Is it me or do we have a new attachment slot on the quad wing ? Attachment slots: VST-I VWeHS A1 But now we Also have SWeHM-SA1 - any one any ideas what can be added to these - is it possibly a NanoWarp I L drive as on the notes for the new quad it says the following. Upon completion of each Quad-Wing Equus auction, the winning bidder will receive a special NanoWarp I device that provides warp capability for Equus-class ships, along with a Space Thruster device that allows for atmospheric entries and departures. Both the NanoWarp I and Space Thruster devices are repairable.
Nothing new as far as I can see... Not quite sure of the acronyms used but I would suggest that VST is Vehicle Space Thruster and the other 2 slots are the front and rear guns (laser and Blp) probably Vehicle Weapon (Vwe) Secondary Weapon (SWe) HM may be HMAP but this is just my best guess .
Even though the Quad doesn't have a new slot: the UFO (L) does have a new "VWD-I" attachment slot. It has the 3 known slots: 1 for a thruster and 2 sorts of mounted guns, and the new warp slot. It's the same VWD-I attachment slot as on the Equus. Weird thing is though, that it's from RT, and not MA. Wonder if this was really planned by MA to happen now? It would seem bad timing to reveal that now, with the new red toys still on auction. So: a publicity stunt, or reality? And if it's intended: when are the Ark and Cyrene spacecrafts coming out?
Well, I can tell you now that there are some people that are VERY UNHAPPY that this has appeared....I for one will be watching and listening very closely to the grapevine to see what comes of this...
They weren't supposed to be making item changes. This is a dangerous precedent. If they wanted to have a warp drive capable ufo.. they should have made ufo mk.ii
Personally I'm fine with this, the UFO really should have been space compatible from the beginning, and the speed is far slower than a Quad. What I have a problem with is them adding movement decay to old vehicles, making them worse instead of better.
I, as with many people, don't have a problem with it being added, as long as ALL planet partners are getting the same opportunity/options to put such things into the universe.
I find it kinda unfair how MA gets to sell LA/Moons/Station make ships hold tons of events that give out tons of UL/uber stuff and all of the planet partners seem to be lacking. I highly doubt its due to a lack of effort on the partners side more so MA controls every aspect of when and how that screw partners. but this is coming from a noob that sees most cool stuff really only coming from MA and knows noting of the partner agreements.
I recently heard a rumor that players have actually been able to fly the UFO into Space. Previously I thought that the Thruster Attachment Slot was non functional, and was just added as a bit of RT publicity. (In the same vein as ND saying that he wants to create a Kickstarter, to fund making Vixens a tamable Pet.) So is this still just publicity, or is it really true that there is a functional (non MA) RT spacecraft in-game now? And if so, would this mean that other Attachments Slots could also be added to existing (PP) vehicles (e.g. NanoWarp I)? Anyone can confirm they've seen an UFO flying in Space?
Oh well, guess nobody saw one flying. Or perhaps they suspect it was a surreptitious post from the MIB.
Weird, if I open my UFO (L) info, I don't have slots at all, how come some show slots and others not ? Or are u just playing with US "May"
Has anyone actually tried to put a thruster (L) on a UFO? Oh forget that, I've just noticed that the picture on May's post shows an attached thruster.
I have no idea: I don't own an UFO myself. But the attachment slots were confirmed by several different people. The 'flying in space' was not. However, that was in December of last year. What the current situation is, is anyone's guess.
The change proved to be unintended, the slots in the info were visual only, you could not actually add the attachments. This has since been fixed.