Hi there to our loyal SFE customers! Ever since Jim a.k.a. EwoK a.k.a. Snape-the-ban-hammer-wielding-psychopath-who-turns-out-to-be-a-good-guy went on holidays, I've been struggling to keep up with SFE, particularly with the popularity of Ankitus. I lead a rich and busy real life at the best of times, so the increasing demand for Arkadian armour is testing us out, that's for sure! I have noticed things getting busier in general, as well as specifically for SFE. That has meant more flying between planets, more meeting up with customers, more out of the ordinary activity to get hold of key materials we need, and so on. As a result, there have been times recently, and there possibly will be for the next few weeks, where our shops aren't stocked as regularly as they usually are. In particular, Ankitus sells pretty much as soon as I put it in the shop, so that particular armour is spending more time unstocked than stocked these days! But this is a good problem to have, and I'm taking it as a sign that things are really moving in the right direction for Arkadia and of course Entropia in general. What an exciting time to be planetside! If you have missed out on buying what you needed because of me, I'm sorry. Please let me know and I'll do my best to take care of you. Otherwise, you're welcome to tell us your specific requirements at orders@southernfortress.com.au and we'll slot your order into the system, make you a commitment we can adhere to, and then deliver on it. Meanwhile, I'm going to be looking at streamlining our internal systems a bit more. This has been a good learning experience Finally, it would be remiss of me to not take this opportunity to say thanks for your ongoing support as we continue to support the colony! TimUnleashed
This is true. Everyone, KJ's all about the customers. If you can't get what you need from SFE, I highly recommend him. Perhaps SFE can stand for Seriously Freaking Enigmatic? Tim.
1.5 million Arkoins perhaps? With all the Ankitus we have been making, we would hope to have seen at least 1 or 2 Bps drop by now which we could sell to you KJ, but so far nothing...not sure if Tim's had any L BPs though but I'd be happy to work something out.
That's quite a profit margin there mate. I dont think you'll see any unl bps drop for these sets. I have a few L Anki bps but not for complete set. But I keep my eyes open. So yeah any you want to send my way very much appreciated. No L Koroma bps looted by me yet either but I am not a high volume crafter.