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What does Treasure Hunting mean to you?

Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by David | Arkadia, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. Tancred

    Tancred Member

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    I completely agree that there should be new skills and professions for a new planet. Also, it would be good if they were locked from the start so other planet players do not have to see them. They should only be unlocked then you do something on the new planet.

    Unfortunately it seems MA has gone the other direction. I recently noted that the skill Calypso Ground Assessment have been renamed to Ground Assessment. I would like to do the opposite. Add skills named with planet name first. For example Arkadian Geography or something like it.

    It is not easy to figure out good new skills or professions but here is one attempt.

    Skill: Calypso Geography
    Skill: Arkadian Geography
    Skill: Botany - minor part
    Skill:Zoology - minor part

    Don't know what to use this for other than to show of the explorer career. This should obviously be something for all planets.

    Profession: Arkadian Explorer
    Skill:Language of natives
    Skill:Culture of natives
    Skill:Native Technology - minor part
    Skill:Native weaponry - minor part
    Skill:Arkadian Geography
    Some basic attributes

    This would be the profession that will make it easier to understand the clues / text that you find. Completely new for Arkadia

    Profession:Arkadian Manufacturer
    Skill:Native Technology
    Skill:Native weaponry

    This would be the profession to make old artefacts work again, or maybe use old parts to build a new, better, tool. Maybe there should be a separate profession to use old arkadian artefacts?

    Profession:Treasure Hunter
    Skill:Found treasures
    Skill:Goverment Approval (based on delivered treasures to goverment or museums)

    This is a profession that could work on all planets, maybe not just for treasure hunting, so the name is maybe not good. The main thing on arkadia would be to enable a good standing with the goverment to be able to be a licensed treaseure hunter.


    P.S: Not sure if this is the right thread for talking about skills, feel free to move it if there is a better place

    [edit]: Ah, now I found the sub forum for skills, maybe this post should be moved to that location?
  2. Rocket

    Rocket New Member

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    That what ma misses SO much when they hand out their seasonal "gifts." They are ALL purely for aesthetics. None of them actually SERVE A PURPOSE and are thus deemed useless to the "skill seeker" player base which ma consistantly overlooks. When I was an active player, I used to get so frustrated when they would give those things out because they were not functional items. To me (as well as a solid group of other players I spoke to at the time) no skills=no use. Fancy clothes are fine for ppl who are shallow enough to buy into them, but the a lot of people in eu want a skill count not a glorified fork or sparkler. My opinion (and I understand that many will not agree with me) is to give me something I can USE as a tool, weapon (or as a translator for map??). I think you see where I go with this. Cheers :)
  3. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    You know why they don't give away anything functional right? They give free things to hundreds of thousands of people, if they give you something you can use, like a med-kit, then that cuts into their income, since you either have to buy one from a TT or from an auction where they get a small cut of everything. They give away junk, because its free to them and it's not worth anything as far as using it to help yourself in game. It's all for looks, and to make them look like they really are giving away something new.
  4. jaivako ur4life cyberstar

    jaivako ur4life cyberstar Gold Member Gold Member

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    LOL it very impressive to see all ppl post their idea and stuffs like that. i try to compare this Arkadia planet. Sigh...u see they had recently release national geography abt 7 billions on cover. I am not talk abt that. What interesting me subject is inside that magazine abt caves stuff like they talk abt biggest and tallest and longest caves. Wow that would be interesting story abt caves at Vietnam country. I try to imaging the picture of what Arkidia Planet look alike. but i have no idea if they have caves stuff. It would have very interesting long lost caves that alot ppl not know abt it. So They asking what would we do if it was 1000 year in future. It would be very impressive intact facts and oldest caves or whatever in future.

    IRL (sorry off the point subject) to be honest i am deaf and i love metal detector hobby on any beaches,parks and old places or old houses victorian etc etc.. I find alot stuff.. How can i hear the beeps? no no i cant hear the beeps. I buy metal detectors with LCD when it show beep it show the nbr high frequent signals. i know i am closer to something or something is underground. so i know it diffencult to being deaf person but it dont stop me and i am still fancy abt this treasure hunting stuff. I love to hunting abt civil war in USA famous near Gettsburg. also one interesting story abt missing old bomber disappear near Pittsburgh river near park. So i went off to hunt for it. So later on lot new technology coming every few years. so i bought this vibration to warn me when sound come off then vibration start on. then i know it there somewhere low vibration to high vibration depend on how much ferrous or how deep either way. that work for me deaf person.

    So now back to story. What do i think abt 1000 yrs future abt treasure hunting. Oh surely I would love to have that fancy technology stuff for me deaf person. I hope they will have subtitle for hearing impaired ppl when they find something like mining. but it not bother me at all. it have same concept like as mining finders. that fine and it work pretty ok with me. So i knew it will required me alot peds to buy bombs or probes stuff. but this treasure hunting. i have no idea how it work. i have to wait and see how this Arkadia Planet have surprises for us ppl. I would love to get that metal detector or finder stuff to look for treasure hunts. to find any antique spaceships or aliens or artifacts or whatever we finding.. So u know i believe there will be heaps of lots stuff fells down on Arkadia Planet from space/sky. We will find alot heap of scrap of spaceship or unbeknown to human race!!! But surely we will find lot of metorites (astoriod rocks). "off the point in IRL i found small metoriod rock while metal detector hunting. sound interesting and fancy abt stuff from space." I will start love it and will keep guessing where this come from and what is it and what type and what kind mineral it will work to help for our future system for weaponary or for structure or whatever that mineral will help us or possible not good. We may be unbeknown it might be bad virus or bad rock that alien try look for it and try to get it away from us or i dunno. how that work... I would love to keeping reading Arkadia storyline.

    Pls keep up fantasy/sci-fiction storyline. I cant help it as it my fav addict treasure hunting storyline. :)
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  5. jaivako ur4life cyberstar

    jaivako ur4life cyberstar Gold Member Gold Member

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    oops i forgot i have no idea how system will work how they will free give away. But u get the idea when u find stuffs while treasure hunting. Well to be honest it hardship long patience try to find stuff like did that in IRL i keep search for few hrs and finally found old half penny size of quarter!! also It took me 3 days comb beach after hurricane i found gold bullion coin. sold it for 4k usd. that pretty long time ago. so in this Arkadia Planet well i dont know how system will work. But I believe it will be much different than MA. I have to wait and see beta game look alike. I am see forward how this system working. GL ev1 @ staffs and ppl who make this Arkadia Planet for their best efford to make interesting storyline and hides those treasures for all of us players.
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  6. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Interesting. I am thinking of skills like, Archeology, antropology, linquistics, philosophy and even theology. Ok I started a thread under "Skills".
  7. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Something else hit me. New smaller spacecraft that can exit and enter the atmosphere to scour around and comb debri-fields in space for ancient artifacts. Perhaps even mine astroids. I am sure some peops would love the salvage aspect of this idea. mabe its just a long shot. perhaps this may mean new EVA space suits to board derelict spaceships.

    for example, a archeologist finds a datacube with info in a alien dead language that needs to be deciphered, giving a location and name of a derelict abandoned spacecraft with wonderfull technology and riches to be salvaged. Perhaps a very old escape pod escavated planetside that holds the key and datacube leading to a specific spacecaraft in a debrifield. reminds me of the Calypso beacon missions, but this idea would make it Arkadia Unique Archeology/Salvage Missions. At times the find could lead the archeologist into space or into the deep ocean. We will then also need salvage subs for this.
  8. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Good point you bring up here. Hopefully Arkadia Studios makes treasure hunting friendly towards those who are hearing impaired :)

    Nice! This could tie in nicely with all the debris floating around in orbit.

    I think that searching the wreckage of ships in orbit to find lost treasures that used to be aboard them would be a great addition to the treasure hunting theme.
  9. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Right, and instead of "Beacon Missions" it will be known as " Expeditions" or Arkadian Expedition"/AE.

    Could tie in nicelly with a quest, long duration quests, Over, land, sea, air and space. From an ancient Escape pod that is found in the deep abys of the oceanic rift using a remote oprerated dive-bot/probe/R.O.V. Perhaps from a Larger sub, giving the explorer a 1st person H.U.D., Lighting, the works.

    Upon finding the wreckage to have penetrated into large pod interior and salvaged, different kinds of artifacts are found. Including Data cubes needin deciphering, utensils, pottery, technologies, weaponry , Valluables, gems and metals.

    The story continuus where coords of a derelict acient Ghost Mothership, a staggering 5 321 years old, hidden somewhere inside the dense debri/astroid field, inside the solar system near Arkadia home.Possibly intact leading to more treasures. Arkadia could have a official government Museum & Library, sortof same air as PA on Caly, lol But with an official Curator/s, who recieve donations of finds and perhaps buy finds. Ooo I would sure love to be that curator and estate owner to arange exibits etc. to my hearts content lol.
  10. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Cool ideas :)

    An official government building with displays of treasures found by colonists would be really neat (complete with plaques of the finder(s)/date).
  11. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Some nice ideas here.

    I agree it would be strange if the Archeology society didn't set up a museum :D I'd suggest keeping on Cyrus' back to get you guys a pic.

    Once we have the systems we'll certainly be creating some really cool instanced adventures (our own versions of beacons). I can't say at this stage when we can do that, might come after launch. We have purposely created a story and setting that allows for a great deal of variety, it won't be only one thing (ie beacons). That astreroid belt is screaming out to be investigated further and there must be much more to the Arkadians than we are seeing now :D
  12. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Ooo I will be sure to do that ;)

    Our own versions, as in plural!? Different types of adventures? That's fantastic :) The more variety, the better!

    Is it mid 2011 yet? :D
  13. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    If you consider that the whole planet was attacked and taken over in the past, then there's a good possibility that there are wrecks, in space, in the oceans and rivers, and on land. Small one man ships, larger ships for cargo transfers and even larger ships, either crashed long ago, or disabled or abandoned in orbit. space would make the new planet a unique experience, where as EU just has planetary things to do, even going to the asteroid belt to mine your never outside the atmosphere when your traveling, just poof..and your there.
  14. Shwi

    Shwi New Member

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    Treasure hunting, could mean weekly treasure hunting events like: We get free items (metal detectors etc) and with that we can search the treasure(s), there could be many things to find, and if player finds them all they get someting what is worth peds (not pecs).
  15. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Archeology is a very dear thing to me and has led me to refute the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin entirelly. There are too much evidence in ruins and artifacts that proves man on Earth was way more advanced during pre-deluvian times, than what is generally believed or accepted today.

    This is quite interesting to watch :


    With regards to Arkadia and Archeology, it is imperitive that we have an Official Museum and artifact-archive. A good archeologist donates his finds to the Museum curator. But I understand that some valuables should have a ped-price-tag. Pottery, uttensils, art and anything else not used by collonists would be ideal for the museum. The whole endeavour helps to create a whole, if not in part alone, picture of a culture and race long extinct. We might learn something valuable from that.
  16. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Treasure hunting on or around Arkadia, should have some protocols in place. for example you just dont stumble inside a discovered ruin negating the possibilllity that booby-traps might be a danger. Or you dont just pop a hatch breaching the interior of a ancient intact derelict Spaceship. There could be dangerous pathogens, mutations, automated defenses, etc. certain probes and scanners designed for this purpose and around it should be considdered.

    The star chart archive and known races and other interesting information could be of particular intrest. The navigation computer onboard and captains log entries are perhaps the single most important goal on a deepspace salvage mission.

    The salvage ship has a airlock docking system. When it docks with a automated system a seal is established. First a drone is sent in with a whole spectrum of scans to be carried out. Atmosphere tests, life signs tests and also electronic counter measure tests with EMP capabilities. All this must happen and only with a greenlight from the probe-drone, can the salvage fire-team enter the craft carefully. One goes for the bridge, one for the crews quaters, one goes for the engine core and another goes for navigation and weaponry areas. The split up is more a reason for efficiency.
  17. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Treasure Hunting what does it mean to me? Funny how I always picture Indiana Jones when those words come up. So for me it would intale danger, fun, adventure. Natives trying to kill you :p & evil henchmen trying to capture me, I guess if I were doing something illegal. Artifacts of untold wealth & maybe some good wholesome exploring to be done. Funny cause in the Indiana Jones movies he hardly did anything archealogical like digging stuff up. Oh well I guess some digging and puzzle solving would be in there too :).
  18. lokiscamaro

    lokiscamaro Member

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    i love the idea of trekking through the wilds, following clues to a lost cave, killing mobs along the way. stumbling onto the fallen wreakage of an alien craft. using new tools to find hidden treasure in the dirt. im very excited for this new adventure.
    one extremely necessary tool is going to be some sort of personal lighting solution. head lamp that allows for other tools to be used but with rather limited area of effect, and a hand held torch of some kind, with greater range and see-ability, but not usable with weapons.

    also the tools needed for treasure hunting, i assume that a few "treasures" will be mob looted? perhaps a new tool/skill line would be nice,
    not hunted or mined, rather a unique set of skill revolving around a tool somewhere in between, ie; irl metal detector, or ground penetrating radar of some sort.

    finally how about Arkadia specific vehicles? we know FPC designed the pitbull, id love to see something designed just for the wilds of Arkadia (can anyone say "landspeeder"?).

    anyway it is sliced, im ready to eat this loaf of bread.

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  19. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    Being bad and thinking this from a game mechanics point of view - many more and more diverse 'something out of the ordinary' finds than on Calypso.
  20. Iulrorck Bark

    Iulrorck Bark Member

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    treasure huting means to me secret area. and secret info. i remember in elder scroll 3 read something in a library and after hour of game see something who remind a description i have read. after some research i find a secret trap then cave, tunnel,cave,monster,tunnel... to a big pirat ship half underwater clove is a big secret cave hidden in the dark. or some area openning only at certain time. and when they need shut something can happen to ppl stuck inside. i m thinking about unique part of puzzle loot on monster, making ppl sharing information. kind of limited time event. giving access to special thing-stuff-area, for treasure hunter.