Returning Player question about space/planets

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Marinaki, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. Marinaki

    Marinaki New User

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    Hello. I am a returning player trying to fly to other planets also, my first time (not even vehicles in those encient times). I got spaceship with a thruster and traveled to crystal palace. When I docked , I saw a rather big place with stairs leading down to areas and everything was not interactable. The only item that i could interact with was the tp which when i clicked on, it came up with a map that was black . only the arrow of my avatar was visible. There was nothing there for me to do so I tried to go to another FOMA ateroid. Same thing. only a tp with a black map.
    My question is: is there something i am missing here, or is it a client problem? As far as i see the areas i visited were downloaded 100% . Is it a corrupted client problem? how do i fix it? Is there something else i am missing?
    Thank you
  2. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    click on upper part of the map when that black map comes up. It defaults to show the map of where you are, but you can choose to tp down to the place you are going... bascially the place you landed is like the asteroid's mini version of a space station. You tp down to the main asteroid. All planets sort of work like this... if you tp down. If you fly straight in to the planet or moon itself it's a bit different as a pop up comes up asking if you'd like to land on planet x, but asteroids have to let you tp in since you cannot just land straight away. (Monria is the same way)

    You are lucky to be in game today. In the past Monria was only 'planet' you could tp down to without an entry fee. "They removed the entry fees to all the planets a little while ago.. they also rearranged space a bit so now FOMA and CP are right next to the space station. It used to be that you had to fly a bit further to get from one to the other. You do still have to fly now, but just not as far.

    Also, watch the map when flying so you don't run in to training grounds if you aren't ready to kill some mobs or be killed by pirates, etc. Recent changes have put more training ground places right in center of the map than there used to be.
  3. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    Note: the ingame map needs to be in its medium or large size because the dropdown menu does not appear on the small map.
  4. Marinaki

    Marinaki New User

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    I got it thanks for your answer guys.