation Failed" and reappear where u started. hmmm
yes the chips are bugged atm, so dont waste ME trying, throw chips in storage till bug is fixed...vehicles are ur go to for now..... Hopefully MA is quick to fix this, this is vital part of EU economy, Sweaters cant sell sweat if no one using ME, Hunters waste time and peds hunting flying to and from mobs and after dying, takes longer to get back. MA should be smart and make this TOP PRIORITY FIX, more than couple days with this bug and the game is in for some major problems. Hint to A Team...use ur influence to make MA understand importants here ^_^ this NEEDS to be investigated and fixed as fast as possible...
Merged the two threads. Hope they fix this soon, personally I rarely use vehicles but prefer my tp chips, so consider this a pretty important feature to fix