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Suggestions for Arkadia MF!

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Nighthawk, May 28, 2011.

  1. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    ok here are my ideas, if already been suggested sorry.
    water. as an attack chip, maybe long long range, could be used as pinger. no cooldown or fast cooldown
    earth, with stones thrown as objects or as an earthquakes for land mobs. could be a nice strike chip if radius and dmg were high like equivalent to rocket launcher's srapnel. the area on strike chips now suck. so we could have one with increased effective affected area.
    poison. i like the dot idea. should be able to do so much damage per second. maybe one use per mob, but could use different dot mf chips together, this would help greatly with super high hp mobs and or high regen mobs.
  2. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    Okay, let's forget what MF is used on Calypso or any other world we know.

    We have Treasure Hunting option available here on Arkadia (once it's implemented).

    8 Coins will have access to Arkadia Underground, but what if we could have some access to it no matter where we are on Arkadia? Small caves or underground facilities left behind of previous civilizations?

    Trick is, that You have to use MF with regular TP chip, but add some cost to it or what ever it is, for us to able to transport to the Underoworld outside 8 Coins - reagion.

    This would serve 2 purposes, first there would be a new use of MF on Arkadia or a new MF-chip altogether? Second, we could have a chance of making a finding something Out of Ordinary, even outside 8 Coins, that would lead us to the Underworld.

    If the cost to actually go down there is made high enough, lets say, or if it's in a form of a tradable deed, then we could place them on Auc. Like we used to do with Beacons on Eudoria/Amethera. There might be some Arkadia Underground creatures/mobs that makes one to think if it's worth the trip or does he/she need a team to accomplish this journey all of his/her alone?

    But I would love the ide of having something similar to "Beacon Missions" that we had on "Old World", but with a new concept that's fit to Arkadia and Treasure Hunting?

    Okay, what do You think of this, fellow Arkadians?


    -- Hyssch --

    Ps. we also have a different type of ME refined or looted, these days... what if this "Treasure Hunting" option, would be available only with a type MF that can be looted from Arkadian mobs only?
  3. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    What about continual use chips? One that costs a user a specific amount of ME every X amount of time that passes that requires the user to be fully concentrated the entire time. Like an (AOE / Single target) attacking, buffing, or healing ability.
  4. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    Mabye try going in a new dirrection... away from combat.

    What ways could chips interact with crafting and mining?

    -A chip allowing you to craft 1.5x 2x or 3x as quickly.
    -Increase your BP droprate.
    -Increase skill gain rate
    -Have the option to use a MF chip instead of the Crafting Terminal.

    -Copy some of the enhancers' functions.
    -Increase skill gain rate.
    -Have the option to use MF chip instead of an extractor / finder.

    MF has fundamentally just been a more expensive alternative to traditional combat. I think expanding it to other fields could be interesting.
  5. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    The chips cooldown rate needs shortening, 11 seconds is too long! 5 second cool down max! We need to see some UL versions of the new limited chips.
    New chip, maybe a Levitation chip?
    Fix the wormhole chip for interplanetary travel and allow it to use coords rather than a second player!
  6. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    It doesnt make sense for MF to take over the effect of a machine tho, as it is a MIND power, so having it for example make the crafting machine work faster would just be weird :p
  7. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    -Crafting outside the machine = Win.
    -Increase Drops and Skill Gain + Continual ME used to maintain= Win
    -MF Extractor / Finder Chip use ME instead of normal Decay?
    -Enhancer Powers and Skill Gain + Continual ME used to maintain = Win

    It would be interesting if you could raise skills that would slowly lower the cool down period. Like starting at 14-15 seconds and then decrease down to 7-5 seconds.

    Levitation chip is mentioned in the Calypso thread that is linked. Any form of interplanetary wormhole chip should cost a lot of ME and multiple players to create.

    I agree with the not making the crafting machine work faster but I think that MF as a Mind Power could replace the crafting machine altogether. Possibly using ME as you craft away from a Crafting Machine (Bending the materials with your mind.)
  8. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    Ahh, you see jedi doing that in SW sometimes with their lightsabers :)
  9. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    Yea.. except Chips are not pure mind powers; They require ME... So maybe have a chip and a purchase-able pair of gloves. Every time you attempt to craft a small amount of ME is used. Perhaps even have a light run down to the gloves which are what helps bend the materials into the item you are attempting to create.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Still boils down to EU is sci fi and the stuff many want added are fairyland type powers.....

    As far as copying what every other game has.. well then EU becomes like every other game and every other shitbird and everyother farmer and every other scammer will soon be amongst us in mass numbers...

    The draw to EU was because of its uniqueness and being different..take that away and Its not worth more then a 50 dollar stand alone snes game form the 80's.
  11. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    Clarke's Three Laws are three "laws" of prediction formulated by the British writer and scientist Arthur C. Clarke. They are:

    1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
    2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
    3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
    From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarke's_three_laws
  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Obviously this Brother wasnt a gamer in a modern age of the MMORPG.

    More like the initial dreamers of EU who are old and out of touch with it now.
  13. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    However 'treasure hunting' will actually work, MindForce chips seem like the perfect reward.

    They are already a sub-segments of the hunting field using seperate technology. Heck, no ones even knows how the things are made! (they're not craftable) If a civilization is advanced enough to hardwire their brains to interact with the surrounding world, why would they bother with obsolete hand held tools?

    Even with all of MA's MF improvements there is still alot of room for expansion. There are still no high end chips that make use of the Neopsion 50 & 55 implants.

    Unfortunatly current MF has some negatives... 1) It's not very 'eco', due to not having amps and implant decay. 2) It seems to have a low dmg/sec.

    On the plus side... It's Freakin' Cool!

    I, personally, hope the A-team bumps up their MindForce review.
  14. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Very well put Colbey! Fits in the story and setup of Arkadia! :)
    Now make your choice:
    1) You just had the same thoughts as A-Team
    2) They will see your post and somehow take it into consideration
    3) I can't see Arkadia not even reacting to this, so no other option is possible :cool:

    Now my input would be to have a Mob resurrection MF chip, allowing you to bring a dead mob back to life as a pet, attacking your enemies :eek:

  15. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    Maybe they could add some area-effect combat chips that are not completely useless like the current strike chips? :)
  16. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I had nice surprise finding that Arkadia dont have pvp but that lasted too short.
    After reading forum i see that same small percent of players pkers as on other planet cry a lot until David answered that pvp will exist here too.
    So i see dark future lol. Treasure hunting will be hard and expensive enought and to make all happy best treasure will be in lotable pvp.
    Any reward from there ( like mentoned MindForce chips ) will be hardly overpriced - someone have to pay pkers fun.
  17. swaith

    swaith Member

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    i love suggestion posts. 1 sec damn work phones!

    ok here we go again, so spells just for Arkadia, im completely new as is the planet so i have no idea what spells exist past that lovely purple healing spell =]

    how about nature manipulating spells specific to arkadias landscape?

    1: grass, a spell that makes the grass grow to 5<10 times its natural size and turn tock hard, result = large blades of grass shooting up under/around target doing piercing damage with a slight gleam effect to represent it turning into say glass or some sort of razor sharp polymer

    2: dirt/mountain spell that shakes the earth and does crushing damage as the target is repeatedly jostled up and down by rocks with break thru the surface in a fissure like effect

    3: sand column, targets are enveloped by a brief swirl of wind that does a medium amount of kinetic damage as they are buffeted by large amounts of sand passing over them at speed. would be cool if the coalesced from a low level to a height before showering away in a doh-nut type shape

    4: an air/water type spell that creates a mist around the target that gradual gets more and more opaque as moisture is drawn to the target and frozen around them with the effect of ice particles breaking off of the target and falling behind them as the heat from the air is drawn out and the water vapour left behind freezes on target hurting them

    5: a meteor, simply put you pull in an asteroid from orbit to slam the target, this should be something that hits over time and is more a support spell that can hit BOTH you and the mob, i think it would be good for a breakup of a large rock above

    so essentially its a very rare one, and entails a large rock coming into the top of the screen, breaking up as it comes down and spattering an area in rocky chunks that would do thermal and kinetic damage to the area, but with this one i think it is something that should best be used on larger targets and smaller ones would close the gap to you and if made so it damages the caster as well as the mob i doubt it would get spammed
  18. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    The generic (existing) MF professions (and chips) are:
    Pyrokinesis: (corrosive (acid) attack, combustive (fire) attack, metabolic (speed increase) chip).
    Cryogenics: (cryo (cold) attack, lacerating (cold and cut) attack, metabolic (speed decrease) chip).
    Electrokinesis: (electric attack, kinetic (impact) attack).
    Bioregenesis: (heal, resurrect (rare and expensive, unlocks Etheral Soul Language which allows reading what dead ppl write).
    Telepathy: (synch chip (allows sweating without being interrupted when hit, gives a slightly bigger chance of not being interrupted with strike and teleport chips).
    Translocation: (teleportation chip (allows you to personally teleport X.x kilometers), wormhole chip (allows two people to open a wormhole between them that can be used by anyone until shut)).
  19. swaith

    swaith Member

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    brilliant, what do you think of them ideas above, doesnt look like any of my ideas wouldnt fit :D