Why did they take away the 3.20 ped ammo for reward>

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Tron48, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Tron48

    Tron48 New Member

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    killing 100 Oraton payback missions V ? In fact they took all the ped ammo rewards away from the missions - the first mission ...... why???

    That mission needs 45 days or killing 4500 of them and the ped ammo reward made it some what bearable now its frustrating and guarantee a loss in ped unless you get lucky and that bullshit IMO. We gain skill LOLOLOLOL that is a huge NERF and its not like that many players ever complete the entire chain and NOW there will be even less.

    I came back after 6 months because the lack of spawns for that mission when there is like 5 hunters in same 2 area's where they spawn in prime time hours, now this well I guess I wil lleave this planet and never look back PERIOD.

    Greedy Greedy Greedy, plain and simple. We don't want skills we want the rewardthat was there for how many years?
  2. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    And you are working to get a UserBound item! :)
  3. DaJuggernaut

    DaJuggernaut Member

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    Actually the skill gains are better for longer term play on EU. However, I can see your point and I think that the change was made probably because of that fact alone. Even with the ammo reward many of the hunts even for thieves and bandits were at a loss. But I am not sure this is much different from other mobs. It seems in most cases that mobs that have daily rewards are rewards that are skill based, though I could be wrong. This is like any other change in the game, you just need to adapt. If you think that the cost to reward is either too low or is to variable then by all means don't hunt that mob. That being said, if the only reason that you were on Ark in the first place was because of that mission, then it makes sense to leave and not come back, however I think many would say that Ark has many other good things to offer players, so you can chose to leave or chose to adapt.
  4. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Each run will leave you with a bag of loot, sometimes a small global of at least 11-12Ped, which is way more than 3.2Ped of Ammo. The global is usually an amp or a gun, both of which have markup.
    The mission chain is supposed to be long as the rewards of the dropship and rank are important. Do not forget that the higher the rank you hold in the IFN, the greater access you will have to things in later updates. Work hard each day, do your 100 kills and advance.
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  5. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Dangling before my eyes, dropship.
    I come online at night (my nighttime that is, rarely see other players & run around slaughtering thieves. I use a Barbarella with an A101 amp,
    gun is eco but slow, but usually 8 ped to repair after each run = so maybe its costing me over 11 ped a time - globals are very few & far between, loot seems crap - I would be better off slaughtering hornets. But I just do it because I must :( dropship (which I am told is a Sleip on steroids, but apparently can't be taken into space - so where is it supposed to be dropping from........sheesh :( )
  6. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    I personally think we have been spoiled with the ammo before. At the end of your run you got about 10% (more or less) back in Uni ammo. Yes it was supernice while it was there however also not a sustainable model. Now I understand it is a bit harder to keep doing them however now it is also more in line with other missions. You need a bit of luck to break even (or close to it), which is a better representation of how hunting is in the game overall.
    A very long time ago several different spawns have been introduced to give people a better chance to hunt the maturity they need. For the vast majority of that time the Uni Ammo was a reward of it, it's a bit unfortunate that you choose recently to come back to Arkadia and start doing this mission again. Even more so since it apparently discourages you to continu doing them. However as I stated before, we were spoiled with such a good reward for such a daily mission, it has nothing to do with greed that it was changed, it's just been changed into a more realistic format.
  7. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    The Ammo drops never came close to covering the hunts so really didn't miss them that much. In all, these dailies have always been about getting skills. Anything more is a bonus to me.
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  8. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    So many times I have heard people complain that they are making a loss now that the ammo reward has been replaced with a skills reward, but it makes me smile. Why ?
    Because if you aren't doing your daily, then you will most likely use that time to go hunt something else and will have the same odds of a loss per ped cycled, but without the additional skill gain reward.
    Skills = ped in this game
    Unless you are here only fleetingly they increase the value of your avatar in a way that can be cashed out later.
    If you don't intend to hang around for years then why are you doing a daily mission that will take you approx 1 year of regular attendance to complete.
    You want your 'free' dropship ? Well then get stuck in and accept that nothing in life is truly free, whether the price be paid in money or in sweat and tears.
    I have had my dropship for some time being one of the players to get the Vanguard , and yes it was a long slog, and yes I got ped rewards to help me along. But tbh I am jealous, all those days where I didn't get skill bonuses which on some maturities are especially attractive.
    Oh yeah and I still do my daily (most days), I am still ranking up in the IFN... one day I hope the dev team will be offering IFN officers similar rewarding opportunities to those the smugglers have. Yet we wont have had to pay in a lump sum to become members, we will have paid our way to those opportunities in tiny amounts over a long time.
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  9. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    Once you pass all prospectors maturities other oratans on payback missions count also for oratan stage 6.
    For example on payback lvl 13 you kill 100 mobs for daily and also you get 900 kill points for oratan stage 6 repeatable.
    For 60.000 kill points you get 6.41 ped dodge..
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  10. Bolleke

    Bolleke Member

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    Wow, i didn't know that at all dan! thank for that information,
    I'm at the vandal mission, and i'm getting sword skills which i really love more then those peds, not saying i will be able
    to use arcspark anytime soon here but it helps allot in the process.