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Read sleep on it then respond.

Discussion in 'PvP' started by PostHistory, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    The consequences of choosing to be a pvp looter be it on planet or in space is that most people are not going to like you and will not respect you. So the specific consequences of choosing that lifestyle can involve the following: players choosing not to do business with looters, hunting looters, naming looters to warn others, not socializing ingame with looters, mouthing off at looters. These are examples of consequences when people choose a thing most people do not agree with.

    When it comes to real life I have no problem with anyone in EU. I wish you all well and long life in your real life. But in the game which is where I assess you as you make choices with your avatar that I will judge and assess and use my free speech and freedom of association to act in EU world. That is my right as it is yours.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  2. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    I have not found this to be the case.... Do I need to get all my friends and associates to line up and tell you their names? and interactions with me?

    Monria Owners at best get 35% of any income on their planet plus other benefits... they do not own their own servers and are based on the Calypso Servers, they do not have the ability to do their own development work, all they can do is work closely with Mind Ark to implement what they want.
    Hardly call that a PP.

    If there were no space when you joined then there was no pets I assume? the feature of space existed pre vu 10 all be it a glorified teleport, so did pets! :) these were removed from VU10 with the intent to have them brought back into the game play with a new and "better" interpretation to the last version. I think they have made a great start, the sad thing is it has dragged on so long with little to no dev in some time.
    Pets have been introduced with new enhancements also with the ability to help the hunters and miners, should this feature be removed also as it was not the case when you joined?

    Did you research what you were buying into?
  3. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Hunters are not obligated to get pets to have successful hunt.

    Have never advocated game be returned to how it was when I joined. I am advocating choice. There is choice to get from one place to another on planet without going through pvp and many players would like that choice for space as well. I am totally in support of players who want to risk their loot in pvp space just as I support players who want to risk their loot in pvp on planets. I have no interest in removing pvp. I am only advocating players have the choice when travelling to do so safely or to risk it for the thrill if that is what they want. I totally support players who like to play pvp. I also support players who do not want to engage in pvp when travelling.

    You can line up 100 people who say they like pirates there are still several thousand who do not like them. No need sending me names of the 0.0001% of the gaming population who say they admire space looters and support space looting.
  4. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Based on current agreed estimates 0.0001% would mean not even one player likes me :D......

    No ..... but its a game that evolves and if you follow the games evolution and planned evolution you would not have been surprised about how it has panned out... also on this.. its not all about you...

    If they all follow your advice there is no issue in going through PVP...
    Do I need to refer back to my OP?
    How would you envisage such a way to get from one point to another avoiding theoretical PVP zones through space.... while maintaining balance to the game.

    I don't think its the "thrill" that makes them do it...

    In case you have not realised this is a product... if your not happy with the product your not happy with your choice...
  5. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Have never said im not happy with EU:)
    To be specific so it is very clear:
    I am happy with my choice to play this game.
    Advocating for player choice does not equal being unhappy with my choice.
    Have said many times looters or no Varyag is fine and so are my Booths.
    If looters exist Varyag and my Booths do well. If no looters Varyag and my Booths are fine.
    I have no dog in this fight.
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  6. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    As San stated earlier, there are umpteen threads on this subject, why do we need another?

    It is a good observation, I cannot see the point of this thread in that it does not introduce anything that has not been said before. It is just stirring.
    Posthistory it seems that you & your ilk would like to be treated as forces of nature, like no logical person should blame the weather just because its raining.

    But you are not forces of nature, just as you argue that people taking loot into space for any reason is down to them, so being pirates is down to you - you choose to be robbers in a game where stackable items are equivalent to RL money.

    So don't go on about it. I look at things, then I sleep on them & look again - I thought of you as witty with a sense of humour, but that is a superficial appearance - rereading your posts I am picking up a deal of hostility & lack of empathy for others.

    So let's all give this issue a rest - nobody is going to change their positions on this
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  7. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    ehhh I perfer not to respond to threads like these since 90% of the people in it generally aren't long term space players, but this one seems to have a lot more space players, and the term "robber" gets thrown out to many times when it doesn't apply.

    So for anyone that doesn't know I hunt pirates, or pvp against them whenever I can, and have done it for years. So try not to accuse me of sympathizing with them too much lol

    It's like poker, going into space is putting your bets on the table, getting looted is losing your cash to another player. Still a game right? not robbery? Thats pvp4, you play for cash, it's the game lol

    Now are there pirates I believe are basically robbers? hell yes, this is why I always say dont trust NVE, dont help them, and kill them, take their loots whenever you can!!! Pirates known for speed glitching, invisible warps, posting on other peoples webchats using the same profile names to trick people into logging on during an attack.... summon spam...

    in my opinion piracy didn't give space pvp4 a dirty name, but old NVE players and the tactics they used gave people that view. While posthistory is NVE thus I make no exceptions for how I treat him and his, he is a very respectful pvp4 player, no insults always gg
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  8. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    I believe this is a forum?
    Many a issue is rehashed on forums.

    As the OP I am taking an active role in trying to tease out everyone's views and beliefs so the space community as a whole can communicate their grievances without the nastiness and with out the ambiguity, It is why if I see something that makes no sense to me I will ask further questions.

    Your picking up a deal of hostility? all I can say is your perception on what I am doing may be skewed by our interactions in game, I find this a serious matter and I am treating it as such so very little sacrarium and very little humour will be used on my part.

    I Agree totally with you Louise we are not forces of nature, we are a people that play a role in the game that MA has afforded to this community since day dot.

    And finally.
    Much has been achieved from this thread already and as a promise I will update the OP with some of those achievements before the weekend is out and I would love to see people suggest solutions to what they see as problems rather than just saying its a problem.
  9. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Players do have choice in this game, at no point are they forced to move from one planet to another, that is a choice they make.
    The players are also made aware of the risks of entering space and once again have a choice to click okay or cancel.
    What are the other choices your advocating for players?

    If it were true about not having no dog in this fight why are you here?
  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Precisely this kind of arrogance tops it all out on my shit list. I did try to respect your opinion but you just had to spoil it again. Or rather confirm all prejudices. Unsubscribed.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Rather than calling me arrogant how about trying to persuade me to see your view? or explain to me how following the rules of the game is Arrogance?

  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I am under no illusion to be able to persuade you of anything. And what would be the reward for even trying? I have better things to do with my time. Even grinding stupid mobs is more satisfying.
  13. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    That's fine but don't you think I deserve to know why you think I am arrogant rather than just saying I am and not to follow up with why?
  14. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    You do, but're asking the wrong person to fix this for you. I don't have the power. I already expounded quite a lot on the why, both in this thread and in earlier exchanges on the subject. And others have weighed in, plenty. It is entirely your perception preventing you from seeing the other side. There is no evidence to suggest that more repetition will change this. Physical force might do, if applied in effective doses over a long enough time. In other words, you need someone to knock you over the head with a hardwood stick until the dime falls into the bucket. I've met such persons before in various stages of life, and they all go about their merry ways until they meet their master. Some never do, they get into politics instead.
  15. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    San I think I am a tool too :)
    The hatred is from the irrational side of the person, I understand this.

    it is interesting how people react... you know the guys who loose big to me are less inclined to say anything, yet the guy who has little to no loot at all is the one to jump up and down and scream?
    Humans are most defiantly irrational when their emotions get in the way, but as adults (as we all should be here) we should be able to control ones emotions in away that is socially acceptable.

    Still missing the point about arrogance here.

    Nothing eluding to the point here...

    Please can you expounded a lot more?

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Okay, one last ditch attempt but it already makes me feel like a sucker and my patience ends here, definitely: You and those like-minded aren't willing to accept that others don't regard it as "choice" when you tell them they may choose to visit other planets or not, with you playing god in between because nobody who doesn't do the same thing all day will acquire nearly the skills to match. You get to grant or deny passage, you get to determine the price for security. They recruited you for exactly that. Yes, you can make money this way because there will always be risktakers. I pointed out multiple times before how this entire space business is setup as a classical racket, if you choose to ever read. It just makes me laugh how reliably this honeypot set by MA catches those who can't see the forest for the trees. Ingenious.
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  17. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Thank you San for articulating that in a way I understand.

    So now I understand why you get upset with me when I say "you have a choice" and you feel you do not, its all about perception once again and an emotional rational not a logical rational.

    I do not feel we are playing God, we play the same game with the same equipment here in space not like on planet... granted we probably have more hours in the seat but you can only get so good playing up here shooting targets that move in a straight line....

    It is not in our interest to shoot you multiple times (logically) but we are human too and good chance if you insult someone in a way that strikes a nerve I am sure you will be shot a few more times. (emotional) the only winner in this case is MA.

    we have no way to determine the price for security.... (Mind you I do offer a successful warp service) it is up to the free market and what a customer is willing to pay.

    Who recruited me?

    I wonder if it weren't for space if we would be looking at a desert...
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Part of what I get out of being a member of EU is sense of community. When someone gets something nice I am happy for them. When someone says I have helped them some way it makes me happy to be part of what makes them happy. It is pleasure to me to do things that help players want to keep coming back to this amazing one of a kind game:) :) It is not required of me to have stake in do we have pvp looting or not. To want a better game for players is reason enough. To want a vibrant healthy community is reason enough for me to express ideas that I sincerely believe may make things better for all players.
    It is heartbreaking when new people quit the game because they were treated as chum in water for sharks to feed on. Thankfully Mind Ark has taken some steps to deal with us. Lets all of us who care about the community and players do what we can to help inform players how to protect themselves and thrive in this amazing universe. Having played many games EU is the most compelling to me.
    It surprises me how often im treated with great suspicion because I want to help people and be nice to them. What has happened to our community? Years ago when I was youngster in this game many people were kind to me with their time to teach me, clothe me, buying my vibrant sweat for top rate, etc.
    To me it seems normal to want to give back to what fed me, taught me, protected me.
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  19. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Yes it is a nice story Yoshii, and an experience I had when I first started this game back in the day.

    Believe it or not I too return to the community also with dropping of guns and random items in the sweating grounds, but I don't do it for the notoriety I do it anonymously and I know it will still bring a smile to someone's face.

    But now back to the topic at hand I see you like to post in here but you seem to not to respond to questions you leave me wondering in your previous posts... would you like to return to the community your insights on how to make it a better place rather than just the vagaries you have posted... I give you an example to help maybe?

    You say there should be a PVP zone and non-PVP zone in space... how would you see this working, what kind of mechanics would you think they would need to employ to make the game fairer in your eyes and at the same time strike a balance that MA is clearly trying to do.
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  20. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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    The simplest way would be the release of space missions. If a player accepts a space mission his/ her craft glows brightly or has a large target over it and is fair game for pirates to shoot down. If a pirate shoots down anyone else Mind Ark just needs to ban the pirate for life.

    The delivery item would of course have to be a crate or keyless box that has to be opened at a certain space station with in a certain time frame or it vanishes and have a random value for when the pirates open it . This would also make life more interesting for the pirates as instead of just landing at the nearest space station to gloat over their ill gotten gains they would in turn be a target for other players and possibly even other pirates.
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