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Revealed - Arkadia uses clickbait for Facebook

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by jo aloisius smith, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  2. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    There's a simple way to block any site you want with no need for thirdy party programs, no data will be in or out with this method for related website. On everyone's computer there's a file called "hosts".
    it's located in the folder x:\windows\system32\drivers\etc (where x is the letter of your operating system (usually c))

    copy this fale somewhere of your liking and open it with notepad.
    on the end of the file add the following: www.yourunwantedsite.com

    save it and replace the one in the etc folder.
    clear your browser(s) cache and you're done. When someone or something try to reach that website you will get a unavaiable page instead.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    What? Take off the tin foil hat and don't assume you know me, ms. stalker. You are using the term "vested interest" incorrectly as well. I just choose not to live my life being ultra paranoid. If you don't like facebook, that's fine. You can modify your host files or block their domain on your switch. However, claiming they are doing something requires citations.. you can show me court cases and actual data, not a fly-by-night news site.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I think we are venturing into a weird non game related space once we start debating the virtues or vices of FB.

    Taking a step back, what's the actual impact of Client Loader\ FB integration? Assuming that FB does care what sites you visit, then the Client Loader integration might allow them to determine that someone at your IP address plays EU. And perhaps they have other data from elsewhere tying that ip to a real life identity. So maybe they know you play EU. So what? How can that be used to harm you?

    If my torrenting or porn sites integrated with FB I would be stressed, but EU? Seriously. wtf is the big deal here?
  5. jo aloisius smith

    jo aloisius smith Member

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    Well - since you don't know anything about it - maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself. Everyone else is being constructive and helpful and nice.