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Removal of Safe Zones in PVP Space between Arkadia and Moon

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by San, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Suza

    Suza Member

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    Sadly MA has passed the blame to the PP on this score and view the 'bug' as "that's how they set it". While the pirates
    are taking advantage of this, it looks like MA is unwilling to do anything other than a Trump-like passing of the blame.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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  3. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Whilst on Arkadia at a TP, if you open the map drop down list and select the Moon, you can view the TP on the moon (same as you would do for Ark Underground), I thus suspect that it is a bug and that in the future you would be able to TP vice versa, like you do to get to the Underground. Some patience would probably be in order whilst A-Team and MA sort it out, or provide us with more direction.

    Rome was not built in a Day and I am sure all the Devs has been working hard and doing their best, they probably need a rest now, but I think they are still Hard at it. Mistakes will happen, they just do.

    Until all is sorted, accept the risks as being part of the fun and go with the flow, or go and do something else, that is safer.

    EDIT: And there we have it from Dylan above:

    Known Bugs / Issues

    • When leaving Planet Arkadia, you are spawned into PVP - This was not intended - This will be rectified in the next patch (Please travel safely when going from Planet Arkadia and Arkadia Moon till we announce the fix.
    • Creature Spawns on the Arkadia Moon are thin - This will be increased in the next patch
    • There is a chunk of metal in the middle of nowhere on the moon - Go sights see it before it is removed.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  4. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    I think this is the first time that I've heard anyone say that they expect it to work like the underground. I'm surprised by that.

    The underground and hell are the only such zones on a planet and thus they're easily reached from the planet. I don't think there is any question that you will have to make some sort of space transit to get from Arkadia to the moon. Unless they also plan to allow TP up to F.O.M.A. CND, Monria, etcetera. I think pretty much everyone expected that.

    In all of the above mentioned areas that a separate moons/asteroids/space stations there is a way to teleport directly to the associated planet, for a fee. I think a lot of people are expecting/hoping for this and Dylan's statement above does not reference this question in any way.

    It does not appear that there was any intention or design to create a safe zone or space station near the moon. In terms of how everything else in EU currently works this also implies that there is no way to allow commercial transit (hangar ships, mother ships) vessels to lift passengers safely from the moon.

    I see a slim possibility here that a summons at ARK SS could be intended to reach all planetary bodies, that would be really frigging cool and if they had talked MA into that I suspect they would be bragging that up. Telling us that something new and awesome was coming lol. They're not.

    It looks like the plan is for the only way to leave the moon is to get into a small surface to orbit craft and fly yourself into the bullseye coordinate of a shooting range. Can you see why they would not want to be forward about this design decision?

    Considering the state of things when that announcement was posted a couple of days after people started dying it really raises more questions than answers.

    I understand that it's vague enough that the hopeful can run with it for a few days. How upset will you be when they come out after a week of letting you repeat that and say "no the moon was working correctly and we never told you otherwise"?

    EDIT: I'll be relieved if the hopeful are correct and in a week it's all working at least as smoothly as travel around calypso's system.

    I don't see everything here as bad, and I might be able to dig up posts on PCF from me saying in 2011 or 2012 I would love to spawn at some random coordinate around the entire globe of a planet even if it was PVP.

    ABSOLUTELY NOT into a single, well known coordinate, helpless in lootable PVP.

    I'd like information to manage my expectations properly. I expected that from Planet Arkadia.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  5. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Read the release notes: http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/planet-arkadia-release-notes-8-2018.14693/

    "When leaving Planet Arkadia, you are spawned into PVP - This was not intended - This will be rectified in the next patch"
  6. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Please click that link and read post #3.

    If you just want to endlessly paste in a copy of this one sentence of the release notes we can have that sort of dull and repetitive fun in the release notes thread where it's directly on topic.

    If you find the word "moon" in there someplace where it wasn't the last few times you copied it and pasted it again I'll be happy to put in a little shocked emoticon.
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  7. naverith

    naverith Member

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    Just got back to Arkadia. Is the moon screw up still the same? If it is, it isn't an accident - it's on purpose, but why.
  8. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    It's fixed. Sadly they didn't shout it from the rooftips. So the Moon is now like Ravenholm in halflife 2.....
  9. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    It's only a 60 second flight from the moon to ARK and I haven't seen any pirates there since the safe zone was implemented
  10. Captain Crunch

    Captain Crunch Member

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    Let us fly save to the Moon and back :)