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Viceroy - whats up with that?

Discussion in 'Armour' started by SLD, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Interesting, i check EULA and ToU, and cannot find any info about bounded items.
    So, i found only:
    This means that TT value of this armor will be refunded only in case when you terminated your account (without ban). MA cannot refuse to return the money you put into the game and spent on virtual items. Since armor was purchased and not received as a gift, and has no 1, or 0,01 PED value, the value of Viceroy should be returned in case of your account termination, except cases, when you get banned.
  2. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero Member

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    Then they should allow you to TT the armor it would be the same as "terminate" but not actually termination involved :D - this way it will give more incentive for people to get it - you still need to pay 600 peds (in TT) so it's impossible for MA/Arkadia to lose.
  3. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Yes, but I just thought of violating EULA in this quest, if this armor can be bought (received for other virtual objects), but can not be refunded (it can't be traded (it may be good), but IMO it MUST be refunded as TT value) ... may lawyer be able to leave a comment?

    In general, it seems to me that the continuation of the discussion will lead that MA will change the EULA :D
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    After some more thought, I suspect what's happening here is that Mindark only has one way of bonding an item to an avatar. This is used for the starter gear/free stuff as well, so the only way for MA to allow TTing of Viceroy would be to develop a new system where there is more than one kind of bonded item: freebies (which cannot be TT'd) and "bought" gear (which can be TT'd). But really... after seeing the rush on the Viceroy they don't have a lot of incentive to do that... after all, they don't want everyone to get Viceroy (it's cheap for a UL armor) and the fact that you can't TT it decreases the number of players who will get it.
  5. Svarog

    Svarog Member

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    They could, as people already suggested, make it possible to give the parts back to Bill. NPCs already are able to accept and give items, and scripting an NPC as way easier than creating a new system. Let Bill the NPC accept the armor parts and give back the peds, or, if for some reason they can't give pure peds - give some non-tradable tokens which can be used later as [part of] payment for other non-tradable armors which, no doubt, will follow.

    Is it? It's basically a fancy Gremlin, which costs 484 ped tt +150 ped MU (will be +15 in a couple of month), and is actually even more expensive than it, being worth 600 (+120 ped of MU) peds of materials.
  6. SLD

    SLD Member

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    This is exactly what I was thinking. If they intend on adding more items of this type in the future, by this I mean high TT value "mission" items. MA needs to create a second class of "mission reward" items. I am totally fine with the idea of bonded items, and can accept paying 150% MU that goes straight to MA/PP. However, I will NEVER accept that items of this type cannot be sold to the TT, this is just crazy to think of in a RCE system. I did get the Viceroy set for myself, but I will NOT be getting any other similar "bonded" or "mission" items (whatever you want to call it) in the future if they are not fixed to be sell-able to TT/NPC in some way at some time in the future. And if there are no plans, or no way to make this change I still insist that this information should be given in the mission briefing, that item cannot be traded to other avatars AND cannot be sold to TT.
  7. Karmic Natures

    Karmic Natures Member

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    The A-Team has stated that their decision on whether to continue this system or not will be based on how many people take and complete the quest, not based on what people say on the forums. Therefore, "I'm taking my ball and going home" is not only the proper, but the only way to register your opinion on the matter. If you don't like it, don't do the quest. Personally, I'm accepting the quest and not doing it so they can know that I am fully aware the quest exists, but I am not interested in it.
  8. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Looks like great quest to me.
    And I can think of 2 other positive side of it:
    -Make people go to other planets, becouse u can't buy it u have to visit the NPC on that planet.
    -Sort of prevent people from making new avatar if they actualy bouth that (or other bound) item.
    I have Gremlin but still thinking of going to Arkadia to get this armor if it's better as protection. It looks cool.
  9. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    Patch anytime soon to fix this armor bugs?
  10. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Currently the patch is postponed until tomorrow if all gos good.
  11. Frigid

    Frigid Member

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    It's a little better than gremlin (which means it will be better when tiered) and I like how it looks. Sometimes it's not just about PEDS and efficiency...
  12. KlowN

    KlowN Member

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    Well, I bought it just now :). Mainly cause it is a tad better than Gremlin & the cosmetics of it are just kick @$$ looking :). I do have 2 hopes for the future though. ~

    1. Allow us to TT it at least for the TT value of the armor incase ever need be. Since the TT of the armor is less than even the TT value of the stackables required, you guys still make money no matter what, so shouldn't be that big of a deal. ~

    2. Not sure if this has been said or not, if not here this is - It would be nice for those getting the Skull Candy Edition now to be able to get the standard edition also in the future come September.

    If we are able to TT it for full TT value and end up disliking the turquoise skull on it, would encourage a minority of people (maybe me also) that get tired of a turquoise coat or whatever to match just that little skull to go ahead and get the standard version to match with even more colors.

    ~~~~(Btw, for some reason, I can never hit enter or anything to skip lines while posting on this forum lol.)~~~~
  13. NevadaJake

    NevadaJake Member

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    Do you have all the parts required for sale so a Calypso native can visit and Arkadia and basically buy from you, turn it all in and leave with a set of armor?
  14. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    For many I'm guessing this just doesn't make any sense. You are saying since this isn't a big issue that many really don't think about that you went out of your way to make it so an item could not be trade-able?

    Now this makes a lot more sense if you had not stated the first half of this. I do plan on buying the item, I just hope in time you will make the item trade-able in the future. You need to keep in mind that if this wasn't one of MA's ideas already, you could be killing the game since MA will look at this and think up other ways to do this that in turn would kill the game's economy that in turn would turn players away.
  15. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    This is a fully self-regulating system:

    Ok with soulbound stuff?--Go for it!
    Hate it?--Stay away.

    What if majority of ppl takes the bait and end up with all their stuff bound to their account!?--
    So what, it's their decision not yours... and there's a good chance they'll learn something in the process.

    U guys worry too much :)
  16. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    I love the Viceroy, good stats and awesome design! Just got my set, very happy :)
  17. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  18. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    Nope - I just have what i loot from hunting - and its almost sold out now - and now i just place it on auction when I have something needed for that armor. I guess you can grap it all from auction to get a full set.
  19. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    Viceroy + Tiarak-textured linestrip shades - hides the bright eyes so the face is all dark. Wicked! :)
    Blends in really well too, can hardly see there's shades unless u look carefully.
    Don't have screenie atm, will post later.
  20. Skydive

    Skydive New Member

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    which are the left glasses? they look amazing