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Zylstra mining log

Discussion in 'Mining' started by zylstra, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    i decided to make one on ark, i did alot of mining on caly and only recently came here and already have just as many globals as i did my entire time mining on caly.

    all new players have access to the same information i have, i use pigbenis"s mining guide, and ask questions on his stream should i have a question. my mentor is "Inthis Strash life" and i refer to him as well on situations and questions

    i only mine, i never hunt (i dont even own pixie) i almost never amp, should i decide to i will break up cost as (XXX bombs, XXX amp) so you can tell teh difference

    get a HoF over 300 ped
    graduade from discipleship(41.14%)
    not go bankrupt
    build a 5k ped bankroll

    about my avatar:
    9 prospector
    9 miner
    4 surveyor (i only started mining enmatter upin arrival to ark)
    2 driller

    9 agility
    91 health
    30 intelligence
    6 psyce
    1 stamina
    1 strength

    my first post will be a back log for the last week or so, i do 150 ped runs if i have the ped to allow me to, or 75 ped runs if the auction is being slow.

    week 1 runs total:

    ped out: 1275
    ped in (tt): 1457.08
    average markup: 116%
    decay: 48.76
    run +/-: 372.52
    total +/-: 372.52

    notes: the globals i had were XIV(81) Yulerium, XIV(99) Caldorite, XIV (78) Yulerium, and XIII(58) Quil sap

    not all runs will be a conglomeration like this, this is jsut to give you a feel for me mining. the rest will by like the next post (when i finish the run im working on)
  2. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 1:

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 188.36
    average markup: 126%
    decay: 5
    run +/-: 82.33
    total +/-: 455.04

    notes: XIII(60) solis on southern island also had 2 VIII claims, one solis, one hydro, also found a langotz stone, great run... green is good
  3. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 2:

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 193.91
    average markup: 120%
    decay: 6
    run +/-: 76.69
    total +/-: 512.73

    notes:XIV(91) banite, IX hyrdrogen, VIII ospra, and II langotz

    edit: (would this color scheme be better?)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 3:

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 128.39
    average markup: 126%
    decay: 6
    run +/-: 11.77
    total +/-: 524.50

    notes: XI narc, IX lidacon... this is a perfect example of why you need to mine for markup.. i also got to lvl 10 miner, 10 prospector, and 3 driller, as well as getting another hit point(as useless as they are for me)
  5. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    ehm in response to your question about colour scheme... nope i can't read anything except for your green and red texts.
    Gratz on the profit though :)
  6. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 4:

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 87.41
    average markup: 123%
    decay: 5
    run +/-: -47.48
    total +/-: 477.02

    notes: i had a bad feeling about this run, but i let boredom and alcohol overrule logic and this is what happened... horrible hit rate everywhere i went and biggest claim was a VII nexus:soangry:. oh well if every run was green it would be to easy
  7. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    the color should be good for the people using the white background. i went and redid the first posts so everyone could see em
  8. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 5:

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 125.18
    average markup: 128%
    decay: 5
    run +/-: 5.23
    total +/-: 482.25

    notes:IX veda, IX Quil, II devils, VII garcen... also go level 5 surveyor. I had the claim size but couldnt find the hitrate, markup is slightly inflated by the devils find being at 400%, it is closer to 126% without it but still a profitable run
  9. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    some RL stuff came up so i had to take a small break from game, i should be back to dropping bombs mid next week
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    GL with your mining Zylstra.
    Seems you have a decent idea how things work so far judging by the numbers. Just remember dont try to get too big too fast and get into the "I gotta have the best gear" loop as many do. Im interested to see how you progress specially after you hit round the level 15 mark as thats when MA seems to turn off the new player "Luck" and tosses you in with the sharks in the deep end of the pool. Stock pile your profits so you have a little cussion to ride out the lesser return runs when they come and you should be OK.
  11. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    thanks for the advice Bill, i have been playing for about 9 months, ive seen the ups and downs, i jsut happened to decide to start the log during an up cycle... i have records going back to 01/21/11 and i mined a little before that as well. ive gone down as far as -237.47 ped in the hole before i started watching helpful videos to give me tips and tricks.

    my goal is to get the the 5k ped so that i can start using level 2 amps, i really dont wanna amp before then, ive done a little playing with them before and it seems like i tend to lose more then i profit with them still
  12. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 6

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 125.18
    average markup: 124%
    decay: 5
    run +/-: -23.57
    total +/-: 458.68

    notes: IX banite, VII edres... nothign to spectacular, not eventful for a 3 day long run.. red is bad but im not really complaining, this run finished off 3 stacks of stuff for me to sell now
  13. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 7

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 105.38
    average markup: 123%
    decay: 5
    run +/-: -25.38
    total +/-: 433.3

    notes: nothing to say... just a bad run, tried 7 different sports all of em sucked so i went and explored a couple possible future spots to mine
  14. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 7

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 104.67
    average markup: 117%
    decay: 6
    run +/-: -33.53
    total +/-:399.77

    notes: another bad run, 2 IX claims this run atleast, but the claims were all not markup stuff
  15. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Still not doin to bad there Zylstra.
    Things should pick up soon once the never ending migration is over and we dont have to support that crap. Not to mention that winter is on its way and the closer we get to that the more people play more therefore making the available slices of the pie a bit larger and more obtainable.
  16. Fallen

    Fallen Member

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    i think you are doing really well, i know you are experiencing slightly bad TT returns at the moment but most importantly you seem to have your average markup dialled in really well, this is really good and as you probably notice its saving you from serious losses on the bad runs, i can tell you have been getting some good advice :)
    im sure pigbenis and strash have mentioned this but i would like to add that in my experience it can sometimes take as long as 700-1000 drops before TT returns even out, this is one reason that some people feel they lose more with amps than without, i am glad to see you are intending to have a decent budget before using them and 5k would make using lvl2's quite safe in my experience.

    gl! :)
  17. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    @bill, yea i hope so too.. i dont like red numbers.. especially with with little time i can actually play now with work and school

    @fallen i understand how amping works, i just get paranoid when im amping and i think at 5k i will be more comfortable with them, and alot of my losses were from markup they were not huge losses, but just not in the green like i like to see

    thanks both of yall for advice and support
  18. zylstra

    zylstra Member

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    run 8

    ped out: 150
    ped in (tt): 97.98
    average markup: 123%
    decay: 6
    run +/-: -34.48
    total +/-:365.29

    notes: another bad run, im tired of red numbers :( IX solis was highlight of run but later half i had a 71% hitrate so it could have been alot worse. im really not liking the trend im on right now, -23,-25,-33,-34 last 4 runs lol
  19. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    well maybe that trend means it will turn for the better soon.. i'll keep my fingers crossed.. :)
  20. PigBenis

    PigBenis Member

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    Just a little advice because you seem to be doing fine.

    Try to keep your MU up near your median which looks to be around 123%. In fact try to raise this to 125% by auctioning a little differently. Not only will you loose less on your losses but by sticking with your high MU areas (which I assume your using the mining guide maps and going for quil :) when you do Hit you have a greater possibility of hitting the good MU resource. The only reason I say that is I saw a 117% Mu and that is really low, again not sure if it was just a bad day in a good area or testing a new area.

    Not sure if you mentioned it but I would suggest Enmatter as your primary resource on Arkadia. But you probably know this already. nice Log and I wish you the best of luck