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Questions & answers with david dobson

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by Mel_bosshart, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Abyss is a nice spawn and setting, but at the moment, I don't think there is any real 'story' there... There's definitely potential for somethin in the future though.

    As far as number of deeds sold go, I don't think relying on auction info is going to give you much info since resellers and alt avatars are definitely price manipulating, so one deed on auction may have been sold 20 times between one guy and his alt...
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Because of the way deed market value is calculated for deeds, you can't manipulate the price like you can with other items. MV is shown as total number of peds for the batch above TT value, which for deeds is basically zero. That means that MV for deeds only really approximates the average batch size, not average MU.
  3. fett-finnen

    fett-finnen Member

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    Got some questions...

    1) Any exciting plans on the Arkadia underground?
    2) Is the instances in underground generating taxes that go to AUD:s?
    3) Any ETA for opening of the closed instances in AU?

    4) Any plans for some cool arkadia clothes like coats/capes or even nice looking dresses ?
    5) Plans for the anniversery of Arkadia ?
    6) During last "Oratan-invasion" the communication was interfered by smugglers, do u need help to track them down ;=) ? Because I want to grab me a smuggler armor (and maybe some nice weapon to)
    7) Graphic-update of of some mobs like Yuka

    Thanks for doing an awesome job :)


  4. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    And I was thinking there is nothing new I can hear, but I was wrong. Very interesting interview and I managed to catch only the last 30 minutes. Can't wait to hear the rest when they upload it.
  5. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Hi all -

    Thanks for listening live. If you were unable to join in...a recording will be posted to NR website ASAP. :cool:
  6. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Can you post it soon, missed it last night!
  7. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  8. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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  9. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    Great interview Isclay, I enjoyed listening to it.

    Thanks David for keeping us informed regularly. Keep up the good work.
  10. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Excatly this is a really good interview.

    Also excited about the daily missions and also possibly becoming an IFN General ;)

    and having an NPC salute you oh this is sounding so cool ;) and an avatar piece of clothing that might action this possibly further items as well that you can swap with IFN staff.

    Dropships are comming ;) fingers crossed a VU or two was the impression that i picked up on as and when they can tweek a few parts

    Spaceships Arkadia quad - sounds very much like this is MA controlled space anyway and then possibly up to planet partner agreements ;) on what designs are acceptible I am guessing this is going to also be a balancing issue although an all out space war could be amazing ;)

    Clothes - Back burner but maybe in a couple of years ;) dresses and things but if you dont ask you dont get ;)

    Ooooo More Player Designed shops think there are 5 or 6 comming in the next VU these are so impressive I love the individual style and flare accross the ark shopping centers and so cant wait for the new ones to come in and updated as then have to go shopping again.

    Meeting in Sweeden Really good to hear the ARK CEO going over to MA to discuss there future plans and Arkadias hopefully its going to be productive.

    Also lower level skilling blue prints and blue prints in general sounds like this is balancing and ark blueprints should be dropping but dont appear to be. fingers crossed this can gewt fixed up pretty quick.

    Maps - Underground instances

    sounds like there more of these coming along


    Sounds like more missions are comming epecially for the new mobs and possibly higher chains for those that have already done stage 5 also daily missions that might take 10 mins and then after xxx missions you can graduate up the IFN command ( maybe we can become bossman too )

    IFN Acedemy Redisgns

    The new firebase design is also going out to 3 new sites in the next VU and academys that are no longer part of the new arrival process will get amended / changed

    New Player Arrival

    Will have some NPS's put in and make it look like new player arrival rather than ghost town.

    Player Base

    Really possitive news that the player base is going up and up the past 18 months ;) this is great news and glad the A Team are doing us all proud.

    Underground Event - sound slike there might be plans for an ark controlled event similar to oratan attack but different mobs in the underground area but again A Team very wary that underground is a land area although multi player owned dont think they want to favorotise the underground.

    I just wanted to add as well I didnt realise HOW hard the A team work at putting together Arkadia and the commitment that they have and the Looooong hours.

    Loved the discussion of the past and internet / Intranets in the library.

    me personally started on dos 3.3 and an 8086 processor 512mb of ram and a 1.4mb floppy and a 40mb hard disk oh yes how we have moved on now.
  11. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Another good meetup, Isclay. Solid round of pertinent questions. And Dave, affable as ever, very forthcoming with information that means something. Thanks to Isclay for setting it up, and thanks to Dave for taking the time.

    And as always, thanks to Normandi radio for hosting. Great job, all around.
  12. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Hey Guys! I wish I could +REP you all but that system seems to be down (...hint hint Mr. Snape...)...In light of that...THANKS to all of you for listening. And Thanks to Dave and Mel Bosshart for a productive and enjoyable discussion!
  13. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Think Ban Hammer and delicate equipment :p
  14. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    But but... it's so much fun smashing things! :D

    Cool interview indeed. Here's a quote that caught my attention:
    All in all, David's interviews always give a deeper insight into the inner workings of EU. We all know how valuable this info is here.
    Good job guys, thanx!
  15. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    :whistle:DUCKS & RUNS!:surrender:
  16. May

    May Active Member

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    That was another nice interview. Big thanks to all the persons involved, for taking the time and effort to keep us informed.
    Very interesting to hear some snippets about how the dev team works and thinks, through these live radio interviews.
    The choice of format might be a little bit more risky: but it's so much more personal than a carefully constructed post/note, publicized by a 'bot'.
    Nothing new, I know; just wanted to mention that it's appreciated.
    View attachment 9380

    Some questions/remarks:
    - Can find myself in the AH Underground reasoning.
    (Never really understood why there are so many on the AH drop-down menu, while 1 for each planet would (likely) suffice.)

    -Also in the way AUD have been thought out. There might have been other ways that could have driven up the MU higher, but this way the mass re-sellers left it alone. And it really can give an opportunity for everyone.
    From the interview, that appeared to be an important focal point; one which certainly has been achieved.

    - Very nice that there are so many player designed shops being done. It makes the streets look more like real shopping streets, and makes 'going shopping' more attractive. (Though personally, navigating/bugs in the shops still keeps me from entering. But hopefully that will get better in the future.)

    - And yay, big attack events in the Underground! That seems to fit well in the storyline.
    Wonder what mob we will be fighting there. Love the ongoing story, and the connection to the Red Alert Events.

    - Are there plans for any of the AU hunting grounds to be adapted into Event Areas for community event organization?
    For instance like 1 event area for low, and 1 for high level mobs.
    So that players can be introduced to the Underground hunting through a community event also?

    - Talking about lower level mobs in the Underground: are there going to be a bit lower maturities available in the future? (Only heard higher chain missions mentioned.)
    Or is the Underground more meant as a sort of progression, where you go after you graduate from the lower level mobs?
    (Because tbh, I haven't hunted there as much as I would have thought. Since most mobs are beyond my skills.)
    Is that by design, or is it set to develop in time?

    - Nice that the New Player Experience will introduce Oratan based missions.
    So that when starters go to an Oratan event, it wont be the first time they encounter our main enemies.
    To me, little details like that add to the charm of Arkadia.

    - The daily missions mentioned to gain ranks in the IFN, sound very interesting: do they include daily crafting and mining missions?
    Personally I really like (short) daily missions: they usually turn out to be quite addictive.
    Especially the kind where there is a little extra motivation. Like killing X amount in X amount of time, or the indeed the kind where you build up for the long term.
    I admit I've delayed departure from a planet repeatedly, thinking: "just 1 more daily". Because they were fun to do, but also because the immediate reward was worth it.

    As I understood from the interview, there will be some sort of personal mission points that you collect daily, to eventually gain/build IFN status.
    Which would make the long term rewards very attractive for the permanent Arkadian residents.
    But is there also going to be some sort of small direct reward after each daily mission?
    (E.g. a small skill based reward, not another kind of token.) So it can appeal to both residents and visitors?
    Or is it going to be specifically designed for the (long term) Arkadian colonists?

    Anyway, looking forward to those: curious to see how this whole IFN thing is going to be implemented.
    For example, are the IFN uniforms going to be clothes, or armor (stats)?
    Regardless: going by the artist's work on the Oratan bosses and Smuggler Armor, those IFN uniforms are going to look great!
    View attachment 9381
  17. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Thanks May. A very good summary and commentary! :D