Hi All, I need some advice. I want to send someone a RL item, but this being the internet and full of creeps and scammers they are reluctant, and i dont blame them, to give me their real address. While I live in Australia, and they live in Canada, just meeting in a neutral place and handing over wont work. Can anyone think of a way in which I might be able to send this item to them? Thanks for the help Tayz
maybe they could ask someone they know to have it sent to their work address or something, but thats the safest way I could think of Smaller businesses shouldn't be too hard I think if you're close to the boss, so probably wont work if they work at a huge factory but small company shouldn't be too hard I think
Hmm.... You can ship to their local post office instead of their street address--or at least you can in the US. You would have to know their name, though.
In addition to sending the package to the local post office, they might check to see if a local shipping service center also receives mail. I know in the US, there are plenty of shipping centers that also act as receiving centers, complete with their own address. That way, the person you are shipping to could give you the shipping center address.
I will have to check with Canada to see if the local P.O accepts mail for pick up. Great Ideas all, thanks so much. Hopefully we will be able to sort this out. Tayz
Here in Holland it is possible since not so long to send a package to the post office for someone to pick it up. So you just have to know the real name of the person and the address of the post office and the person can pick it up after showing their ID.
Plenty of shipping companies now that do site to site with customer pick up. Try Fedex and see if you can ship to a site in a town close to the person and just have them go there to pick it up. UPS and a few others also have that option.
You caught me I recently PMed Tayz to see if she could scan the certificate so I could maybe have an electronic copy. That didn't work out so she offered to ship it to me. Indeed I'm always wary in giving my address out to people, so ever since then we have been trying to figure out a way to make this all work. Was your idea to send the certificate through you to me (if I understand correctly)? As a side note, if Tayz's certificate came in my mouse package I would certainly do the same back. EDIT: I have no clue on anything to do with mail. I grew up in the wrong time period lol.
Yep, that's exactly what I was going to offer. Though Tayz may be more comfortable sending it somewhere else in Australia first and seeing as you and I Skype a lot then you might be more comfortable too. I don't know why but I just found this so funny that I snorted my coffee all down my front so now I need to go change my tshirt and get a cloth to wipe my desk and keyboard.
I would be good with this. It could work out quite well I think. Thank you for offering yourself as a intermediary! I guess the next step would be to see if Tayz would send you the certificate. What do you say Tayz? My apologies Mail are those funny things I get from a box down the street, with strange stickers in the corner of them lol. Jk jk
Sending you a PM Snape, so I can get an adress to send it to. So glad we managed to sort this out and happy that Larkin will get his certificate. Thanks again everyone for all your ideas and help - it was much appreciated. Tayz
Srry just tacking on a post at the end here to thank you both for helping me out! It's much appreciated, and I'll spread some more rep around to you both when I can.
And I'm tacking on another post to let you both know Larkins certificate has arrived with me and I will forward it on shortly. Larkin I can do the same in reverse if you want to send Tayz's certificate to me when yours arrives. I'll msg you in Skype to sort out delivery details.