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Read sleep on it then respond.

Discussion in 'PvP' started by PostHistory, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I like space, and I like dodging pirates and shooting back at them.

    The only thing that bugs me is when a pirate starts getting big headed and gloating in chat lol

    Other than that everything is fair game and there are worse people in game pulling scams than any of the pirates.

    Driving the price of sweat down and down, NOW that's dishonest.
    • Like Like x 5
  2. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Players do have opportunity to get 110% for their hunting and mining. It is called trading. And this is what players want from EU. An opportunity if they so choose to make profit.

    Ultimately it is the players who decide if a game survives or dies. So the planet partners who survive do so because if at start they seem not to be listening to players it is because they offered something better that players decide is in their best interests.

    Nothing has been said that adequately addresses the real problem of players not giving informed consent to space pvp. I have sent support cases to mind ark and it did not get me my loot back. As for the cheating that may or may not go on in pvp4 I have nothing to say of it because I do not go in pvp4 therefore have not experienced the cheating that may or may not be happening there. One can assume that since there is cheating throughout the game it is likely going on in pvp4 as well. My point still stands that I did have chance to back out of bad deals and would if I had enough wit to see it was a bad deal. I have backed out of many bad deals. But I have NEVER been allowed to back out of a bad pvp. To say that I have that because I can send support case to mind ark is false because I never got my loot back. All players who send support cases about being pvp cheat looted never get their loot returned to them. Has always been this way and still is.

    Looting has NO POTENTIAL to be mutually beneficial.

    Mind Ark should do with space as they do on planets. Create zones requiring toxic shots where players who like pvp can go in and loot each other if they so wish. Make it same as on planets. I can travel all over planets and never have to go through toxic pvp looter zone to get where I am going. Make it same way for space. We get to go to whatever world we want without bother of going through pvp looter space if we dont want to.

    Planet partners can make their world so darned good that it thrives on its merits instead of hobbling along because players are constrained in some fashion. Monria for example. That little world attracts players because they have skilling rewards. Monria owners also do other things to attrack players. Planet partners do not have any need of space pvp to survive.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  3. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding of entropialife is that it only records the globals that it self verifies by checking logs of other users (minimum 2 others). So if less than 3 on that server (some planets have several) then your claim does not show. I personally have quite a few globals not shown on my list.
    You therefore cannot extrapolate even the number of people getting globals, let alone the number of players on-line in any given time period, as many may have failed to global in that span.
    Players also have the ability to set the minimum size of global/hof they want shown, in order to reduce screen spam, I assume this also affects the verification process which is based on screen capture.
  4. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    hi ;]
    ok so as a fairly newish player myself i have been paying close attention to the community as well as learning as much as i can and it wasnt long till i figured out that in this game its not just what u know its who u know and that is seems only the rich and long term players have the advantage and will obviously always win especially in pvp.
    this is why new players i think tend not to stay thinking whats the point.even if they could depo big it might not even make any difference lol
    so after some more thought i came up with a possible solution ;] what if players had Levels just like mobs?..this would make things a bit fairer especially in pvp.
    for example a new player is L0 for this player the majority of entropia would be safe and cant kill or be killed by other players unless they go to a pvp zone above their level
    and if they go into space they cannot take loot so free to travel safe between planets so they get to explore and enjoy the game more so thats them happy ;]
    ok now the interesting bit ;]
    now then for the levels i think they should either be earned thru progression of the game or perhaps even a difficulty setting in the options?
    so now lets move on to some examples
    L1 for these players they can now take loot into space but with a cap of say 10ped or something a L2 20 ped and so on obviously the numbers adjusted by whatever ma thinks best lol but this time they can be looted by other L1 players or maybe even 1 -2 levels above them
    also everywhere in entropia if u are not a L0 is pvp and u can kill or be killed by others of ur level but u cant kill L0 players same goes for them they cant kill u lol
    anyways i think something like this would really good for the game and make things a little more interesting and fairer even in space for example a L7 player seeing another L7 or L5 would know that they could be carrying a decent amount of loot where as a L0 they know for a fact have 0 loot cos of the cap ;]
    let me know what u guys think . and if u like the idea lets try n make it happen have fun and gl ;]
  5. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    You steal my time and force me to play the pvp-game.(or Mindark designed it like this at least, and I hate them for it) I do not take lootables through space, yet you shoot me down anyway. Your nebula virus buddies shoot me down repeatedly, because I am an asshole that's against lootable space. I play this game to relax from a hard days work. Give me the tp option for 40 ped and I will use it.
    And you can play your aggressive way of the universe and I can simply keep killing NPCs (Mobs) on the planets. I don't want to be in your lootable pvp world, but I must because I have no alternative, because this game is not called "Entropia stay on your own planet" . It is called Entropia Universe.
    Besides all that it is hard to deny that Pvp-lootable leads to agression between players.

    And I am a mentor. So I care for the wellbeing of new players. Ofcourse I warn my disciples to never enter space with lootables. But I have seen some players simply rage quit when the pirate took the sweat they sweated for for months, that they wanted to take to Arkadia from Caly , because they needed 10k to get an ark passport and decided to bring the rest of it with them as well. Yes, they should have read the warning signs, yes they should have listened to the wise advise. But those players will never return to this game again. Instead they will post videos on youtube how "entropia is a scam" . This hurts the game and our economy.

    Lastly, the practices that some pirates use are really below the belt.
    example: http://entropia-universe-mmorpg.blogspot.nl/2013/07/unknown-to-me-avatar-summon-me-in.html
    Also goldy used to be a member in my society. He had another avatar called ernestJ. He would drop people off at the edge of space with his MS he had and ernestJ would loot them.
    ernestJ aka ernestas aka Monica scammed a member of my society a few years earlier. Obviously he got kicked out of Ck shadows once we found out, but not before Goldy admitted that he was the same avatar as ErnestJ. PCF moderators confirmed that the IPs of the two were identical.
    It's these practices that gave me a new found hate for Pirates.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  6. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    It always makes me chuckle when people say "there are worse things in game then what pirates do". I think not. As examples stated above the pirates also engage in clearly illegal activity. I refer to the example above - using alts to rob customers, confidence scams, lies, slander, third party hack software on and on and on. Looters also do griefing. The only difference between looters and other scammers is looters also have legal taking of people stuff without their consent along with the illegal stuff they do.
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Space wasn't in the game and then it was and then it wasnt and then it was, and then it was lootable. So space hasn't always been part of the game.
  8. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Poor Posthistory, hey as always you argue well & with humour.
    Buts lets face it - Pirates are hated and nothing will change that
    tell you what :)
    This may help, Freddy Mercury had the same problem :)
  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Why poor? It is a choice to engage in this career or another.

    One thing I admire about MA which escapes most people is their sense of humour.
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  10. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Its not really a screen capture process, its a text reading process... and your correct about needing more than one source for the information to be verified, limits that you set in game are only for the ticker not what is logged into your log file.
  11. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Yes my CHOICE is to be a PK'er and I am not upset by doing it,
    I find it funny that people still cannot see that it is a way to make PEDs in game....
    If you do not want to risk loosing PEDs... don't.
    how hard is it to keep going back to this?
  12. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    110% from 90% returns is still a loss...... and not the point I was making...

    Cool if your not happy how about taking your own advice.

    If you don't like being in a PVP environment perhaps owning a Mother ship was not the best idea... and I would certainly recommend a change of game play.

    The risk of being looted actually drives the price of most ore's and materials up when in relation to PVP4 area's due to the risk....
    The same risk is applied to Space... not my fault if your carrying low MU items when you come to space... but I will happily take them.

    I would imagine if they did indeed bring something like this in it would be longer and more tedious than that it is now, and you would not be able to carry loot.

    Monria is not special in regards to skills for missions.... you not heard of the Iron missions on Calypso? or am I missing something?
  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    To even make it worth hauling your stuff to the Caly market takes being able to stack a considerable amount, say about 1k ped or $100 worth of stuff. Travelling at the cheapest when EFA was offering 7 ped for the round trip, made 14 ped incl. TP down on the other side and an empty flight in your quad back from Ark SS, you do the math how much that already takes out of your mu. And this offer doesn't exist anymore. The local Arkadian market is as dysfunctional as it ever was, becoming second largest in EU hasn't changed that one bit. Big crafters buy their stuff from elsewhere, except for the odd request for special items they are not seen in the streets. For their turnover, the travelling costs are negligible. It's the large number of small players who keep running into red tape. Selling stuff locally takes as much luck as hoffing, or maybe being an excellent networker. That's why these textbook references are nothing but cynical. You can argue until the cows come home, this cynicism comes back to you in spades. Always.
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    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  14. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I've only just read this properly, and to be honest, because I regard this as a role playing game, and I do invest a bit of time to developing my character and social interaction that is part of why I have the opinion I do.

    I like the pirates, it adds to the feel of the game, and another challenge. I am quite happy to pay to warp. 30 ped to transport 1000 ped of loot makes perfect sense. Less than 30 ped is absolutely good sense.

    I do seriously consider going skilling and learning to be a pirate but the downside is all the bad feeling it would generate, all the opportunities it would instantly cut off from me by effectively turning me into one of those hated pirates so for my in my current place in the universe it doesn't make sense to do it.

    It might be more fun to go hunting pirates of course but that means lots of skilling too and ped and for no real return, let's face it a pirate is never going to fly around full of loot lol

    I think you all should chill and immerse yourselves in THE GAME not treat it like real life.
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  15. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    The very act of you and many others removing the items from one planet to another is what creates a dysfunctional economy. Granted prices may become lower on one planet vs another, but this in turn will call over traders... and Crafters which in turn creates cheap items for hunters, which calls back the disillusioned hunters of past, which drives up the costs of crafted items, which in turn will drive up the prices of the loot...
    Problem was in my eye's we had only enough players for one PP now there are 7 with really on 2 strong planets with the others in almost a caretaker type mode.
    I feel any new Player that signs up to this game should only be aloud on that planet till a certain skill level is acquired or graduates from their discipleship.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Theory... and practice. The local market on Rocktropia works better than here. If there is an economist who can figure this out, speak up.

    I agree that taking stuff away to sell and importing it back to use creates these problems in the first place. I am arguing that this is so effortless for those with the biggest footprints, while almost insurmountable for, say, $5-10 a month depositors or even free players. The former are the missing buyers, the latter the potential sellers who have no choice but to follow where the money goes.

    Increasing the price and/or risk for travelling doesn't make it better, but worse instead. The idea of making the planet economies stand on their own by creating an artificial abyss between them has backfired. If there was no hurdle at all, there would be no incentive to do all this hopping around. Local traders could start from scratch with very little, and things would gradually develop. Space could be an interesting place on its own, including pvp and all to your heart's content, like a planet partner in itself, if only going there was a simple choice where to play (not in usual pirates' arrogant logic that it's a choice to travel through their playground or not -- equals saying you choose to play at all or not) and we wouldn't have any of these repeat discussions with their neverending acrimony.
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  17. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Sticking to the issue at hand instead of suggesting over and over I should quit game is a better approach. Im not going anywhere. Varyag is not going anywhere. And I will continue to advocate for players having choice do they want space pvp or not. Nothing wrong with providing people who want risk toxic zones in space same as they have them on planets. OR providing players with choice to use teleporting between all the worlds as they have it between some of the worlds now. And yes Monria is a separate planet partner from Caly so there is teleporting from one world to another. So expand the same concept they already have to teleporting between all the worlds. Also Crystal Palace and FOMA are separate from Caly and they also have teleporting one way with Caly.
    As for the 110% would have been more accurate for me to say that traders who pay attention to market and price according can make profit. I have not had to deposit for long time. Have not done any withdraws so one can say I am currently recovering cost of my gameplay. Some players do make withdraws.

    Those among you who make decision to be looter need to accept the consequences of that choice. Most people are not going to respect or like you. You do not like people who loot you why do you expect us to like you looters?? You hate pirate hunters what is wrong with your logic that we are supposed to like and respect you looters but you get to detest those who loot you??? Do you see the problem with your thinking??
  18. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Get your facts straight.... Monria is a part of the Calypso system. they are a Moon Partner, they decide what and how to develop but everything is implemented by MA. And to Calypso is one way not TWO way.
    FOMA and CP once again is one way not two way.

    Arkadia, Rocktropia have similar locations but they have opted for them to be Under ground...... so no need to enter space.....

    what Consequences? the Abuse that is in breach of EULA?
    I myself don't go to the effort of reporting every abuse that is aimed at me, but I am thinking I might just start.

    You can ask the most Famous Pirate hunter what I think of him yourself, he will give the same answer I give you right now.....
    I do not hate him, abuse him, and I can guarantee I do respect him.

    Edit: Yoshii are you the kind of person that would move next to an airport then complain about the noise and how it should stop?

    Edit 2: Got my facts straighter... about Monria. :)
    • Old Old x 1
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  19. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Monria is owned separately from Calypso. A group of investors purchased Monria same as any of the other worlds. It is separate. My facts are very straight on that.

    There was no pvp space when I joined Entropia Universe.
    Varyag does not need business model of space looters to function. But as looters are around at present Varyag does fine that way also. Business wise for Varyag looters or not Varyag is fine.
    Am confused by statement that I am as someone who moved close to airport and then complain about noise.
    There seems to be confusion between the concept of advocating for player choice and complaining about how things are. It seems to me the space looters who complain about pirate hunters and space looters complaining about players who want to protect their loot are the ones who moved close to an airport and are complaining about the noise.
  20. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    What is the HUB all about?

    I like and respect a few pirates for being true to theirselves. If you are a angry man, be an angry man. Dont be an angry man trying to be a nice man. There are many hardworking, nice pirates. They have a job to do, and generally, it is their victims being nasty.

    Really nasty. I understand.

    Being murdered and stolen from does that to people. But this is a game. You are really only playing the victim, and they are playing the pirate.

    That being said, I have never looted another player. Maybe once testing offplanet loot distribution in a team, but never to steal. It is against my character.

    It is also not part of my character to deal with or contribute to piracy. I have tried to get in its way before, mostly to highlight and bring out the fun in space. But it is expensive fun, and some have lost everything there. And then quit playing. Buh Bye. How do we help make space more fun, and not a game ending expierence. Is education working? If the pirates were broke, it would be.

    Not doing business with pirates does nothing. Pirates have a friends list too.

    Ill comment again:
    Moderators, do we have a place for Space?

    And ask:
    Can the Ark SS be bought?

    (I slept on it)
    • Like Like x 3
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
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