Unable to get in game/instant dc in SS. (& message for Pogo)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by May, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. May

    May Active Member

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    I am in need of some technical assistance, as I'm unable to get in-game.
    The client loader works up until the moment that the game starts to load, and the screen with the 'tip of the day' appears. Then it just blippes out of existence, and it's back on the client loader. Often while the in-game sounds can already be heard, but it cuts before the graphics catch up.

    I was on my way from Arkadia to Calypso in a Quad, after a dc I tried to log back in again, and for the first time since the VU, it went through in one time. (Usually I have to try at least 10 times before it goes through.) But as soon it was starting to load it crashed back to the client loader, without any message. Trying to log in after that gave the 'your avatar is already logged in'. So it looks like I did manage to log in for a second, and then got kicked off again.This whole process repeated for about 20 times.

    So to try and solve it, I have tried:
    - clear shader, - enable safe mode, - disable sound, - enable windowed mode, - repair found no mistakes, - restarting the client loader, - cleaning registry, - cleaning with Ccleaner, - system reboot, - Internet Explorer update check, - graphics card driver update check, - anitivirus exceptions list, - firewall has the recommended ports open, - modem is up to date and works fine with any other site, - I'm running as administrator, and even did a system restore.

    The game was running fine up until now (not counting the lag and dcs); nothing changed in hardware or software. I don't see any people posting with this issue, so I must assume it's on my side somehow.
    Does it have anything to do with the overloaded instances?
    Because I had no trouble on Arkadia, and I was on Calypso two weeks ago without problems.
    Although the system restore had as a weird result that the client loader has reverted back to Arkadia instead of Calypso, a few times. It didn't solve the problem of course.

    Basically I'm unable to get in game: does anyone have a suggestion as to how to solve this?
    For the technical among you, this is what came in the diagnostic report:

    1202 - Source : .NET Runtime
    1203 - Description : Application : main.exe
    Version du Framework : v4.0.30319
    Description : le processus a été arrêté en raison d'une exception non gérée.
    Informations sur l'exception : code d'exception c0000094, adresse d'exception 745A528D

    1202 - Source : Application Error
    1203 - Description : N/A

    1201 - Time : 11/9/2013 3:12:04 PM
    1202 - Source : PlugPlayManager
    1203 - Description : Le périphérique 'JMB38X xD Host Controller' (PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2384&SUBSYS_30F4103C&REV_00\4&120488ab&0&04E4) a disparu du système sans que sa suppression ait tout d'abord été préparée.

    1201 - Time : 11/9/2013 3:12:04 PM
    1202 - Source : PlugPlayManager
    1203 - Description : Le périphérique 'JMB38X MS Host Controller' (PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2383&SUBSYS_30F4103C&REV_00\4&120488ab&0&03E4) a disparu du système sans que sa suppression ait tout d'abord été préparée.

    1201 - Time : 11/9/2013 3:12:04 PM
    1202 - Source : PlugPlayManager
    1203 - Description : Le périphérique 'JMB38X SD Host Controller' (PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2381&SUBSYS_30F4103C&REV_00\4&120488ab&0&02E4) a disparu du système sans que sa suppression ait tout d'abord été préparée.

    1201 - Time : 11/9/2013 3:12:04 PM
    1202 - Source : PlugPlayManager
    1203 - Description : Le périphérique 'JMB38X SD/MMC Host Controller' (PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2382&SUBSYS_30F4103C&REV_00\4&120488ab&0&01E4) a disparu du système sans que sa suppression ait tout d'abord été préparée.

    1201 - Time : 11/9/2013 3:08:51 PM
    1202 - Source : Service Control Manager
    1203 - Description : Le service Parallel port driver n'a pas pu démarrer en raison de l'erreur :
    Le service ne peut pas être démarré parce qu'il est désactivé ou qu'aucun périphérique activé ne lui est associé.

    1201 - Time : 11/9/2013 3:07:20 PM
    1202 - Source : Dhcp
    1203 - Description : Le bail de l'adresse IP xxx.xxx.x.xx pour la carte réseau dont l'adresse réseau est 00235A24A9E2 a été refusé par le serveur DHCP xxx.xxx.x.x (celui-ci a envoyé un message DHCPNACK).

    The 'JMB38X MS Host Controller' I understand to be a memory controller, and that something has gone missing, but what, and what to do about it is still a mystery to me.

    Similarly the .NET runtime error; whatever I can find on that are very complicated lists of code.
    I tried to repair the latest .NET installation, but that didn't help.

    The Dhcp is probably nothing serious I guess, though I don't see what could have triggered a DHCPNACK.
    As I don't run anything else when I play EU.

    The service control manager might indeed be turned off, but so far I've never had any problems with that.
    And to be honest I have no idea how to turn it back on in French.

    Remains the 'application error' with N/A details. I presume this is EU?

    Is there anything in there that could point towards a solution?
    I'm sorry it is in French, but the laptop is French. Unfortunately I don't speak that beautiful language, so that doesn't really help the problem.
    I would write support about it, but dread to just receive the previously send copy/paste "open the following ports in your firewall" message, after waiting a week.
    Technically I have more faith in the talents of the community.
    If anyone can shine a light on this issue, and help me get back in-game, I would very much appreciate it.

    The worst thing about this situation is that the person who was so kind to give me a ride to Calypso, has been waiting for me on a SS for nothing, and was probably wondering where on earth I was.
    Especially since it was basically a trip for my sake.

    So Anatoly Pogo Black, if by any remote chance you read this: I am really, really sorry, but it's impossible for me to get in-game. And since there still is no offline messaging possible, I have no way of letting you know. (I can't find an account with this nickname on the forums).
    Hopefully you didn't wait around too long, and it didn't upset you.
    I'm doing my best to get this sorted, so I can log in again and explain in person.

    ps, now it has changed (a couple of times) from no message into this:
    Entropia Universe did not shutdown normally

    You may submit information about your PC configuration to MindArk.
    This will help MindArk to improve Entropia Universe in future updates.
    The information that will be sent if you accept is:

    OS = Windows Vista
    Memory = 3072
    Graphics Adapter = NVIDIA Geforce 9600M GT
    Graphics Adapter Driver Version =
    Exception Address = 11328802
    Version =

    Also just noticed that Windows did an update just before my problems started, so that might have some connection, as something did change software wise.
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    TBH by the sounds of things you might be better off uninstalling and reinstalling EU. Before you try that however, I would suggest using the repair tool from the clientloader.
  3. May

    May Active Member

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    Thanks for the suggestion, but alas, as I mentioned, I have already tried that.
    And it came up empty: nothing wrong with your installation.
    So I figured it wasn't a fault in EU itself this time, especially since it started mid game.

    But I'll try a reinstall (although if the fault lies on my side, it will probably make the same mistake again).
    Who knows, after all I tried, it would be funny if that would have fixed it straight from the beginning. ;)

    And thank you for taking the time to read my post.
    It is not the most pleasant thing to hear somebody trying to explain in layman's terms something that you yourself understand in detail.
    It quickly can turn into things like: and then I pressed the button on that machine thingie, and it make a rrrrr sound, and booom: smoke, smoke, smoke... death!
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Sorry, I missed where you said you'd tried repair.

    What update did windows do? And I just noticed you are using Vista as well....Horrid OS that.

    Try doing a reinstall of .Net and update it all before you go the whole hog of redoing EU. I've found that people never really succeed in anything when repairing it coz it doesn't really do anything to the install bar check the files are what it expects to find.

    Past that, my only other suggestion would be to upgrade the OS to Win 7 and do so in English ;) but as an absolute last resort
  5. May

    May Active Member

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    No problem, it is a long a$$ post; easy to miss a line.
    The windows update was: Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.161.1652.0)
    The last ten .NET Framework security updates were on 14-10-2013, so a while ago.

    I did already repair the latest .NET Runtime installation, but I'll try a re-install instead then.
    That would mean to first uninstall the two (?) current versions of .NET, before a reinstall?

    Because it was so sudden, and maybe caused by an update, is it possibly fixable by downgrading Windows Defender and/or .NET to a previous version? Or would that be a security no-no?

    And I saw a thread of somebody who is dc'ing constantly in a SS. The suggestion there was asking support to move him planet-side.
    Could that possibly help me? Or has it in this case obviously nothing to do with space?

    Yeah, I know that Vista is the worst Windows around, especially in French for me.
    But when a friend bought a new laptop he gave me his old one. So you know, the whole 'horse & mouth' thing.
    Though if nothing else works, I guess upgrading Windows will be the only option left.

    But at least Vista is good for a laugh:
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Appropriate video, lol. I would upgrade to windows 8 and skip 7 altogether if the laptop can handle it. If you're not ready to do that, reinstall EU and if that doesn't work, reinstall .net installation (I think you'd just install the version you want on top of what you have, but I'm not sure).
  7. May

    May Active Member

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    My PC with Windows XP had already decided to refuse EU, and now this laptop with Windows Vista seems to be of the same inclination.
    I actually like XP, it's a lot lighter than 7 and 8. Not being weighed down by a lot of features I'm never going to use anyway.
    But since it's (finally) going to phased out by Microsoft, there will be no choice but to upgrade soon to Windows 8 (at least faster than 7).

    But still, what is it about EU that makes it so picky? It can't be Cryengine2, other games with the same engine work fine. Or was it better before the conversion?
    I like gaming, but I'm not going to buy a new computer specifically for 1 game. Since no other game is this demanding; even newer games run without problems.
    Anyway, not that it matters: knowing the answer or not, the practical results will be the same.

    I've reinstalled .NET (apparently you do need both versions) and am reinstalling EU at the moment.
    Though that might take a while: it takes 10 seconds to uninstall, but it's already downloading for an hour, and it's far from done.

    Aaand, it's obvious that I'm bored: I'm reading and writing too much.
    Sorry, and thanks for the help.
  8. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Lets hope that fixes it for you....did you try and run it after redoing .Net? I'm assuming by the fact you are reinstalling EU that you did and it didn't work...?

    I loved XP, was a brilliant OS....7 is very much the same and looks lovely to....

    8 I've seen and I'm very unimpressed by it. Seems to me that MS is sticking true to their tradition in that every 2nd version blows. It's so different to the existing Windows OS's that, even as an experienced Windows user (since 3.11!), I struggled like hell just finding some of the basic stuff that I would normally find in the control panel. From what I saw of it, its like they tied to copy the Andriod OS for styling but with the win backend. It might be great for tablets but as a "proper" computer user, I hated my first (and only) experience with it....

    I'll wait for 9 ;)
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I just completely avoid the PC-pretending-to-be-a-Tablet side of the OS and it's just like 7 only faster and more convenient.
  10. May

    May Active Member

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    The JMicron turned out to be a Flash Media Controller Driver, so it had nothing to do with it.
    And yes, reinstalling .NET didn't solve it. So I reinstalled EU, and unfortunately the problem hasn't been solved. :surrender:

    But on PCF there are now two persons with the exact same problem: this thread, and this one.
    So maybe there is a tiny, tiny chance it's not on my side?

    And now I'm confused: I thought Windows 8 was better than Windows 7?
    Although, is Windows 8 the one where basic things like the start-button have disappeared?
    That doesn't sound like my cup of tea.
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It runs a lot better at least for me but yeah the "dark half" of the OS was designed by a person who didn't realize that PCs don't have touch screens. You just have to learn some new ways to find things (it's not hard). It's more stable and the security software is better too. I can't speak for 8.1 as I haven't upgraded yet.
  12. May

    May Active Member

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    Really? That's quite a basic feature that's been messed with.
    For OS as well as games, I figure: "if it ain't broken, don't try to fix it".
    But I'll try to find somewhere where I can try out both 7 and 8 before buying either.

    Meanwhile another person has come forward with the same problem: instant dc at a SS on a laptop.

    So I've also submitted a support case to be moved planet-side.
    Who knows, it might solve it. Just would mean I can't travel in space until this is fixed.
    And now we play the waiting game. ;)
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yeah, lol, it was not well thought out (that would be a first for microsoft! ;) ). I understand that win 8.1 brings back the start button, but I haven't upgraded yet so not sure if it works the same or different as 7.
  14. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    On Topic: Space have all sorts of weird issues so when you encounter something up there like this I usually just send a case to be moved to where I was supposed to be.

    Off Topic:
    Just got myself a brand new PC and had trouble figuring out which OS to get, but since not one of the 10+ people I asked recommended win8 I got myself another win7 disk. And will do as Snape wait for win9 instead.

    Still lots of baby problems that you would think been fixed in win8 by now too, if microsoft had something I could try out for maybe 30days then I probably would have tried it out but I'm not going to risk buying win8 and throw away that money.
  15. May

    May Active Member

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    Unstuck at last.

    Yeah, I guess I'll now know that's the best course of action in a situation like this.

    Anyway, I was advised to pm Joakim|Calypso, because apparently somehow they can move people around.
    Turns out someone had already moved me to Calypso. I don't know if it was support, since I haven't received an answer from them.

    But in any case, even if it didn't answer the question how I got stuck in the first place: at least I'm able to log in again.
    So that's great, seems there was nothing wrong with my laptop after all. But on the bright side: at least now it has all software completely updated. ;)

    Though I still need to figure out what I accidentally changed during all this, that wont let me use a controller anymore.
    It might be the administrator thing that didn't like the updates; I'm running EU as administrator (that's my account), but at the start of EU it keepsd telling me it will run as admin, but I should restart if I changed admin rights.
    Which as far as I know, didn't do. I was admin before, and I am admin now.
    Though this could be the thing that keeps me from being able to run the controller program and Game Booster.
    Which is a shame, because that was keeping the dc'ing and lagging down a lot.
    Ah, might have been better not to fiddle with it in the first place.

    But it did remind me I'll have to seriously start looking into Windows 7 and 8.
    Since it looks like 8 runs EU the smoothest somehow.
    But I'm quite stubborn in my preferences (hence the XP pc), I'm still using the laptop only for EU. :p
  16. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Go into your EU folder and change the properties of both entropia.exe and clientloader.exe to have both run as administrator and it should solve that issue, I did it and it solved the issue for me. Note that since the 64bit intergration thing, the filenames may be a little different. When in doubt, just alter the properties of ALL exe files in EU folder to run as Administrator.

    Good to hear you finally got in too.
  17. May

    May Active Member

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    Woop, that did fix it! I can use the controller and game booster again.
    Although I still get the same message, which is weird.
    But at least it works, I didn't know it made a difference if you did that in properties or every time when you open the application.

    Glad I can walk around normal again; my nails are too long to use w-a-s-d, and I'm vain enough to not want to cut my nails for a game. View attachment 8322

    Now everything works normally again. But it would still be handy to know if/how this getting 'stuck' could be prevented.
    Or is that just an unavoidable involuntary side feature?

    And thanks so much to everyone who helped. View attachment 8324
  18. May

    May Active Member

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    Just one last addition: because it's funny, if it wasn't so typical.

    When I was able to get ingame again yesterday, I met up with Pogo, who was with me when I did dc the first time on Friday. It turns out he saw me trying to log in for 2 days, and did submit a support case himself, asking support to move me. (Which was absolutely a great thing of him to do.)
    He did receive a quick answer: they moved me on Saturday, and he should tell me to log in. To which his reply was: "How am I supposed to do that??"

    So when I asked Joakim to move me yesterday, he saw that I was already moved. Strangely enough I had not received an answer from support.
    Because that answer just arrived:

    And on top of that, this email:

    So I'm glad it was solved, albeit in a... weird way.
    (Lol, any idea what my rating is going to be? :p)
  19. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Whatever the lowest rating is you can give them. To say its pathetic is too kind a thing to say about Support most days.
  20. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    Unrelated to the problem but from what I've seen Windows 7 and 8 perform almost identically for games. The faster boot times come from either that fact that Windows 8 doesn't actually shutdown it just goes into a suspended state and that MS finally optimized the boot system which they did slightly with Vista and 7 with the delayed service start up option.

    I've already told my bosses their is no way in hell I'll have Windows 8 machines on the network.

    And Windows 9 they're toying with removing the desktop entirely :(

    Don't forget that Windows 8 Pro comes with downgrade rights to 7 and a lot of the business machines come with 7 installed and a Win 8 license sticker.