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But I Neeed a Dropship :(

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Louise Ranavolana Brooks, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Am grinding my way through the Orotan Prospectors - Currently on Thieves.

    each night its "thud thud thud (my Barbarella :) ) ouch, thud, thud, ouch thud, gurgle gurgle, ceasing firing, grabbing loot (such as it is), next target, rinse & repeat.

    How many year will this take :(

    Being a Sergeant I purchased a Herman ARC 6 Jungle - 150peds (hope I was not ripped off :( ) then went to ANUBIS to upgrade it - not as straightforward as I expected - I will need to purchase stuff, )like tier upgrading I guess)

    And after all that, I prefer the Barbarella - a more measured weapon - even upgraded & enhanced its not as powerful as the Herman - but for L3s its good enough :)
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    IMO, 150 is a little high for ark6j. You'll find that one cheaper in my shops. (Celeste North 1, Celeste Quarry 2, Sanctuary Cove 5).
  3. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Well, that's where I purchased my ARC 6 J
    Is there any way I can go back and check transaction histories?
    Because I don't think my memory is playing tricks on me :(
    I went back & checked - an ARC 6 Jungle is there, price 131 ped. It an mine have no decay, mine has much higher tiering rates ( yes I am a tiering junky)
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I can always screw up pricing but my records show I have been setting at 131 ped (plus shop tax) for the last couple of months. I have one in SC shop for 132 ped which was placed in april.
  5. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    That's cool then - my memory must have let me down :( I should take notes, but never do :(
    seems a nice gun but fires quickly - tendancy to overkill with it
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I prefer grenade launchers for the oratan payback mission. May not be eco but kinda fun.
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  7. The Jetman

    The Jetman Member

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    Gl with the mission, i spend little time on Ark, but when i do i always work at the oratan (currently 2 days from the end of thieves) i normally use Xent X3 + A102, but just using up some Combustive Chip III's i have aquired, with BP S1X1 or Chon to finish. But i recommend the Xent X3 with A102, its UL setup with MU 350ish for both but its certainly worth while
  8. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    I don't know if its the quality of my connection to Entropia, but I now have trouble swapping from one weapon to another.
    It was not always like this, used to be when sweating & get the dry message, click on my gun & seamlessly swap & start firing.

    Now if I am using a weapon & want to swap to use a finisher, its "item is busy message" and I am click,click click ffs :( clicking on the finisher.
    Even if I click Unequip & then click its not straightforward & then when the new weapon is taken up to click again to place it on autofire.

    My Barbarella has a measured thump, thump, thump ( why would a laser make such a sound? if anything there should be a sizzle of burning mob flesh) and I can anticipate when the mob is going to die, click off autofire, on to loot and then next target.

    Orotans at the level of thieves are straightforward - higher level mobs are a bit more stressful.

    ARC is too fast, for my present targets -I don't know if it works out cheaper 2 use, it kills them faster but is more expensive & I am usually too tired/lazy to do comparisons of their use.
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This can be caused by excessive lag. You can check ping time to EU server by mouseover the right hand side of the HUD compass. Of course sometimes its not the network but the very busy server.

    Am not gonna argue the merits of sound effects. I know that for some of my weapons there is no link between sound and actual fire rate. It feels like it's dubbed. Badly.
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  10. Lizzy Storm

    Lizzy Storm Active Member

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    Learned something new today, thank you Kikki!
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