Possible problem with Entropia Tracker on Arkadia?

Discussion in 'Tools & Utilities' started by KikkiJikki, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Lorfat

    Lorfat Member

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    I understand what you say, but if someone wants to cheat the system that way, he will do it anyhow.

    While in the meantime, out of my last 10 globals, the Tracker only recorded 4… and I was running the client!!
    So, the system doesn’t trust the users, but what’s the point of trusting a system that has only 40% accuracy, at best…

    What you have to have in mind is that, because of not trusting any user, the Entropia Tracker:
    - LandArea hunting stats: WRONG
    - LandArea mining stats: WRONG
    - Hunting Top List for the last 30 days (Avatars): WRONG
    - Brown Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Buccaneer Skeleton stats: WRONG
    - Buka Bird stats: WRONG
    - Chimera stats: WRONG
    - Death Drake stats: WRONG
    - Deep Ocean King Shark stats: WRONG
    - Drake King stats: WRONG
    - Great White Shark stats: WRONG
    - Grey Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Ice Drake stats: WRONG
    - Island Shark stats: WRONG
    - Mountain Boar stats: WRONG
    - Petit Brown Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Petit Gray Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Petit Red Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Petit Yellow Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Pirate Skeleton stats: WRONG
    - Pitt Monkey stats: WRONG
    - Portal Guardian stats: WRONG
    - Red Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Sacred Boar stats: WRONG
    - Shark stats: WRONG
    - Snow Drake stats: WRONG
    - Space Pirate Skeleton stats: WRONG
    - Storm Drake stats: WRONG
    - Village Boar stats: WRONG
    - Vulcan Drake stats: WRONG
    - Wild Boar stats: WRONG
    - Yellow Papoo stats: WRONG
    - Bokol stats: WRONG
    - Carabok stats: WRONG
    - Feran stats: WRONG
    - Hadraada stats: WRONG
    - Halix stats: WRONG
    - Huon stats: WRONG
    - Jori stats: WRONG
    - Kadra stats: WRONG
    - Kamaldon stats: WRONG
    - Kiana stats: WRONG
    - Korwil stats: WRONG
    - Madana stats: WRONG
    - Oratan stats: WRONG
    - Oro stats: WRONG
    - Ostelok stats: WRONG
    - Otorugi stats: WRONG
    - Oweko stats: WRONG
    - Teladon stats: WRONG
    - Tiarak stats: WRONG
    - Yuka stats: WRONG
    - Zadul stats: WRONG

    Instead of Entropia Tracker, you should call it 'Calypso Tracker', because that's about the only thing that is more or less accurate at the moment. :D

    Seriously now, I'm not saying 'trust the users'. What I'm saying is that you should think another way around that. A way that will not deteriorate the data quality of Entropia Tracker the way it is deteriorating it now. :)
  2. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    as I understood it 3 trackers is needed at least to record stuff, but last a friend didn't get her globle registered I checked the programs running the second she said it wasn't there and it was 6 trackers on Arkadia at that moment, so how come it don't work when 6 is running?
  3. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    3 is not always enough to get them recorded - to be on the safe side - we need 10 or more.....
  4. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Ostelok and Feran are not in the moblist on Tracker. No idea if they have to be added by hand to the database or if they will be added automaticly when they global and enough ET clients are running on Arkadia. I can confirm at least one global at Ostelok.