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Six Celeste Quarry Booths

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Few Scars, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    I'm not really planning to get a booth at all, as much as i would like one.

    At the price i would be willing to depo/pay (approx 2500 ped MAX) I know that I will be outbid by several other eager and active arkadians. In that sort of competition, i might get excited and bid up towards 3k...

    Not even going to go on the topic about MU generating resellers. I hope that no one buys one of the 6 shops in the entire planet with the sole intention of sitting on it until people are crying and desperate. Much less all 6 of them.

    Edit: I hope that the actual "arkadians" don't tear themselves apart either. Do you REALLY need to take more than 1/6 of the entire available retail space on the planet?
  2. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes! :)
  3. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Not aimed at you harmony just a comment in general :)

    Prices will go higher than right now, i don't see anything wrong with having a finger in more than one pot myself.

    And besides, if you will manage it and use it i don't think anyone will be too upset. If you hold multiples and one or more are sitting idle, that's when the "social problems" (blacklists, public shaming, whatever else this very vocal crowd can come up with) will get started i think. It's possible that anyone who flips a deed immediately for high MU will find themselves noticeably unwelcome on arkadia for a while.

    I'm not really saying i agree or disagree, just making a comment about it and noting that "this is how Arkadia rolls" for the time being.
  4. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    History shows that public shaming will not prevent anyone to make a profit. If you look out there, people did it and do it all the time and they do just fine.
    Typing in threads stuff like "we will remember you" or "you are not welcomed here" if someone behaves in a way you don't like is just childish. First of all, it has no effect. People will do what they do anyway and will get away with it.
  5. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Ways to to prevent greedy estate hogger for greed --->

    1. LIMIT shops to ONE per avatar.
    2. If shops does have a set min amount of transaction within a 3 months period, say 10 per month, system automatically releases the deed from existing owner, and pay back at 85% of purchase price - aka - 15% deed repo fee.

  6. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    1 word for you - second avatar.
    ok, they are 2 but who cares.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    One sure way to fill the booths up and keep speculators out is to have the booths be rented for a set fee instead of purchased. But this idea didn't seem to be very popular, not really sure why.
  8. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well one per avatar is kind of not a good idea. What if you are a legit avatar with tons of stuff and want to expand your shop area in multiple cities, ie 1 in celeste harbour, one in 8 coins, maybe one in sanc cove. If I was one of them people I would say screw Arkadia I'm going to another planet where I can build a vast shopping empire. Hence Arkadia would loose out on a major investor in the planet. 1 shop or 1 apartment per avatar = bad idea.

    The "if not used or visited in months" thing is a ligit idea but they probably would just lock the estate being MA would have to add major code for returning items to peoples inventory. Not to mention how to handle if they have more items in those shops then there are in their inventory slots available during the return what then? How do you handle that with the game restrictions, quit of few things will have issues. There are a ton of issues that need to be considered when claiming property back from a person, it would be just hard to say do it and it is done.
    They have a system already developed that locks apartments and shops from being used if rent isn't payed each month they would mroe likely just use that system and not reclaim the property. Hence property would still be just sitting there unused :(

    I say let the greedy buggers buy the places up sit on it loose their arses and we all flip them off every time we see them :) until they sell them to us for dirt cheap. PP's make a killing and we get a great price for being patient, even it it takes years.

    EDIT: buggers = people that just buy them up and never intend to use them so they try to mark them up just for resell.
  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    A better idea I think would be if a person purchases a shop or apartment and it is unused it gets cycled back into auction house for next round of bidding, and the selling price of that deed minus auction house fees goes to that avatar's PED card . It would force an avatar to use the estates.

    If an avatar just places and item into the estates and does not visit it for a year or some other pre determined amount of time then the estate and everything in it goes on auction but the avatar gets whatever it sells for minus auction house fees.

    Maybe could do the same with renting system, if rent overdue for months kick em to the curb sell the stuff including deed and that person still gets the PED minus auction fees minus whatever was owed in back rent.

    But these idea's will prolly not be considered because it takes effort on MA's side and they are so back logged with other things and shop and apartment ownership problems are so trivial in the big picture.
  10. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    The "over storage limit" issues is a valid concern. But since we are only talking about a very limited amount of items here, or at most, 20 for Ark booths, an over the item limit condition shouldn't be such an issue. In such case, place conditions in the game where these avatars are not allowed to store any more items into their storage until they go below the limit count.

    I know while for personal inventory there is a limit, but like weight, those are just there to allow me to run or not (I think).

    One the 2nd Avatar, while it is a work around players can do. However, it is against EULA, therefore it isn't so hard for MA to detect since we are talking about booths/shops.

    Btw, I am only suggesting the limit of one per avatar for booths/shops, not apartments. I believe there should be such a limit because they are allocated based on player base of a given planet, and one avatar should not have the ability to hog up 1/4 or 1/2 of the shops on a given planet. However, to offer a better solution to those that are legit shop owners, there should be options to allow them to expand their shop (aka expansion deed), so they can grow their business, and not limited to a set size unless they move to a new location. Again, this can also be regulated by setting a condition for number of avg transactions done per month.

  11. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yes but this all requires MA to implement new things and MA is already back logged with so many other things to implement and fix first that deeds and ownership of shops and apartments are least of their worry. People are buying them they are making money so they see no problem with the system as is, until no-one buys and they are taking a loss, it is the last thing MA will be concerned about. MA is a business they are not going to make everyone happy on every angle, and currently they see no issue with the shops or apartment sales, as long as people are buying and selling it is all good for their business.

    PS: I don't see owning a shop much more adventage over the AH really. It just looks prettier. And with the cost it takes to get a shop deed it would take forever to make up for your initial investment and from past year I've seen the same apartment on Calypso trade form 1500 all the way down to 300 so the loss in owning a piece of reality does go down fast. I'd never pay that much for a shop I can sell a ton of stuff in AH for that price and keep all the MU.

    Edit: little economic perspective on why MA thinks shop selling high is good rather then selling cheep.

    Take 3 shops, one person buys 3 of them for 8000 PED each but lets them sit doing nothing vs 3 other people buying them at 1000 PED each and actively selling.

    24000PED instantly shared between PP's and MA vs
    3000PED instantly shared and have to wait until 840,000 PED of merchandise to sell form those three shops to equal 24000PED worth to PP and MA. 840,000 comes from 840,000 * 2.5% sales tax on items = 21000PED + 3000PED deed sales.

    On business side it makes more sense they want them to sell high instead of low, it could take a dang long time to get that return the other way so they could care less if they sit unused or not.