Skilling On A Mothership: Cheapest Way To Skill on EU!

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by happy_hipster, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    WARNING! MA, in its infinate wisdom, has "fixed" repair skilling. There is no longer 0.0 repair. BUT, skilling is still the cheapest way to skill in EU, just a little harder now. Please respond with your NEW expieriences.

    Spent alot of time skilling on Motherships(MS), like to help people to do the same. Roughly, one gets over 46 and under 60 ped in skills from the first two Rk's. I would require it of any disciple, and recommend it for any crafter. Here is the basic info anyone who wants to begin getting skill on a Mothership needs. Technically, all spaceships are not MS's, some are Starfinders and some are Pathfinders, but for the sake of this post, we might as well consider anything you repair from the INSIDE a MS.

    open ur map, at the top it says Calypso, open this by pressing the arrow to the right. If you do not see SPACE with a green check, you do not have it yet. Get it! Onboard, the Captain can not hear local on the ship, so passengers should use the force channel, the yellow quote on your chat box.

    Pirates? What Pirates?
    Do not go into space with anything in your MINED or MATERIALS tab. Press the COMPACT button on the bottom right next to the hand to make sure nothing is "hiding" in these tabs. If you plan on actually transporting goods through space within a ship, make your payment or donation and log out before the ship leaves the Space Station(SS). Ships generally have a chat to monitor for safe arrival messages. There is one at for your convienience. Pirates get too much loot, have too much loot. Don't waste ammo shooting them and don't make their ammo well spent. If you know any pirates not on this list, please post a reply to that post.

    How Do I get Onboard a MS?
    To get on the Mothership, get added to the guestlist. You need to find someone who knows someone that can add you, just listen for the word WARP, and sure bet, they can get you on a repair crew. Some MS's are free to repair, some you have to buy acess. Once added, you can be summoned straight to the ship from anywhere on the planet the ship is docked at, or fly up to the Space Station(SS) and board at the TP.
    How much should I donate?
    People ask me all the time what they should donate, well, here is what I say...Some ships charge a flat rate or monthly fees or something, Im not sure how that works. If you are broke, free is free. Is free. You are welcome. If you have anything and feel the service is, well, a service, and therefore worth supporting, well, you really should give something. IMO, if you are repair, 2ped is good. If you just need to change planets, 5 ped-still cheaper then most taxi's. You want to move goods? Then donate 7ped and log out for the flight. You tagging along on a Warp and moving goods? 10ped helps alot. In the end, there is no "scale" donations are voluntary, and free is free. But a freeloader is a freeloader; and a pirate is a pirate.

    Flying up to a Ship
    If you fly up, piracy is not a concern, because you go directly from the planet to the parking area around the space station, it is not lootable. When you fly up, make sure you are on the same planet as the MS is docked at. If you are on the GL(Guestlist), the ship will show up as an H on your space map. Once you fly up, you can TP to the ship from the station, or click on a privateer or starfinder, or fly in a hanger of a MS. Make sure it is the right ship, or you will not get in. If you are trying to tp from the ss, and the ship is not on the list, you are either not on the GL, or you need to relog, there is a TP bug.
    Basic Repair
    Once there, you can pay if it is a service, or make a donation if it is free. You will be asked, but even if you are not, offer. You will see bars on the screen representing the repair points and their health levels. Smaller ships have two facing points, the Propulsion(PP) and Reactor(RR). Large ships also have a Command Center(CC) and Hanger(HH). You can locate them(somewhat) by clicking on their status bar. On a MS, you can repair when it is not broken. This is called 0.0 repair. You MUST ask before you do, and wait for an answer. If you repair the wrong thing at the wrong time, you will break the 0.0 and no one will be able to skill. This is very important! Look to where others are skilling, and repair there. Not too close now, if you go afk on the wrong point, leave space so another avatar can get bodily between you and the repair point, and block you. Stop repairing if asked to stop.

    There seems to be a new repair bug, it tells you the structure isn't damaged (it LIES!) and kicks you off when you can auto-tool(sometimes to the opposite station on the Starfinder!). Try Auto-Tooling and moving your Rk around a little until it hits. I zoom in to first person and move my target around near the floor, watching the numbers on the bottom to move. Once you get auto-tooling, try not to move the mouse around too much on screen when it does. I have burned up three rk's on auto tool since this glitch appeared, so it is possible to do. Just be persistant.

    The mother ship is most likely not yours. Pay your way if you can, dont mess things up, and overall, Be Cool To Each Other! We are a very helpful and close group in general, with a few pita's thrown in for balance, so skill up and be very grateful! I am writing this because I am very grateful, and I want YOU to have the same great expierience.

    If you check back in and you stopped repairing, it could be a few things. Someone repaired the wrong repair point and shut 0.0 down, you crossed a server border, your rk broke, you are out of wire, or you warped. Dont worry. Check your rk and for wire, and if they are fine, ask what to repair. The ship has a channel for talking it is called force chat, use that for all in ship communications. Hint:If you want to chat to other players while you repair, turn off the white(other messages) and green(skill messages) channels so the repair and skill messages dont clutter up your chat. Also, if someone is standing in front of you, so you can't repair, maybe you were repairing the wrong point afk. Don't just go move and resume repairs, ask where afk repair is to be sure.

    As a note on border crossings and Warps, space is divided into sections, servers, and when the MS crosses from one server to another, 0.0 repair stops. Some borders are on a corner, a double border, which means if all points are repaired between these borders, 0.0 is shut down until more damage is gotten. This is why we try to keep damage on the non afk point, so when a border is crossed, repair can continue. Occasionaly, a pilot wishing to skill we ask for both points to be repaired. In this case, those repairing the non-afk, or active point should not go afk so that the Captain can get damage on that point before stopping damage.

    Get Me Outta Here!
    Once you have run out of tools, or ped, or just plain want to go play planetside, you have to get off the ship. Teleporters look like a closed laptop built into the wall. They open when you are next to them. Teleport to the Space Station, spawn your vehicle, and fly down for a 2ped entry fee. If you have loot or don't have a vehicle, you may want to TP to the planet directly. Do this by selecting the planet from the drop down in the upper right of the tp map screen, and then the location to TP to on the planet. You will then be prompted for the fee. If you dont have the 7ped either, you will have to beg or barter for a ride to the planet. Many will take you if their is room on their ship, especially if you offer to pay the entry fee. Like everything else in this game, the more you offer, the more you get what you need.
    Relavent Facts and Links
    One RK-5 Vehicle Repair Tool uses 51k Welding Wire in about 3.5 hours. It is a limited(L) item, so you will need several if you plan on getting a good deal of skill. A rk should be about 11 ped and Welding Wire about 190%, buying in bulk or being lucky and persistant on auction or with other players trading can bring this cost down. Some players and ships offer them on ship.
    What Skills Do I Get?
    Press K,
    go to construction:Vehicle Technology & Vehicle Repair
    in science:Engineering, Electronics, & Mechanics
    At Level 10 VSE, you get Bluepring Comprehention(BPC)
    At Level 30 VSE, you get Serendipity
    At Level 40 VehEng, you get Manufacture Methodology
    At Level 60 VSE you get Scientist

    You also get Intelligence and advance Mentorship

    If there are any other skills, hints, tips or info involved, let me know! REPLY!

    Entropedia Skill Value Tool

    Skill Optimizer

    Two 0-lvl Players:Test with 2rk-5's

    Breakdown Of Skilling Value over 5rk-5's

    More skilling research

    Redeye's Skilling Guide

    Coming Soon, How Do I SEE a server border?

    Thanks for your interest, and to fly with us, ask at chat:


    disclaimer: This is a collection of facts and opionions based on my personal research and expierience. It is not supported, sponsored, or condoned by any particular MS service, although I obviously have my preferances, and I am a pilot for the Starfinder II.
  2. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    Thanks for the info. I might start this as I am a new crafter as a side job from my main of hunting. And skilling up takes ages.
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You sure those numbers are correct? 60 ped skills from 1 rk-5? I think even in the day when vehicle repairing skill was in demand it wasn't that high. Can you post your skills gain numbers from one RK-5?
  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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  5. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    added glitch info, tp and repair...
  6. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    added titles and donation "scale"
  7. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    Can anyone give some insight on time per level starting from 0. And time to obtain bpc and serendipity and finally time to graduate with this method if possible
  8. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    The level structure is an exponential equation. It takes hours, maybe less, for level 0-1 VSE. But it took me two weeks, maybe more, for level 29-30. So the higher your level, the more you need to gain. Sounds like a lot of work for estimated time for BPC, Serendipity, etc, but maybe worth finding out. Or maybe, some time for bpc and a whoooole lotta for serendipity. As for mentoring advancement, I am working at a 0- to 1 hour figure at this very moment, so look for it soon. Like now.

    After one hour and 0,2857 RKs, there was a 1.04% skill gain, and if the percentage gain is not inversely exponential like skills, should take 580 ped and 100 hours or so to complete mentoring.

    Recent observation in that 1 rk-5 to lvl 3 VSE, 2 to LVL 5

    0 to lvl 21 on 35 rk's
  9. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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  10. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Thanks for all your interest! Will be adding how to see server borders soon.
  11. jessica renee

    jessica renee New Member

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    Hipster --- Thanks for creating this great article - I refer to it myself and also recommend it to my crew and passengers aboard the EFA Starfinder II --- great job !!! Thanks for keeping it current as well!

    Jessica Renee Taylor ---- EFA Startfinder II
  12. SkyeWitch

    SkyeWitch New Member

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    I just have one question. Is this an exploitive bug issue?

    I know about a year back people found a way to wreck thier vehicles into certain trees and they would be in a constant state of destruction. You could set your vehicle up so that everytime you repaired it it would blow up again to be destroyed. You could sit there for hours on auto and repair for skill points.
    I was told this was an exploitive bug and you could lose your account. Is that true? If not then you dont need a MS to skill repair constantly. So I guess it is really 2 questions. Maybe we could get an official answer on this one.

  13. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    There was a repair skill bug on motherships a while ago, but I'm fairly sure that was fixed. I'm also sure that this is a different thing again and it is no doubt cheap to do but you are definitely missing out on a number of associated skills from crafting by doing it this way.
  14. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Please see note at top of OP. This thread is in dire need of YOUR INPUT, and an update.
  15. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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  16. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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  17. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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  18. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    All links to should be replaced by links to

    Most pages will still work, including skill calculator.

    Entropedia domain expired and was picked by some spammers.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    TY Rat, yeah, this need some work, but it is a nice little bit of nostalgia.
  20. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    not to mention the number of crafted items that you can sell, etc. that this way of doing things is going to make you miss out on.