Planet Arkadia Update 2015.5.1 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Mathias | Arkadia, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Ok well now I'm not saying it's bad that you don't deposit. In a way I would think you would want less User Bound items. But with that said..this is really a lost debate here since again you seem not to deposit much so you don't really have a true value of the money that is being locked in game.
  2. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    @OZtwo, witnessing endless "debates" like this made me greatly restrict my activities on PCF and be here more instead. I have not said nor implied what you seem to take from my posts, for the second time in one thread now. It seems futile to give information to the contrary, since I cannot predict whether it is taken. I do not wish to continue this conversation.
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  3. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    We got challenges.
    Smuggler trade untradeable (bound) items.
    So we need to learn how he do and use its knowledge for our benefit or to write support case about this NPC cheater.
    Second challenge - Smuggler is arkoin hungry and we need to discover why, for what and where they use arkoins so we too can do direct trade without smuggler reseller.
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  4. Eragon

    Eragon New Member

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    Me wants... Even though it seems like a ploy to boost Arkoin activity :p More MU, more people running instances for coins... Sounds like a plan!
    And locking up ped in Ark! Good for them a least.
  5. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    I saw a global about those today, how many arkoins again for 1pec item?¿?¿
  6. Tommy

    Tommy Member

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    10k arkoin for the whole set
  7. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    Better to become one of the lowest by choice than to have the rug pulled out from under you. It might even have sent them a message - one that would probably pass them by though. When L sib was introduced the effort I saw just reaching disciple graduation with an opalo on a low budget was wiped out, stamped on and ground into the dirt when it could be completed in days.

    1000ped for me is my entire budget - I made the decision to go low end as I saw the way EU was going and didn't like it that was 5 years ago and so far my guy feelings at the time have been proved right. When I bought clothes for my avatar is was far less than this, I can't be sure but I doubt my entire clothes budget from my time in EU isn't anywhere near this much.

    I know EU has become about completing the mission chains but that happens to be the one big thing I absolutely hate about EU right now.
  8. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Cool coat. Any idea how much time is needed to get it?
  9. Tommy

    Tommy Member

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    You can get it instantly with 1000 ped
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    FYI for those complaining about the price for clothes, a LOT of outfits in game are more expensive than 1k peds, especially if you include this many pieces of clothing. My simple outfit, if you know what it looks like, cost ~ 1k ped. For black clothing... if you could get enough black paint it would give the smuggler outfit a pricetag of thousands of peds just for the sake of the paint. This is not the primary reason it's avatar bound, but the black in itself this would be sufficient reason to make it so.

    Also keep in mind that a lot of people who are doing the smuggler mission are doing it in hopes to get the uber smuggler armor. If I understand the stats, this is no mid-level, couple thousand ped armor, it's over 10k, and thinking you'll get it real cheap via smuggler missions may be a bit short sighted. So the smuggler missions are not intended for low level ped cards.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  11. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Although these cloths look cool I am in no rush to get them. 50usd for set of cloths worth ~7 pec tt and userbound is a bit rediculous in my honest opinion. But they do look cool on the avatars that coughed up the money to get them :D

    I would rather spend the 50k arkoins on stuff that I can use from the arkoin broker instead just my personal opinions.
  12. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I agree to some extent with these two items but with a bit different opinion.

    The Viceroy I think was ok, initially not but after you could trade it back for TT it was ok. You got a decent set of armor to use from completing the quests, it costs a 150% MU but you can still TT at 100% so not so bad, you easily sacrifice that running L armors so here not so bad. If you took a 100% loss and you could never TT the armor for TT value then yes Viceroy would be on my shit list of items in game as pointless junk in the game to make you pay and get crap back.

    Strongboxes are interesting, even once thought about using them to get Universal Ammo, it is the over abundance of rings, pets and pills that make them crap. First rings make no sense in this genera of game, since when do we have magic enchanted items in a sci fi universe of tech. Second to damn many untradable higher value items you can't sell and will take litterally ages to use, So much ped locking in storage I can't use to play with that is just fucked up and just stupid in all aspects for the game. Pills well they make sense as alternative to nanobots but again to god damn many, they should be more special and again tradable and sellable, some you can some you can't is just f'n stupid in this type of game period. Third Pets to many, to stupid of pets, at least they can be ground into pet food for unlocking passive effects. If strong boxes never had such dumb ass limiting aspects for locking up your PED into useless shit they would not be so bad.

    These new cloths should have had some TT value to them not 1 pec each. You should be able to tt them. 499.99PED MU on set of 1 pec items is retarded to say the least to entice me to want to get them as a goal to get them. They are cool looking but not that cool looking. You can defend the black color all you want for the MU cost it is better to leave the black color to the in game people to color not give it away. All this black and special hard to do color stuff being given away is just hurting the people that make money doing those special colors as a way to play the game. Same with making special clothing easier and cheaper to get hurts the people that use to play off making money crafting and selling those cloths. Yes it makes it cheaper but seriously stuff is going to far and as I state in many threads the more this shit keeps going the more this game sucks ass.
  13. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Again some great justification on the armor but some have kind of forgotten one small item in this RCE game. Yes you can traded it back for the original TT value but some have kind of forgotten the cost of Tierring the armor up. Along with that the MU value cost to do this and of course the extra cost it took to get the items needed. Yes I know it's a lost debate since many will just debate it to be debating but while debating are kind of loosing a bit of focus on the subject at hand.

    And there is the other side to this if you do want to justify this as being the best for the game. If this is all so good then I guess MA should make most all dropped items in Loot User Bound. Which yes I know a lot will say it would be a good idea for the crafters.

    (yes yes here I go again, but been meaning to bring up the tier cost..just well being me I kind of forgot)
  14. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    You are right forgot about that, I figure tiering up this level armor is pointless anyways, I will never tier it past 1 and only did one for the tiering skills as it was not expensive to do. But yes tiering and getting nothing back is crappy design that was implemented.