UNL Herman/Mako weaponry

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Lizzy, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    We all know from looking at Entropedia or other sources that creatures on Arkadia can drop unlimited Herman and Mako weaponry. Not to mention unlimited gyro's. What I am wondering is why hasn't there been any of these items dropping outside the Oratan events?

    For those that been around long enough, I believe one player farmed Oro's for 7(!) months straight in hopes to loot the Herman they can drop and posted about it on the forums. If you look at EL: Mako's have only been discovered, no duplicates are around. Herman's outside Oratan events are a bit more common, but at a guess they will only drop once every 1-2 years, maybe once every three years.

    Considering the playerbase, most people might as well give up any hope into looting one of these fine items outside events. Which seems like a sad fact, as not every one wants to burn a load of peds in one weekend and hope they get lucky enough to find something.

    I would like to see some more dropping, same goes with the Arkadia armors. The 'good' ones only drop from high end mobs, where most players that would loot such an armor piece have no use for it. The low end armors drop from low end mobs. That's nice for the new players if any of those armors would be better than the adj musca/viceroy.

    End of rant.
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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
  2. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    snoop around this loot and you might find among them zadul brain and hadraada spinal plate. Blame Sally Bridges for dropping Nusul Nose too fast, now good loot pipe is closed for let's say... 5 years?
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  3. May

    May Active Member

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    I don't know about the Herman/Mako UNL weapons, but there have been other UNL drops.
    If hunting for other UNL items is ok too: below is a copy of the UNL drops (so far) from VU 15 on.
    (It's limited to the updated mobs, and drop info that some players kindly share.)

    Badger 710R:
    - Gravis GLR-27

    - Corvus Thigh Guards

    - Corvus Thigh Guards

    Magurg Male:
    - Aquila Thigh Guards
    - Gravis GBP-32
    - Gravis GLP-33

    Mutated Oro:
    - Canis thigh Guards (M)
    - Gravis GBP-32

    - Canis Arm Guards
    - Corvus Gloves
    - Gravis GBP-32

    Oratan Miner:
    - Gravis GLR-29
    - Gravis GBR-30

    - Gravis GLP-27

    - Gravis GLP-36

    - Canis Shin Guards (M)
    • Informative Informative x 3
  4. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Yes, Gravis is dropping a lot, it is an Arkadia weapon type, but they are not SIB. So it's rather uneco to use unless you have level 100 in the skills.

    The Canis and Corvus armor was the type of armor I was talking about, Adj Musca is better than the Canis and the Corvus. (Still I want to get a set of my own just to own one, but I probably just wear it to show off, I'm like that)
  5. fluske

    fluske Member

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    yea,me and my wife are good for about 600-1000 globals per month,and that has been for th epast 1.5 year orso,but besides an gravis no decent armor or gun in loot,
    the 1 time my wife discovered an new smugler gun was during oratanattack,
    and we had couple guns like 2-3 years ago..the raw and sir series(they havent dropped since i think)
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  6. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Gravis are garage, corvus about the same. No disrespect to anyone. Viceroy or disciple armor simply better and gravis is basically tt fodder that robs you of a chance at a decent item loot. Until adj. Imp. Or mod gravis drop that is my opinion.
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  7. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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  8. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Yeh blame me ;) all those peds from the nose are already back in the loot pool ;D and 460 globals on planet to get my first discovery ;) but also agree its hard to find some nice stuff in loot - currently theres a HUGE lack of Piron PBR's and thats a rediculouse number of globals to get hold of one ;( and have even taken to crafting own weapons in blp due to the shortages also not 100% sure why an ark weapon has copper needed for a component but no copper to be found on planet ! .

    Also Look at Ben Kobras estate and the sheer number of stage 6 kamildons statues he has then come on dna part drop because Bens dedication on finding it is rather obsessive and crazy.

    Would be nice to have some higher level sib stuff ;) thats UL maybe its comming in a new vu or maybe its not discovered yet maybe it might be part of the long awaitied smuggler mission chains.

    I have Also run through Kadras to stage 6 and compleated 1 run on stage 6 nice evade reward was nice and my first statue but part of the reason was to try and loot a Herman LAW-30 Smuggler - not looted one yet thats a lot of kills - again not interested in buying as I like to loot stuff but would be nice to see some rare's popping up again - I dont think a Liakon armour part has dropped since December ! !

    And Yes I Know MA Control the Loot but loot windows like the following post ! ! ! Comeon Next VU ! ! ! !

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    Last edited: Mar 8, 2015
  9. slither

    slither Active Member

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    This is one of the main reason i'm back on caly. You hunt for weeks with nothing dropping but gravis and junk armour then an oratan/smuggler attack comes and drops more in a couple of hours than has dropped in a couple of month through normal hunting.

    I'm not a fan of big shared loot mobs, so if that's all that ark is offering atm then i'll see you guys when they adjust their ideas.
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