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Read sleep on it then respond.

Discussion in 'PvP' started by PostHistory, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. Suza

    Suza Member

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    If I have $50 in my pocket in real life and you attack me, I lose $50 and you gain it. If I have $50 in my ship in the game and you attack me, I lose $50 and you gain it. What is the difference? In both cases, IN THE REAL WORLD, I lose $50 and you gain $50. Since the game says this is OK, you deny that you have done anything wrong. But realistically, you have ***legally stolen*** funds from someone else. There are no two ways around this. This is why I say you continue to hide behind the fact that this is a game that allows you to legally rob people. In my mind you are as bad as the people who take a weapon that is broken and put in on the auction hall in the hopes that some noob will think it is a great deal and buy it. Another action that is legal in the game when the devs could simply program the AH to not allow limited items with less than say 5% of the TT value remaining.

    In another post you made a comment about why would you not loot after destroying a ship. Just because looting is allowed doesn't mean it is right. It is a line some will not cross. I don't shoot back at pirates mainly because I know I am carrying nothing and there is a 99.99999999999999% chance that the person attacking me also has none as evidenced in one of my prior posts. Once a pirate gets loot from someone, they will simply relog to prevent the possibility of having that loot taken from them. I have a better chance of winning the lottery than I do of stealing from a pirate. Unlike the pirate hunters, I do consider what they do as bad as what you do, as looting a person who has looted someone else just means that they are still profiting from someone else's misfortune. If pirate hunters truly believed in what they were doing, they would get a list of people were robbed and who robbed them and make an attempt to recover those funds to their rightful owner. But sadly the hunters are often no better than the pirates and this won't happen, plus you would have people that would falsely claim they were robbed in the hope that one of those bounty hunters would steal items for them. MA would have to include stolen items in the robbed person's system tab so they could take a screenshot to prove who robbed them and of what.

    I left out Eve online because I have never played it an have no knowledge of it. Can you take money out of the game like you can in Entropia? Or do you have a game like so many other games where people are funneling thousands upon thousands of dollars into a game to have an advantage and all they can do is sell their items and/or account outside the game to get money 'out of the game' (an action that on most games is against the TOS)? I quite well know how poker and blackjack and other games of chance like that work, skill may help, but in the end it is still a gamble, so it is still a game of chance. I did not wish to take the time to research yet another game that you seem to think validates your ability to steal from people just because 'it is a game mechanic'.

    I also ignored your attempts to deflect onto other games that have no similarity to this one. Most of the people I know use games of those sorts as a relief valve from the stresses they have to put up with in real life. In this game what you and your socmates do is add to the stresses of those same people. This is quite obvious in the vituperation that is often leveled at you and your socmates.

    Yep, I call them noobs because it doesn't matter if they have been in the game 10 minutes or 10 years, it doesn't mean they are experienced in travelling through space. Considering how much time I have spent in space the last few months, the current activity of pirates is far above the 'norm' when compared to those last few months. Which tells me that you and your socmates 'took a break' in order to lull people into a false sense of security when it comes to travelling in space. I have travelled between planets in my quad more than 50 times during those few months, and only once have I been chased and killed and that was in the past week. The 3 trips I made between planets in my new ship I got attacked and killed once. The one time I got successfully looted I was on another ship and as I already mentioned had pulled the wrong quad out of storage. My mistake and your socs gain.

    Oh, I didn't need you to tell me, I had already reported the individual in question.

    As to what to do to make space better, several of the ideas posted make sense, but in reality we are all just spinning our wheels as I highly doubt MA cares enough to make any changes. Their standard advice when shown the disgusting and vulgar epithets some people are near famous for is to advise you to place them on ignore....... apparently they believe ignoring the problem will make it go away. <rolls eyes>

    Space in my opinion should be like planetary PVP4 in that you should have 'zones' where if you want to go hunting you take your chances. That would make space equal to the planet in that only the people who absolutely WANTED to enter those zones would and would remove the 'rez camping' that is now rampant in the game. But that would mean less money in MA's pocket which means that it will never happen. The shutting down of the noob oil rig on Caly is proof of this as MA made it a PVP zone in the hopes that people would be fighting over the meager oil drops spending ped after ped, but instead people just lined up and took their turn to receive their drip of oil and either scampered off or rejoined the line.

    Another option would be to have a system-wide alert in space "XXX has successfully plundered YYY for ZZZ peds of loot" and make it such that they HAVE to make it to a space station in order to keep their ill-gotten gains. If they log out in an attempt to jump back to a safe zone, the funds will revert back to the person robbed. Their ship would be highlighted with a big yellow star over it to indicate they are on the run with stolen items and this star would transfer to a mothership or privateer if they tried to hide their tracks in this way. The stolen items could not be TT'd on a mothership or privateer as they would have no real value until a spacestation was reached. The goods could be traded to another person on a MS or privateer, but then the star would follow them. If someone successfully kills the pirate and plunders the stolen goods, the star would transfer to them and they would then have to make the attempt to safely reach a spacestation in order to keep it. This would make space a much more attractive place as you would have people who were true bounty hunters whose aim was to get the plundered goods back to their rightful owner. There could even be a quest pop up for the people who took out the pirate giving them the choice to run with the goods or return it to the owner with some sort of skill gain option for returning it.

    Edit: There would also be the option to destroy the pirate's ship and leave them to die, which would also cause the plundered goods to revert back to the owner.
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    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
  2. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Big Gratz Suza for being the 100th post on this thread. :)

    This will be added to the OP,

    If I have $50.00 on the table and we are playing a game of Black Jack or Poker and you win I am to assume you will not claim the bounty? this would be bizarre as it is apart of the rules... but hey you would be great to have over during Poker night.
    It is in the rules that if you go into Lootable PVP Zone's the victor gets the loot. how hard is it for you to comprehend a rule?
    As for people placing items on Auction with only 5%, eh free market... People can not be protected from stupidity, If we were to try we would not have a game. (No not due to people getting "ill gotten gains" but the game would not have the appeal nor the real life like experience... the game has been setup to not limit everything... I like this... if you don't lobby MA or move on.)

    I actually think due to the lack of PED's spent in this zone is the reason for lack of development, the current system of all the Privateers and Mother Ship owners living in harmony is just the picture you have painted above about the noob rig.

    No but it is real money going in... so very little difference.
  3. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Monria Fleet Manager is NOT a planet partner...

    It's something else completely...

    It's a shared avatar owned by a moon that Mindark allows for some silly reason, even though it goes against their TOS and EULA in a lot of ways as it gives other Mothership owners a big disadvantage IMHO....

    MFM is mainly used by DME, i.e. MS9, an old participant that gave up on playing the game as a participant, leaving messages in several locations on forums and other social media that they'd left forever, while secretly submitting applications to the Moon's owner to be let in as a writer, etc.

    It ain't no planet partner, and should not be compared to one since it's something completely different... something that probably shouldn't exist if Mindark ever really wanted to stand by their stance that shared avatars are not allowed, but will continue to exist since they ike to break rules for some but not all.
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    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
  4. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Here's a thought for the newer players in space.

    When you try to go to space with items in your vehicle inventory you can't and get a warning message. This must be a new thing I only noticed it a month or so ago when I had ore in my inventory I had forgotten about.

    So if the game can detect this, why not have safe non pvp "channels" in space which any can use as long as they are not carrying lootables (and if they are the warning message comes up and they are prevented from entering the safe zones) AND their ship is not armed.

    This way lower level players in sleips can travel the universe safely unmolested but just can't transport lootables.

    Or any player who just wants a trip without hassle for that matter
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. Suza

    Suza Member

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    <sigh> You are a broken record... You seem to think mugging people over and over is a form of gambling enabling you to legally steal... legally steal... legally steal... legally steal... their money. *IF* I were to play poker, then I would take my winnings or losses, as I would have entered into a GAME OF CHANCE **knowing** the outcome from the beginning. But in poker, like in this game, there are people that will prey on the noobs... prey on the noobs... prey on the noobs... prey on the noobs... in the hopes of making a quick buck. Again you toss out the fact that it is allowed by the game rules as a defense for your actions.... defense for your actions... defense for your actions... defense for your actions... <damn looks like both of us have broken records.......>

    Whoa... I had to stop and reread your words a few times as I could not believe what I was seeing... but then I stopped and thought about it and realized you are simply spouting the same thing in a new area... Lack of education about the game does not = stupidity. If you view new people coming into the game and getting ripped off on the auction as stupid, then you have proceeded to a new low. You also again failed to read what I said as I was talking about setting the 5% AS A SUGGESTED LIMIT to prevent crooked people from selling broken and absolutely useless weapons or other limited items on the AH in order to 100% rip off people who did not have the proper education in the game. With the 5% limit the person could at least get some use out of it and not have been completely robbed.

    Real money going into a game but none able to come out is a far cry from this one, as every MMORPG in existence has that as a factor. In games like that you still have people identical to your socmates who will grief anyone of lesser level or skills over and over just for the pure pleasure of causing them grief. Only here they get the incentive of the possibility of stealing money while they get their demented pleasures.

    Living in harmony roflmao... You do tell some whoppers, but so do a large majority of the people who populate space. Your socmates had a lucky score off one of our 'rivals' and made the claim that they were funding your harassment of our ship in a successful attempt to cause more strife as evidenced in the other thread. You try so hard to paint this as a game when it is in some ways far closer to real life than a game. Since this is a Real Cash Economy you have people who are benevolent, entrepreneurial, spiteful, crooked, political, sadistic, obsessive, rude, cruel... the list goes on and on. As in social media, people in this game often reveal more than they should about some things and there are people more than willing to take advantage of that information and try to use it to push buttons in the hopes of getting a negative reaction they can then spread from one side of the game to the other to paint the person in a false light because they were driven to say something in the heat of the moment. One of the biggest names in this game had extremely close ties to pirates in the beginnings of space, but the malicious dare not go after him as he has the backing to make life miserable for any who try and when people teamed up in an effort to fight back against them some were correctly labeled as pirates as that was their aim, but the people who were fed up with the stranglehold placed on them who fought back against oppression were also labeled as pirates. Labelling such people as pirates is a tactic used by many so they can then "justify" their actions when they hunt down and hope to rob innocent people because they "were fighting back against piracy or the support of piracy". How many people were pirated in the early days of space to force them to spend hundreds and thousands of peds to "use a safe service"? There are an extremely large number of people in space today that have innocent blood on their hands that they justify with the simple phrase "I was pirate hunting and they support piracy". As the only shots I have fired in space were to kill horrors, I have no innocent blood on my hands. How many reading this can say the same?

    Mastermesh: Thank you for the information. I had made the assumption that MFM was DME as they have often made the comment they were switching to that avatar which is why I said what I did.
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  6. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Suza this is an excellent post. It sums up everything and puts it in perspective. This plus your suggestion as to how pirated loot should be treated says everything that should & needs be said about space :)

    I like the idea of what would be a "Looted by Pirates" Global & what could be seen as a "Star of Infamy", but most of all, a fair way to recover pirated loot & a genuine way for genuine pirate hunters to be involved.

    Posthistory, I really don't thin k there is anything you could say to this now - you don't want to sound like a broken record.......broken record....broken record :)
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  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Love your suggestions. Why not take them to the other threads where these ideas are collated and presented to the powers that be, rather than waste your effort and let them get buried under all that mental manure.
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  8. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Oh I think I can... and here I go :)

    I am So SO so SO so happy you repeated yourself here... Which is it... Legal(https://www.thefreedictionary.com/legally) or Steal(http://www.thefreedictionary.com/steal) because in the context your using it, it would be an Oxymoron.
    Pick one stick to it...

    I am picking Legally, but your welcome to use the same one too :)

    It is a game of chance for all...
    • you don't know what you will loot from mob's
    • you do not know what you will get from crafting(PED wise)
    • you don't know what you will find mining
    • you also don't know if you will make it from one side of space to the other without being shot
    • you also don't know if you will meet up with people in the Red Zones on land
    You can reduce some levels of chance(risk) by...
    • Purchasing Items rather than looting them, crafting them, or mining them
    • You can purchase a Ticket to get from one side of space to the other

    Well once again you miss read the context in how I used it, based on your own words...
    So you said "...I call all "Noob" 10 minute - 10 Years in game..."
    Therefore, What I am saying is that some people will never understand the consequences of their actions... How is MA to Program that out?

    5% of an item is still a useable item and a lot of items at 5% have a lot of life left in them.

    First of all I think this game qualifies as you can put $1000's upon $1000's to play how you like, and as it currently stands no money is able to Legally leave the game there is every chance that it will one day be possible.
    The rest is dribble that requires no response :)
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Welcome back San,

    If you read OP the ideas are collated... few more and I will raise a support ticket to the Dev team of all planets and of course MA.

    I think its good to have both sides of the argument put forward ideas least then MA will be able to put them in a blender and come out with something that we all want :)
  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    You're getting better, and yes this is what we want. Because if it's not what a majority wants what they come up with, they ain't earning as much money as they could. That's all it boils down to in the end. Btw, we've been discussing this on PCF constantly, which is the place MA is monitoring anyway and occasionally even comment that they've taken note. Plenty of suggestion threads already where you could add your perspective. Yes, it's often quite rough there, which is another form of pvp ;)
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  11. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    San I came here for Rational and reasonable conversation not like the mess MA runs... I am genuine in what I am trying to achieve here, do find it hard that some like to try and derail hence why I respond and try to bring back to point.
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  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    MA is the one and only you/we need to convince to get anything changed, mess or not it's their place. Discussions in this vein tend to take the same direction wherever they are started, and of course you'll blame everybody but yourself for it. I am serious about that 'hypocrisy' button.
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  13. Suza

    Suza Member

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    If oxymoron it be, then you only have yourself to blame. To quote yourself: "I follow the rules of the game, the rule of the game allows me to shoot you down and loot you" Let's look up a couple of definitions... Rule "Noun: one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere." Loot "Verb: to steal goods from, typically during a war or riot." Since Law is a synonym of rule, the rules make it legal for you to loot (steal) from other players. So, as stated by you, oxymoron or no, the fact remains that you are allowed to legally steal from people which you came out and told us. One could even say you bragged about the fact that you can legally steal from people.

    Since you seem to love coming back to the aspect of gambling I'll just add this: "In principle, all forms of both physical and online gambling are entirely legal in Sweden, ***providing*** that the operator has been awarded a special licence. In practice, though, only the state-backed Svenska Spel has actually been awarded a licence." Can you show me WHERE the special license was awarded in order to allow gambling in the game since it is based in Sweden?

    Then again, in gambling, at least the TRUE form off gambling, there are only two options, you put in x amount of coins, chips, tokens, whatever and either lose everything or win more than you wagered on each hand, spin, pull, whatever. That concept does not play out in this game as I receive something for everything I kill. Sometimes more than I put in, sometimes less, but every time I receive something. Before you jump into the "oh but we pirates get nothing sometimes" stop and remember that the players are not governed by mindark like the hunting creatures are and also the true form of gambling fails, as sometimes people carry nothing, sometimes less than you spent and sometimes more than you spent.

    So now we have a quandary... if you continue to call it gambling, then the game is illegal which makes the rules of the game null and void and you are in truth stealing from people. But if you step away from calling it gambling, the only thing left is still stealing, albeit legally through the 'rules' of the game.

    RE: the 5%... As usual you have dodged the real issue being presented in order to confusticate the point. I was talking about the people who rip others off (or steal) by auctioning broken weapons. Apparently I hit a little to close to home for you since you seem to want to dodge the issue so badly.

    Of the people that I have talked to, and from my own experience, a fair number of people who KNOW the risks and took the time to check their inventory before travelling in space AND still got looted was because they either had loot in storage in a vehicle they had forgot about, which also happened to me, or they had loot that was off the screen when they opened their inventory. For people like that I would prefer to have a different method of warning when it comes to space as the constant *honk honk honk* with the highlighted tab in your upper left just gives the standard warning whether you are carrying anything or not. To me the warning should have two levels to it. If I am leaving a space station with nothing lootable on me I should hear a single blare to indicate I have entered PVP space. If I am carrying something lootable then I should hear multiple sounds like it currently has to give those who didn't want to be carrying loot a chance to immediately turn around and rectify their mistake in a less costly manner or take the risk. There could even be big red letters across your screen saying "YOU ARE CARRYING XXX PEDS OF LOOT". Then the person carrying a single ppile of dung for you and your ilk can see that they somehow made a mistake when they see they have more than 0.00 ped of loot on them when they set out.

    The rest is "dribble" because it directly applies to you and your socmates as well as others in space. It's no surprise you want to reduce the amount of comment about it.
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  14. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Seriously you want to play a real cash economy game with zero risk ? You want to have warnings at every turn instead of being responsible for your own decisions and errors. This is not a nursery, it is explicitly not a game for children. It is not truly gambling, but it is a game with risks and the means to address them.

    In real life if you are aged 4 and want to cross the road, Mummy warns you of the dangers, of cars, of bikes, of standing where you can see and be seen, and holds your hand all the while. Aged 9 you are allowed to cross the road alone, but likely still get a reminder from Mum to use the crossing, and only go when the buzzer says it is safe to do so. But as adults we usually manage to look both ways, assess if any traffic and what speed, whether it is coming towards us or moving away, and cross safely most of the time.
    If you make a silly mistake because you are distracted by your mobile phone, or thinking about the meeting at 10am, is it your fault, the drivers fault (you stepped out he didn't have time to avoid you), or your Mums fault because she didn't phone this morning and remind you about crossing the road.

    Grow up.. take responsibility for your actions and oversights, use compress to check inventory doesn't have anything unseen lower down (or scroll down). Check all storage items, vehicles, boxes, vases to make sure no hidden lootables.
    You know the rules, ie space is pvp, you know the risks, you can get looted, be the master of your own destiny.

    Or if you can't handle simple risk assessment and management then I suggest you try a gentler game.
    After all space is not the only place we can lose ped, when hunting on planet we have to assess weapon type/armour/our skills versus the mob we intend to hunt, it's range/aggro an/damage type. Or did you expect warnings as you leave the TP that your armour may not protect you sufficiently and that this could cause you loss through decay or extra healing ?

    We get that you don't like pirates, many players don't, but this very personal attack in a thread that is supposed to be a discussion. Definition of discussion : consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate
    Please try to enter into the spirit of the OP and let's discuss the game, the game ethics etc and whether we agree with MA's choices or not. After all the players only play using the existing rules. If you feel the rules are wrong, then blame MA not the player who is using the tools provided.
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  15. Suza

    Suza Member

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    It has nothing to do with playing the game with no risk, I often take a risk in the game like yesterday when we made a day of hunting dropships in space, but until we hit that global, no one knew we were out there and even if they decided to try and find us the risk was minimal as that was a fairly big area of space for them to search.

    What I am talking about is a matter of education. Which is something this game is very very lacking in. Old timers in this game seem to feel that passing along vital information to the newest players is something that is either not done or is grudgingly given. There seems to be a fear of "OMG They might learn something that will take money away from ***ME***!!!!!!!" On a daily basis you can see people ask a question in rookie chat, which is badly misnamed, and be ignored over and over. Some of the people that talk the most in there are quite contemptuous towards the majority of newbie questions that get posted. What is the point then of having a rookie chat if the rookies are either ignored or belittled?

    You obviously do not read what I say as I really don't care about pirates one way or the other as I know the ins and outs of space and I minimize the possibility of loss and, as I have said many times before, they are more than welcome to attack my ship any time they feel as I will never carry loot when I am piloting. *I* happen to care enough to want to educate the people who don't know any better to help them minimize their risks as well. Pirates of course do not want this education to happen as it hits them in their wallets. From your comments I honestly cannot tell which side of that you are on.

    The main issue here is that the planet side lootable pvp area is extremely limited when compared to space and the majority of people that went there did so specifically to test their skills and whether they won or lost, there was a certain respect between the people for the most part as people would hone their skills or buy better armor in the attempt to be the best. Space does not have this as a brand new 15 year old given a quad a thruster and $100 in ammo can wreak havoc in space because they have better reflexes than the people who have been playing the last 10+ years. Unlike planetary PVP, in space the pirates only have to congregate in 3 or 4 main areas to attack a majority of the people who travel there. In addition, people with petty grievances will either tell lies or perform questionable actions like I have already brought to light in order to prevent others in the game from either having success in the game or even enjoy their game play. You of all people should know exactly what I am talking about here...

    As implied many many times in this thread you can't fix stupid. But with education you *CAN* fix ignorance.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2017
  16. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    "then I suggest you try a gentler game."

    Shhh.. We will have nobody left soon....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    On reflection,Posthistory should be congratulated for this thread.
    Because as a result some good ideas have come out of it, mainly (though not limited to) suggestions from Suza. I think everybody here would agree with that.
    Sadly it also is revealing pre-existing attitudes. Which really need to be kept out of this thread.
    Granny was that the royal "we" in your post? It must be because it certainly does not include myself and a lot of people here.
    Obviously Suza does not have a good opinion of the profession of piracy, but she does not make "very personal attacks" either here or in the game. She plays aggressively but with courtesy.
    She is quite prepared to take responsibility for her words and actions. That and her manners & humour was what struck me from the first time we met.
    Has she ever been that discourteous as to tell someone to "grow up" ?
    And please - do not lecture her and post definitions, especially when it is obvious from reading the posts of her & yourself that she is rather better educated than you.
    You can leave such rudeness for me if you like.
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  18. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Sure if you take the word Loot out of the context of this game, sure... it can be called stealing... but we are in the game and thus the game context's exist... soo to loot something in game(What we are talking about) is to acquire the items on an entity, be it a MOB or a Fellow player... Or am I missing the fact that you do not loot MOB's as well?

    You talk big about being accurate yet you fail to see the line between reality and alternate reality.

    I Deposit money into game, I walk up to Trade terminal purchase Nano-Cubes(Tokens), then walk to Crafting Machine(Slot Machine) plug in the game I want to play [Explosive Projectiles IV Blue Print], Adjust Condition Vs QTY Slider(Pick the level of risk I want to play) and proceed not to interact with anyone else in game.

    Walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, probably is a duck.

    You still miss the point... The game is still based on chance, you have a chance to loot a ring if you open Boxes from the Web Shop, you have a chance at getting a lot of Metal Residue if you craft explosives on Condition, you have a chance to get a good item from a Mob, you have a chance to get a good ore/enmatter find while mining, you have a chance to make it from one side of the Universe to the other with out encountering a Pirate, we have a chance to kill people with loot.

    Not an issue I raised and in no way is this related to how I am a pirate in the game, and in no way is it relevant to this thread.
    But my two pec's

    You my dear fail to see the implications and unexpected interruptions that your suggestion would create:
    • No Empty Skill Implant under 62.5PED TT can put on auction
    • No rare Armor's with low tt value would be purchasable [Earth Shock Trooper] Comes to mind
    • High Max TT Weapons with 1000's of shots left on them can't be purchased
    So yes I stand by what I have said.
    And that will be the last time I will be drawn on the subject of no relevance to this thread.

    Have a nice day! :)

    Yes Louise credit where credit is due, but as many good ideas Suza has put forward as many have not made the cut, throw enough ideas some are bound to stick :).

    Louise funny how you pick up on Granny saying we but when Yoshii talks for the whole game this is okay?

    And if she is well educated then I'm sure she will be more than capable to speak for herself.
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  19. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Are you really that desperate to belittle others that you have to parse everything written to seek out single words you can criticize. Or is it a special educational service provided for PH and I. Seriously quit with the whole business of semantics and read the posts as a whole, look at the gist of it, not definition of each and every word.

    Not everyone that posts in, or reads a thread has a degree in English, for many it is not even their first language, so mistakes in grammar and in spellings can and will occur, that is the nature of conversation. That plus typos and figures of speech all creep in.

    As for use of the ‘royal we’, I think that you will find that it is used to mean we (the players) or we (as adults). Are you truly expecting me ( and presumably others) to qualify every use of a pluralisation?

    Now can we ( people in this thread) please get back to the topic of space / pirates / MA's decisions on how things can, do, should operate and the moral ethic of piracy as they (Mindark) have written it into the game.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  20. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Should space pvp be removed and therefore pirates consigned to history ? I say No. Pirates are a part of the space story of EU. What is wrong/broken is that they are very restricted in how their role fits into space as it is currently.

    Should space be re-designed to include more activities away from the planets, and thereby move the pirates away from these target rich environments to activities into deep space, with a good chance of some real space 'PVP game play' and yes loot. Yes please.. if space had more content then piracy would somehow fit into the overall story in a more logical way.
    Many including myself, have contributed to numerous threads in this and other forums on this very subject, giving ideas and suggestions on how space could be improved in terms of game play and also safe routes for those who simply wish to get from A to B. Check out the sections on space, some of the threads are years old, yet we (players) still await change. They (MA) do however tell us they are working on it, so let's hope that this time next year we can all look back on this and laugh, while enjoying a new game experience 'Space 2018'

    If we (the players) accept that piracy is a legitimate part of the game (MA says so) then Is it fair, or is it unreasonable, for players to take banter (pirate v non-pirate) to a level that ceases to be fun, but becomes personal even or foul-mouthed ?
    Personally I can understand why people get cross when looted and that they then lash out. The fault is really their own, but human nature is such that it is easier to blame others.
    I also understand that when attacked verbally that people will tend to respond in the same tone, or even step it up a notch. I think we all need to take a long hard look at our own reasoning and reactions, try to act a bit more adult and a bit less like kids in the school-yard. It's a game, it is supposed to be fun.
    As for the real-cash part, no-one should commit money they cannot afford to lose to any game, whether that be in the form of subscriptions in pay to play, or in casino gambling or in a game of chance such as EU. So if we (the players) don't deposit anything we (the players) are not prepared to lose then we (the players) can all just have fun, have days where we (the players) win or ' lose. How much depends purely on our personal choices in regard to risk.

    But above all remember that if we are to call those who take our ped pirates then MA is the biggest pirate of them all.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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