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What does Treasure Hunting mean to you?

Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by David | Arkadia, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. tayz

    tayz Member

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    Love the idea of "levels" within a treasure hunt - kinda like the Runscape treasure hunts.
    Different levels need different skills , the treasure is random, Clues can be skill based, geography based, mental skills, team based etc.

    Initial clue could be looted from hunting or mining, or just found in an old book that you happened to look in - follow the clues and gain the reward. Just dont make the clues too easy. Maybe you find an old photo of a mine with 3 people standing out front, on the back are 3 names. Research the names to find the approx location of the mine and the history of the people, find the mine and explore, drop a bomb in the mine and part of a wall collapses revealing a secret room, explore the room, find an old fabric and bp, gather the ingredients of the bp and craft, crafting revels a flag, research the flag, flag belonged to an old company that held huge tracts of land in what is now jungle and were well respected manufactures of health products , expolore the land,find the flag pole, raise the flag, door opens to a hidden research lab, expolore lab, find a piece of armour and the matching (L) bp and special ore finder. BP requires a mineral from the original mine and can only be found using the ore finder.

    Ore finder is not tradeable, neither is BP. Crafted aromour is tradeable, but can only be used if you have the found piece of the armour as well.So to get the armour you have to have completed the initial treasure hunt. The hunt covers all current skills and requires a little brain work.

    Just an idea of how it might work
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  2. calemus

    calemus Member

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    treasure hunting

    i just struck gold and i'll be rich for the rest of my life
  3. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    keep it simple

    Not a bad suggestion, but remember, what looks like fun to you would look like too much work for someone else, so keeping things simple would make more people happy then making missions into long, team based skill fests. BY more people, I mean 75% of all players,those that have less skills and couldn't do the missions alone, as well as those who just DON'T team up..so a mission like this for higher level's and teams is good , if it doesn't come up too often.Thats just my opinion of course, but I feel its accurate.
  4. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    Apologies for late arrival

    Somehow I only found this forum yesterday.

    I realise we're due to launch imminently, so perhaps these thoughts can be developed later going forwards. Herewith my thoughts for ideas around "Treasure Hunting".

    Firstly, I'd like to say that many of the other ideas are of course "must have items" for a self-proclaimed "Treasure Hunting planet". You should definitely have

    - Alien Items that drop from Aliens such as the Oratan
    - Alien Artifacts that might be legacies of either race or even other third-party aliens who visited and also died on Arkadia, overwhelmed by the Oratan.
    - Specific Ruins and Sites one can visit to mark progress in a given area of interest

    What would be really cool to have though might be the ability to progress with the various Factions (or some other function whereby you have to choose one faction to advance the most in, or similar)... And whereby you could use your recovered basic items as "credits" with those factions to gain standing with them.

    What you need to do after that though is make some items available for purchase through those factions as "specialist gear" once certain levels of ability / standing are reached. And feel free to have each of these items have "bio-locks" on them which basically render the items inoperable for anyone other than the user who buys them, if you want to prevent re-sale etc.

    But this is sort of a "rough platform" for what I feel would add a really unique and lovely aspect to being Arkadian. My idea here is linked to previous suggestions that we can unlock other skills or possibly have other sorts of professions on Arkadia... And I see it working something like this:

    One of my favourite past-times in any roleplaying game is "investigating and understanding the ancient civilisation and it's story". Arkadia is beautifully, beautifully set up for that scenario (thank you SO much for that!). As soon as I read the first decrypted Message version I got goose-bumps and I thought: "MAN! What a cool idea - I wonder if _I_ could get to become an Arkadian Knight!?"

    So now you're all looking at me and going "But this is the Treasure Hunting thread...?"

    And I am thinking "Well of course. Why don't we see about tying 'Arkadia Lore' in as a type of Treasure on it's own?"

    There could be numerous ways to gain Arkadia Lore (or Oratan Lore, or any other type) such as for example:
    - Visit certain sites, and simply read the writings or experience for oneself the atmosphere in an area, or touch an item which imparts it.
    - Killing certain types of mobs might actually gain you an understanding of some aspect of the system as well, if they were using semi-mystical combat features against you.
    - Archaeological examination of an area on a more detailed level
    - Scientific Research into an avenue of Arkadian technology
    - Perhaps a scanner of some sort could be invented which allowed the user to "identify and examine artifacts" recovered either by mining, combat looting, and the fidings of such results could increase one's Arkadian Lore too.

    Okay, so we're gaining Arkadian Lore hand over fist here. What's the point?

    Well, the basic thought was: at some point one might gain enough knowledge / Lore to start seeing or understanding how the Arkadians did various things. How they might have accessed or harnessed the power inherent in the rivers, what their different social /functional role classes might have been. What sort of disciplines they may have mastered. In-game, not sure how this might work...

    We could perhaps go with the concept that at a certain level of Arkadian Lore one is able to construct some sort of device which allows an Arkadia-specific type of Mindforce Implant to be implanted. The in-game or story "vehicle" for the profession options is obviously best left to the concept developers like yourself, but at it's core the concept is quite simple - Arkadian Lore allows one to unlock the mysteries of Ancient Arkadia at various levels, and should one desire it, it might allows one to gain access to skills or powers that they once wielded, if one is prepared to invest in the various trappings and so on. It's feasible you could retain pretty much all the same Mindforce Skills, but just create new Chips for such a system, and the understanding is that the new chips only work with the Arkadian implant, which perhaps something other than ME - a derivative of the fuel cell for instance.

    But where I was going was: figure out what sort of progression / requirements it might take to simulate being an Arkadian Knight in terms of skills and equipment, and make it possible for an interested player to acquire or attain the skills or items as unlocks along the way.

    That gives a nice long-term goal and a purpose to recovering items and elements of Arkadian Lore as well as adding a nice extra layer of reward perhaps to various quests and missions and exploration efforts.

    An interesting twist might be if we discovered that the Ancient Arkadians had more than one "Elite Class" and that if you decided you seriously wanted to dedicate yourself to learning one of them, then other avenues became more limited (as in, capped at some basic level) or even prohibited as the mindset required for the one was say contrary to that required for another.

    I for one enjoy "personal growth" choices like this which would differentiate people a little. So anyway - that's my idea for an alternate "Treasure Hunting" experience...
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  5. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    I expect Arkadia to have what Calypso has lost long ago:

    The sense of adventure / discovery / exploration / excitement

    I'd like treasure hunting to be more connected to your real life skills, you have better chances to find or discover something if you are smart, resourceful, I expect some treasures to be targeted to groups of players with different in game and real life skills

    make it so that it requires lots of "real" exploration (walking and digging and climbing, not just flying on VTOL from point A to point B while watching TV to finish "scouting the area")

    randomize and personalize treasures, so the are all a bit different, endorse people to exchange and to combine, and to solve puzzles using their brains and imagination (not just like you get the answer by dumbly running through all possible combinations)

    don't make it boring, like everyone need to complete 100 quests to get the same key to the same treasure

    don't make it availabe only for uber avatar players
  6. Wistrel

    Wistrel Member

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    Just checked the stats of the new VU... "Genesis Rookie Finder: Pro Requirement: Treasure Hunter"

    If mining is treasure hunting.... what is new about a "Sci Fi treasure hunting planet"? We already have that in Calypso....

    To be honest I pretty much expected this sort of thing but secretly I was hoping that "treasure hunting" was going to be a newly developed system or something different to just plain old "drop a ped, move along, drop a ped, move along, drop another ped" mining.

    Any thoughts/comments on this? Are we going to get same old same old or am I missing something?

  7. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

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    Trap doors and such thing mystries to be solved oo0o i can go on and on about this :p
  8. Iphigia

    Iphigia Member

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    It does seem to be just the same old drop a probe and move on that we are accustomed to on Calypso. With the recent change to mining equipment and refiners I see that treasure hunting will cost 30 probes or 1,50 PED per drop not counting decay. I stopped mining quite a while ago on Calypso simply because I couldn't handle the cost (loss) and now the idea of treasure hunting on Arkadia has simply been laid to rest for me. The one thing that was supposed to be the main difference will cost more than I am capable of maintaining.
  9. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    yes, I'm also shocked now

    all this "treasure hunting" and hopes come down to a mere new button in the mining interface?
  10. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Actualy 1000 years in the future doesnt mean anything if you are not talking about the Earth.
    You can be 1000 years in the future and still be in the bronze age on some planet. Or 1000 years in the past and have flying cars and such.
    And treasure hunting has new meaning after the last VU. And as MindArk is preparing for even bigger mining / treasure hunting change who knows how treasure hunting will looks. I hope Arkadia team knows :cool:

    How much and in what way planet Arkadia is designed to be Treasure Hunting Planet if the Arkadia design team didn't know about the treasure hunting change 7 days before the launch of the planet?
  11. Daenerys

    Daenerys Member

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    Wanted to quote this because it's a very good post.
    The game somehow making you "do something" in RL would be great. If you want to be successful, it should take more than just luck on when to click 1 button. Add in some use of your intelligence, knowledge, astuteness.
    Would make it very exciting for sure.

    As for treasure hunting in its own sense, I see pictures of ancient moss-covered temples, sunken ships, caves, relics from old times, orbs, coins, documents, treasure maps, remote locations, expeditions.. stuff like that.
  12. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    This post that David made clarifies things quite nicely.

  13. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    As David Dobson - CEO said: "Treasure Hunting (as some have noted by the value per drop) will be the premium end of the mining section "

    But most of us miners are not premium-skilled miners...

    Could there be more layers than one, when finding something out of ordinary (related to Treasure Hunting)?

    I mean more along the lines, that even low-skilled player is able to find something out of ordinary, like I'm finding lots of claims "unknown" and everyone would have the chance to find these and feel like being a real Treasure Hunter + it would require co-operation between less-skilled and more-skilled players if Your skills are no good enough to extract or excavate some Treasure found.

    You could ask help from Your soc-mate or sell it to someone who has the skills and it might or might not be something of value. Who knows ;)

    This way all could participate and everyone would gain something out of Treasure Hunting?

    Otherwise most would think: "Okay, my skills are not yet good enough for this, not a chance finding any, so no point dropping extra ped per probe"

    -- Hyssch --
  14. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I think i write before something about this, but as i read now treasure hunting is related to mining. I was dreaming about if VTOL can reach space now, there is out in orbit a lot of destroyed ships, i was dreaming about is posible salvage refined metal or perhaps find nice artifact inside a destroyed ship, or mining unrefined ores from asteroids or dust cloud.

    Greetings. Milesio.
  15. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    About treasure class, perhaps.

    1. You find something low value, a vase, a very old tool, a thing good for museum and giving you good archeology skill when find. (We can perhaps use a archeologist brush (L) for extract thing better).

    2. You find something, a vase or other thing, this thing can give you a tip for find another thing or a hidden site with more interesting subject, perhaps starting a quest.

    3. You find something can be useful, a tool or weapon. Perhaps you need attach 3 or 4 parts for have a thing working well, but you find only 1 part. You can search for other parts o trade with someone finding the thing before you.
  16. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    I like this idea. That might also need some special suits/armor to able to get out of Your VTOL and extract what You find there, so crafters would get more customers for these new (L) equipment + if it's a PVP free zone, those space-pirates would be happy too :)

    -- Hyssch --
  17. red

    red Member

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    I think using the mining system was a good idea for looking for "treasure". I have a little difficulty with the profession's name - as it conjures imagery of tomb bandits and archeological criminals to me. however, I'm odd.

    ozi mentioned that arkadia is a sci-fi planet 1000 years in the future and asked what we thought archeological "treasure" would look like there. today common items 1000 years old are considered important finds, depending on the civilization of origin - even if they are nothing more than a shard of common pottery or a broken utensil.

    so, what will we find? shattered 8-track tape cartridges or some speculators mint collection of "new kids on the block" merchandise?

    kind of reminds me of that crazy show: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storage_Wars
  18. BaronNussenknack

    BaronNussenknack New Member

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    Treasure, reminds me of a AVGN episode and the classic game Swordquest, most epic event, ever:


    Doesn´t have to be that expensive, but would be awesome if Arkadia-Team keeps RealLife-Item-Loots up.*dreams dreams*
  19. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    I haven't read the whole thread so excuse me if this has been mentioned.

    I would love it if we could find graveyards full of earlier pioneers or single bodies of explorers who were "unfortunate"....lootable, of course. As people quit and you need 1000 ped to withdraw, I bet there are people who's expired accounts (yes, I know it takes years) contain tiered items or items which no longer drop. I think it would be great if we could get a old tiered items or even the items in the inventory of an avatar which has expired. I realize that you can't just lock or expire an account an put that avatar's items in loot but I like my idea and I think it's workable. Others can likely expand on it.

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  20. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    Heheh... This is a new idea for sure! :p

    One would never know what to expect or find, when making a discovery like this. But not sure if MA would really let this happen. But I vote for "Yes", if it just was possible in any way to make this work.

    -- Hyssch --