As a part of the guide, I'd like to have an animated Arkadia globe. So, I slapped up this one in Photoshop as an example of what I have in mind: Arkadia Globe (animated GIF, 17Mb) If you can do a better job and make a real 3D and export as video file in .flv format, please contact me. You can use this texture to pull on a globe, it has some more ocean around the continent: Bigger Arkadia map Thanks!
Thanks, the ava is the small and low color (14 colors only) copy of the globe, can't upload higher colored version as it'd exceed 200k (wink-wink).
Nice. But how do we know there aren't any undiscovered continents on Arkadia? On a slightly different note, I very much doubt that a planet as small as your globe would hold an atmosphere, or that a planet with so little water would have so much greenery.