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Warning: The whole loot balance system seems out of place!

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by zume, Dec 1, 2011.

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  1. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    I've been studying PCF the past days.. Apparently the re-balancing of our loot (adding the generic loot) has affected the WHOLE balancing system.. I have several reports of:

    robots not looting robot parts but animal parts
    Scoria which is an animal, loot Generic Fuses
    Scipulors doesnt loot muscle oil but eye oil
    Atrox now additionally loot muscle oil (seen with my own eyes in team chat)

    These are just the reported loot bogus going on atm..

    Just a heads up..
  2. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    MA response, if any, should be interesting.
  3. toad

    toad Member

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    If scoria drop generic fuses it is for sure not often, on my third 820 ped ammo hunt today and not a single fuse for me so far.
    Pre VU10 umbras used to drop fuses on calypso so i still would not think its strange if a mob on arkadia do that also.
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Maybe this was an purposeful re-adjustment of loot, and it's supposed to be this way. It sounds to me like the rules governing loot distribution are complex and difficult to change, so I wouldn't expect everything to "make sense".
  5. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    loot after a VU is always strage. and it's always a gamble sometimes you benefit sometimes you loose.
  6. Grez

    Grez Member

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    Yea this could just be an intentional change in what mobs drop, however the robots not dropping robot parts seems like a screw up, so something is messed up.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    That's true, lol, probably not intentional. I got some animal oil residue off a warrior this morning near Billy's.
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Wow what does it take for some people to understand what MA does and why.

    EU is a computer program. When something is broken in a computer rogram it simply does not work at all and you get an error. Unless EU defies ALL properties and physics that every other program ever written follows NONE of this is a programming error. It is WORKING AS INTENDED. It is doing exactly what it was told to do. If there is a change made it is intentional whether it makes sense or not. Can you name ONE comapany in this entire world besides MA that claims at least one "oopsie" in EVERY thing they do and does not fire the idiot responsible for said "Oopsies" after the 2nd or 3rd time?

    This shit happens EVERY vu and has since 9.3. The highest numbers of players usually log on immediately after a VU to try and be the first to get the new stuff. MA takes advantage of that to maximize returns for themselves at these times by putting out multiple "oopsies". Some more damageing to us then others and most are low impact but it is ALL still done on purpose.

    All you new guys that havent been here so long to see the pattern will say I am whining again but Jesus people see this crap for what it is.
  9. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Trina.. Why do you still play?? do the rest of us a favor.. quit the game and quit the forum.. That will make me (and for what i know a lot of others too) very happy.. If you wont do that, PLEASE do me the favor of staying out of any thread with my name on it..

    *to mods: sorry if im out of line here, but i'm tired of Trina pestering all the good done here on the forum with obvious trolling negativity.. This was a warning, NOT a discussion about MA..
  10. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    I disagree with that statement. There are shades of gray when it come to programing and something may tend to look like its working correctly but may have a logical error.
    Logical errors can be extremely hard to locate in a program, especially in a program as complex as EU. Mix in a bunch of programmers on the same project and it becomes even more complex as logically all the coding of each programmer can be technically correct but be incomparable with the others coding.

    How is the system supposed to know that there is a logical error as a compiler only worries about the syntax (the way the statements must be written for the compiler to understand), Its physically impossible to program a system to know there is a logical error in the program... thus its impossible to program an error (BTW the error your talking about is a stop error) capable of knowing what the correct logic is supposed to be that the programmer wanted and display an error when its not.

    Programing "oopsies" like you say waste time to sort out especially the more complex a system is so its highly unlikely that its intentionally included / overlooked by the programmers.

    Also to add almost every programming company has errors in their software, why do you think Microsoft continues to deploy patches and hotfixes for windows? How do you think hackers get in to your system? Most errors in large programing projects come from the simple fact that no two persons think alike all the time so they will not program alike.
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes, Apple, Microsoft, every software company puts out products that contain "oopsies", as you call them. Mindark needs to improve its quality control, but I don't think there's any need to pull out the tinfoil hat to explain the existence of bugs. Whether the new loot distribution is a bug or is the new distribution, only time (or Kim) will tell.
  12. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well said, Shiro and Neil. A lot of people really don't understand this. My recommendation, Cyborg: Take a programming class or two. You can find some online. Security holes come with the territory because it's difficult to plan for every possible "error" -- you can plan for the most common ones, of course. Logic errors are much the same way... They don't create an error that the compiler will catch. You have to run it and actually TEST it... Usually with dummy data... to make sure the output is as expected.

    Something as complex as Entropia Universe and its loot system is going to be nearly impossible to test to the extent it would need to be tested... How many active players does the game have every day? A few thousand, right? You try coming up with enough dummy data to account for every single possible conceivable outcome for every single situation for every single one of those players. I don't care how big or efficient the QA department is. You're going to miss some. Plain and simple.
  13. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well Ill pose this to you programming geniouses....

    According to MA they have limited staff...correct?
    Going on that supposition one would assume they have a plan mapped out.. correct?
    They would by reasonable suposition stick to this plan to do updates.. new stuff..whatever is in that plan as best as possible..Correct?
    That being said.. the releases are to put out a VU with X,Y,Z accomplished..One would assume they focus their attention on X,Y,Z to accomplish their plan they had mapped out.

    Splain to me if they worked on and tested X,Y,Z, how A, B and C gets fucked up in the process when they are completely unrelated systems.
    Splain to me that there hasnt been a VU in at least 3.5 years that hasnt had MAJOR issues with it. Even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.

    Now after you are able to do that we can move on to old recurring bugs...
    EVERY programmer backs up their work... Even I when I mess around in map makers or level editors in standalone games I play keep several revisions of what I do. Once an issue is resolved and a recurring problem is found and fixed I start with a new set of 3 to 5 back ups AT the SAME point the fix occurred. ANY first simester student learns this practice and is again reinforced at the job to do this AND systems that are this complex have admins that should have automatic saving regimine setup in their system as well making back up redundantly redundant.

    Splain to me why they are not doing this and bugs that have been fixed MULTIPLE times keep comming back on roughly a 3 to 5 VU cycle.
    Either these people are 1. EXTREMELY unorganised and unsupervised, 2. Simply do not give a shit about the product they put out, 3. Do this all intentionally to keeping making their OOPSIE money.

    I do understand that programming is a monster that is hard to tame but there is ZERO excuses in any buisness for somethng to come back into play that was resolved previously due to someone loading or working with a back up still containing that issue. Ill even give you 2 or 3 times for it to viably happen with staff changes and departments not talking to each other...NOT eight fucking years of the same shit comming back and going away and comming back again and again.

    To Neil... yes Apple and MS put out products with issues...not many companies can put out perfect products the first shot that have multiple functions. Yes they do make changes....They DONT allow those issues to return once they are resolved. they move on to better their product.

    To Rick... I am very familiar how testing works. I have worked in R&D on major products. I have done the work up testing, stress testing AND implemented testing for production. I DONT let shit go past me with my name on it unless it worked as it was supposed to. I walked off a job once because management wanted to put something I was responsible for out in the field with the stipulation of a fix after it was in place so yes I can and WILL continue say my piece over issues like this.

    To Fopsie.. I can agree with what you say to a point. again yes many companies work with ongoing issues and risks as they come up or even that existed at the start of what ever it was in. They DO however resolve those issues in a timely manor and NOT just the ones that cost them money. When I worked in R&D we worked on customer wants and needs as well as bug fixes. MA is rarely doing any customer "want" changes and that is tertiary to fixes that cost them money coming first, fixes that cost us money getting fixed IF they feel like addressing them.

    To Rick and Neil..Lets call this what it is.. I dont like you you dont like me..so I will state this one more time.. If you dont like what I post dont fucking read it. As for the petty neg rep bullshit...dont be a two faced piece of shit and neg rep me then talk shit in another forum about a socmate for doing the same thing..Thats just PUSSY.

    To Zume and any of the other people that feel the way you state they do...If I see something I feel the need to speak on I can and will do it regardless of whose thread it is. You have the option to ignore me or continue your neg rep campaign I really dont care. Just know this Im not goin anywhere and as long as you continue to get up in my face over everything I say I promise I will be right back in yours giving it right back to you.
  14. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    What get me if People aren't happy with the game, or complain its always fooked up or broken, why they keep playing. this is a general statment after reading alot of posts saying the same thing.
  15. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    *To any admin that sees this first, please lock this thread. It has wandered FAR away from its intentions - a warning about the current loot balance. This was NOT intended as a tinfoil hat discussion about MA adding bugs on purpose, hence it has wandered FAR off topic.

    TY in advance - Zume*
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  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I don't know what you're talking about. There have been a handful, maybe 2 or 3 times total that I've given a negative rep on entropia forums for a reason other than spam. I give them when I see a post that is extremely and unacceptably rude and hurtful to another user. If you received one from me (I honestly don't recall) then that is why. I believe this is what the neg rep is for, and I don't consider it a "petty" reason.
  17. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Thread has gone off topic, with a little rudeness that some people are finding tiresome. Frankly, I'm glad OP has requested its closure.

    *Thread closed*
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