Planet Arkadia Update 2015.5.1 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Mathias | Arkadia, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    We will all have to chose side in the end.
    So flying pitbul or cool armor -what will be your side?
  2. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    come to the dark side. We have free cake:biggrin2:
  3. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    the cake is a lie! :facepalm3:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Another "mission" where you have to buy your way in? Another "mission" that damages the economy by giving people items that could otherwise be supplied by another player? Sigh...

    Does anything worthwhile happen after you've bought the clothes?
  5. Orpheus Clay Blades

    Orpheus Clay Blades Member

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    more player bound items? well if there tt value doesn't match the cost to get them MA and PP that are doing this are going to be looking at a massive class action lawsuit in the future. cause a real cash economy means that items have a cash value and making items that cant be traded or sold to a tt at a loss will get them sued at least in the us.
  6. Warmdogg

    Warmdogg New Member

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    Would be interesting to know if they can be TT'd, Smugglers look great! Yet another reason for me to visit Arkadia.
  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Whoa whoa whoa, put that gun back. Nobody is forced to buy, what do you want to sue for? They are trying to create something people will like, and inevitably some won't. I tend to agree based on the information so far, but I don't see the whole picture yet. Viceroy works, because you can get its TT value back. Restoration chips work, because they are tradeable (although it just takes someone desperate enough to crash the price below the cost of getting it through the mission, so I consider this borderline). Let's see where this is going before passing judgement.

    The whole of Entropia is understood to rest on the premise that you can cash out in principle, in reality of course depending on whether you find someone who wants to buy your stuff. There will be problems the moment someone tries to undermine this premise. I trust the PP teams are aware of that and wouldn't want to risk it.
  8. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    Well... there's been some other developments; I went to the main Underground TP and it was surrounded by 7-8 Smugglers!! Ranging from Corporal to Sergeant; so I tried to talk to them to see what's up... but nothing! Instead, the started shooting at me and some other poor Colonists so I had no recurse but to kill them all (no spectacular loot btw). I've waited some more for them to come back in force but no one showed up; I also went to check other TPs but no Smugglers.
    I then went to the Secret Camp to take some revenge and that POS Smuggler was hiding, cowering in fear when confronted!!


    So I let him be... for now.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  9. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Exactly!! But you see this "principle" is slowly being taken away every single VU now. This past year almost every if not all the VUs had more and more User Bound items. Yes we will never sale it..but yes they are taking way that principle of why so many play the game. So I sure hope these new items ARE not going to be User Bound.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Not fully understood, smuggler items are tradable?
  11. Orpheus Clay Blades

    Orpheus Clay Blades Member

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    I am jus t trying to point out that its advertised and as a rce and hopefully they are aware that if they go to far they may get hit big. I like entropia. I don't want it to become a microtransaction game where my hard work loses its value. The main appeal to me is that it isn't like eve where you get in in trouble for real cash trading.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    I see the description on the clothes says it's the FIRST set of clothes you get from the smugglers. So is this "mission" chain just going to be about buying more and more items until you eventually get the armour, similar to Mission Galactica?
  13. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    That's the issue... they're not, at least so far. We've only seen clothes (except for the Coat) and sunglasses.
    Bound Items, together with very low TT value (or none) changes some of the appeal for this game for a lot of people because you can get Items that are useless if you want to get out of the game and get at least some of the money back.

    A lot of people (myself included) deposit money in the idea that even if you loose some, you still have value from our Items if you want to cash out.
  14. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Yes, I understand, thank you for the information, I will do the same as with Bill armor - I'll not going to buy :) However, confident that there will be and very considerable demand, I hope that the Ark keys will sell out better.
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  15. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I tried to explain that "user bound" is not the single data point that makes or breaks an item's value. Take Viceroy, it is even easier because you don't have to trouble yourself with finding a buyer. On the other side of the trade, every Viceroy in game is a liability to the PP's business. They earn money off it from every repair charge, but they owe its basic value until the day you claim it back, or indefinitely if you don't.

    With tradeable items, you are not in such a lucky, effort-free position as player. No obligation whatsoever exists between buyer and seller after the deal is done. The burden to turn it back into cash is entirely on you. Therefore I am much more skeptical about concepts like this Galactica thing, where there is no guarantee and no safety net against its value tanking while at the same time it cannot rise above the mission cost for as long as the latter is open. Hence it is entirely unsuitable for speculative investment. But o.t.o.h. it is a tool with the potential to save you money compared to alternatives, e.g. even more expensive armour, or that you can go a lot higher before you need to pay a healer. So I can still be positive about it even under the risk of losing some money in case I ever change my mind.

    Such is not the case for purely decorative items like clothing. Therefore I hope it doesn't turn out this way here, but as said, it is not fully out yet to be understood. Or I'm too thick to see it, which is not without precedence.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    To some degree your post makes sense; however, if you dig a little deeper you'll see that perception and optics also have value. If people perceive bound items to have little or no value... at best they won't go for it, at worst cashing out or stop being active.
    This is also not only about perception; think about it: why would someone pay (in whatever form, PEDs, materials, time etc) for an item that even if more eco holds no intrinsic value? Are the bound items really that good? Are you sure to make that much more profit with a Bound Item then with a similar, regular Item?
    I do understand where MA/PPs are coming from; what I wouldn't want to see (like many others) is Bound Items being the norm rather than the exception.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Be prepared to PED bound too...
  18. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Well you forgot one small little item here. Remember all items have a TT value so if this armor was tradable and you didn't want to go through it all to try and sale it..well guess what? Yes you can still TT it. This is simply being taken away and I can't see how so many are justify it? So as I put it, if so many people WANT user bound items, then I say MA go for it. Let make everything User Bound. Or heck with it, lets just go subscription.

    Another idea I posted for MA would be simply to make everything User Bound. Each and every item would start out tradable but after lets say 5 trades the item then would become User Bound. Kind of a cool and yes very stupid idea..but well...I think we are going that way. It's not like we are getting 1 or 2 user bound items every year. EVERY UPDATE now has more and more items that are being released AS User Bound or old items that are being converted over to user bound yet you have no issue with this?

    Last San I hope you deposit or well your way of thinking is well pointless.

    Kind of already here: Universal ammo :)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
  19. SandMan

    SandMan Member

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    For the whole outfit you will pay 2x 500 ped worth of arkoins, so its 1k ped for this outfit + MU on arkoins :X
  20. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    And then? the mission is over, or can you do something else?