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What does Treasure Hunting mean to you?

Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by David | Arkadia, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    This is something we're looking into. We certainly respect players who love to grind and play solo, but we'd also like players to have more interaction with each other, growing collectively and creating strong bonds with each other.

    "There are people in this world who enjoy being alone, but there isn't a single person who can bear solitude."

    Kinda like this quote and it's something I personally believe, is a characteristic that is norm in the majority.

    It will bring mining to a whole new level. I'm picturing it will involve a team of people to mine in space, each with different roles, rather than just a solo miner doing it. Maybe one would be maneuvering the "transporter device", another to scan and beam in the "ores" and "enmatters" and another to refine it before it's being let into the storage of the "transporter device" and etc...

    Hmmmm...i like it. The miner in me is getting excited.;)

    This is certainly the direction where we want headed.

    There's certainly some ideas here which we're looking to implement in time to come, so please keep the ideas pouring...Appreciate it! :eek:
  2. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    This is one thing I really like; having people from the Planet Arkadia staff reply quickly to our posts on the forum, and actually taking our ideas and passing them on to the design team.

    You guys have an amazing connection with the community already.

    (I would + rep you but I think I need to spread it around some more already lol)
  3. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Two or three man teams to mine? (Starts getting shaky) I don't play well with others...I like to see what I can do alone, it's a real challenge that way. I probably wouldn't mine space if I had to work with a team, sorry to say. Since it's the far future, all the miner I thought of would do is fly the ship, and scan for resources and choose what to gather,everything else would be automated, especially since there's so few people at this time.

    Of course, there can be mining operations that require more people, that would be more like a company than a single miner working, so it's possible to have 'beginner' mining with one person and 'corporate' mining with a large ship and team. I can't see being able to have three people who agree to be on at the same time always so they can mine, just my opinion.
  4. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I see what you are saying here. Some people like to go lone wolf; I guess you are one of them (which isn't a bad thing ofc).

    But I would like to see some variation of gameplay. 3 person mining sounds awesome! I think it would be awesome to coordinate a huge mining party and have everyone work together to achieve a goal.

  5. Tikki

    Tikki Member

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    I think that if mining has both aspects: Lone wolf and team, we could have some great game play. For groups could there be an option of a mining structure? For example like in the "old days" where you have a cave in the ground or strip mining there were structures. (Sluices, refiners, tailings, generators, etc.) People could work a mine for some time. Players would need to repair or invest in new amps and stuff to keep it pumping. Is that possible in Entropia? Wishful thinking^^
  6. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Team work in this universe is something the system works against. First and foremost is the greed factor coupled with the trust factor. There is not one person in EU that can honestly say when it is their turn to finally get the ultimate reward they would be willing to share it. Those things are to few and far between to be lost to team efforts all the time. For example..50 gazillion ped of a useless raw material with no MU (aka most 99% of the rog loot we get) is not that hard to swallow if we were in a team. However..getting that mod merc of mod fap or supremacy foot in team sux major ass specally if someone in the team has need for it to complete an armor set or finish their hunting kit. Yes that person could compensate the team to get it but that defeats the whole reason to try and loot it in the first place.

    Second specially in the mining catagory it is severely gimp to have people in the same area let alone working on the same job. The game mechanics simply dont balance in that situation. There have been many a time I have had socmates on a mining run where I KNOW good things are. They were brought along to clear mobs as I work and the game mechanics tend to give the hunters the lions share since they are rotating more ped at the time. Too many things like this would have to change in the base loot / balance system for this to work.

    Personally I dont have faith that MA is capable of doing something in that regard let alone them wanting to do it. The system favors the larger amout of money getting cycled EVERY time. Skill and gear have zero influence on that other then what amount of ped it sucks from the player. Hence the reason the rich uber players seem to always get everything worth having. They show up to an event with the most decay intensive gear they own or things that have the potential to cycle shear amounts of ped faster then anyone else and just go to town on that aspect. The game mechanics will automaticly reward them simply for that fact.
  7. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Your right CB...up to a point. People have a right to choose, yes if we were mining as a group in space, like the three man team mentioned the game would have to have only one setting: equal shares. Other than that, someone would lose out. that's why I said earlier that working in teams might be fun but it's hard to do, first you need to organize so that all members are online at the same time, then get them to agree on what they want to do. After that it's just doing the work, that's the easy part.

    As far as equipment making all the difference , that too is true, IF you work towards getting the most rare materials and mining the most dangerous places. I've been a miner since I started on EU, that was back when the 'drop off' vid showed a shuttle dropping you and one other person off at Atlas Haven.After years of work and consideration and even over-thinking things, I work by a simple plan that's undeniably true: 90% of all materials are mined shallow, only the rare mats are deep(beyond 400 meters). I have used every type equipment ever made at one time or another, today I use....Level 2 ore and enmatter scanners. Nothing else because I've specialized in bringing in the materials most often found...lyst/belk/cumbriz/oil/melchi. It doesn't have to be rare to pay the bills, and as a lone wolf, bragging about it doesn't count for much, and to be honest, after teaching mining in three different socs, I learned that this is the best way. Let the rich guys use their lev 5-6 scanners and extractors, know what? All they'll find 75% of the time is the same as me, and their repair costs are enormous, so let them find gold or some other rare material once a year, their costs in repairs alone while they wait would pay for all the mining I do..lol.
  8. Mikass

    Mikass Member

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    This is how I picture a treasure hunting mission(quest):

    Find several map pieces from different sources in multiple missions(maybe looted?) that would make up an X marks the spot map.

    So I find this map piece from mining, some from say a mission, the other from loot and together they can be transformed(refined) into a complete map. Once map`s complete an X marks the spot should appear on map. It`s very important to be randomly generated for each avatar so that spoilers won`t reveal treasure`s location.

    Would also be nice to randomize the treasure prizes so that the spoilers won`t lower the enthusiasm for finding it. Randomizing could also give people a chance at some very cool prizes.

    Treasure maps could be divided in classes according to avatar level maybe to give an incentive to skilling up. Say maybe class 1 maps should give class 1 prizes and class 2 maps should give class 2 prizes.

    I also picture some Epic treasure maps for special occasions, events `n such or maybe even award such maps instead of just giving out normal loot. Would have that kinda` Kinder egg surprise effect.
  9. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Ok, I see the idea your going for, like an old pirate treasure map, of course if it's a futuristic war zone, with a whole civilization gone, the 'map' would probably be bits of info leading to a virtual map. No one would be using paper maps in the next thousand years or so, but the ideas the same.The treasure you'll find might actually be an underground bunker of some famous general, or supply depot hidden for years. That way the treasure would change according to where its hidden and what the place was originally.It could even lead to an underground survival shelter where people might have escaped to for a short while, that could have a variety of materials in it to find.
  10. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Very cool. I like your thinking about what the treasures could be.

    Also though I would like to hopefully have ancient treasures (classic gold , crystals, etc.) maybe hidden thousands of years ago on Arkadia.

    IMO the more variety of treasures, the better!
  11. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I guess what I'm thinking is this: no one makes a game with the REAL feel of a war. In my opinion, the war over Arcadia ended when the enemys won, but that was probably a couples decades ago. That means there's still much equipment and riches from before the war, belonging to the Arcadian's, now dead, and the enemy, still there. They have already shown themselves to attack our patrols, they are not friendly. So to the victor belongs the spoils, anything we can get, or take from them is ours.
  12. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Alien ruins of a lost civilization way ahead of us in technology to be found and back-engineering it for use. Like awesome alien type weaponry, armor and attachments. Perhaps also ancient spacecraft hidden underground thousands of years old, to explore and collect items of vallue. Mabe also underwater for S.C.U.B.A. archeology. What we dont have ingame right now is flashlights, perhaps attacheable to weapons for exploring those dark places. Ancient forgotten buriel grounds also comes to mind.
  13. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Great ideas! I've always wanted to do some underwater exploring. Treasure hunting could tie it together nicely :)
  14. Jamira

    Jamira Member

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    I was trying so hard to become a veritable member of one of the elder socs at Calypso. All were nice people and we had fun together. Many of them are still friends. But I couldn't manage it. I AM one of that lone wolfs :) I do my duties alone or I let them out. Everything I cannot do alone is not of any interest for me. But during my time as a member of that soc I've learned a lot about the hugh fun other players can have with team hunting and doing things together.

    So let go both ways. Enough ppl at each side - lone riders and team players - for taking care for.
  15. Tancred

    Tancred Member

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    Ok, my first thoughts on (Arkadian) treasure hunting are something like "alien artefacts, maps, knowledge, a long trek and smugglers". Of course there must be smugglers on a treasure hunting world !

    When thinking more about it I can group it in five parts. I know that some things have already been mentioned but good things can be said more than one time.

    1) Knowledge :confused:
    How to find out about a treasure and how to find it? You could be given an assignment from a goverment official, private firm, archaeology socity or just happen about a clue while wandering about in the wilderness. Then you need to find out more. Find clues and interpret them. Here it could be good to study the language and culture of the old civilization. Maybe these should be new skills? When finding some old text (also known as clues) your professional standing could determine how much you can read. PS 10 => 20% of all characters understandable, PS 20 => 35% of all characters understandable. etc. So, the more knowledge you have, the easier the finding will be, but not impossible without it either. One thing that would be really interesting would be if the map is partially incomplete then you start so that you have to do some exploring yourself to actually get to know the terrain.. I.e. get the map. This could be missions in their own right. Also, to use old items you will probably need new skills for the techonology of that culture.

    2) Getting to the treasure location
    If it is a known site, fine, just use the teleporter. But the interesting stuff should be difficult to reach. Be a long way from a teleporter, some places not possible to reach by vehicles (in a cave, in a very dense forest, underwater) and some places will need a vehicle (on the top of a mountain, a flying city, the asteroid belt). And of course there should be difficulties on the way, mobs, hostile environment (toxic fumes, tunnels) and old defense systems. All in all, a journey needs to be planned and executed thourogly. Some areas might even be restricted by the government so that you can only access it with proper authorization.

    3) The place
    One important thing here would be to have this place somewhat random for each player so that the location can not be found on the forum. It should feel like an achivement to find it. Logical puzzles (like a locking mechanism) or physical activity (like jumping over a deep chasm) could be part of the place.

    4) The treasure ;)
    This could be lots of things. More knowledge, maps, items, something that can be ordered as a real life item. Clues in a long mission chain. Old access cards that are needed to reach certain rooms in other missions but otherwise has no value. One thing I would really like are incomplete items. Lets say that to get a functioning item you need to collect different parts. Even better would be if it would be possible to put together the pieces in different ways to get more unique items. Another way to get more unique items could be to have a common item but already tiered and with random locked enhancers (UL) on it. It may not always be good but that time that you find a unique item that has good enhancer combinations you will be very happy. Personally I think that most new arkadian specific items should be introduced as treasure items.

    5) Reaping the rewards & Smugglers :cool:
    So, what to do with your fine new Arkadian items? Since they are unique and important for the understanding of the old culture you can of course not put it onto the auction, then the government would just take it. Instead, you could hand it in to the authorites (you would of course not get paid for it) and thereby gain a official "treasure hunting" promotion which might allow you into areas that are otherwise restricted, access to more information or more missions. Or you could keep it just for yourself. Or you could sell it on the smuggler market and earn money. This would be something of a separate auction. Only available in one or two places (thereby creating a meeting hub for players) not known by authorities, i.e. no teleporters, think Chug's Hideout on Eudoria. This would probably also have the sideeffect of making these items more rare for people on other planets which would encourage travel and interplanetary trading on another level. So, all in all you have to choose sides here. Going for the money or helping the goverment. Or you might help a private firm that have contracts with the government and get both, but less of it.

    If you have managed to read through everything to here, wow, hope you found something interesting to think about.

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  16. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    First of all I would like to say that you have a very well written and thought out post. I really liked reading your ideas :)

    Very interesting! I would really like to see both treasures that are unique to each player, as well as others that anyone has a chance to race to interpret, decode and find.

    Exactly! Have the best treasures hidden off the beaten path. Make players really search for them. Have secret entrances, puzzles, and other obstacles blocking a participant's path.

    Yeah, I agree. Having a treasure hunt that could be posted to the forum would take away the adventure of figuring it all out, as well as your sense of accomplishment when actually finding the treasure.

    Very cool! I think it would be awesome to have unique weapons/items depending on how players put together different uncompleted items from different treasure hunts.

    I also would really like to see some treasure hunts with randomized rewards. That way it would always be a surprise what the treasure is.

    This is one of the best ideas I've heard yet to tie in smuggling to Entropia Universe! Arkadia Studios, take note!

    It would be absolutely amazing to have different choices of what to do with the treasure you find, so that everyone can make their own decisions and have different outcomes depending on what they pick. You could either be a legitimate treasure hunter working for the government or military on Arkadia, or become a rogue treasure hunter, finding and smuggling treasures off planet etc.

    Overall, I think you have a great number of awesome ideas; I for one look forward to your next post :)
  17. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Well written post Tancred, thanks for sharing your ideas (and welcome to the forum). I agree on the smugglers ;) I really like your idea of the seperate Smugglers Auction, not sure if we can make it happen, but I will look into it.

    You make many good points in your post, I think you're going to like what we are doing with the mission system.
    Keep sharing your ideas, it's really helpful that you formulate your ideas with a suggestion of how you see them working.
  18. Tancred

    Tancred Member

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    @Larkin - Thanks for your comments and kind words about my ideas. You put the idea about smugglers in much better wording, you describe excactly what I would like to achieve.

    @David - Glad that you like the smuggler auction idea. It would be awesome if you could make it a reality.
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  19. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I have been watching this thread and many good ideas are developing. It seems like each post kind of builds on previous oness which is great. Id like to go backwards a bit here as being a realist I know alot will be limited by the engine or MA's programming capabilities.

    Those of us that have been here for a while and mybe even some of the newer players probably are starting to see that there are several factors in determining what gets looted. Realisticly there is a pecking order in how this works. First and foremost..big investment gets the big rewards. Second faster ping times.... he who is closest to the loot server tends to have first crack at the good stuff. Finally skills do play at least a minor part in this returns system. I am not talking about the every day crap we get when we play I am talking strictly upper mid level rewards or uber rewards.

    I have seen since my birth in EU the same people always getting the best rewards be it the random super uber drop or the event rewards. Once in a while MA will let some unknown new player get something to show they dont play favorites......( Ill stop there).

    Since Arkadia is going to be a new planet, with a new hook on the way EU is played with the Treasure hnting theme Id like to suggest my thoughts on fairness in the special loot system that is in place. Id like to see new skills added or maybe even a complete new profession for the"Adventurer" or the "Explorer" or the "Treasure Hunter" Naming is not important atm. What is important is the availability of the good rewards to everyone and not just hand outs to the same people that have been benefitting all along.

    Now..MA has added new professions in the past and "Prorated" the new skills for existing players giving them an automatic advantage. Ill use the most recent adddition of the enhancer profession. Many of the ones who already get everything started in the mid or some even in the upper tiers for an unused profession gaining the advantage to make the best right from the start. To avoid this I would like to see the determining skills on Arkadia set as unlocks and not just added skills like in the past.

    Having any required skills be all unlockable would accomplish several things. Number one it would be fair to everyone from day one. There would be no advantages to existing players and no penalties to new players. Second it would weed out the players who really dont care about the new professions other then exploit them since they have the auto advantage. Lastly I think it would attract many players new, old, and probabaly draw a good portion of the ones that left back since its all a fresh start. The only advantages I could forsee would be due to existing attributes which would more then likely just give faster skill gains to existing players as they tie into every profession.
  20. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I like this post. I completely agree with you here. I too want everyone to be starting fresh with treasure hunting professions so we are all on a level playing field.
