1 month in 1 day since the event is over and you still do not post the hunting event results. You (do not) respect your customers and are very...
This is one of those (MANY) days when u see the levl of incompetence and disrespect for the customers of this company called MA and his...
You are right, is not fair. BUT considering how badly this event is created almost no1 care. Is not like 90% of the real players have a fair...
i realy do not understand how this game is still runing! it all seems a big scam! compet deeds, now monn deeds! they advertize ALOT, sell u...
u made a post 3 months ago and thats it? no updates? how many moon deeds still for sale? should be an update every month atleast!
pls register Maya Lethall Stormborn
is this still on?
this bountys are still on?
i want to know to but it seems no answer...they do not care anymore??
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